
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 19

After the champion selection, the night went by fast and morning arrived, the students of Hogwarts began to prepare for a day of class.

However there was excitement in the air, Harry Potter the hero to many in magical Britain was chosen as a fourth champion.

A bit unexpected but many were looking forward to amazing feats of magic in the future, everyone wanted to see what their hero was capable of it, which also increased everyone's curiosity that no one really knows the level of magic skill that Harry possesses but everyone was looking forward to finding out.

The champions themselves were both nervous and excited, except Fleur who was afraid that Harry would hate her and attack, her inner veela was terrified and it was telling her that Harry Potter was a very dangerous foe.

Cedric just accepted the fact that he wasn't going to win but instead decided to do his best and make the Hufflepuff house proud.

Viktor was excited, he had heard of the power Harry Potter holds, Durmstrang was located in Sweden and there the magical community was very aware of the other supernatural factions, the study of other the many different types of magic had caused his school to have a reputation of teaching its students dark magic, for this reason, it a was a very exclusive school and so everyone attending Durmstrang has heard of all the things Harry Potter has been involved in, the fallen angel massacre, the majestic and powerful creatures he controls, the Tepes vampire genocide and many other things, he wanted to prove himself and the chance to go against someone like Harry Potter is a perfect opportunity to do so, he was excited about the upcoming tasks.

The Hogwarts staff was a bit concerned and for a good reason, at this point some of them already had an idea of how powerful the young lord is but that is not the only problem, his friends and family are certainly above everyone in the magical community in power and that includes silly looking purple slime that's always around them, if Harry decided to go on a killing spree because someone foolishly decide to say the wrong thing to him, there was nothing they could do to stop him and more than likely his allies would help him get rid of the bodies.

However, at the same time, this tournament gave them a chance to see how powerful he really is and that makes them look forward to what he'll do in the tournament tasks.

Meanwhile, in the ministry, minister Fudge was shitting bricks out of fear, after Harry showed to possess such a ridiculous amount of power during the Quidditch finals attack and his famous battle against Dumbledore -if he can even call that ass whopping a battle- he had the boy investigated, not a lot was found, of course, the Yokai faction was very good at protecting any information of Harry Potter and no one wanted to confront them about it, however, the boy seems to do missions on behalf of both the Yokai faction and the Japanese government and those reports were public for everyone to read.

But what he read was both amazing and terrifying, his accomplishments were no doubt incredible but the massacre and bloodshed left behind whenever he was sent on a mission were both unbelievable and concerning.

Fudge was afraid not only for himself but for the magical community, Harry has shown no hesitation in killing entire squads or armies of enemies, enemies who were way above the power scale for any British magical.

In perhaps what was the minister's one and only smart decision, he decided that he would always side with Harry Potter and not antagonize him and his allies in any way, he has already ordered every ministry employee to not bother Lord Potter and anyone acquainted with him, it was an order to allow Harry and his allies to do as they please.

Minister Fudge was praying that this will be enough to not awaken the ire of the Yokai faction who was now known as the top most powerful faction in the world but also of Harry Potter who already has the undisputed fame of being in the top ten strongest beings.

Dumbledore was happy and excited, he was able to drag Harry into the Triwizard Tournament, sure there were some setbacks like him not representing Hogwarts and instead representing that faction of monsters of his, but at least he's still participating, and that is what really matters.

Now all he has to do is leave the prize trophy somewhere where Peter can get to it easily and then Harry will be forced to battle Voldermort, after one of them wins against the other that's where he will take down the weakened winner of that battle and regain his fame!


~Kyoto, Yasaka's living room~

Harry and the girls woke up early in the morning to get ready to leave on an extended stay in Hogwarts, they were all looking forwards to spending time with their friends.

Besides Harry, Ereshkigal, and the girls, Sirius and Remus decided to also go with them to cheer and support Harry.

Once everyone was ready Harry opened a dark corridor and turned towards everyone "Alright everyone step through!".

Everyone stepped through except Luna who skipped instead while hugging Mr. Goop tightly, all of them were excited to go already and start what they're now considering a vacation.

Harry watched them go through and then turned towards Yasaka who was smiling "Ok then, we'll see you later Yasaka. If you need anything call me ok?".

Yasaka giggled "Sure, sure! Just go already and win this silly tournament! and remember to have fun!".

Harry chuckled and walked through, while Yasaka waved him goodbye.


~Hogwarts, Great hall~

Harry and company appeared in the great hall while stepping out of a dark corridor, the Hogwarts students didn't react because this was already a common occurrence for them but Swedish and French students jumped and yelped in surprise when they saw a bunch of girls, Harry Potter, and two grown men step out of a pillar of darkness.

The girls happily waved at their Hogwarts friends, receiving waves, hellos, and good mornings from almost every student of Hogwarts eating breakfast in the great hall.

Harry followed them as they sat at the Gryffindor table and began to excitedly speak with Hermione, Susan, and Hannah who had decided to eat with their Gryffindors friends.

Harry sat beside Neville and gave him a pat on the back, which the Longbottom heir returned the greeting with a smile.

Both Sirius and Remus grinned at everyone and stepped out, already knowing what they were doing this morning.

Ereshkigal walked towards the staff table and sat between Hagrid and professor McGonagall who both greeted her with cheery good mornings.

Once she was sitting she greeted everyone else except Dumbledore who ignore her in return.

Professor McGonagall decides to start a conversation with a cheerful Ereshkigal who was enjoying her breakfast "Lady Ereshkigal, what are you and Harry going to do for accommodations?".

Ereshkigal looked up from her breakfast and turned toward professor McGonagall "hmm... Harry is going to build a small mansion with one of his abilities, then Le Fay is going to expand them with magic and other things with Harry's help, we were hoping that Hagrid wouldn't mind if we take a bit of space close to his cabin".

Hagrid just smile and nodded "Yer welcome to use as much land as yer want! I don't mind the company".

Ereshkigal nodded happily and telepathically told this to Sirius, Remus and Harry, she then continued to eat her breakfast and converse with the other professors who were always happy to chat with her.

Meanwhile, Harry and the girls were eating and talking with their friends when Hermione asked a question "Where did Sirius and Remus go? They're not going to eat breakfast?".

Harry swallowed his food and answered "They went to clear a spot for us to use to build a place to stay, Ereshkigal just asked Hagrid if we could use a spot close to his cabin and she just told Sirius and Remus that he said yes telepathically, so they're doing that now, besides they already had breakfast back in Kyoto, their wives wouldn't let them go until they had a hearty breakfast before leaving" Harry chuckled.

Luna decided to chip in while feeding Mr. Goop some bacon "Those two are super whipped~".

Everyone shared a laugh while Susan decide to ask a question "Harry are you excited? These tasks are supposed to be very dangerous, not that we need to worry about you though".

Harry looked like someone poked him hard on the stomach "Well damn Susan at least pretend to worry about me!".

Everyone laughed a bit making Harry's eyebrow twitch but decided to answer Susan's question next "Well I am excited, all of this sounds a lot of fun!".

Neville just shook his head "Only you would think that a tournament that is famous for the many deaths of Wizards and Witches to be fun Harry, then again I'm not surprised, I'm pretty sure you have faced worse out there".

Harry just grinned and shrugged "Well to me this is kind of a vacation, the girls and I have been very busy lately but with this tournament, we have a chance to relax and enjoy ourselves".

A voice came from behind them making everyone turn around "Well I'm glad some people are enjoying themselves" everyone smiled and waved at Cedric.

Cedric in return smiled at everyone while Harry spoke up "Don't worry Cedric! If you died, I'll bring you back to life!".

Cedric just sweatdropped "That doesn't make me feel any better or safe Harry...".

Everyone laughed and once Cedric sat with them they continued to enjoy their breakfast while having a cheerful conversation.


After breakfast, Harry and the girls met up with Sirius and Remus who had picked and cleaned up a piece of land near Hagrid's cabin, a few of the professors followed them, they were curious about how would Harry create a mansion, and Dumbledore tried to follow them too but he was deterred again when he received a glare from everyone including the professors.

Harry smiled and stepped forward a bit, clapped his hands together, and then took a knee while placing both hands on the ground "'Mokuton: shichūka no jutsu! (Wood release: four pillar house jutsu)'".

The ground shook for a bit until suddenly a bunch of thick tree roots sprung out of the ground and began to change shape, a fully built wood mansion soon formed from the roots causing the few professors there to gape in shock.

Harry stood up and grinned "All done, go ahead girls, decorate it and do whatever you want with it while I go and build an onsen in the back".

The girls nodded and rushed inside to get their vacation home fully equipped meanwhile Harry walked around towards the back and began to use mokuton to create a tall wooden fence and then used magic to ward it against perverts, then proceeded to use Magic and Yōton(Lava release) to create a big onsen, he then divided it in half with the use of more Mokuton and finally then added water with self-cleaning and heating runes on the lava rocks to keep the water clean and hot.

Sirius grinned at the gaping faces of the professors "Impressive right?".

Flitwick who didn't have a class today spoke up "What in Merlin's name was that?".

Professor McGonagall decided to chip in "That looked like a combination between a charm and transfiguration spell... but it didn't feel like magic".

Remus spoke up to answer their questions "It wasn't either a charm or a transfiguration spell, as a matter of fact, that wasn't magic at all".

The professors turned towards Remus and professor Septima Vector decided to ask "Then what was it? It certainly looked impressive and it was fast too, the rate of creation and building was almost instantaneous".

Remus seemed to ponder for a bit but in the end, it seems he decided to answer honestly "Those were what Harry calls ninjutsu or ninja arts, they are techniques that use an energy called Chakra something Harry, his students, and the yokai can use, as of matter of fact Harry has trained almost all of the elite warriors and palace guards on its use, even Sirius here has been taught and mastered the ninja arts".

They all turn their shocked faces towards Sirius who just grinned and did a hand sign "nin nin!".

Everyone sweatdropped while Remus just chuckled at his friend, meanwhile Harry returned with a smile "Ok! who wants to get a good soak in the hot spring?!".

Everyone including the professors nodded enthusiastically while hagrid stayed behind for a bit, he looked lost in thought until he suddenly nodded to himself "Oh! so that's what Harry meant with onsen!" he looked very proud of himself for figuring that by himself and followed everyone inside to try the hot springs.


(Timeskip November 13)

Time went by fast as Harry and the group spent time with friends and enjoying their extended vacation, though Harry did go back to Kyoto once in a while to do the occasional mission and report in.

Meanwhile, the girls soon found things to keep themselves busy and have fun at the same time.

Le Fay was often found in the library with Hermione, both spent their days researching all kinds of magic and Le Fay enjoyed helping her with her studies eventually a study group was formed which had members of all the houses join in and Le Fay started to act more like a teacher than a young woman helping fellow students.

Kunou would spend her days running around the forbidden forest, though she really didn't understand why it was forbidden to begin with however she continued her exploration of the forests nonetheless, she met the unicorn herd and spent some time petting and playing with them, then she met the centaurs who at first were hostile towards her, but once she introduced herself as the daughter of the Yokai faction leader and Harry Potter's student they relaxed and let her hunt with them, though one time she was running around in her fox form she was ambushed by a couple of Acromantula and boy did those giant spiders regretted their decision to attack her.

Kunou proceeded to almost systematically kill every single magical spider in the forest and even carried the body of the biggest spider back with her while holding it above her head like a trophy and nearly gave everyone heart attacks when she came into the great hall while carrying it, she shows it off to Harry who just proceeded to poke it out of curiosity since the only giant spider he's ever seen was a summon belonging to a crazy looking sound ninja.

Hagrid began to cry once he saw the corpse of his long-time friend Aragog, something that made Kunou feel bad so she decided to bring the giant spider back to life with an item that Harry created called a Life bottle, which is a magical liquid that can resurrect anyone who's been at least dead for an hour, only the Anbu corps, the royal guard, Sirius, Remus, and the girls carry some of them at all times.

However everyone sweatdrops and winced when she proceeded to smash the Life bottle on top of the head of the dead magical spider, sure he would come back to life but it would have a killer headache for a while.

Though Harry just shook his head and said "Kunou you're supposed to crush the bottle above him, not try to murder him again with it...".

Kunou just stuck out her tongue playfully.

Aragog was certainly traumatized after his rude revival and shakily went back to the forest, vowing to never allow his future children to attack crazy kitsunes.

Hagrid hugged a giggling Kunou after bringing his friend back to life but did ask her not to kill anything without asking him about it first, something that Kunou was happy to do for their giant friend.

Valerie spent her time helping the first years move around Hogwarts and play with them, the little kids were fascinated to have a vampire friend though she did explain that she was a dhampir and not a full vampire, the kids didn't fully understand nor cared they were just happy to spent time with her, she also spent a lot of time in the kitchens with Susan learning how to cook from the very friendly house elves she found there, both girls bonded over recipes and their homely demeanor.

Luna spent her time talking to the many ghosts haunting Hogwarts and taking care of the many magical beasts that Hagrid was taking care of, Mr. Goop would always follow her everywhere she went, of course, out of all the creatures she helps Hagrid take care of, her favorite is fluffy, a very friendly Cerberus who would always play with her and excitedly jumped Harry to lick his face every time the three-headed dog would catch sight of him.

Sirius and Remus joined the twins Fred and George in a pranking spree on Hogwarts causing the students and teachers to be afraid to even open a door in fear of getting hit with a prank.

Both Susan and Hermione took advantage of the situation and spent as much time with Harry as they could, Harry would just smile and did everything they wanted to do, like helping them with their magical studies and going to Hogsmeade on small dates however the rest of the girls soon demanded dates too and so Harry began taking them all over the world for dates he was getting used to the idea that the girls wanted to go out with him, but he did tell them that they were going to have a talk when he summons his first three girlfriends before anything became official.

Ereshkigal spent her days hanging out with the professors and going to all the classes to see what it was like to go to a magical school, she even tried some of the spells but she would often overpower them and cause all kinds of wacky results such as accidentally creating and eldritch abomination when she tried a transfiguration spell, it was thanks to Harry and the girls who took it down fast that there weren't any damages but everyone ended up just laughing about it later to the chagrin of an embarrassed Ereshkigal.

Eventually, November 13 arrived and Harry was spending time with his aunt Andromeda.

Andromeda was looking at one of the many medicines that Harry can make, while her class was busy trying to do their assignment for the day "So this Panacea bottle can cure any physical and magical ailment?".

Harry nodded "Yup from any poison, petrification to even any kind of curses, the girls have spells and techniques that can take care of any ailments but all of them always carry a few of these and some other medicines as a precaution, as matter of fact all of the citizens of Kyoto use these medicines, they have become the norm now, however, we have some very tight control over everything we make and sell, this way these medicines don't end up in the hands of other factions except of course our allies.

Andromeda nodded "fascinating, I don't think wizards and witches have a cure-all potion like this so this is quite incredible..." she continued to stare at the small brown bottle in fascination.

Suddenly a knock on her classroom door brought her out of her thoughts "Yes? please come in".

Ereshkigal stepped in with a smile "Hey Andy!" and Andromeda waved at her with a soft smile on her face.

She then turned her gaze towards Harry "Harry is time for the wand weighing ceremony".

Harry nodded and stood up from his seat "Ok, let go Eris".

Both of them waved goodbye to Andy and left towards the assigned room for the wand weighing ceremony.

Soon they arrived and went inside, there they met the champions, Cedric waved and Viktor nodded towards Harry the moment they saw him, Fleur nervously nodded as well, meanwhile, the headmasters just looked at them for a bit and then averted their eyes, meanwhile Dumbledore was softly speaking with Garrick Ollivander.

Both Harry and Ereshkigal waved at Cedric and Viktor, though Harry only grinned at Fleur causing her a cold shiver to run down her spine, they ignored everyone else not wanting to waste their time with idiots.

It was at this moment that a reporter known as Rita Skeeter decided to foolishly grab and hug Harry's arm in hopes of dragging him into a broom closet close by to interview him, however, Harry didn't even budge and just glared at her but Ereshkigal didn't like this strange and forceful woman, so the goddess shoved her away from Harry sending her flying and crashing against the broom closet, where she lay unconscious among the wooden pieces and remains of said broom closet.

Everyone gaped at the aggressive action of the goddess but then they relaxed, everyone disliked Rita and inwardly they were glad that she wouldn't be able to continue to bother them.

The photographer wisely decided to stay quiet not wanting to be the next target of these aggressive people.

Suddenly the door opened and both Bagman and Minister Fudge stepped inside, both turned and sweatdropped when they saw Skeeter laying among pieces of the wood unconscious, they turned towards everyone in the room and everyone pointed at Ereshkigal.

Ereshkigal crossed her arms "hmph! She's lucky I didn't rip her soul out for daring to try to manhandle Harry!".

Fudge just smile and nodded "Of course! Don't worry about her I'll make sure she doesn't bother you and Harry again Lady Ereshkigal".

Everyone gaped at the minister and inwardly thought {he's going to ignore it!?} but then they decided to just ignore it as well, Bagman just grinned and stepped forward "Well! I welcome everyone to the wand weighing ceremony!, Garrick Ollivander our well-renowned wand maker will be the one inspecting the champions' wands to make sure they're in perfect working condition!".

Mr. Ollivander just smile and nodded "Very well then let's begin" Mr. Ollivander turned towards Fleur "Ladies First if you would Ms. Delacour?".

Fleur nodded and stepped forward and handed her wand to Mr. Ollivander who gently took it and began to inspect it "hmm 9 1/2 inches, Rosewood, and a core... o my!".

Fleur nodded and spoke, "Yes, veela hair is one of my grandmother's".

Mr. Ollivander nodded "I see, I've never used veela hair as a core, I find them to cause a wand to be quite inflexible..." he waved Fleur's wand and it produced pink and gold sparks from the tip of the wand.

Mr. Ollivander nodded "Yes, it is in perfect working condition" he gently gave the wand back to Fleur who stepped back after taking her wand back.

Viktor stepped forward and handed his wand next to Ollivander who took it "hmm ahh a Gregorovitch creation correct?".

Viktor nodded "Yes, one his last".

Mr. Ollivander nodded and waved it, a bouquet of orchids sprouted from the tip "10 1/4 Hornbeam wood with a dragon heartstring core quite hardy, in perfect condition".

Mr. Ollivander handed the wand back to its owner and Viktor stepped back once he had his wand back in his hand.

Cedric stepped forward next and handed his wand to Mr. Ollivander who took it and began to inspect it with a smile "Ah Mr. Diggory, 12 1/4 Ash, unicorn hair core pleasantly springy, I hope you have been taking good care of your wand Mr. Diggory".

Cedric nodded "Yes! I polish it every night!" Mr. Ollivander smiled and then waved the wand, a bunch of white doves flew from the tip and then they got out from one of the room's open windows "it's in perfect working condition".

Mr. Ollivander nodded pleasantly and handed Cedric back his wand who stepped back.

Ollivander turned his gaze towards Harry and smiled "Well, it's certainly nice to finally meet you Mr. Potter, I was waiting for you to show up in my shop to get your wand but you never arrived, I am curious to see what kind of wand you are using".

Harry tilted his head in confusion "I have never used a wand, Mr. Ollivander, I don't need one to use magic".

Everyone gaped at him, sure no one has seen him use a wand before, but everyone in Hogwarts just assumed that he had one just never had a need to use it, even Dumbledore thought this to be the case.

Madam Maxime who was still quite aggravated by the inclusion of the famous Harry Potter into the tournament decide to speak up "Don't be silly child, it's impossible for someone as young as you to be able to use wandless ma-".

She was unable to finish speaking when Harry pointed an open palm towards one of the open windows which was showing the black lake "'O incandescent locus, annihilate the vulgar before me! Spiral Flare!'".

Wind and fire merged and formed I spiraling orb of intense blue flames on Harry's opened palm, everyone in the room except Ereshkigal and Harry began to sweat and cover themselves with magic shields in an effort to not be burned by the intense heat, suddenly the spiraling orb shoots off in high speed leaving a trail of blue flames as it flew out the open window, over the black lake and towards the clouds until Harry snapped his fingers and the orb detonated into a giant plume of spiraling blue flames that lit up the sky, everyone gaped while Ereshkigal was putting out the trail of blue flames left behind by Harry's spell.

Everyone in the school looked out the windows and saw the amazing display of blue fire in the sky, the Hogwarts students just shrugged it off knowing that Harry was somehow involved.

Meanwhile, the French students and Swedish students just wanted to go home and forget the craziness that seems to happen often in this school.

Sirius and Remus just looked up and chuckled while the girls looked up and smiled in fondness, completely ignoring Susan's and Hermione's gaping faces.

A few moments later the spell ran its course and finally stopped, everyone nervously turned towards Harry who smiled and spoke up "That was a legendary rank spell, a combination of fire and wind, the spell itself is unstoppable until it detonates and has a piercing effect, that means that no barrier or ward can stop it".

Harry turned to the gaping and quiet terrified Madam Maxime "Still think am not able to use magic without a wand?".

Harry grinned and turned towards Mr. Ollivander "Anyways like I was about to say but someone didn't let me finish!" he turned to glare at Madam Maxime who froze and look down in fear "I do own a wand, an heirloom from one of my families though I've never used it. If you want you can inspect it, but I'm not going to use it for the tournament".

Mr. Ollivander still shocked from what he just saw Harry pull off just nodded, Harry mentally opened his inventory and pulled out the Elder wand.

The moment Dumbledore saw the Elder wand he wanted to step forward and take it but Ereshkigal clamped a hand over his shoulder and squeezed causing him to freeze and let out a grunt of pain, he turned his gaze towards Ereshkigal only to jump and start trembling in fear the moment he saw the glaring eyes of the goddess of death, he wisely decided to stay where he was.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ollivander took the wand and immediately recognized it "t-the Elder wand...".

Everyone gasped, at least once in every wizard and witch's life they have heard of the legend of the three brothers and the three deathly hollows, or at least read the book.

Harry nodded and Mr. Ollivander stared into Harry's eyes "You're a Peverell..." he turned his gaze towards the elder wand and inspected it "15 inches, Elder wood and Thestral tail hair core... a tricky substance that only wizards that mastered death can control..".

This time Mr. Ollivander didn't try to use the wand, he had a feeling that something horrible would happen to him if he did, so instead, he handed the wand back to Harry who put it back into his inventory.

Mr. Ollivander just looked up "To think that I would ever see and touch the elder wand... I believe that you Mr. Potter will be its last and only master, I wished I could see it in action but you don't need it, it's a shame but oh well... with this the wand weighing ceremony is over".

Mr. Ollivander smiled and walked towards the door where he stepped out, the photographer asked for pictures of the champions and was genuinely surprised that Harry agreed, afterwards he left with a smile on his face while floating Rita's unconscious body behind him.

Cedric and Viktor nodded towards Harry and left, Fleur was pushed out of the room in a hurry by a terrified Madam Maxime.

Harry and Ereshkigal left while having a friendly chat about video games, Fudge and Bagman left in silence, still shocked about what they have just seen.

And Dumbledore just stood there frozen in shock and anger, finding out that Harry now owns the Elder wand ruined his day.


(Timeskip November 24)

The group continued to spend their days happily spending time with their friends and enjoying their vacation.

November 24 soon arrived and Harry was led into the champion's tent where the other champions were waiting for the first task to begin.

Harry saw Rita Skeeter inside the tent and walk up to her, he then proceeded to grab her by the scruff of her ugly green jacket and throw her out of the tent.

Rita screamed loudly as she flew out of the tent until she landed and bounced three times on the ground until she stopped on the ground once again unconscious.

Harry turned around and waved at everyone "Hey everyone! ready for the first task?".

The champions just deadpan at him causing him to nervously chuckle "tough crowd...".

Cedric chuckled and spoke up "sigh... only you would be this relaxed knowing you're facing dragon Harry..".

Sometime after the wand weighing ceremony, Kunou found the dragon pens in the forbidden forest and proceeded to tell Harry and the other champions about them allowing them to prepare themselves.

However, she was confused as to why they would call a wyvern a dragon but she just assumed that the wizards were being silly and didn't say anything.

This was the reason Harry didn't know that they were going to face what wizards call a dragon and thus was excited to fight it but when he finds out the truth, he won't be happy.

Bagman stepped inside with a big smile on his face "Lady and Gentlemen! I hope you're all ready for the first task!".

Harry and the champions nodded confidently causing Bagman's smile to grow even bigger "Very well!" he brought out a bag and opened it "The first task will have you facing dragons! and the goal is to recover the golden egg being guarded by the dragons! please reach inside this bag and pull out a dragon, depending on the one you pull your turn and the type of dragon will be chosen".

Harry was excited but the other champions were nervous, to them dragons were wizard killers and that made them afraid.

Bagman continued to smile and turned towards Fleur "Ladies first!".

Fleur reached in and pull out her dragon, Bagman looked at it and smiled "Ms. Delacour, you'll be facing the the Common Welsh Green and will be going second".

Viktor stepped forward after fleur stepped aside and reached in and pulled out his dragon, Bagman looked at it and spoke up "Mr. Krum you'll be facing the Chinese Fireball and will be going third!".

Cedric stepped forward next and reached in and pulled out his dragon " Mr. Diggory is facing his dragon first and it's the Swedish Short-Snout!".

Harry walked up next but inwardly he was confused as to why they were calling these lizards that were obviously wyverns, dragons but he decided to stay quiet until he could see what he would be facing.

Harry reached in and pull out the tiny lizard who froze in fear the moment it saw Harry, meanwhile Harry stared at it, while Bagman looked at the dragon and spoke up " and Mr. Potter is facing the fearsome Hungarian Horntail! and going last".

Harry turned towards everyone while holding the tiny terrified Hungarian Horntail by the scruff of its neck "this isn't a dragon... this is a wyvern".

Everyone looked at him confused meanwhile Bagman spoke up "Errr these are dragons Mr. Potter, you should easily recognize it".

Harry glared "I know what a dragon looks like... this isn't a dragon".

Cedric spoke up next hoping to stop Harry from murdering Bagman "Harry to us wizards, these are dragons".

Harry turned his gaze toward his friend "You mean to tell me that you consider these dragons?".

Everyone gulped at Harry's tone and nodded causing Harry to growl and stay quiet but they couldn't help but be confused as to why Harry seemed so insulted.

Inwardly Harry was seething while glaring at the tiny Lizard, which was now pale and trembling in Harry's hand {How can you see this thing and call it a dragon?! this is goddamn wyvern!...} everyone was unaware of Harry's eyes glowing ominously, the champions were distracted with mentally preparing themselves and Bagman had already stepped out.

Harry glared ahead towards the entrance to the prepared arena for the first task {I'm going to show these wizards and witches what a true dragon looks like... they'll learn not to ever insult my kind by confusing us with these useless tiny lizards...}.

The British magicals were completely unaware of the insult they had just slapped Harry in the face with, but they were about to find out how terrifying and foolish is to insult a dragon and nothing in the world would prepare them for the shock they were about to receive.