
Harry Potter and Neko Mate

After the accident with the polyjuice potion. Hermione fails to fully revert to her human form, leaving her cat ears, tail, and eyes. Seeing the terrified Hermione, Harry decided to drink the potion himself, not taking into account that the fur that belongs to the cat turns into a girl. tags: Fem!Harmony(Harry/Hermione)/multi, Fem!Harry, GB!Harry, Neko!Harry, Neko!Hermione, Futa!Harry, bash Weasleay(except the twins and maybe Gina), GoodAlbusButMakesALotOfMistakes, SoulBond, VealeBond

Ryuujisan · Livres et littérature
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Harry: I will never let her be alone

Why do their plans always have to be pear-shaped? Everything up to the point of drinking the polyjuice potion went smoothly. Why hadn't he suspected then that something had gone wrong with Hermione's potion? Now he goes around in circles nervous about whether he will regain his former appearance

"Harry mate, no point in worrying, let's go play chess," says a bored Ron

"I'm not staying with her until I know if she's okay, play someone else like Seamus" Says nervous Harry

"It's only Hermione, she'll be fine," Ron stamps his foot

"Hermione is our best friend, you don't care about her well-being!" He screamed at the end of the sentence.

"Oh come on Mud... Hermione is only there to do our homework, that's why we took her in right?"

Rage began to seize him, he did not miss a slip of the tongue, he wanted to call her Mudblood. That's the only reason he took her in, why he hadn't noticed what Ron really was before. He's like Dudley or the Gryffindor version of Malfoy. As far back as he could remember, he'd always made fun of her Muggle heritage, he'd humiliated her all the time and he'd never once apologized for the troll as much. Hermione told me a bit about her childhood she was alone kids teased her she was just like me. I attached myself to the first person who showed me kindness and became my friend so as not to lose he had to adapt to his level was it worth it? No, Hermione and I have so much more in common, I will never let him intimidate her.

"Go if she only means to you. Just go!" I say in anger

"Dude, I'm your best friend, he'll be fine," Ron starts to say

"Not any more." his tone was calm, but the magic was raging around him. "No matter what you say, I won't leave her Weasley." Ron recoiled in horror, Harry's eyes glowing intense green like two killing curses, after a while he runs towards the Gryffindor tower.

After about 30 minutes of waiting, the door opens and Madam Pomfrey starts calling Harry.

"Is she okay?" - despair and concern flow from him

"Some changes cannot be undone, it will be hard to get used to" - says the matron

Harry slowly enters the hospital wing and slowly walks over to Hermione's bed. Hermione turns to him and smiles sweetly at him. Thanks to her hearing, she heard the whole argument between Ron and Harry, at the same time she was sad because of Ron, she felt betrayed, and on the one hand, very happy because of Harry, her love for him increases, but will he love her in this state. She has regained her human body to its former state except for her breasts, luckily she only has a pair but they have become larger, the initial C turned into a middle-final C. Her body has no fur left only her ears and tail, her chocolate eyes are now adorned with vertical cat pupils.

"You look cute," Harry said without thinking, Hermione blushed, her inner hormonal teen squealing internally. Why does Harry smell so good I'm drawn to him. The Director and Deputy Director entered the infirmary.

"Ah, my dear Miss Granger?" - says the director in his grandpa tone

"Changes are not reversals, she became Neko in all respects, some tests will have to be done and the rest can be arranged in my office" - yes Minerva Albus and Poopy went to the headmaster's office.

"I have to write to my parents. I don't know how she'll react, I'm afraid they might drag me out of Hogwarts." Tears well up in her eyes. Hadwiga flies into the hospital wing on cue. "Thanks, beautiful." - stroking a white snowy owl.

"It'll be okay Hermione, I'll always be there for you." Hermione stares at her best friend in his eyes there was protectiveness and determination and maybe her imaginative love. She started writing a letter to her parents.

Harry watched her she was so beautiful plus with all those accessories she was cute. Hermione can be rejected even by her parents, knowing England's bigoted society it could be much worse. Hermione may ditch him so she doesn't get backfired for hanging out with her. She'll be alone, and so will Harry before Hogwarts. I'm not interested in Ron anymore knowing him will cause her a lot of pain and he has his family at Hogwarts he won't be alone. He feels Hermione's polyjuice flask with cat hair in his pocket. His thought was lightning fast he would do it for Hermione he had strong feelings for her since he saw her in the mirror erised older with his heirs he wondered about his feelings for his best friend were completely different to Ron's. When she hugged him and kissed him on the cheek before fighting Quitermort, he knew she loved her.

Harry mutters under his breath as he reaches for his hip flask, "I'll never let her be alone," he drinks the potion quickly.

Hermione finishes typing and gives it to Hadwig "Bring it to my mum, she'll respond better than my dad" - She sees something is happening to Harry and something is causing him a lot of pain, she screams in horror.

~At the same time in the matron's office~

"Are you sure it's Neko?" McGonagall asks

-"Yes, the coat belonged to the kneazle, she could inherit her empathic skills from him, her diet will change dramatically. More more red meat and fish less vegetables strong fondness for milk. She will be very territorial and will see about Mr. Potter."

(A/N: I know cat and milk is a myth)

"Why Mr. Potter?" Albus asks, he can guess why, but I want to make sure

"You can see that Miss Granger has marked him as her mate, she will be very possessive until they have sex.

-"But they are too young!" says McGonagall

"I know, but Miss Granger will have estrus in addition to her usual ovulations, I don't know how strong the suppression potions will be, but she'd better not take them often, her body will get used to them."

She was about to argue, but they all heard the scream and ran to see the unconscious cat lying on Hermione's bed. "That noble idiot." the matron began to speak. She began to treat him, the Director and the Deputy Director waited behind the screen after half an hour she left the screen.

"WHAT'S WITH HIM?" said Hermione

"He's just like Miss Granger," Poppy began to say.

"I sense a but in this," said the director.

"Yes the fur belonged to the cat now it's Mrs. Potter" - everyone had a great time processing.

"So she's fully girl," Hermione began to say, for Hermione it didn't matter if she was a girl, loved Harry as a person, and was bisexual.

"Yes and no. Being hermaphrodite has a fully functional female and male reproductive system. The male has hidden its so-called activation works similarly to the potions lesbians use, when the clitoris is very aroused it transforms into a penis. This change is irreversible."

It was a shock to everyone - "Why did he do that?" Hermione started to say

"I suppose that's why you're not alone. When she wakes up, she can ask her herself," says Madam Pomfrey. Hermione warmed up and thought he was too much of a noble idiot.

Behind the privacy screen comes a girl with long dark red hair, a heart-shaped face, the figure slowly begins to take the shape of an hourglass. Breasts ending C. Albus and Minerva immediately thought of a feline version of Lily.

Hermione immediately went to her "Why did you do that?" looking at him defiantly.

"I couldn't leave you alone. What if your parents didn't like it and dragged you out of Hogwarts or kicked you out. I couldn't let you suffer alone, I love you too much!" Harry says, slightly surprised by his girlish voice. "You're too important to me, we're still young, but I know I love you." Any other tirade Harry could say was interrupted by Hermione's luscious kiss. He was surprised at first but kissed back. For those watching, they could feel the swirling of magic, a golden and silver glow slowly began to envelop them with a huge surge of magic so strong that almost all the windows in the school shattered. The scar on Harry's forehead burst open, blood and black soot oozing out. After a while, black smoke came out with an unnatural scream. Albus was very happy, he had suspected for a long time what Harry's scar was, but now he didn't have to worry about it. Both girls fell to the floor, Harry lost consciousness.

"What the hell were they, besides soul ties?" McGonagall shouts

"I have a few theories, but all good news for young Harry," Hermione looks at him suspiciously, but right now Harry is the most important. The Headmaster casts Episey on Harry's scar and cleans the wound after the scar is gone. Slowly Harry wakes up- "What happened?"

"You lost consciousness for a moment" - Matron does full scans. During the scans he now realized she was a girl, he was about to panic but Hermione's calming hand relaxed him. All signs of malnutrition, scars, badly fused bones were gone. You have the body of a healthy 12-year-old girl.

"Scars, malnutrition?" McGonagall began to say.

"I'm nothing…nothing important," Harry started to say

"I had my suspicions Harry, but you might say we're here for you." Hermione says calmly in a loving voice.

As the great dam burst, she began to cry and talk. How until she went to school she didn't know her name how she was starved and whipped because they wanted to talk her quirk out of her head how he slept in the cupboard under the stairs. Albus was as white as desired, as he could have thought. The three women had a murderous aura around them.

"I told you they were the worst kind of Muggle, but you didn't listen. Harry will never set foot there." McGonagall started yelling at the headmaster in her Scottish accent, mixing English and Scottish curse words. The Vice-Principal would embarrass the sailor as she finished speaking and slowly calmed down and turned to the two kittens. "Don't worry, I'll help with your furry problem. By the way, congratulations on your marriage."

"Marriage?" they speak simultaneously.

"This is how your kiss initiated the soul bond. Poopy will give you more detailed information, expect owls from the Ministry and you Harry from Gringotts. It's worth thinking about a new name." She said in a very motherly tone.

~At Hermione's house~

Hermione's mum was washing up when a white owl flew through the window with its leg outstretched to pick up the mail. Emma takes the mail and starts reading.

Mom and Dad

How are your Christmas going, I miss you guys well, but I didn't want to leave Harry alone and we had a project to do. About a month ago, I came across an interesting potion that allows you to take the appearance of any person for an hour. This is a very difficult OMWT level elixir to make. Harry and I managed to brew it and stole hair (hair is needed to make someone look) from the dry cleaners. There is a small problem here, my hair turned out to be feline after the fact. Madam Pomfrey failed to completely remove the effects and says I am now Neko. I have cat ears and a tail



"Oh fuck..." Emma said under her breath

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