
Harry Potter's Twin Brother

Angel Potter was not like his brother, he hated everything 'magic' and preferred staying indoors and helping his aunt. But due to his heritage, he is forced to go to Hogwarts. Will this school bring good or bad changes to Angel?

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Chapter 1-

Angel Potter was one of the Dursleys favourite children. The other being Dudley. The reason, well, Angel wouldn't put up with any strange nonsense, and often was found scoffing at others who even dared bring up anything science could not explain near him. Angel had very few dislikes and likes. But he hated the fact he was a wizard. When he first found out he threw a fit, blaming his stupid parents for it and glaring at Hagrid. So now the only thing he thinks when the sorting hat is placed upon his head is,

'I will not allow such nonsense like this when I'm older'.

Angel waited until the hat announced that he would be in Slytherin. Angel held his head high and ignored the stares. He swiftly arrived at the table and sat next to Draco Malfoy. Soon after the sorting ended, Angel took this opportunity to make a statement.

"Honestly, I don't believe in such nonsense as magic. It cannot be explained by logic or science, therefore, is not reasonably able to exist." Angel noted, ignoring his housemates shocked looks. Malfoy was only amused,

"Were you raised by muggles?" He pressed. Angel let out a bitter laugh, one that Harry often told him didn't suit him at all.

"I was raised by logical people who knew not to put up with all of... this" Angel explained, gesturing to the floating candles and such. Angel was annoyed, yes, but he couldn't help but some how feel like he belonged here. Next to Malfoy and the others in his house. Angel felt ready to rule.

"Your name doesn't suit you, you oughta change it" Malfoy pointed out, half-joking. Angel thought over that before smirking.

"I guess I should, I wish to go by Fenrir." Angel declared, the others Slytherins, who were carefully listening to the conversation, cheered at that, spooking the other houses a little. Malfoy was amused,

"Fenrir? After the god of wolves?" Malfoy teased. Angel only smiled bitterly,

"Fenrir Potter has a nice ring to it though. And I feel as though I should mention I'm quite friendly with a pack of wolves." the now known Fenrir explained. The others thought over that before deciding not to press further.

"So, Fenrir, if you don't believe in magic, why'd you come?" A third year asked curiously. Fenrir shrugged,

"My Aunt Petunia asked me to keep my twin out of trouble, then told be not to listen to the horrid teachings unless it is to pass a test. And of course, I'd never let my Aunt down" Fenrir told them, the others seemed to accept that explanation. Fenrir then noticed Harry walking over to the table.

"Hello Harry, do you need anything?" Fenrir asked, Harry looked at the Slytherins nervously before asking,

" Angel, do you happen to know any spells to repair something?" He blurted out, the others snickered at the use of Angel.

"One, of course I do, I have to stay above such nonsense to pass, even if it means I have to learn all of it over a train ride, and two, I go by Fenrir now." Fenrir told him, Harry nodded then asked another question.

"Could you maybe repair my locket? Hermione tried but failed."

Fenrir sighed then brought out his wand. Harry held out the locket and watched as Fenrir silently casted 'Reparo' and fixed it.

"Next time, get a teacher" Fenrir instructed before going back to ignoring his brother. Harry sighed then left. It was then a boy from a few seats away came up to Fenrir.

"Hey Pansy, move" The boy demanded, the girl sitting next to Fenrir moved and the boy took her spot and faced Fenrir.

"Hello Fen, My name is Luner Malfoy. I brought my old books with me for my first years, and decided you'd like them. I'm in second year by the way" Luner winked, handing over the book. Fenrir took it gently then inspected the title.

" 'A wizards guide to Advanced Moon and star magic' " Fenrir read, he couldn't lie, it actually kind of interested him. As soon as Fenrir opened it up, he could read it perfectly after a few blinks. Draco leaned over and his eyes held confusion.

"Fenrir, how ARE you reading this? Its all just moon symbols" Draco pointed out. Fenrir shrugged and closed then book. He then carefully summoned his bag and placed the book in his bag.