
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Livres et littérature
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242 Chs

Chapter 88

All for One was glaring at the screen before him as he watched the news and the footage recorded during the Hosu attack, he knew that things could go wrong but to the point of both Tomura and Kurogiri disappearing was not something he expected.

No that wasn't something he had taken into account at all, he had a few people looking for both of them in Hospitals, Morgues, and even in prisons but nothing.

It was as if they had disappeared from the face of the earth and given that Harry Potter was involved in the Hosu attack rescue made him have to accept the fact that his successor and special Nomu were in fact dead.

That simple fact has changed so many of his plans, plans that he had been working towards for so many years and they were destroyed now.

To make things worse the good doctor had lost three of his high-end Nomu and he wasn't happy about that either, it takes time and a lot of resources to make one high-end Nomu, and the Hosu attack had cost them three.

This was a mess and All for One just didn't know what to do, the only good thing about all of this was that he was able to procure help to capture All Might's successor, and thanks to their little mole they knew that soon U.A. will have an off-campus camp after summer vacation where they could go and capture the current wielder of One for All.


A few days passed by and everyone in U.A. and the Potter home were busy as always, Toya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Rei were getting everything ready for their move to Harry's world and all of them were very excited about it.

None of them had anything or anyone holding them back in this world so they were really excited to start fresh in Harry's world where he would set them up with everything they will need.

Rei was especially excited to meet the whole family a sentiment shared by little Eri who wanted to meet the Vampire, Yokai, Digimon, and Devils allied to the Yokai Faction.

Susan had been taking care of the kids making sure they were well fed and healthy while Hermione helped them with their studying, this helped Izuku and friends do great during the academic tests.

Since they were excused from the practical exam most of them decided to be lazy and rest for the remainder of the week except of course Shoto and Nejire who were still doing their physical conditioning with Harry.

Himiko got so good with cooking that she began to help pro hero Lunch Rush during lunchtime in U.A. in order to further improve her skills, she can often be found cooking with her apron and a small chef hat in the kitchen of U.A. now.

Luna had been busy investigating the Nomu and the suspect list she and Nezu had made to find the creator of the creatures and she had already pinned him down and informed Nezu.

Kyudai Garaki chairman of Jaku General hospital, he was a very cautious man with the fact that he would only communicate with All for One via monitors and computers but nothing a Digimon can't find.

Luna had even gotten into his lab and gotten every bit of important information she could find there and out of sheer precaution, she had booby-trapped all the Nomu she found there.

The insane and quite evil doctor is in for a surprise when he tries to use one of those abominations of his but the most important thing Luna found was the location where the Aoyamas were kept.

Together with Nezu and All Might, Luna was able to rescue and relocate them to a safe place under a new identities and today they were going to let Yuga know.


Aoyama Yuga was sitting in the principal office waiting for Principal Nezu to arrive, he had no idea why he was called here today but he was definitely nervous and afraid.

Suddenly the door to the principal office opened up and Nezu, All Might, and Luna walked in which startled and made Yuga begin to panic but Nezu noticed it right away "Calm down young Aoyama, nothing will happen to you so just relax okay?".

Yuga shakily nodded being somewhat able to calm down a bit, Luna and All Might took a seat on the couch inside the office while Nezu sat at his desk and stared at Yuga in silence for a few seconds before beginning to speak "... You are aware of why we call you here right?".

Yuga frowned and then looked down for a few minutes before deciding that honesty was the best course of action here and nodded "You found out that I'm a mole for the League of Villains right?".

Nezu nodded and Luna then spoke up "The instant Harry placed his sight on you he knew something about you was wrong, he was able to see the ever-suffocating guilt inside your heart, Nezu here had us help find out what was going on with you when we were dealing with Bakugo and Todoroki who like you, had an overwhelming amount of darkness in their hearts as well though theirs was of a different kind".

Yuga sighed "I see... it was Harry-sensei then, I always had a feeling that he knew but to think that he knew from the very beginning? A part of me is relieved that you know, the other part is afraid...".

All Might frowned and began to speak "We know that All for One had your parents in custody to force you to act as a mole for him and the League of Villains, do not worry young Aoyama we know you were forced to do all of this".

Yuga teared up but then something All Might just said clicked in his mind "Wait... you said had right?".

Luna smiled while All Might nodded, Nezu then decide to elaborate "Luna here was able to find the location where All for One was keeping your parents, they're fine now and under our protection! I even gave them new identities and a place to hide out while we deal with All for One!".

Yuga began to cry feeling relieved "But won't he know that they're not where he left them? He will know that I'm free from him and he'll try to get rid of me".

All Might grinned "Ah! Well we asked Harry to help us so he made a pair of Wood Clones and transformed them into your parents, all we did then was make a switch".

Yuga sighed and then chuckled "Harry-sensei huh? He's definitely a good guy even though he doesn't think so in all honesty most of us in Class 1A admire him...".

Luna, Nezu, and All Might smiled since they knew that little bit of information was true many students in classes 1A and 1B admire Harry quite a lot and sought to grow in strength by themselves.

Nezu then spoke up "Since All for One can't get you while you're in U.A. can you inform us of what you have told him since the U.S.J. attack, and what you know?".

Yuga nodded "I don't know much of his plans since he doesn't like to speak about them with anyone plus I'm a grunt to him but I have told him about Harry-sensei, his abilities, and the fact that he came from another world but he doesn't believe that in fact he laughed and said that the truth was that Harry-sensei had an advance version of his quirk, I know it isn't true but he refuses to believe in Magic, Dragon Gods, and other worlds".

All Might chuckled and shook his head in amusement, sure it was really hard to believe what Harry is capable of but to be so arrogant to think that all of that was possible because of a quirk similar to his? That was just foolish.

Luna just giggled while Nezu nodded to Yuga to continue which he did "Other than that I told him about who was going to intern with who and a few days ago I told him about our camping trip later in the year after summer school, he seemed rather interested on the camping trip though, I haven't spoken to him since".

Nezu closed his eyes and then nodded while Luna and All Might stared at him and waited for him to absorb all of that information, Nezu then open his eyes and nodded to Yuga "Alright, young Aoyama you will be immediately moved to the U.A. dorms and we'll keep you safe here, thank you for the information and you'll see your parents as soon as All for One is dealt with, you can go now and rest easy".

Yuga nodded and stood up but then bowed in front of Nezu and then did the same for Luna and All Might "Thank you, for saving my parents and for saving me! I won't let you guys down again! I promise!".

With that said Yuga left quickly while Luna, All Might, and Nezu smiled at him, Nezu then jumped up to his desk and began to speak "With that taken care of we can now plan to end All for One once and for all".

Luna hummed "I take it that you want to use the camping trip to set up a trap right?".

Nezu nodded "Yes, I'm sure that after losing both Kurogiri and Tomura, Harry has left him with few other options, more than likely he'll move in to make a statement or to hurt All Might in order to gain some ground".

All Might frowned "So he's going to go after young Midoriya then... I'm sure he knows he's my successor, he did show off all those quirks during the Sports Festival and I'm sure All for One recognized them but do you really think is a good idea to let him attack the camp?".

Nezu grabbed his chin and began to think, Luna, however, spoke up "We can have Harry go with them to the camp! With him there, Izuku and his friends can focus while he protects everyone else".

Nezu nodded "Good idea plus with Kurogiri down, All for One will have to bring them there himself meanwhile we take down Kyudai Garaki and destroy those Nomu of his".

Luna raised her hand "I already took care of that, all we have to do is force him to release the Nomu, and then boom! No more doctor Kyudai!".

All Might sweatdropped while Nezu cackled loving Luna's plan, All Might then shook his head "You're a scary woman Luna...".

Luna just proudly smiled at All Might who nervously chuckled while Nezu continued to cackle himself silly.


Meanwhile, Izuku and friends were heading towards the Potter Home to spend some time with Eri and have some fun with her since they had a lot of free time now.

However, on their way, they were startled when a face popped out of a wall and smiled at them "Hello there! I have come here to tes- eep!".

The face didn't even get to finish because Izuku and all of Harry's students reacted on reflex and proceeded to blast the living shit out of the wall with all their quirks and powers which shook the entire school and startle everyone.

Izuku glared at the remains of the wall while Tooru nervously spoke "I-is it gone?".

Momo made a pair of heat vision goggles and began to look around while Ochako and Pony grabbed hold of Izuku's hands "Deku... what was that?".

Izuku shook his head "I don't know... but whatever it was, it was creepy... do you reckon it was a ghost, or maybe a spirit?".

Mina folded her arms under her chest and tilted her head as she thought about it "I don't think so... if it were a ghost or a spirit then Harry-sensei would have taken care of it".

Eijiro frowned "Whatever it was it wasn't very manly! Who sneaks up on someone like that".

Kinoko tilted her head "Yeah! That gave me quite the scare!".

Ibara nodded in agreement, she had almost thrown a whole bottle of holy water at whatever or whoever had scared her.

However, a voice startled everyone once again "Now that wasn't very nice! I would have died if I didn't have my quirk act-gack!".

And he got clotheslined by Momo in an instant and not expecting anyone to hit him with his quirk on he didn't even get to react when he was flipped over and dropped on the ground where everyone immediately jumped in and began to beat the living daylight out of him "Hey! He's naked! grind his testicles off Momo!".

This was the scene Nejire had arrived in and even she couldn't help but sigh "Ah! I did try to warn Mirio that it wasn't a good idea to test them... oh well! Might as well get a kick in! It looks like fun!".

She did indeed walk over and kicked Mirio in the ribs once, because you know? It looked like everyone was having fun.


A few moments later, Harry was sitting on his couch watching TV when the front door of his home slammed open and a naked young man was thrown in and then landed on the floor with his butt sticking out and pointing towards the ceiling.

Harry raised an eyebrow and sweatdropped "I-is this some kind of new harassment? Or did I do something to piss you guys off? Cause let me tell you, this isn't the first time someone threw a naked person at me...".

Izuku and his friends decided to ignore the fact that Harry had just stated that someone had thrown a naked person at him and decided to explain or rather Momo explained "Ah! Well you see sensei, we were on our way here to play with Eri when this weirdo suddenly popped his face out of a wall and startled us something fierce! and then we blasted the wall with all of our powers... I'm going to have to write a check to principal Nezu for that wall!...".

Harry nodded "Understandable and don't worry about Nezu, I'll pay for the wall but then what happened? and why is this guy buck ass naked?".

Mina scratched her head "Well we thought we had dealt with him, I mean who could survive a blast from all of us but then he pops out from behind us and begins to rant while being naked! So Momo here gave him a good old clothesline and flipped his naked butt head over heels!".

Tooru then spoke up "And then we jumped him and beat the hell out of the perv!".

Harry nodded and grinned at his students "Good job and all that but who the hell is he? and again why is he naked?".

Everyone deadpanned at Harry, admittedly he did raise some very good questions but they just didn't know, suddenly Nejire giggled and everyone turned to look at her.

The periwinkle-haired girl then began to speak "He's Mirio Togata and he's a third-year student here! and he's naked because his quirk Permeation makes his clothes fall off his body!".

Everyone gaped at Nejire while Harry raised an eyebrow, Tsuyu then put her pointer finger on her lips and began to talk "Kero... you knew who it was and you didn't say anything?".

Ibara frowned "This is a senpai? but... you even gave him a kick too, why?".

Nejire smiled and then shrugged "Well~ it looked like fun! Plus I did warn him not to surprise you guys but he didn't listen to me!".

Everyone sweatdropped while Harry got up and shook his head "With a friend like you around, this guy won't need enemies! In any case, why did he want to surprise you guys? Anybody who watched the Sports Festival should have known how much of a bad idea that is".

Everyone nodded and turned towards Nejire who tilted her head "As far as I know, Sir Nighteye wanted him to test you guys or something like that! It didn't make sense to me in the first place but I did try to tell him that it was a bad idea, he somehow thought you guys wouldn't hurt him too bad but...".

Everyone turned around and stared at the still unconscious and quite naked Mirio, Ochako raised an eyebrow and suddenly said "Deku's butt is cuter~".

Pony nodded in agreement while Izuku jumped and then gaped at his girlfriends while all the girls suddenly leaned back a bit and took a peek at Izuku's behind and nodded somewhat in agreement.

Harry laughed at loud for a few seconds while he woke up Mirio with a mild shock causing him to suddenly stand up and scream in pain, the girls covered their eyes while Izuku and Kirishima sweatdropped.

Mirio then groaned and fell to the ground while Harry waved his hand and conjured up some simple clothes onto Mirio's body "Alright kid, why exactly does Sir Nighteye want to test my students? As far as I know he used to be All Might's sidekick but other than that he shouldn't have a reason to do this".

Mirio groaned and then sat up, he then took a look around and noticed everyone staring at him like he was crazy which made him wince plus the smug smile that Nejire was giving him didn't help his situation.

Mirio then turned towards Harry and coughed "Well... he wanted to find out more about you through them and see if I could be brought up to you to meet you and have you meet with Sir Nighteye...".

Now, this intrigued Harry quite a bit, as far as he was aware Sir Nighteye and himself didn't have anything to talk about much less a reason to meet "You could have just come to visit me here? I'm sure Nezu had announced that my home is open for anyone who needed help or training... you're pretty reckless aren't you?".

Mirio sweatdropped because Harry made an excellent point while Nejire nodded and then spoke up "Yup! Mirio is the kind of guy who acts first and then thinks later!".

Harry sighed and shook his head "So like All Might and Izuku then, gotcha".

Izuku looked on in betrayal towards Harry while everyone pretty much nodded in agreement, suddenly the door slammed open and All Might stepped in "I am Here! with friends I would like you to meet Harry!".

All Might then froze when he noticed everyone in the room turned to look and stared at him which made him a bit nervous "Err I'm not interrupting anything right?".

Harry grinned "Well other than my door being abused a lot today and not throwing a second naked guy into my house I'd say this has been a very interesting day so far".

All Might looked so lost and confused right now that it made everyone laugh a little at him, All Might however had a very important question right now "Naked guy?".

But before anyone could answer his question a voice behind him alerted everyone of the fact that All Might wasn't alone "Uncle All Might?".

All Might stepped inside revealing a young blonde girl with blue eyes and glasses who looked rather confused, standing behind her was an elderly man wearing glasses, on his face he has a small and fond smile as he waved at everyone.

Izuku gasped "Your David Shield! You're a brilliant scientist who has a Nobel Prize for your research on quirks and you were All Might's partner when he was studying in the United States! but... what are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in-".

Izuku was cut off when Harry flicked him on the back of the head which made him lurch forward and grab his head in pain "Izuku breath kid! Jeez one of these days your going to suffocate yourself".

Everyone smiled at Izuku in fondness while the new girl laughed finding Izuku's rant rather cute and funny, the man now known as David Shield chuckled "Looks like I don't have to introduce myself, it's nice to meet Toshi's successor".

Harry raised an eyebrow and turned to look at All Might while Izuku gaped at the fact that David knew about his quirk, All Might grinned and nodded "We'll soon deal with All for One so I decided to let my friend David know about everything".

Harry nodded and then smiled "Alright, then how about everyone takes a seat and we can talk, it seems that there's quite a bit going on today".

Everyone nodded and immediately went to take a seat on the living room's couches, Harry had to conjure up a few more since he had quite a few people in his house, the new girl looked around the place and then raised an eyebrow "... This house is bigger on the inside, how?".

Harry grinned and nodded "Oh you noticed, miss?".

The new girl smiled and took advantage of Harry's probe to introduce herself "I'm Melissa Shield! it's nice to meet you, Mr. Potter! I heard a lot from you from uncle All Might and I have so many questions~".

Harry smiled and nodded "Ah I see, it's nice to meet you but call me Harry, Mr. Potter is my dad! In any case, everyone should introduce yourselves first".

All of Harry's students introduce themselves to Melissa and David except Mirio who introduced himself last, it was here that All Might noticed him "Huh? Aren't you Mirai's sidekick? What are you doing here?".

Mirio grinned and then explained to All Might what he had explained to Harry a few minutes ago, All Might was confused as to why Mirai was interested in Harry, and Mirio himself didn't know either.

Harry then shook his head "Well there goes that idea, I was hoping that you would know what this Sir Nighteye wanted with me All Might but it looks like I'll have to meet him to find out... Mirio, you tell Sir Nighteye to come to U.A. if he wants to talk to me alright?".

Mirio nodded and then stood up "I'll let him know! and sorry about what happened a little while ago! I didn't mean to give you and everyone else about eyeful!".

Harry shrugged "It was a disturbing sight to see, your lucky my daughter wasn't here or I would have skinned you alive..".

Mirio sweatdropped and gulped at the seriousness in Harry's voice but then stood up and then ran towards a wall, everyone understood what he was about to do and they all tried to stop him but it was too late, Mirio crashed against the wall of Harry's home and knocked himself out again.

Harry sighed "... To bad for him, I always ward my house so quirks like his don't work here unless I add him to the wards".

Nejire giggle and then stood up, she walked up to Mirio and easily picked him up, and threw him into her shoulder like a sack of potatoes "Don't worry sensei! I'll take him back home! I'll see you all later~".

And with that said Nejire flew out of an open window while carrying Mirio on her shoulder, Melissa gaped "Wow! She's so strong! She lifted him like he weighed nothing! Is that her quirk? But she just flew with those energy spiral beams...".

Harry smiled "You're pretty observant Melissa".

Melissa jumped up a bit in surprise but nodded "Oh! Well I am a scientist and I want to help heroes in the future so I do have to pay a lot of attention to quirks and abilities".

Harry nodded "A scientist huh? Hmm well if you want, me and one of my girlfriends, Hermione can give you some ideas and even teach you some stuff from places you wouldn't believe".

Melissa's eyes sparkled and she turned her head towards her dad who smiled and nodded at her "Go ahead Melissa, I'm sure you will learn a lot".

Melissa brightly smiled and fist pumped while Harry chuckled and turned towards his students "Why don't you guys take her to the labs downstairs and show her around, I'm pretty sure Mei is down there too so you can ask her how everything works".

Everyone nodded and immediately left with a super excited Melissa speaking with Izuku who was also very excitedly speaking to her, Harry then noticed both Ochako and Pony grin while watching them get along so well {Hoo boy! Looks like Izuku will be adding another one to his harem list}.

With that thought and a small prayer to his green-haired student, Harry turned around towards David and All Might "Alright so what's up All Might? You wouldn't bring someone to me without a good reason".

All Might grinned and nodded "Well since Nana-sensei is enjoying her second chance in life by teaching with me, I found myself with some free time and since David wanted to meet you I decided to invite him and Melissa to U.A. to do so?".

Harry tilted his head "Oh? Meet me? I didn't know I was that well known already, I'm pretty sure I've been keeping myself under the radar".

David then spoke, "That's true, even though I couldn't find any information on you, I tried to find you so I could speak to you after I saw how your students dominated the Sports Festival but no matter what I tried I couldn't find anything so I decided to ask Toshi to help me meet you and after explaining a few things about you he agreed to let me come here and talk to you".

Harry moved his gaze towards All Might and then sighed "If All Might told you about me that means he trusts you, so I will too... then what is it you wanted to talk about?".

David looked down for a second "Can you help All Might? I know you already healed all of his injuries but is there a way for him to continue his work as the Symbol of Peace?".

"Huh? I already helped him though?" Harry looked utterly confused while All Might jumped up a bit "You did?!".

Harry just gave All Might a confused look "All Might... you haven't noticed that you haven't been slowing down anymore, or the fact that you aren't getting any weaker anymore?".

Both David and All Might gaped at Harry who facepalmed "Goddammit All Might... you didn't notice, I swear... I gave you the quirks that I took from the Nomu who attacked the kids on the U.S.J. so you're pretty much in peak physical condition plus with that regeneration quirk it had, you should be able to keep working none stop, you're such an idiot dude...".

All Might sweatdropped and then raised his hand towards his face "It's true... I've been so focused on teaching and everything else going on that I didn't even notice that my body isn't getting any weaker".

All Might closed his fist and gripped it hard "Thank you, Harry, you gave me a second chance to continue to be a hero, not only did you heal me but you also gave me power... a power that I can use like One for All".

Harry closed his eyes and smiled "Someone has to teach the kids when I and my family leave this world All Might no... Yagi, it will be your job to continue to guide and live as an example to the kids".

All Might teared up a bit while David smiled "Harry... you're the best you know that?".

Harry chuckled and shook his head "I'm a Dragon and Dragons tend to do whatever we want, I just tend to end up helping others when I do whatever I want".

Harry shrugged and smiled at both All Might and David, after that the trio spent a few hours speaking about other worlds and the types of technology Harry had seen in those other worlds.

Something that had David very excited about, Harry then told him that if he was interested he and Melissa could move to U.A and work with them since Nezu was planning on opening a new Technology Department where he intends to work on otherworldly technology like the gels he was attempting to recreate.

David who had one of his inventions already taken away from him by the board of directors from I-island decided to accept the offer plus this way he could work with All Might again and Melissa could get a way better education since Nezu would be the teacher in charge of the new Technology Department.

That's how the Shields decided to move to U.A. and Harry had even built them a cabin like his and expanded it so they could build a massive lab there, and after warding it and making it safe for them and their inventions, Harry even went back to his world for a few minutes and came back with Tony.

Both of them then set the Shields with the best tools and equipment they could ever need plus an attendant AI to help them with their projects and Nezu would be supporting and protecting them from now on.


A few weeks passed by and the Shields were easily accepted into everyone's lives plus they themselves were getting used to the craziness that always seems to happen around Harry and his family, they had quite the interesting and busy days that's for sure.

Melissa even began to train with the kids and Harry gave her his blessing and a power, Melissa Shield was now a very powerful telekinetic and she was loving every second of it.

She of course continued to work towards her dream of being able to help heroes but she was glad that she had the power and ability to save someone now.

She also began to work with Mei in creating hero support items and equipment for Izuku and friends in order to help them with their work and abilities, her help was very welcome and she had also become good friends with Mei.

Eventually, she met little Eri and fell in love with the bundle of cuteness and would gush when she would show off her magic or act like a teacher to Izuku when she would help him with a spell or two.

And that's the most important and crazy change in her father's and her life! Magic, Gods, Yokai and so much more were real! and she fell in love with that fantastic world and more often than not she would ask Harry to explain things to her.

This made Harry take Melissa on as his apprentice in Magitechnology, the study of both Magic and Technology in order to create all sorts of things.

So Harry gave her all the magical skills and knowledge she would need to make this branch of technology research and development flourish in this world.

Things like Enchanting, Runes, Warding, Alchemy, and even Soul magic began to become second nature to her and she was very thankful to Harry for everything he did for her, she even calls him Uncle Harry something that Harry was more than happy to let her do.

She still remembers the first time she saw Harry in his dragon form sleeping in the yard on his back and with Eri and his students sleeping on his belly like it was a common occurrence.

Luna who she had met along with the other girlfriends of Harry had gently lifted her up to Harry's belly with magic and told her to try taking a nap up there.

Melissa was a bit overwhelmed at first but then noticed Izuku who was napping with his girlfriends by his sides, she took a look around, and once she was sure no one was watching she lay on top of him and fell asleep on top of him.

Needless to say that Izuku almost had a heart attack when he woke up was the understatement of the century and Melissa was quite embarrassed by the situation too but she did say that it was very comfy which made Ochako and Pony drag her off to speak with her.

Izuku didn't know what they were speaking about but for some reason, he felt a sense of dread run up his spine.

David began to work with Nezu and together they were finally able to synthesize the gels and after Harry had inspected them and given them his seal of approval they began to mass-produce them.

Of course, they weren't going to be released to the general public but rather they will be handed as a support item for heroes in order to avoid any villains from getting their hands on them.

After that, they began to work together to recreate and synthesize even more of Harry's Magical Medicine with technology.


Eventually, Harry was called to Nezu Office one day and once he got there he immediately met with a lanky man who stared at him for a long while until he stretched out his hand towards Harry and introduced himself "It's nice to finally meet you, Harry Potter, my name is Mirai Sasaki also known as Sir Nighteye, I'm sure Mirio told you a bit about me".

Harry stared at Sir Nighteye and then stretched his hand to grasp Mirai's hand, the only thing is that Sir Nighteye was not going to be ready to deal with a Dragon God and he will regret ever using his quirk on Harry.