
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 63: Mike's small business

Perhaps because of his previous life getting rich overnight, Mike has always spent money lavishly. Even so, Mike never felt that he was a prodigal.

There are two ways to save money than to increase income and reduce expenditure. Mike believes that between the two is far more important than reducing expenditure. Although blindly reducing expenditure can save money, it will also make people like Penello. Tubaos who can't even spend money, only open source can make people become rich in a real sense while saving wealth.

   Due to the school holidays, the business of Dolphin Magic Drink had to stop. If you don't have to do business, you won't have any income. It's not enough to sit and eat like this.

   Yesterday, Penello's poor look gave Mike a lot of inspiration. This era is not as bad as his previous life. The currency is depreciated. In this period, the British pound is still very tough.

   For example, in 1989, an average worker's hourly wage was about £3, which would be £528 per month based on 8 hours a day and 22 days a month. It's 1992, and it has only been three years since he can make 600 pounds per month on inflation. With this 600 pounds, it is enough for a family of three to eat and drink, of course, provided that it is not in the first-tier cities.

   An income of 600 pounds a month can definitely represent the income level of most people in the UK.

   The exchange limit given by Gringotts is 100 gold gallons per year, which is 500 pounds, which is definitely not a small sum for these ordinary families.

  In addition, the Ministry of Magic has subsidies for the items on the Hogwarts enrollment list, so it is far from 100 gold gallons to buy all the items on the enrollment list. As a result, most Muggle-born wizards will not exchange 100 gold gallons.

   In Mike's eyes, this is a naked waste. Mike thinks he is a good young man who is hardworking and thrifty. Naturally, he will not allow this to happen.

   So, at the entrance of Diagon Alley, two teenagers appeared, one black and one white, staring at the wall of the entrance every day.

   As long as they see people wearing Muggle costumes and coming to Diagon Alley alone, these two people will come forward and ask sneakily: "Friend, Jin Jialong is going to kill?"

And if they are accompanied by their families, the two of them will become good-hearted people, and they will introduce everything about the wizarding world to their science, and finally tell each other that they can provide them with pounds for free in exchange for Jin Jialong. The cost is only a little A trivial rake is nothing.

   said it was a trivial rake, but it was actually very black.

The two people have to charge 80% of the handling fee for each transaction. Among them, the black and white boys get 50%, and Gringotts's little fairy who specializes in the pound to gold and gallon business gets 100%. Thirty points.

   These two teenagers are naturally Mike and Franklin.

  On the observation that Mike is professional, it is indispensable to rob the bank and steal things from the previous life, which also makes him develop a pair of fiery eyes.

  Who are Muggles and who are wizards. Who is in a good financial situation at home? Who is poor at home? These Mikes can be recognized by just a few glances, which saves them a lot of effort in starting a business.

   Hogwarts is about to start school. The big guys are thinking about buying the items they need for the new semester in these two days, so the traffic in Diagon Alley is very large.

   So, Mike and Franklin's small business is getting bigger and bigger. Although the percentage he gave is very exaggerated, but after all, it is Jin Jialong who got it for nothing. Don't do it for nothing. Most people are quite satisfied with their service.

  Of course, there are some short-sighted people who tried to bargain with Mike, and even blackmailed Mike on the grounds that they had reported that they had speculated and violated the interests of the Ministry of Magic.

   Mike is naturally not polite to these people. He tells each other his name generously and claims that he will show him a good look when he arrives at school.

Mike's reputation at the school last year is not small, and now the entire Hogwarts students know that he is a proud disciple of Professor Flitwick, and his strength is also very strong. For a few Jin Jialong to offend such a man, the future will almost certainly It is obviously inappropriate to be the prefect or even the chairman of the Boys Student Union.

   So these thorns had no choice but to obediently and let Mike draw a huge rake.

   It turns out that most of the Muggle and half-blood wizards who went to school at Hogwarts had poor family conditions. In just three days, Mike and Franklin made nearly 1,000 gold gallons.

   On this day, Mike and Franklin met a few acquaintances when they were looking for business as usual.

   "Mike? Franklin? What are you doing blocking the entrance?"

   It was Mr. Weasley who was talking, and behind him were Mrs. Weasley and Harry, as well as the five children of the Weasley family.

   "Uh... we are shopping." Mike hesitated for a long time and made up an excuse.

   "We are just going to buy a new book, let's go together!" Harry, the kid probably had been locked up during the summer vacation, and now likes the fun, he hurriedly invited Mike when he heard that they were shopping.

   "No, we have to wait for someone." Mike shrugged his shoulders.

   "Waiting for whom? Penello?!" Percy jumped out and asked in an extremely sharp voice.

   "I think it has nothing to do with you." Mike realized that Percy was a bad guy but didn't show weakness, and replied word by word, "Percy—Mr. Weasley!"

   Now Percy is unwilling, and poking her finger **** her left chest, where a Hogwarts prefect badge is shining in the sun.

   "Let me take a good look! I'm the prefect! Prefect! Is that how you talk to the prefect?!"

"Wow, the prefect of Gryffindor is here to take care of my Ravenclaw's affairs, prefect Percy, you are such a powerful official." Mike said in a very strange tone, and after speaking he looked at Franklin. At a glance, the two laughed loudly.

   Percy's angry face changed, and her right hand tremblingly fumbled on her body, seeming to be looking for her wand.

Mike's wand had already appeared in his hand. As long as Percy dared to point the wand at him, he would ask Percy to have a disarming spell. He and the Weasley brothers had a good relationship, so Percy would suffer a bit. Up.

   But before Percy took out his wand, George on the side dragged him towards Mr. Weasley who was shopping in front. Fred made a grimacing face at Mike, nodded and bowed in a weird look. Mike understood what he meant, and told him not to be familiar with Percy.

   Because of the love, Mike is not easy to have an episode, so he waved his hand to signal them to leave.

   Fred did not speak when he saw it, nodded at Mike, and quickly followed George and Percy who had not yet gone far.

   Looking at the figure of the three of them still pulling, Mike smiled disdainfully, and spit in the direction they left.

   Franklin on the side may think that this is cool when he sees it, and he also spit out in a way. It's just that he vomited farther than Mike, and almost vomited on a passing young lady.