
Harry Potter - The Northern Son (TES Crossover)

A boy with no name, no home, no family. Nothing but the blood pumping in his veins and the determination to rise up from mere scraps. It is in the scalding flames of a burning pyre that he is set between worlds, thrown into the wild, where only wit and perseverance will earn him anything. - A thrilling Crossover between The Elder Scrolls and Harry Potter (or I hope so), with a focus on war, combat, and the study of magic. A/N: This has been on the back burner of my mind for a long time, so here it is. Any grammar corrections are appreciated, and suggestions are also taken into account (notice "taken into account", important choice of words).

Viktor_Valburnt · Livres et littérature
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14 Chs

Starting Line

The gates of Winterhold stood before Sevyn, impervious and foreboding. He could almost feel the tingle of anticipation in his skin - who would've thought that, in order to get in, he'd only need to threaten someone?

"Mirabelle, the Arch-Wizard, should give you a tour to our grounds." The tall High-Elf said to him, somehow even curter than Lyslenne.

"See to keep a check on that temper of yours, however, as there won't be any leniency next time." She spoke, and before he could even register, was gone with the wind.

He didn't dwell much on the woman, though - his attention was elsewhere.

The gates opened inwards, and waiting there, by the central Courtyard, was Mirabelle Ervine, the College's Arch-Wizard. Beside her, a sculpture of Shalidor took the spotlight, his robes billowing in an unseen wind.

The College's architecture was composed of sharp and sleek lines, with tall arches and pillars adorning its campus. It aroused in him a sense of both grandeur and wonder.

"Welcome, new student, to the College of Winterhold," Eyeing the young boy, Mirabelle could only smile as she spoke. Her eyes drifted a bit to his physical condition, but they quickly fleeted away - still as kind and happy as before.

"Here," She gestured to the campus, "you will find a sanctuary where you may study and collaborate with think-alike minds. Unlike most Schools, though, we believe that students should seek their own knowledge."

Beckoning for him to follow, she continued, "As such, there are no set timetables. In the Hall of Elements, you may join the occasional public lectures if you wish to do so."

Once again, giant gates made of cast iron groaned as they opened inwards - inside, Sevyn could see dozens of students loitering around the main hall.

Walking, talking amongst each other, asking advice... all of it, however different it was, done in the pursuit to learn more.

"To your right, following the stairs, you will have access to The Arcanaeum: the College's library. And, to your left is the Arch-Mage's Quarters, but he isn't available most of the time. Any queries you might have, ask the lecturers or me should they not be around."

The gaggle of the crowd quickly replaced her voice as she gave him some time to take in the sights.

The student body was mostly Dunmer in composition - their ashen skins very distinctive in tone - with a Nord or two in-between.

One could even see Khajiit and Argonians making some of the crowd as well. After all, it'd take a man to be blind to not notice the abnormal amount of fur and scales in the hall.

Though, what most elicited his attention were the different uniforms used by the students: grey, royal blue, purple, and black mage cloaks - the latter being the least in number.

"As you can see, students have distinct ranks as denoted by their uniforms: grey for Apprentices, blue for Scholars, purple for Wizards, and black for Master-Wizards. Now..." She turned around at once, almost startling Sevyn.

"Pay attention, some of the Master-Wizards are lecturers, while others are merely students. To become a teacher, one must be of Master-Wizard ranking and express an explicit desire to teach others." She explained.

"You may differentiate between lecturers and students by the sigil on their clothes: those with an eye on their back are lecturers. The lack of the College's sigil indicates them as merely Master-Wizard students." Following a finger pointed towards a man mid-lecture, Sevyn took notice of the embroidery of an open eye adorning his back.

"For one to advance in rankings, they must first schedule a Proficiency Exam with one of the lecturers. Remember, to attest proficiency in the Magic School of Destruction - for example - you must talk with a Master-Wizard of that area as well." She arched an eyebrow at that, distaste in her lips, "In that case, that should be Faralda, the woman who escorted you inside."

Just as quickly, however, she shook her head before continuing, "Anyway, the College of Winterhold uses a system of points to rank its students. To become a Scholar, you need 8 points. For Wizard, 16. Finally, 32 points for Master-Wizard. You may gain such accolades for your proficiency in each School of Magic-"

"Wait, just a second." He interrupted her, not the least apologetic about it, "Let me note it down."

He took a brand new Journal from the leather satchel around his hip, then gestured for her to continue - his Quill quickly dipping into an inkwell strapped inside the bag.

"Right... as I was saying... Novice proficiency awards you two points, Apprentice four - so on and so forth - with Master proficiency giving you a whole 32 points, which makes it possible to become a Master-Wizard by focusing solely on a single School of Magic." She explained, slowly so as he wrote.

"I have a question..." Eyes refocusing on her, he asked, "Is there a fee to scheduling these Proficiency Exams?"

Immediately, Mirabelle mentally slapped herself. Why did she always forget such crucial details?

"Oh yes, there is a small fee paid to the lecturer you choose to oversee the Exam. Worry not though, if you cannot undertake such a fee, you may take upon one of the inquiries posted on the Hall of Elements' board." She explained with a kind smile.

Gesturing to the sculpture of Shalidor that decorated the Courtyard, she continued, "While a School, the College of Winterhold is also, at its core, a Guild - just the same as the Mage's Guild in Cyrodiil. The higher your rank within the faculty, the higher the level you can take in requests." She explained.

"Finally, the Hall of Attainment stays at that tower," She pointed to the right of Shalidor's monument, "There, living quarters are offered to all students who wish to sleep within the College."

Her finger waved in the opposite direction, and she resumed, "There, the Hall of Countenance, is the living quarters given to the lecturers - they are lifelong and can't be revoked, except, of course, in cases of banishment."

Eyeing the quiet boy once more, Mirabelle attempted to give a stern glare but failed miserably at it, "Now, some ground rules and recommendations."

Raising a finger, she said, "First, while the College doesn't prohibit Necromancy - as most Schools do - take note that the general populace still is very much biased against it. So take heed when practicing it outside College walls."

"As for rules, they are simple. Students may do any experiments they wish to do so, but all consequences lie within that same student. In other words, if you damage any property, you shall pay for it as well. Any injuries inflicted on other students will be investigated upon - with death warranting a quick and swift expulsion onto the offender."

She arched an eyebrow, "Understood?"

Sevyn merely nodded - he most likely wouldn't kill anyone in his stay, after all. Why would he?

"Very well, this is the end of my tour. As I've said, you can take any questions you have to me, which I'll answer, yes?"

"Of course, thank you, Ms. Mirabelle." Came the affirmation, and she had to restrain herself from pinching the boy's cheeks.

"Then, if this is everything, I shall be going back to my duties." And with that, she was gone.

Left alone, Sevyn could only stare at the back of Shalidor's sculpture - its shadow somehow thwarting the shine of the morning's light.

Flashes of memory ran through his mind, all crystal clear.

Lyslenne's worried pace, his first feat of controlled Magic, all of the falls he suffered while trying to walk without crutches - everything repeated itself, like a broken record.

Now there he was, an official student of the College of Winterhold. A wave of euphoric accomplishment threatened to overwhelm him, but he pushed it all down with an iron will.

It was no time to celebrate after all.

Enemies encroached on his home. Lyslenne still took on them alone, her concerned eyes telling it all - she still took him for a child and didn't want to involve him in her problems.

Here, however, he finally had the resources he needed to gain an advantage - allies, knowledge, growth.

And so, celebrate he did not.

This, after all, was but the start.

And so it begins.

P.S.: Reviews - I want them.

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