
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 135

Harry listened to Commander Shepard as he explained what he was there for and what he had seen so far, in the end, Harry could see, that the commander and the rest of his team didn't have any idea what was going on in this place.

Harry nodded "I see, so you're looking for this beacon, ancient alien technology, but this attack happened and now you're also investigating".

Shepard nodded "Yes".

Harry sighed and scratched his head "What a way to start this mission huh?".

Shepard didn't know why, but the way Harry just said that led him to believe, that he had plenty of experience with missions going sideways, so he couldn't help but smile, a small smile but one filled with amusement.

Kunou then spoke up "Still, to think, this is a colonist planet, to think humans have come this far in this world".

Shepard, Ashley, and Kaidan looked at her in confusion, which Harry noticed "Don't worry about it for now, it would take too long to explain and you don't have the time for a long story right now".

Shepard nodded "Harry is right, we have to keep moving".

Shepard then turned his head towards Harry, his instincts were telling him that Harry would be a very useful ally, he didn't know why and he had just met the guy.

but something about him, just made Shepard feel at ease, it was almost like being with Admiral Anderson, someone of higher rank with a lot of experience backing him up and if there was one thing Shepard truly trusted, was his instincts.

Harry stared at Shepard while he waited for him to say what was on his mind, Shepard then spoke up "Harry, I know I have no right to ask a civilian for this... but would you aid us in this mission?".

Ashley and Kaidan exchanged looks, it was very unorthodox to ask a civilian to help with military business, but they also knew that Harry and the girls weren't normal people.

They had seen a glimpse of what Harry could do, both of them have never seen anyone ever conjure fire like that, they doubted any biotic could pull that off.

Harry nodded at Shepard and even gave him a smile "Sure, I have no problem giving a hand, besides, from what I hear, this whole universe is bigger than anything we've seen, I think it would best to stick around with somebody rather than to go on our own".

Shepard nodded, he seemed intrigued by the way Harry said all of that, but decided to leave it alone for now "Thank you, I promise you, that I will give you any aid that you might need".

Harry nodded "Thanks" he then turned his head towards the girls "Looks like we're sticking with Shepard and his team, so let's help him here and then see about finding more about where we are".

The girls nodded, Valerie then smiled "I already found some very interesting things~" Valerie then pointed at weapons Shepard and his team had on their backs.

Kunou giggled "You and your weapons Valerie but yeah, I'm more curious about the kinds of aliens we'll find here! I'm going to have to take a lot of pictures for Luna and Orihime~".

Le Fay nodded "Yeah, they would probably be really ticked off if we don't take something for them, I think I'll take a look around the technology here, I'm sure Hermione and Tony would be interested in it".

Harry smiled at his girlfriends and nodded, he was glad they quickly found things that interested them, he then turned his head towards Commander Shepard "Alright! Then lead the way Commander, we'll support you as best as we can".

Shepard nodded "Then let's go! We're checking on the campsite first".

Everyone nodded and the group quickly took off to continue to search for answers.


Shepard and the group, searched around for a bit as they moved along, Valerie would enthusiastically grab any weapon they would find and somehow put it in her pockets.

It seems, she was collecting them so she could research their functions and whatnot, while strange to Shepard and his team, they didn't mind, especially because she would give them the best weapons to swap for their old ones.

Soon enough, they reached a building and went straight to the door, however, Ashley immediately spoke up "That door, it's closed, security lock's engaged".

Shepard frowned and got ready to use his omnitool and omnigels to override the door's security system, but Harry walked up to the door and hummed "Leave it to me".

Shepard tilted his head, he was curious as to what Harry was going to do "Do you know how to hack?".

Harry shook his head "I know how to, but this system is not something I've seen before, so it's going to take me a while to learn about it, instead I'll use a little bit of magic~".

Shepard, Ashley, and even Kaidan looked unsure and confused but then Harry waved his hand and summoned Oathkeeper into his hand, the light base keyblade appeared in a flash of light which left the soldiers in awe.

But before they could even ask about the strange object Harry summoned, the dragon god pointed it at the door and a beam of light hit it, a few seconds later, the door opened.

Harry smiled and sent his keyblade back to his soul, Shepard was about to ask some questions but was stopped when a female voice suddenly squeaked in surprise.

Shepard turned his head towards the voice and saw a short-haired woman inside the building Harry just opened, she look very scared but seemed to calm down once she saw them "Humans?! Thank the maker!".

Suddenly a man walked out from his hiding spot and spoke "Hurry! Close the door before they come back!".

Shepard walked up to the two and decided to ask questions, but before he began, he sent a look to everyone, they immediately understood what he wanted and kept a closer look at everything, while Shepard spoke with the two humans they found.

He then turned his head back to the very frightened man "Why did you end up in this shed?".

Harry raised an eyebrow and wondered how the building they were in was considered a shed, the woman then answered Shepard's question "We hid here during the attack, they must have come here for the beacon.

Luckily, it wasn't here, it was moved to the spaceport earlier this morning, Manuel and I stayed behind to pack up the camp.

When the attack came, the marines held them off long enough for us to hide, they gave their lives to save us".

Manuel then spoke, "No one is saved, the age of humanity is ended, soon only ruin and corpses will remain".

Harry frowned as he heard the man's words, while Shepard turned his head towards the woman "What's wrong with your assistant?".

The woman immediately answered Shepard's question "Manuel has a brilliant mind, but he's always been a bit unstable, genius and madness are two sides of the same coin".

Harry sighed, in his mind, he already saw a few people that fit that description "Isn't that the truth...".

Shepard raised an eyebrow at Harry's comment but let it go for now, Manuel then went on "Is it madness to see the future? To see the destruction rushing towards us? To understand there's is no escape? No hope? No, I'm not mad, I'm the only sane one left!"

The woman shook her head and sighed "I gave him an extra dose of his meds after the attack...".

Harry frowned "There's always hope, and the future is never set in stone, you see destruction? Then do something about it instead of just complaining about it".

Shepard nodded in agreement to Harry's words while the woman smiled, Manuel however just shook his head and seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

Shepard sighed "It is only a matter of time before he does something crazy... maybe we should knock him out or something".

Everyone -except Harry and the girls- sweatdropped at how easy Shepard was contemplating knocking someone unconscious, but Harry walked up to Manuel and then waved his hand in his direction "'Sleep!'".

Manuel was suddenly engulfed in a green mist-like energy and then collapse on the floor, completely out and asleep.

The woman took a step back "What did you do?".

Harry shrugged "I just put him to sleep, it was either this or wack him over the head, I thought that putting him to sleep is a better option, don't you agree?".

The woman stared at Harry for a few moments before huffing a bit "I supposed you're right, by the time he wakes up, the meds would have kicked in... but couldn't you at least catch him? I saw his head bounce on the floor".

Harry raised an eyebrow "...no?".

The woman just stared at Harry, while Ashley and Kaidan seemed to be struggling not to laugh, the girls were giggling, while Shepard just smiled in amusement.

A few seconds later, Shepard turned his head towards Ashley "Williams, take us to the spaceport".

The woman sighed one more time and nodded "Good luck Commander" she then bent down and began to check Manuel for injuries.

Meanwhile, Shepard, Harry and the rest of the group left the so call shed to continue onwards.


Meanwhile, Nihlus was sneaking around the spaceport already, he saw someone suspicious standing there, so he decided to confront them to find some answers but when he came out of his hiding spot and took a better look at the suspicious person.

He was shocked to find someone he didn't expect to see here "Saren?!".

Saren turned his head towards Nihlus and softly spoke "Nihlus...".

Nihlus looked completely confused at the moment "This isn't your mission, Saren, what are you doing here?".

Saren walked up to Nihlus and patted him on the shoulder "The council thought you could use some help on this one".

He then walked behind Nihlus while he sighed "I wasn't expecting to find geth here, the situation is bad...".

Saren nodded "Don't worry, I've got it under control..." Saren suddenly turned around and pointed his weapon directly behind Nihlus's head.


Shepard, Harry, and the rest of the group were approaching the spaceport when they suddenly heard a gunshot far away but before anyone could comment on it, something else got their attention.

Kaidan wasted no time and raised an excellent question "What is that? Off in the distance".

Ashley gaped and spoke up "It's a ship! Look at the size of it!" the ship began to leave as everyone stared at it.

But Harry narrowed his eyes "That's not a ship... that thing is alive".

The three marines turned around to look at Harry, Shepard then decided to ask "Are you sure?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, I can sense all sorts of energy and that thing definitely has a life force, though it's damped by something else, something I have never sensed before".

Shepard nodded, he decided to trust Harry on this, he did seem to know what he was talking about, however, his thoughts were cut off when they were suddenly attacked by more geth and husks.

Shepard, Ashley, and Kaidan immediately took cover, while Harry and the girls rushed forward, once again, the Marines were surprised by what they saw next.

Harry not only summoned the strange key-like object again but this time he summoned a second one and began to rush forward while batting away gunshots from the geth with ease, which left them gaping.

Kunou surprised them by summoning another key-like object, this one, however, had a fox-like motif, like Harry, she took off running at a very impressive speed while slapping away gunfire with her weapon.

Then they watched as both Kunou and Harry sliced and diced any geth they got close to, it look like they were dancing as they cut down their enemies, it showed the marines that their new friends were indeed battle experienced.

Then they watched Le Fay summon a beautiful silver sword, it look very ceremonial rather than battle-ready, but to their surprise, Le Fay seemed to teleport in front of a group of husks and then slashed at all of them.

The surprising thing was that her sword was completely engulfed in crimson red-colored lighting as she quickly sliced and completely destroyed the husks in her way.

Valerie was a whole different show to watch as well, they might have been heavily trained in the use of firearms, but when they saw Valerie summoned two very big and powerful handguns while proceeding to move at high speed.

All the while shooting at the geth with such precision and agility, that it made them feel inadequate, she was pulling off moves that should be impossible to do, things you only saw in the movies.

The fact that she was dodging fire while never stopping her movements was amazing the marines, they have never seen anything like it.

Ashley gaped "What the hell?...".

Kaidan nodded "I agree...".

Shepard frowned "Come on, we can ask them about all of this later, for now, we need to help, they're keeping the enemy's attention on them, take out anyone in their flanks!".

Both Ashley and Kaidan nodded and immediately began to provide cover fire to their new allies, Shepard was also very surprised but his training allowed him to keep his head on the mission.

But he was also wondering what was going on, he knew, from the moment he met Harry and the girls, that they weren't normal, but this? This was something that is not only hard to believe.

But amazing as well, despite the shock, Shepard could see the experience in each of the movements Harry and the girls performed, it spoke of countless battles they must have been a part of.

He wondered what sort of enemies required them to get this strong; because even he could tell they were holding back a great number of their abilities.

But right now, that wasn't important, no, at this moment the only thing that should be his priority is that he needed to cover for his new allies, even if it seems like they don't really need his support.


Harry rushed forward while slapping away the shots fired at him by the odd humanoid machine enemies, he quickly reached a group and jumped into their ranks.

The humanoid machines immediately tried to grab him or hit him with their firearms, but in a blink of an eye Harry cut them to pieces, he quickly threw Oblivion towards another humanoid machine.

The dark keyblade flew through the air like a buzzsaw and cut the humanoid machine in half, while Harry flashed in front of another, he quickly decapitated with Oathkeeper and recalled Oblivion back into his empty hand.

The keyblade appeared back in his hand in a flash of black light, he took a quick look around and hummed "These guys aren't tough, sure there are some sort of barriers around their bodies, but I can easily break through them".


Kunou appeared between a group of husks and quickly spun, her keyblade slicing through the undead creatures with ease, she quickly jumped and flip in mid-air to dodge a rushing husk.

She immediately cut it in half on her way down, she then disappeared in a flash of light and appeared above three humanoid machines, she came down hard while her keyblade shined with golden light.

She slammed her keyblade on top of one of the humanoid machines and completely crushed it, the light on her blade exploded outward in the form of a shockwave of light that destroy the other two.

She quickly stood up straight and looked around "What did they call these things? Geth? Well, either way, they're not that tough, and neither are those zombies".

Kunou turned her head and took a look at Shepard and his team, seeing they were okay and fighting as well made her smile "Looks like they're not having a hard time either".


Valerie easily sidestepped another shot from one of those geth things, she frowned as she shot back and blasted the head of the geth with an energy shot from Ebony "These weapons are good, but the shots are kinda slow... maybe they can be modified".

She tilted her head to the side and dodged a head shot, she quickly shot back with Ivory, blasting a hole through the chest of the geth that just tried to snipe her.

The geth trooper toppled over and stayed unmoving as Valerie looked around "Whatever the case, these geth are pretty good shots, a bit predictable though".

Valerie then took off running again and went towards the next group of enemies, all the while dodging bullets from all sides with ease.


Le Fay called Clarent into her hand and quickly teleported all over the place while cutting down enemy after enemy, Clarent was engulfed in crimson-red lightning which disintegrated any enemy it touched.

Many forget that Le Fay is not only a very powerful mage but that she's also a very talented swordswoman, Clarent, a holy sword given to her by Harry in her childhood. Has been a constant companion, she had mastered its powers to the extent of being able to use both the holy and demonic aspects of the sword with ease, something Harry taught her and helped her perfect.

All of that shows whenever she uses Clarent in battle, she rarely uses it, opting to use her preferred method of attack, which is magic, but she chose to go with melee right now.

She didn't want to cause too much damage to the colonists' planet, when it was obvious, that whoever had been living here, had done a good job to make the planet livable.

And so Le Fay showed off her Pendragon lineage by using Clarent to destroy quite a few enemies in the field, she only stopped when she saw that their numbers went down.

She looked around and noticed that Kunou, Valerie, and Harry were already done with their targets, while Shepard and his team were moving up while taking down the few stragglers who thought he and his team an easier target.

Le Fay sighed and then stabbed Clarent into the ground as she waited for everyone to gather, it's seems that they were walking towards her anyways.

She suddenly heard a noise from one of the 'sheds' in the area, it was pretty far from where she was, but she clearly heard a gasp "Looks like there are people in there, better tell Harry and Shepard".


Everyone gathered around Le Fay who was the last to finish her targets, she spread herself wide as she teleported all over the place, so it took her a little bit longer to deal with her targets.

Harry, Kunou, and Valerie reached her first and Le Fay wasted no time telling Harry about the gasp she heard in a shed, Shepard arrived soon after and sighed "I still can't believe what I just saw, all of you do".

Harry grinned and the commander "That's nothing, you still haven't seen what we can really do!".

Shepard sighed and nodded "I somehow, knew that was the case" Shepard shook his head "Well, what's going on?".

Le Fay immediately answered Shepard's question "I heard some people in the shed over there" Le Fay pointed at a far away Shed.

Shepard turned his head towards it and raised an eyebrow "That's... pretty far away, how did you hear people from all the way over here".

Ashley nodded "Yeah, that should be impossible".

Le Fay smiled and then sent Clarent back to her soul "Enhanced senses and such".

Kaidan sighed "I'm starting to think you guys aren't even human...".

Kunou twitched her fox ears and stared at Kaidan with amusement clearly on her face, Harry, Valerie and Le Fay just grinned at him finding the irony in his words amusing.

Shepard noticed all of this but chose to ignore it for now, he nodded to Le Fay "Thank you, Le Fay, let's go see the people in that shed, perhaps they have some useful information we can use"

Everyone nodded and decided to go and check out the shed, see if the people in there, knew something of what was going on here.


As soon as they reached the shed, Harry immediately opened it with his keyblade, saving time and omnigels, something Shepard was very grateful for.

However, as soon as they open the door, a frightened voice called out to them "Everyone stay calm out there, were coming out, we're not armed".

Another voice, a feminine one spoke up "Is it safe? Are they gone?".

Shepard however decided to be more cautious, just in case "Nobody moves a muscle until we know who you are!".

Three humans stepped out of the shed with their hands up, one female and two males, one of the males however, seemed annoyed "Nice going, Cole! I told you we should've stayed hidden".

Cole sighed "It's okay, we're all on the same side here, we're just farmers, we've been hiding ever since that ship first showed up".

Shepard nodded "Alright, do you know anything about the Prothean Beacon they dug up?".

Cole shook his head and then scratched his head "Not really, we're just farmers after all, though we heard they found something out there, it never really mattered to us, not until now".

Shepard frowned but understood what Cole just told him, so he decided to ask about something else "What can you tell me about the ship that was here a few moments ago?".

Cole frowned "I was too busy running to get a clear look at it, I think it landed over near the spaceport".

The female farmer suddenly spoke up "Tell them about the noise, Cole, that awful noise".

Cole nodded "That ship was emitting some kind of signal as it descended, sounded like the shriek of the damn, only it was from inside your own head".

Harry frowned not liking what he just heard, he turned his gaze towards Le Fay, who nodded at him, having already come to the same conclusion as him.

Shepard however, had his own theory "It was probably trying to block communications".

Cole just frowned "Whatever it was, felt like it was tearing right through my skull, almost made it impossible to think".

Shepard nodded but had a frown on his face, he definitely did not like what he was hearing "Alright, we have to go".

The farmers nodded, and suddenly the second male farmer spoke up "Hey, Cole, we're just a bunch of farmers, these guys are soldiers, maybe we should give them the stuff".

Cole, however, got quite angry at the other male farmer "Geez, Blake, you gotta learn when to shut up!".

Shepard however, was in no mood for games "If there's something your not telling me...".

Cole raised a hand and shook his head "Some guys at the spaceport were running a small smuggling ring, nothing major, in exchange for a cut of the profits, we let them store packages in our sheds".

Shepard narrowed his eyes at Cole "You greedy bastard! You weren't running for your life, you were running to check on your merchandise".

Cole shook his head and raised his two hands in surrender "No! It's not like that, I just knew there were some packages here, something we could use.

I found a pistol and figured it would come in handy if those things come back, but you'll probably get more use out of it than we could".

Shepard, however, didn't trust Cole anymore "I'm only going to ask you this once, think long and hard before you lie to me again, are you sure all you got was one lousy pistol".

Cole flinched, he then nervously began to speak "Uh... oh wait! I just remembered, I just had it in my pocket, might as well take that too, that's everything, really".

Shepard glared at Cole who looked down, Ashley then spoke up "Who's your contact at the spaceport Cole? What's his name?".

Cloe shook his head "He's not a bad guy, I don't want to get him in trouble, besides I'm not a snitch".

Valerie sighed "At least he's loyal".

Harry nodded while Shepard just huffed "Okay, forget about it, I've got more important things to worry about ".

Cole nervously nodded "Good luck".


Shepard and everyone else walked away from the Shed, Harry immediately stopped everyone "Guys, there's something you should know about what we just heard".

Everyone turned their heads towards Harry, Shepard immediately noticed the seriousness in Harry's eyes and nodded to him "Okay, tell me what you got".

Harry nodded "That noise inside your head, that Cole mentioned, I think I know what it is, though the implications of that are quite big".

Shepard frowned and started to have a bad feeling, meanwhile, Harry went on "That sensation Cole mentioned and the noise inside his head, it's similar to a mind intrusion, either via telepathy or some sort of mind control".

Ashley gasped while Kaidan just frowned, Shepard sighed and scratched his head "I had a feeling that what Cole described was far more than what I thought, but I was hoping that wasn't the case, how sure are you, Harry?".

Harry looked towards Le Fay who nodded, Harry then turned back towards Shepard "Pretty sure, every one of us has trained our minds to protect them, against such mental attacks, that means we had to know what it felt like.

We are capable of using telepathy and mind control, so we know what it feels like, the way Cole described it is very similar, the question is.

What is a living ship planning, to use such an ability for? Given how big that thing was, it could be capable of broadcasting in a very wide area.

I don't have to tell you how bad that would be, in heavily populated places".

Ashley gasped "My god...".

Shepard clicked his tongue "The problem is that we don't have proof, we can't report this and get them to take it seriously without it".

Valerie then spoke up "Then just keep it in mind, I'm sure evidence will pop up".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, that seems like the best course of action... you said you trained your minds to protect themselves, can that be taught to anyone?".

Kunou shook her head "Well, as I'm sure you notice. we're not normal, we still don't know much about you guys, so we don't know if it's even possible to teach you our techniques, plus we haven't taught a regular human before".

Le Fay frowned and then turned her head towards Harry "Perhaps an enchanted accessory?".

Harry crossed his arms and thought about it for a second, he then nodded and smiled "I think I can make something, but it will take some trial and error".

Shepard nodded, he had heard some very interesting words right now, but he decided to push all that aside for now, they were still on a mission after all "Okay, we'll talk more about this later, for now, let's get going".

Everyone nodded and Shepard along with Harry and the rest left the area to head toward the spaceport.


They quickly arrived at the spaceport and immediately looked around the area for clues about the beacon, however not too long after they started looking around.

They found a dead body, Kaidan sighed and called out to Shepard "Commander, it's Nihlus".

Shepard nodded and the group walked over to Nihlus's body, Shepard bent down and checked on him, and Ashley seemed surprised "A turian? Do you know him?".

Shepard nodded, meanwhile Kaidan spoke up "He's a specter, he was with us on the Nor-".

But then, there was some noise which alerted everyone that they weren't alone, Ashley immediately let everyone know "Something's moving! Over behind those crates!".

Everyone pointed their weapons at the crates and waited for whatever was hiding back there to come out, soon enough a human popped his head out and nervously raised his hands in surrender "Wait! D-don't shoot! I'm one of you! I'm human!".

Harry chuckled finding that statement funny, meanwhile, Shepard spoke up "Sneaking up on us like that nearly got you killed!".

Harry then spoke up "I knew he was there".

Shepard turned his head towards Harry and stared at him, Valerie nodded "Me too".

Kunou smiled and nodded "Yup! I knew as well".

Le Fay awkwardly laughed "Yeah.. I knew too".

Shepard sighed, while Ashley glared "And you guys couldn't have said anything!?".

Harry smiled "Well, I also knew he wasn't a threat, his heart is full of fear, plus if he had tried anything, he would have been killed before he could even blink".

The man squeaked in fear, while Shepard shook his head "A little heads up next time Harry...".

Harry grinned "Aye Commander!".

Shepard just stared at Harry "You're going to be a problem aren't you?".

Harry just shrugged but didn't say anything, which just made Shepard know that, yes, Harry was going to be a problem.

The man who had surprised everyone suddenly and nervously spoke "I... I'm sorry, I was hiding from those creatures.

My name is Powell, I saw what happened to that turian, the other one shot him".

Shepard now looked quite confused, as far as he knew, there weren't supposed to be any more turians here "What the hell are you talking about?".

Powell immediately began to elaborate "There were two turians here, your friend and another one called Saren, I think they knew each other.

Your friend seemed to relax, he let his guard down... and Saren killed him, shot him right in the back, I'm just lucky he didn't see me behind the crates".

Shepard looked down, none of this made any sense to him, but decided to keep it in mind for now and ask about his objective "We were told a Prothean Beacon was brought to the spaceport, what happened to it?".

Powell nodded and then pointed to another area of the spaceport "It's over on the other platform, probably where that guy Saren was headed, he hopped on the cargo train right after he killed your friend.

I knew that beacon was trouble, everything's gone to hell since we found it, first that damn mother ship showed up, then the attack.

They killed everyone, everyone! If I hadn't been behind the crates I'd be dead, too".

Shepard however, found it strange that this guy manage to survive by just hiding, it didn't make sense to him "How come you're the only one who survived? Why didn't anyone else try to hide behind the crates".

Powell shook his head "They never had a chance. I... I was already behind the crates when the attack started".

Kaidan raised a hand "Wait a minute, you were hiding behind the crates before the attack?".

Le Fay frowned "What were you doing back there, to begin with?".

Powell sighed "I... sometimes I need a nap to get through my shift, I sneak off behind the crates to grab forty winks where my supervisor can't find me".

Ashley huffed and then rubbed her forehead in exasperation "You survived because you're lazy?".

Harry chuckled and shook his head "Wow... can't say I've seen something like this before, and that's saying something".

Shepard tiredly rubbed his eyes "You ditched work, then you cower back here and did nothing while the geth butchered everyone else!".

Powell looked down "I don't even have a gun, what was I supposed to do? Run out there and die? I couldn't save them, nobody could, it was... horrible".

Shepard glared at Powell, Harry guessed, that he didn't like cowards, but this wasn't the time for this, so the dragon clapped his shoulder.

Shepard turned his head towards Harry while he smiled at him "Let him be Shepard, it's not worth it getting mad at him, we have things to do".

Shepard sighed and nodded, he then turned his head back to Powell "We need to find that beacon before it's too late".

Powell nodded, as he visually looked guilty right now "Take the cargo train, that's where the other turian went. I can't stay here, I need to get away from all of this" Powell then walked away and quickly left the spaceport.

Shepard just stared at him as he left with a frown on his face, meanwhile, Harry walked up to Nihlus's body and put it in his Inventory, he didn't know anything about the guy, so he was going to wait to know more before he decides whether to bring him back to life or not.

However, soon after they were attacked by more geth, Shepard, Ashley, and Kaidan got behind cover while Harry and the girls moved out.

Shepard began to fire at a group of geth but then suddenly yelled "Clear them out! We need to go after the beacon ASAP".