
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 82: Quidditch training

The responsive room seems to have the ability to automatically repair. When Mike regained his sanity, his mind moved, and the messy responsive room was magically restored to its original state. And that night Mike didn't return to his dormitory, but slept in the responsive room.

   Even though the impact of the Death Curse was mostly dissipated under the effect of the Greedy Pendant, it still troubled Mike a lot. In his sleep, Mike can always dream of wantonly killing with a life-threatening spell. That feeling is great to be honest. Humans actually like destruction more than construction.

In the dream, Mike's consciousness is actually sober. He can clearly perceive the flow of magic in his body every time he casts a spell, and he can also feel the warmth when the blood of those people or monsters splashes on his face. Can smell the nice rust smell of blood.

   Although Mike tried his best to wake himself up, it didn't help.

The Mike in the dream is like having "unlimited firepower" buff, and the black pear wood wand is like a machine gun. Various spells are turned into beams of light of different colors without chanting. Out.

The people and scenery around are also constantly changing. Sometimes Mike slaughtered his classmates and teachers on the Hogwarts campus, sometimes he killed strange aliens on the streets of Los Santos where he lived in his previous life... …

   When Mike was about to get lost in it, the magic alarm clock set by himself by the bed woke him up.

   Mike felt that his head was about to explode, and his eyes were so painful that he couldn't open it. This feeling was like the state of a hangover after drinking fake wine in the previous life.

  The lounge created by the responsive room is extremely luxurious. The bed Mike lies on is as soft as a cloud, which makes it extremely difficult for him to get up.

   When the alarm clock went off for the third time, Mike sat up with difficulty. The severe headache made him very irritable, and his condition got better after he poured a bottle of Dolphin's magic drink.

   got out of the bed and walked to the vanity mirror not far from the room. Mike wanted to know how embarrassed he was now.

The floor of the room was covered with a thick carpet. Walking barefoot on it was furry and warm and comfortable. When Mike finally moved to the vanity mirror, what appeared in front of him was a sunken eye socket and messy hair. , The boy with bloodshot eyes.


Mike exhaled a deep breath. The side effects of the Cultivation Curse were far greater than he expected. It seems that the principle of equivalent exchange is also applicable in the wizarding world. The Cultivation Curse is powerful and consumes very little while casting a spell. The willpower of the reader also has great requirements.

Most of the crazy Death Eaters in the original book really became that kind of strange because of the excessive use of the death curse. The reason why some high-end Death Eaters, mainly Snape, can maintain a relatively normal state. That is because their own willpower is very strong, especially Snape, as a master of Occlumency, his attainments in this area far exceed the vast majority of the wizarding world.

   "It's Occlumency again." Mike sighed helplessly.

At present, it seems that if I want to completely master the Occultation Curse, Occlumency must be mastered. If I want to resist the enchantment of the light gate in the Ravenclaw Lounge, I also need Occlumency. It can be said that Occlumency is Mike The curse I want to master most now.

   However, Mike's research on Occlumency is still blank until now.

   Mike didn't struggle with this for too long. He freshened up a bit and made himself look a little better before heading to the classroom. It took a long time to get up today, and he would be late if he didn't go.

   When Mike was sitting among the overcrowded teachers, he discovered that the impact of the Killing Curse seemed to be far from over. Now Mike has a feeling of chest tightness and shortness of breath. This feeling makes him very irritable.

When he was in the corridor before, a first-year student accidentally ran into Mike when he was fighting with his classmates. Originally, Mike usually smiled when he encountered this kind of thing, but today Mike has a thought. There was a strong urge to draw out his wand and give him a killing spell.

The Gryffindor bear kid originally wanted to apologize after bumping into Mike, but when he looked up and saw Mike's bloodshot eyes, he was so scared that he couldn't even speak, and ended up killing him at Mike. Tengteng watched and cried.

   The stern cry of the bear kid awakened Mike. Looking at the crying nose, tears, and the strange eyes of the surrounding classmates, he knew his expression must be terrible now.

   Fortunately, there are not many classes today. Tolerant of the irritable chest tightness in his chest, Mike rushed out of the classroom as soon as the professor announced on stage. In his current state, he is not suitable for staying in crowded places.

But when Mike hurriedly returned to the Ravenclaw lounge to go to the dormitory to have a good night's sleep, he found that Ravenclaw's Quidditch Captain Roger was boringly playing with a golden snitch model in the lounge. It seemed to be Waiting for someone.

   "Hey! Mike."

   Seeing Mike coming in, Roger immediately put away the golden snitch model in his hand and greeted Mike.

   Mike has a bad premonition in his heart, Roger is likely to come to him to train. Pretending that he didn't hear Roger's voice, McMillan speeded up his pace and walked towards the bedroom.

"Hey, brother." Roger dashed behind Mike and grabbed Mike's shoulder with his right hand. "Don't go so fast. I'm here to inform you that you have been taken by the Quidditch team. With that friend of yours, he was also admitted, although he is a substitute batsman. Now you go with me, the first round of training for our new members will begin."

   Mike, who was suddenly pulled by someone, only felt that the irritability in his heart could not be restrained once again. He resisted the urge to take out his wand and turned his head to look at Roger without a glance.

   Roger was frightened by Mike's eyes at this time. The cold eyes when Mike turned his head gave him the illusion of being locked in by a poisonous snake.

  The right hand placed on Mike's shoulder quickly retracted as if it was being burned by something, and both hands were stretched out to his chest to surrender and said, "Oh! Oh! Brother, what is your expression."

Mike also noticed his abnormality at this time, rubbed his face vigorously, and said with a tired look: "Sorry to scare you, Roger. I didn't sleep well last night, so I feel a little bad now. You too Seeing my current state, I may not be able to train new members."

   Roger swallowed hard, and this was relieved from the shock just now.

After observing Mike's attitude, he found that he was really embarrassed by the appearance of excessive cultivation as he said: "No, Mike, the main purpose of today's training is to let new members and old members know each other. Isn't it good to go? Well, you don't need to participate in the training for a while, but you still have to go. After we have introduced each other, you can go back and have a good rest, okay?"

Mike knows that Roger has been greeted by Professor Flitwick. Take care of yourself. If you don't want to go to the training that is not important, Roger will definitely not force it. After all, even if you don't go for a training session, wait until On the field, you can also let the substitute hitter play.

   Maybe it would make Roger more satisfied.

  Because Roger himself may not be very optimistic about Mike's talent, in his opinion, Mike is likely to be gilded by Professor Flitwick, and he is really optimistic about Franklin. By the time Mike won't play, Franklin made up and hit him.

   In this case, Roger still asked Mike to participate in this training, which shows that this training is really important.

   "Hey, let's go." Mike sighed and walked straight towards the Quidditch arena.

   Seeing Mike no matter if he walked in front of him, Roger couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Canna, what are you pulling the back door?"

   At the same time, there was a hint of dissatisfaction on his face, but he was quickly replaced by an attentive smile, and he walked a few steps around in front of Mike.

   is unaware of Roger's little action Mike. He is now fighting against that irritable feeling. He finds that this feeling is very similar to the feeling after the onset of a cigarette addiction the same chest tightness and the same irritability.

   Today's weather is very good, and the bright sunshine gleams on the Quidditch stadium, and the whole stadium shines with gold. As soon as he walked out of Hogwarts Castle, Mike couldn't open his eyes in the dazzling sunlight.

   After Mike got used to it, I saw that the Quidditch court was very lively at this time. Not only the Ravenclaw players were engaged in the training of new and old players, but the Slytherin players were also on the court.

Two groups of people, one blue and one green, are facing each other. From time to time, there will be one or two curses from the wizarding world in the crowd. The Slytherin players look very proud under the leadership of their captain, and Ravenclaws do this. At that time, one by one was like a little daughter-in-law who was wronged but didn't dare to attack.

Mike hadn't reacted, and Roger on the side rushed out.

   "Flint! What the **** are you doing!"

   Roger's arrival made Ravenclaw's players uplifted, as if they had found the backbone one by one, and their voices when arguing with the Slytherins became much louder.

  Roger walked aggressively towards the center of the crowd, and the surrounding Ravenclaw players stepped aside to make way for their captain.

  The tall young man at the front of the Slytherin team looked at Roger, who was approaching, with a disdainful expression on his face. He deliberately lifted the flying broomstick in his hand so that Roger could notice.

   The aggressive Roger originally wanted to say something, but when he saw the broomstick in the hands of Slytherin Quidditch Captain Flint, the words that had reached his mouth suddenly got stuck