
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Livres et littérature
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242 Chs

Chapter 13

~Kyoto, Japan: Yokai elder's council room~

A month has passed since the Hero faction attacked in hopes of forcing Yasaka into their plans, however, their plot was stopped by Harry's students, Kunou the Princess of Kyoto who is a Keyblade wielder and user of light, Le Fay a magic caster who became a master swordswoman, and Valerie a vampire sharpshooter.

The fame these three gained made them famous among the Yokai faction. Of course, it would; three members of their faction had become powerhouses, further cementing the Yokai faction's position into one of the strongest in the world. Word quickly spread around and the other factions grew even more concerned and wary of the power the Yokai faction has gathered.

However this fame also made them a target of others' greed and some of the high-class devils became envious and greedy and in their arrogance, they committed a grievous mistake when they tried to capture and force the girls into their peerage behind the back of the Maous', of course, they were instantly destroyed by said girls and whatever was left of their bodies were taken back to the underworld by a pissed off Harry where he dumped the bodies in front of a shocked Sirzechs and Serafall. After he dumped the devil's bodies like they were trash he left with a warning 'Either you stop this or I will and trust me, you don't want me to fix your problems to this '.

This caused panic to the devil faction since the dead devils were high class, however, their families were severely punished and fined something that caused an uproar but they were ignored, a few days later the Maous declared that any devil regardless of status found antagonizing the Yokai faction and more importantly Harry Potter will be declared traitors and their entire family executed.

It was then that the devils learned to not only fear Harry Potter but that they no longer were the strongest faction.

After that, the devil faction sent monetary recompense along with an official apology by the four Maous and the devil elders, it seems like Azazel became an example of what not to do when it involved the Yokai faction and Harry potter.

A few days later a meeting was scheduled somewhere in two months between Serafall and Yasaka, who once again asked me to be present, even though Serafall and Yasaka are friends she didn't want to lower her guard, not after her daughter was so openly attacked something I agreed with.

Soon after a council meeting between Yokai elders, Yasaka, and I was called and this morning it began with an official report.

The elders were all old and wrinkly but friendly yokai, among them was the Ōkami elder Homura, who even though he might look scary with all those scars on his body, was known as a friendly old dude who was beloved by the many children in Kyoto who would always visit him in his candy shop. He also happens to be the leader of Remus's chosen wolf pack and the two of them get along pretty well.

The leader of Inugami was a friendly old lady named Chiyo who happened to be Yui's grandmother. Everyone calls her granny and considers her their mother figure, even Yasaka was treated like a child by her all the time something that always embarrasses her. She and Sirius seem to get along too and often would play pranks on each other.

The elder of the Tengus was a buff-looking old man who would often flex his muscles at you in challenge, his name is Kurobe. It would always bring a chuckle out of me when I would see him flex out of nowhere at some poor terrified random guy.

The Kappa elder Souma, who was more than likely to be found floating on a pond taking nap was a very mellow old guy who got along with everyone.

And lastly, Kimiko a petite oni who in contradiction to her looks can easily punch and destroy mountains. She was the quiet type and often would just Stare and listen to you only responding with a nod or a shake of her head.

These five were the most important and respected elders of the yokai faction.

Yasaka and I were sitting together while I was giving a report on all the information gathered so far "After going through the memories of Jeanne of the Hero faction I can confirm the following, the old satan faction and some of the new devil faction members, Kokabiel and multiple fallen angels, former Archpriest Valper Galilei along a great number of stray exorcists, Hades ruler of the dead of the Olympian faction along his reapers, Asura of the Hindu faction, Loki God of Mischief of Asgard, whatever remains of the Hero faction and an assortment of Evil dragons are all members of the Khaos Brigade" I look at the elders with a frown on my face as I informed them of this.

Homura closed his eyes "How can so many members of so many factions, gather together and form a terrorist organization of this magnitude? and without no one noticing?".

I nod a Homura "Good question, my guess? The factions' leaders have become so arrogant and negligent that it became easy for the members of their factions to do this, they may be suspicious sure, but I bet they don't have any proof and so they're afraid to make any moves against any member of their factions".

Chiyo spoke up "But they must have a good reason to be this open of their operations? They so blatantly attacked us and supported the Tepes vampire clan to wage civil war, those two events are too big to have been done so openly".

I nod and gaze at Yasaka who spoke up "Well we caught them with their pants down in Romania so we're pretty sure they weren't expecting to be caught but thanks to Jeanne we know where all of that confidence comes from, it is a bit of shock but it can be traced back to their leader, Ophis Ouroboros the Dragon God or Infinity".

The elders' eyes widen in shock, and even the usually sleepy Souma looked wide awake now and spoke up "Why would the Infinite Dragon God lead such an organization? it has never involved itself with the world before, it makes no sense...".

Yasaka takes a breath and looks up "Well according to Jeanne, Ophis is gathering powerful individuals to defeat Great red who has invaded and force it out of its home in the dimensional gap, so it gathered and empowered with its own power some of the leaders of the Khaos Brigade luckily Harry and the girls have taken down some of these leaders, otherwise the Khaos Brigade threat level would be higher".

Homura speaks up "How foolish, it seems like Great Red lives in the dimensional gap now, how did they plan to get there and confront it?".

I spoke up this time "They were planning to use Yasaka and her connection to Kyoto's leylines. That was one of the reasons they attacked, their plan consisted of the capture of Kunou to force Yasaka to connect Kyoto's leylines to something called a dragon gate and force open a whole into the dimensional gap, the other reason was that they were hoping that the battle would have awakened the balance breaker on some of the members of the hero faction but as we all witness they weren't expecting the girls to be that powerful along the fact that the guards and even Yasaka and Ereshkigal have been training".

Chiyo shakes her head "How dangerous if the leylines collapsed from overuse Japan would have been destroyed and the world would have suffered from all sorts of natural disasters, did they really think they would have gotten away with this?".

I nod at Chiyo's statement "They didn't really plan everything correctly granny, in their hubris they didn't think of the consequences, they arrogantly showed up here believing that there was no way they could fail" I shook my head "The hero faction was mostly composed of mistreated humans, all of them had a bad experience from the supernatural factions and so in their hate they believe to be self-righteous only to end up dead, its sad really, they could have accomplished so many wonderful things but they chose a path of war and hate".

The elder shook their head in disappointment, Kurobe spoke up "And what are we going to do with the prisoners".

This time Yasaka speaks up "The young child named Leonardo had his sacred gear, Annihilation Maker safely taken by Harry, we removed his memories of his time as a member of the Hero faction and took him to a well-respected orphanage, he's just a child who was manipulated because he had a Longinus so we gave him a chance for a better life, away from the supernatural world as for Jeanne? she'll continue to be our prisoners until we have a better idea of what to do with her plus she's been cooperative so far".

The elders nod in agreement and I choose to speak up "Also I've decided to leave a group of Digimon to protect and dissuade any other faction from attacking or thinking they can do anything they want like the devils who tried to force the girls into their peerages".

Chiyo smiled and spoke up "You must be proud of the girls, all of Kyoto witnessed their battles and it has inspired many of the younger generations into becoming stronger".

I smile and nod "Yes, of course, I'm proud, they'd trained so hard for their power and now that they witness how strong they become they have started to train even harder, even Luna who joined a month ago is quickly catching up".

Everyone chuckled at the mention of Luna, who quickly became a welcomed and beloved sight in Kyoto, everyone loves her and her kind and cheerful attitude, her parents also became a welcomed sight on the streets of Kyoto by the yokai, Pandora who loves learning new things and could be easily found pestering a poor yokai or two and Xenophilius who would take pictures of the many yokai who live in Kyoto and print them on his newspaper the Quibbler, something that according to Andy almost gave a heart attack to Dumbledore.

She informed us that the ministry and the purebloods who have tried to hide the existence of other supernatural factions from the British magical community tried to censor the Quibbler but it was too late, the Wizarding world now knows that there are other far more powerful supernatural beings out there and it brought unwanted changes to the ministry.

This also caused many muggle-borns to leave Britain and moved to Kyoto where they were accepted and could get well-payed jobs, something the ministry tried to stop with promises of better treatment and better pay but it was too late, and little by little they were losing talented individuals to the Yokai faction.

"Speaking of the girls, I would like to request for them and me to become an official team, they're getting stronger but they need more experience so I want to take them on missions as a learning experience".

Yasaka nods and the elders agree "Very well, I must admit that I was hesitant to let Kunou travel outside of Kyoto but... she has grown so much and so strong, I want her to keep growing and learning, besides I can trust Harry to keep her and the girls safe" I smile at Yasaka and nod.

Chiyo speaks up "Anything else to report? I rather not leave that dogfather of yours unsupervised with Yui for too long, who knows what kind of trouble they would get up to" I grin at Chiyo knowingly causing one of her eyebrows to twitch in annoyance.

Yasaka giggles "Yes just two more things, both Serafall Leviathan and Archangel Gabriel have requested a meeting with me, I scheduled them about a month from now since Harry's eleventh birthday is coming up, I'm not sure what Gabriel wants but I believe Serafall wants to officially apologize to us again for those devils that tried to force the girls into their peerages, it seems like they don't want to risk war with us or rather they don't want Harry to have reasons to start a massacre again fufufu".

I shook my head and chuckle "Also we'll keep investigating the Khaos Brigade, so far we know who is involved and why but we don't have any proof so we can't do anything about them right now, at least not until they make a move first, now how about we go outside and I'll introduce you to the Digimon I've chosen for the squad in charge of Kyoto's protection"

Everyone nods and follows me outside, once we reach the palace gardens I signal everyone to wait and I walk up a bit ahead of everyone "Realize!".

13 pillars of light surge up ahead of me, the amount of energy and power being unleashed was so much that every yokai in Kyoto tensed up and look up to the pillars of light.

Yasaka and the elders could only gape at the amount of power they were sensing from these 13 beings taking form in front of them, little by little more of these beings becomes more visible until 13 massive knight-like beings finish fully forming and take a knee in front of Harry who smiles and gently pats the knee of the black colored knight.

"Hello Alphamon, it's been a while old friend" Amazingly Alphamon eye smiles at Harry "Harry! it's good to see you again!" despite the intimidating size and look, Alphamon seems very cheerful and gentle.

Yasaka stares at these powerful beings in shock and speaks up "H-harry... what? I-i mean who are they?".

I smile at her and gently pat one of her hands to calm her down "Relax Yasaka, these are more of my Digimon friends, they're known as the royal knights and they're mega-level Digimon" I look back at the knights "Introduce yourselves guys".

The knights stand up and eye smile at me Alphamon speaks up "As you heard my name is Alphamon, leader of the royal knights".

Then a deep blue dragonic-looking one steps up and grins "My name is UltraforceVedramon but call me Vee! nice to meet you".

A knight wearing feminine pink armor steps up and bows a "Greetings my name is Crusadermon, it is a pleasure to meet you".

A feline-looking knight stepped up next "Hey there! my name is Leopardmon it's nice to meet you too".

A white knight wearing a majestic red cape steps up "Hello everyone I am Gallantmon, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance".

Another white knight stepped up next and eye smiles "And I am Dynasmon, it's nice to meet you".

Next was a soft blue knight with a skull-like head "My name is Craniamon, I hope we all get along".

The next one looked like a manly yakuza boss, he is wearing and white long jacket on his shoulders as a cape "my name is Gankoomon, am looking forward to working with you and the elders Yasaka-sama".

Another knight who seems to be made out of swords steps up "And I am Jesmon, like sensei am looking forward to working with all of you too".

A golden armored knight steps up next "My name is Magnamon, nice to met ya!".

Another white armored knight steps up " And I am Imperialdramon paladin mode!".

Two other knights step up, one is white with two heads for hands and a beautiful cape and the other seems to look like an armored centaur "Hello, I am Omnimon, and besides me is Kentaurosmon, do forgive him but he doesn't like to speak much" Kentaurosmon nods.

However the last one was massive and even more intimidating, it just stayed floating there as he stares at Kyoto for a while until it turned to look at Yasaka and the elders, it stare at them for a minute, until it smile and saluted with his giant spear "My name is Examon, I like this place!" Yasaka and the elder nod nervously but a chuckle makes them jump a bit and turn to look at Harry.

"It's alright everyone, all of them are my friends and even though they look scary they're all big softies" Alphamon chuckled as the other knights complained and moaned in annoyance.

"Harry at least let us look cool for a while longer, jeez" Vee pouted making Yasaka giggle.

"Well it's nice to meet you noble knights, thank you for agreeing to keep Kyoto and my people safe" Yasaka smiles gently at the knight and bows.

Omnimon takes a knee in front of her "Do not bow Lady Yasaka, we are happy to help but a leader shouldn't bow to her knights" the knights' nod in agreement and Yasaka smiles at them and turns to Harry.

"Thank you, Harry, but how are they going to guard Kyoto, they're quite massive and if a human catches sight of them it might cause a panic".

I nod "Don't worry they can become Invisible and change size by digitizing, only Alphamon and Omnimon will be visible at all times and they'll be posted at the palace, this way anyone will think twice about attacking Kyoto again".

I turn towards the knights and smile "Alright everyone from now on listen to Yasaka and protect Kyoto".

The knights saluted with a hand on their chest "Yes!" All of them seemed to vanish in flashes of light, only Omnimon and Alphamon stayed behind or so it would seem since everyone can still sense their presence.

Yasaka smiles at the knights and signals them to follow her "Follow me, I'll be going back to the palace now" She lightly bows to elders and waves happily at Harry as she walks off with the two Digimon royal knights following her close behind.

I turn to the elders and bow "That will be all for today, I'll keep everyone posted as soon as find any new information " The elders' nod and bow slightly and begin to walk off, I take off flying and soon reach a forest outside of Kyoto where an excited Luna is waiting patiently.

Gently I land and wave at Luna "Hello Luna, you seem excited" Luna brightly smiles at me and rushes forward towards me.

"Hello Harry! and I am, I can't wait to find out what I'll be learning today".

This past month appears to have been the best time of her life ever and a few days later after she was chosen as a keyblade wielder her keyblade finally manifested its name?, Glimpse of Darkness with it now in her possession I began to teach her to harness and wield darkness.

However she surprised me, I came to learn that she has an unprecedented talent with darkness, everything I teach her she learns almost automatically and I've seen her use the element in ways I didn't even know was possible, of course, I asked her how? usually, a person would be afraid or overwhelmed when using such a volatile element, her answer shocked me.

"Hm? Why would I be afraid of my darkness? It's mine, It's a part of me, It wouldn't hurt me because I wouldn't hurt myself, that's just silly Harry" I was speechless, Luna's innocence gave her a mastery over darkness that hasn't been seen before, one example is how she can manifest tendrils of darkness that drain energy from her enemies and use that energy to heal her allies.

But all that aside I was very proud of her, she's been catching up to the rest of the team and always tries her best so today am rewarding her for her efforts.

"Today I'll be giving you something unique, like Kunou's Holy fire, Le Fay's Clarent, and Valerie's Ebony and Ivory, I'll be gifting you something that'll help you in battle something unique to you, you already have Dragon Core, Perfect Control, and Universal Energy just like the rest of the girls but today I'm giving you this" I pull out a skill orb I've received not long ago and Luna grabs it and begins to inspect it excitedly.

"What is it? It's very pretty" I chuckle and gently pat Luna's head something she has taken quite a liking to and always asks me to do "It's a skill orb named Summoning, It's a skill that allows you to summon elemental spirits to fight alongside you, it takes a large amount of energy to use such a skill but Dragon Core and Perfect Control will help you with that and besides your growing in power rather quickly so I'm sure you'll be able to easily handle it, now just crush it and the skill will be yours".

Luna nods and crushes the skill orb, immediately her head gets filled with information about the elemental spirits now ready to be summoned by her something that makes her happy and fills her with a feeling that she'll never be alone again, something that makes her smile fondly, before now she didn't have a lot of friends so she always felt a bit lonely but now she has Harry and the girls and now her summon spirits.

Luna closes her eyes and focuses "Undine, Ifrit, Sylph, Gnome, Volt, Celsius, Shadow, Luna hehehe, Origin, and Grandpa Maxwell it's nice to meet you..." She seems to be speaking with the spirits and they just introduced themselves "It looks like they accepted you".

She opens her eyes and happily nods "Yes! They seem fun and I even share a name with one of them!" she happily fist pumps and I couldn't help but smile at her antics.

"Come on, let's go find the others and go to an Instant dungeon, let's see you're new skill in action" she nods her head and takes off running towards me, she grabs hold of my hand and begins to excitedly pull me as we walk back towards the palace to look for everyone.


~Underworld: Sirzechs's Office~

Both Serafall and Sirzechs were having a very important meeting, both were rightly upset with some of the high-class devils that disobey their orders to leave the yokai faction alone but no! they had to go and provoke them and now they have a bunch of dead pure blood devils and an angry powerhouse faction against them.

Serafall on her part was sad, she's in charge of international affairs and has been friends with Yasaka for years but now, she's not sure Yasaka even considers her a friend anymore, her daughter was personally attacked by members of her faction and this rightly pissed her off.

Serafall heavily sigh "... This is a mess Sirzechs the yokai have every right to declare war on us, her daughter was targeted for Lucifer's sake! I'm surprised they didn't kick our sisters out Kuoh as it is...".

Sirzechs for his part can't help but to feel angry, for some devils to go behind their backs and so openly attack the daughter of a major faction was not only foolish but the sheer gall of them to think they could get away with it grated on his nerves something fierce "I don't know Serafall, we can't afford a war with them we'd be destroyed... you heard Azazel's and Ajuka's report, the individual known as Harry Potter is already considered to be at the top of the world's strongest list now, along with Ophis and Great Red, and those strange creatures being reported to have helped him purge the fallen angels out of Japan... the scans couldn't even measure their power levels sigh...".

Serafall closed her eyes "We gave them monetary recompense and an official apology but I'll have to make sure we keep a friendly relationship with the Yokai faction from now on, hopefully, Yasaka knows that this happened behind our back but we can't let this happen ever again".

Sirzechs nods "We already gave the announcement and hopefully that will make any devil think twice about doing this again after all the consequence of anyone caught or even being suspected to provoke the Yokai faction will be to be declared traitors and their families and them will be executed no exceptions".

Serafall opens her eyes "We have to let my Sona and little Rias know that they're forbidden from even approaching anyone from the Yokai faction without permission, especially Harry Potter... he wouldn't hesitate to kill them and dump their bodies at our feet if they provoke his wrath".

Both Maous frown at the thought of their beloved little sisters being killed but they know that they have to control this otherwise it could mean the end for the devil race.


~Vatican: Exorcists Barracks~

Gabriel was in the Vatican preparing for her trip to Kyoto, she choose Griselda Quarta and her Apprentices Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou to accompany her.

"Griselda it's important you control young Xenovia and Irina in this meeting, we can't afford to incite hostilities with the Yokai faction and Harry potter".

Griselda nods "Is the Yokai faction that much powerful now?".

Gabriel nods "Yes, the scans and reports are accurate, the Yokai faction has risen in power and as of now it's considered a major faction, Harry Potter alone is already assumed to be on top of the strongest list, his three students who one is the young daughter of Yasaka, the other is a Pendragon and the last one a dhampir seem to be powerful enough to be in the top ten and those strange creatures that seem to obey Harry Potter would make the Yokai faction a dangerous enemy and we the church and heaven faction can't measure up to them, we'd be destroyed...".

Griselda could only gape in shock at Gabriel's words, she can only hope Xenovia can keep her mouth shut.


(Timeskip: three weeks after)

~Kyoto: Yasaka's Palace~

Today is Harry's birthday and this morning he has decided on sleeping late and being lazy for the day, he really should have known better.

As Harry was sleeping peacefully a dark corridor opened above him and the girls fell down from it on top of him "Fugh!" then the door to his room slammed open and two dogs, a wolf and a werewolf joined on the now literal dog pile completely destroying Harry's bed "Ugh... w-why?..." poor Harry could only groan from his position at the bottom of the pile.

The girls cheerfully giggle while the canines barked joyfully "Happy birthday Harry!".

"It doesn't feel happy at all! get off!" everyone laughed and jump down from him while I grumbled in annoyance and with a wave of my hand fixed my poor abused bed "A whole heartily regret teaching you how to use the dark corridor Luna" The only thing I received in return to my statement was a sweet smile.

"I hope everyone knows that my revenge will be ruthless and swift!" Everyone stepped back from Harry as his eyes glowed ominously.

"Fufufu now, now Harry leave that for later, there is cake and presents to be open" A cheerful Yasaka with a giggling Ereshkigal step into my room.

"Sigh... fine.. come on everyone let's eat that cake" I smile at everyone as I walk out of my room everyone following close behind smiling and laughing.

Everyone that I consider family gathered to celebrate my eleventh birthday bringing a smile to my face, the cake was delicious, thankfully Yasaka and the girls were able to keep Ereshkigal away from the kitchen, they didn't want another incident like the pasta monster crisis to happen again.

An hour passed and we all had fun and ate a lot, I got some good presents from everyone, magic books from Remus and Le Fay, manga, anime and video games from Sirius, Kunou, and Valerie, a bottle cap necklace from Luna and clothes from Yasaka and Ereshkigal.

As we all sat and talked joyfully a young tengu who is a member of Anbu appeared in a blur holding an unconscious Phoenix by the legs.

"Yasaka-sama, Harry-sama we found this bird unconscious outside of the palace wards, it seem to have a letter addressed to you Harry-sama" Harry gazed at Sirius and Remus in understanding, we knew this was coming.

"Thank you, you may leave back to your post" The tengu vanishes in a burst of black feathers.

Meanwhile, I pick up the letter and open it.



Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find the enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment added to this letter.

We await your owl by no later than 31 of July.


Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress.


"Hmm..." I take out the list of necessary books and equipment and read through it.


Robes (black).

One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear.

One pair of protective gloves (dragonhide or similar).

One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings) Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.

All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk.

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot.

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling.

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch.

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore.

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander.

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble.

A Wand.

Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2).



Brass scales.

An owl OR a cat OR a toad.


Yours sincerely.

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions.


"Huh?... all of this seems very primitive a pointed hat? I mean Le Fay looked cute with hers but not everyone should wear one" I hand the letter to a blushing and curious Le Fay who could only sweatdrop as she reads the list.

"British magicals are still using scales and cauldrons?..wow!" both Sirius and Remus wince as if they were being struck.

Meanwhile, I shake my head and stare at the unconscious Phoenix when I was hit with an idea for an awesome prank, something that the grin on my face alerted everyone.

Kunou giggles "Sensei is plotting something~".

I grin at Kunou and quickly summon a pen and paper to write a letter, when I was done I grabbed the unconscious bird and tied the letter to it, and ran outside, everyone excitedly runs out too to see what I would do.

"Realize Hououmon!" An enormous golden Phoenix with two pairs of massive wings appears in a burst of golden flames and lands in front of me and leans her head towards me, I smile and gently pet her beak.

"Hello Hououmon, can you do me a favor and take this bird and letter to Hogwarts, and let the old fool know not to send garbage unless he wants me to destroy and make a show off it ok?

Hououmon smiles and nods, she picks up the unconscious Fawkes in one of her talons, and in a flash of golden light and fire vanishes.

Sirius approaches me with a grin "That's just evil Harry!" I grin at him and nod.

"Well... I am a Demonlord after all, a bit of fun evil is a must" everyone shares a laugh as we go back to the party in a good mood.


~Highlands, Scotland: Hogwarts castle~

Albus Dumbledore was in good mood today, finally, he found out where Harry Potter is hiding and even though he can't go to Japan for risk of getting attacked by the faction in charge of the country he's sure the boy will attend Hogwarts then he'll finally gain control of the boy-who-lived once school starts, He even sent Fawkes to give the boy his admission letter, there's no way he won't receive it.

However, as we all know, his good mood is about to disappear.

In a flash of golden light and fire, an enormous Phoenix appeared, its sheer presence completely destroyed the school's wards sending the staff in a panic to rush outside to confront this powerful being, Albus along Minerva arrived first and could only gape at the enormous bird who landed softly and stare at the old fool with a glare causing the headmaster to sweat and shake until a soft voice made it gaze behind him.

"You're a Digimon aren't you?" a smiling Andromeda Tonks steps forward as all of the school teachers finally arrived only to stop and gape at the enormous bird who nods slightly at her question.

Minerva who looks back at the potion's professor questions her "You know what this creature is Andy?".

Andromeda smiles and steps forward and Hououmon leans in to be petted which Andromeda cheerfully does "All I know is that it's a being called a Digimon and that it along with many others like it are Harry's familiars".

Everyone gaped at this news, to think that Harry Potter had such powerful creatures as his familiars were outstanding, meanwhile, Dumbledore was panicking never in his dream would have thought that the boy would have such powerful familiars.

Hououmon eye smiled at Andromeda "You must be Andy, Sirius and Harry told us about you, my name is Hououmon it's nice to meet another member of Harry's family" everyone's eyes widen in shock when they heard its melodious feminine voice.

The teachers couldn't help but exclaim "It can speak!".

Andromeda just rolls her eyes at their reaction "Of course SHE can speak jeez everyone relax" then she turns and smiles at Hououmon " It's nice to meet you to Hououmon but what brings you here? it's Harry's birthday today so why would he send you?".

Hououmon grins and swings one of her talons letting go of an unconscious Fawkes that crashes against Dumbledore causing him to land on his ass.

"Harry sends a letter and a warning to not send garbage to him, he doesn't have time to keep returning it and he might just get rid of it if it happens again".

Dumbledore hugs Fawkes tightly in fear and as he does Minerva spies a note tied to the unconscious phoenix, she softly swings her hand and the note flies towards her, she opens it and begins to read out loud.


Dear old fool.

There's no way in hell I'll ever consider going to Hogwarts, you must be going senile if you believe that I would, and here are a few reasons why.

1: I hate you.

2: There is absolutely nothing for me to learn in Hogwarts that I haven't learned already.

3: I really fucking hate you.

4: I have cut all ties with the British magical community, I don't have to attend Hogwarts.

5: As a high-ranking member of the Japanese Yokai faction I am often busy and so I don't have time to play school boy.

For these reasons and more I have to decline your invitation to attend Hogwarts School of magic.


Lord Harry James Potter.


My Phoenix is bigger than yours old man hah!


Andromeda was giggling uncontrollably while the other teachers' sweatdrop.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore was gritting his teeth until Hououmon takes off flying laughing and disappearing in a flash of golden flames leaving a humiliated Headmaster on his ass.