
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Livres et littérature
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242 Chs

Chapter 105

Back in Camp Half-Blood a pillar of darkness sprouted from the ground closed by the now put-out campfire, Hades walked out of the Dark Corridor.

Moments later Harry stepped outside as well and sighed "Your family is a mess Hades...".

Hades looked down and nodded in agreement, he had for a very long time accepted the fact that his family was a real mess and yet he didn't precisely do anything to fix the situation so he was also at fault so he really couldn't say anything.

In hindsight, he really should have been a better person but perhaps it isn't too late for him yet "My lord, if I may I would like to request something from you".

Harry turned his head towards Hades and raised an eyebrow at Hades "Alright and call me Harry, I really dislike all of that fancy talk and formalities now what is it that you want to request of me?".

Hades nodded and sighed "... My children... both of them are alive, I hid them away somewhere where Zeus wouldn't find them... it isn't the best of places and while they're in there they have stopped aging but it is one of the few places Zeus wouldn't be able to see them or touch them".

Harry frowned as he listen to what Hades was saying to him "I see... since you didn't mention her I can guess that their mother didn't make it right?".

Hades' eyes took on a sad demeanor while he nodded "Yes... she died when Zeus blasted her home with his Lightning Bolt, my children were able to survive but I've been so scared of my brothers finding out about them but now that Zeus is pinned down and in no condition to do anything I would like to go get them so you can take them to Neo Kyoto as well".

Harry looked a bit surprised after hearing Hades' request but soon a smile appeared on his face "Who would have thought that out of all of the gods in Olympus the God of Death is the most responsible parent out of all of them... very well go and get your kids Hades, I'll happily take them with me to Neo Kyoto but I expect you to go visit them and spend time with them often".

Hades smiled and nodded at Harry happy to be given a chance to be the father he wanted to be for his daughter and son, Harry grinned at him and the God of Death left right away to go get his children.

Now alone Harry sighed and looked up at the sky with a frown on his face, this entire situation between demigods and their godly parent had left a very bad taste in his mouth.

Zeus's attitude about it all just served to piss him off even more and Ares' actions were just the cherry on top, in all honesty, this wasn't the worst thing he had seen.

Death knows the horrible things and people he had met during his travels but when it comes to children suffering that's when Harry just losses all his patience and this time there were so many children involved.

Suddenly a soft voice snapped him out of his thoughts causing Harry to turn towards the person who just spoke "You seem tired Harry...".

Harry smiled as he saw Ophis floating a small distance away from him and looking at him with a worried expression on her face, Ophis has come a long way from the deadpan and monotone way she used to express herself.

The fact that she was able to look worried about him was a big indicator of how much she had changed and that made Harry rather happy and proud of her.

So Harry smiled at Ophis who latch onto his back like a Koala as she usually does "Yeah, there's a lot of bad stuff going on with the Greek Faction, it just made me feel rather angry and tired".

Ophis nodded "Yes, we all heard from Yasaka what was going on here, we're all very worried about you... we all know how much it affects you when children are involved in bad things so we had a friendly free-for-all to see who would come here to check on you...".

Harry sweatdropped already knowing the sheer chaos and destruction the girls must have caused with their so call friendly free-for-all "Err... and you won?".

Ophis shook her head and gave Harry a small and smug smile "I didn't fight, I just teleported to you while everyone was busy...".

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at Ophis's sneaky plan to get ahead of everyone "The girls are going to be pretty salty after they find out what you did but it was a great prank Ophis good job!".

Ophis nodded and smiled at Harry, the Dragon God then began to walk towards where he could sense Annabeth since there was still one more demigod that needed his help.


The two Dragon Gods didn't take to long to find Annabeth who was trying to pack the entire Athena house library, it made Harry chuckle at how desperate she seemed to pack each and every book "Annabeth we have a library ten times the size of this one in both Kyoto and my House".

Annabeth jumped a little bit in surprise when Harry first spoke since she was very distracted by packing but she did turn towards Harry "Ah! Harry.. well it's just a lot of these books were acquired by us and they mean a lot to us".

Harry smiled and nodded "I see then let me pack them all then" Harry waved his hand and put the entire Athena House library in his inventory which made Annabeth gape.

The daughter of Athena excitedly turned towards Harry "What was that? Some sort of mass teleport spell? or some kind of hammerspace? A magic spell to create a small pocket dimension perhaps?...".

Harry just smiled while Ophis tilted her head and then spoke "...She reminds me of Hermione, I think both of them will get along very well".

Annabeth heard Ophis's voice and then noticed her hanging from Harry's back "Err.. why do you have a child hanging from you like that Harry? Is she a daughter of yours?".

Harry chuckled and shook his head "This is actually Ophis Ouroboros the Dragon God of Infinity Annabeth, she might look like this but that's because she feels comfortable being small but make no mistake she's still very much a Dragon God and one of my girlfriends as well".

Ophis proudly nodded while poor Annabeth seemed like she was going to have a nervous breakdown, she just spoke very rudely to a Dragon God and she was now very afraid.

Harry noticed how scared she seems and deciding to calm her down he gave Annabeth a smile "It's alright Annabeth, Ophis is really nice and kind plus she's not one to get offended easily in fact if you ever see her in a bad mood give her some chocolate and she'll be cool right after".

Ophis vigorously nodded in agreement, if you want to keep Ophis happy and mellow you feed her some chocolate this was a well-known fact of the Potter Household, and everyone pretty much carried some chocolate in their pockets just to give her some.

Annabeth seemed to calm down a bit and then put her hand in her pocket where she began to reach for something, finding what she was looking for she pulled her hand back and revealed a snickers bar.

Which immediately drew Ophis' rapt attention and Annabeth sweatdropped at how intense Ophis was staring at the chocolate bar, her eyes even took on their reptilian form as she stared at the chocolate bar.

Nervously Annabeth walked over and unwrap the snickers bar, she then proceeded to shakily feed Ophis the chocolate bar.

Ophis smiled and began to happily eat the chocolate bar from Annabeth's hand since she didn't want to let go of Harry right now, so Annabeth stood there looking mighty surprised and speechless about the fact that she was hand feeding a Drago God right now.

Harry laughed a little at how funny it looked to see a young girl feed Ophis like that but that's just how Ophis is, she's a very mellow dragon god, to begin with, and she doesn't mind many things.

She used to hate noise and such but now that she's been living in the Potter Household for a while she's gotten used to the chaotic and loud nature of their family.

Annabeth smiled and seemed to calm down as soon as Ophis was done eating the chocolate bar, Harry smiled and then nodded "Annabeth can you take me to Thalia's tree? It's time to help her".

Annabeth widen her eyes and immediately nodded, she gave Harry a big bright smile happy that Thalia was finally going to be saved so the daughter of Athena quickly guided Harry to where Thalia's tree rested.


After a bit of hiking through the forest within the barrier of the camp Harry, Ophis and Annabeth arrived where Thalia's tree is.

Harry frowned and immediately walked to the tree, Ophis floated off Harry's back knowing this was important and needed his full attention.

Harry placed his hand on the tree and activated his Rinnegan, within the tree's roots he could see Thalia's body and her soul sealed within the divine power of the tree "... There's a heartbeat so she's alive but both her soul and body and in some sort of stasis...".

Annabeth looked very worried and on the verge of tears, Ophis noticed the poor demigod's stress so to try and cheer her up she decided to pat her head.

Harry's green eyes began to glow as he used his Wood Release to make the tree release Thalia's Body, the tree moved and shifted around her slowly and gently releasing her from its roots.

Once freed from the tree the barrier collapsed but Harry snapped his fingers and raised another one right away and got on one knee beside Thalia's still sleeping body, he then began to inspect her for injuries, even after so many years her wounds were still open and her bones broken.

Harry frowned and shook his head in disappointment at Zeus's uncaring way of treating his daughter, Thalia was a young girl with punkish clothes and short hair.

She seemed like a wild type of girl, it was too bad that her face and body were severely bruised "I'm going to have to slowly heal these injuries... they're pretty bad and if I heal them all at once her body might go into shock...".

As Harry spoke to himself Annabeth heard everything and was glad to know that Thalia was still alive, sure she was very injured but alive and Harry seems confident in being able to heal her so she felt a bit of hope blossom in her heart.

Harry nodded to himself as he finished assessing Thalia's condition and then gently place a hand on her chest and began to chant "'Come forth, O illumination of life! Healing Circle!'".

A blue-colored magic circle appeared from beneath Thalia's still unconscious body and began to let out beautiful wisps of blue light inside the magic circle, Annabeth was mesmerized by the beautiful blue magic circle and wisps of blue light "... This healing magic?... It's beautiful".

As Annabeth watched the magic circle she noticed how Thalia's wounds began to heal at a good pace, all her bruises, cuts, and everything else was beginning to heal before her eyes.

Meanwhile, Harry was keeping a close eye with his Rinnegan on Thalia's physical condition while his healing did its work, he smiled as he watch the most grievous of wounds in Thalia's body heal quickly enough "She a fighter...".

Annabeth smiled and nodded knowing full well that Thalia was a fighter alright, it took a good few minutes but soon enough all her injuries were healed and Harry let his healing spell dissipate when he saw her being in perfect condition.

Annabeth watching the magic circle dissipate immediately approached Thalia and kneeled beside her, she then gently help her sit up and held her tightly.

Harry smiled at the worry and care that Annabeth showed towards Thalia, he then snapped his finger and got rid of the divine power keeping her asleep.

Thalia groaned and slowly opened her eyes, she blinked a bit and looked around for a second, at Annabeth who was intently watching her she seemed very lost at the moment.

Harry then began to speak "She'll be out of it for a few seconds so give her some time".

Annabeth smiled and Thalia groaned "Not so loud... my head is pounding something fierce..."

Annabeth smiled and teared up happy to be able to hear her friend's voice once again "Thalia... you're okay...".

Thalia blinked upon hearing Annabeth's voice and then turned her eyes towards her "Anna?... Why do you look older, and where's Grover and Luke?".

Annabeth laughed and began to cry as she held tightly onto Thalia who looked very lost and confused right now but she still patted Annabeth's back "Anna? What's wrong? Why are you crying?... Who made you cry? Point him or her out and I'll kick their asses!".

Harry chuckled while Ophis smiled, Annabeth didn't answer Thalia's question and just continued to cry while holding Thalia close to her, Thalia noticed Harry and Ophis and tilted her head at them "Err do you guys know what's going on here?".

Harry smiled and nodded "It's a long story but it is one you have to hear, so since right now I'm sure Annabeth isn't going to let you go anytime soon how about I tell you what's going?".

Thalia seemed very confused but still nodded letting Harry know that she wants to hear what he has to tell her and so Harry began to tell her what he had found out and what was going on right now.


Meanwhile, in camp, everyone panicked a bit when the barrier collapsed but calmed down when another one immediately took its place, though this whole situation left the demigods rather confused as to what was going on.

However, Luke who had just come back from getting his mother and was helping the younger demigods pack and take care of a few other things looked up towards the sky through one of the windows in the Hermes cabin and smiled knowing that Harry had done something about Thalia.

He was certainly happy with everything that's been going on and even though there were a lot of big changes going on, Luke couldn't help but look forward to them a sentiment shared by all the demigods.

Everyone heard Harry's words and they knew that they could trust him to take care of them, despite knowing him for just a few days everyone knew how good and cool of a father he is just by watching him interact with Eri.

Everyone couldn't wait to move to the legendary Neo Kyoto and join the Yokai Faction which was known as the strongest and most advanced faction in the world.

Even Luke was looking forward to the move, he turned towards his mother who was giggling to herself while sitting down in one of the chairs in the Hermes Cabin and he couldn't wait for Harry to come so they can go to Kyoto and get her some much-needed help.


Thalia sat on the ground as Annabeth clung to her as if she was going to disappear if she let go, but she understood her friend's concerns, she herself is kinda scared that all of this was some sort of dream and that she was still underneath that damn tree.

Everything that she had heard from the black-haired man was certainly dream-worthy so no one could blame her for feeling like this.

Harry Potter had explained every detail about what had been happening, what is happening right now, and what will be happening in the near future and she was utterly shocked and sick about what the Greek Faction had been doing.

She had thought that Camp Half-Blood was a safe haven, a place where she and her friends can be in peace and safe from the monsters trying to kill them all the time.

So she was disappointed and heartbroken to find out that belief was not true at all, in fact, it was quite the opposite.

Neglect, abandonment, and even death awaited the many Demigods of Camp Half-Blood a fact that was proven true when her father instead of saving her and her friends instead put her in a coma and turn her into a fucking battery for a barrier.

She was glad to have been able to protect the other Demigods sure but the fact that his father wouldn't help her had hurt her, Harry even explained why Zeus chose not to save her and she was left feeling disgusted.

Fear, it was fear that had caused Zeus to turn his back on his daughter, according to Harry there was a prophecy that foretells that a child of the big three would either save or destroy the Olympians and that prophecy sent Zeus into a panic.

He was afraid that she would be the one prophecy had foretold and decided to put her in a coma instead of saving her life in order to keep her in check.

Thalia couldn't even begin to describe the pain and anger she felt at that moment but it seems Harry noticed her emotions and began to tell her what he had done.

Apparently, he had claimed all the demigods as his children and adopted them including her, this was confirmed by Annabeth who describe what had happened and how Harry had claimed them all.

Thalia could already tell that Harry was a better father than Zeus, why? Well, he sat there and waited for her to calm down and calmly explained everything with a soft and caring smile on his face.

That told her that Harry was a great guy and an even better dad and dragons because Harry is a dragon god when he claimed the demigods that had also turned them into dragons and to Thalia that was badass.

Apparently, because of that they officially belong to the Dragon Faction which is allied to the Yokai Faction so everyone was moving to Japan and Kyoto.

All of this was exciting to Thalia and quite honestly she couldn't wait to go home with her new family, that thought alone brought a big and bright smile to her face.

She now had a new family, and a new home and she was a dragon too and to her, everything was certainly looking up.

Thalia grinned at Harry "Well Pops! What's next?".

Harry chuckled and patted Thalia on her head something that she secretly liked a lot, Harry smiled at her "Now we go get the rest of the demigods, their mundane parents, and go home. There's a lot for me to do back in Kyoto".

Thalia nodded and patted Annabeth on her back so she would let her go, Annabeth didn't want to at first but thanks to some coaxing and reassurance from both Harry and Thalia she let go allowing the ex-daughter of Zeus to get up.

After that all four began to walk back to the camp to meet up with everyone while Harry told them things about Kyoto and the Yokai Faction, Ophis chose Thalia's back to ride back to camp.


It didn't take them long to reach the camp and there they met with Hades and two kids at his side, one very young boy and another a girl.

The boy seemed excited and quite curious at everything around him and looked everywhere with curiosity shining in his eyes, the girl seemed a bit angry and was looking down.

Hades was looking at the girl with a worried expression while holding onto the boy's hand so he wouldn't walk off on his own.

He must have sensed Harry because he turned towards him and the group with him, his eyes widening in shock and fear when he noticed Ophis on Thalia's back.

Harry noticed but didn't care and approached the group, as soon as he got close to them the girl and boy tensed up and stood ramrod straight, Harry raised an eyebrow towards them while Hades sighed "Well... they are the children of a God of Death so, of course, they would instantly sense your authority, Harry".

Harry sighed and nodded "I see... that makes sense, at ease you two".

Both kids immediately relaxed but still seemed wary of Harry but he just smiled at them, Hades smiled and then began to speak again "Let me introduce you to my son and daughter Lord Harry".

Hades pointed at the girl "This is my twelve-year-old daughter Bianca Di Angelo" he then pointed at the boy "and my ten-year-old son Nico Di Angelo say hi to Lord Harry kids".

Bianca glared at Hades but still shyly waved at Harry, Nico didn't even hesitate and waved at Harry with a smile on his face.

Harry gave them a grin "Hello kids, my name is Harry Potter it's very nice to meet you both".

Bianca smiled liking Harry's gentle but mischievous grin, Nico smiled and cheerfully began to speak to Harry "Is it true that you're a Dragon God? That you pinned Zeus like a fly to his throne!? Oh! Are you really the Master of Death!?".

Bianca sighed and shook her head while Hades grinned at his son, Thalia laughed finding Nico's excited demeanor fun while Annabeth smiled.

Ophis just tilted her head and watched as Nico hopped from foot to foot, Harry grinned again and instantly turned into his dragon form while Ophis made everyone else float up and avoid his massive body.

Harry roared loudly which just seems to leave the kids in awe, Annabeth had already seen Harry's dragon form but Thalia, Bianca, and Nico hadn't and they were in awe at his size and the color of his scales.

Ophis floated everyone except Hades right on top of his head while Hades floated beside Harry's head as he began to walk, meanwhile, Harry began to answer Nico's questions "As you can see, yes I am a Dragon God, yes a pinned Zeus to his throne like a fly, and yup I am the Master of Death which means I'm your father's boss~".

Nico brightly smiled and even Bianca looked happy while riding on top of Harry's head, Thalia was whopping in fun while Annabeth was inspecting Harry's scales.

Hades sweatdropped at how awed his son seemed to be about the fact that Harry is his boss, Harry just chuckled and continued to walk towards where he can sense everyone had gathered and were waiting for him.

Meanwhile, he decided to ask Hades something "So... why does Bianca seem to be pissed at you Hades?".

Hades who had been following Harry by floating beside his head sighed "Well... when Zeus killed their mother I had to hide them but first I had their memories erased when you claimed them their memories returned and she's been pretty much mad at me since".

Harry nodded "I see... she must feel abandoned and angry at her mother's death... give her some time and I'm sure she will forgive you, how long ago did their mother die?".

Hades nodded and gave Harry a thankful smile "It's been a long time Harry, it's been decades since she died... you can't bring her back but where I put my kids there's a time dilation... to them she just recently died".

Harry sadly frowned and nodded, he can understand why Bianca was angry but time heals all wounds plus she's soon going to be distracted when they go to Kyoto so perhaps in a new home and with a big and happy family she can begin to move on.


They soon arrived where everyone was waiting for them, all the demigods smiled as soon as they saw Harry in his dragon form but the few mundane parents that had decided to join their kids gaped and panicked a bit.

However, Eri immediately took off running towards Harry which in turn made all the mundane parents panic even more only to gape when Harry leaned down his head and Eri gave it a big hug.

Harry smiled at his daughter and gently rub his snout on her face causing Eri to giggle, the mundane parents were so confused that it made their demigod children laugh at their dumbfounded expression.

Eri jumped on top of Harry's snout and sat there while Harry began to walk toward the demigods and their parents.

Once he got close enough he lay down on his belly with his snout facing everyone, he looked around as he watched the mundane parents get in front of their kids protectively.

They knew that they couldn't possibly protect them from him but they were still willing to put themselves in danger for their kids which made Harry very happy "Please calm down, I might look scary but I promise you that I'm not going to hurt the kids in fact quite the contrary".

The parents gaped upon hearing Harry speak but Sally began to speak "This is Harry Potter the Dragon God that claimed our children, he's the one who wants to make sure they have a happy and safe life!".

Everyone relaxed and looked at Harry with awed expressions on their faces, a young mother walked forward and nervously began to speak "H-hello sir err... Chiron did tell us that you claimed our children but.. what does that mean exactly?...".

Harry smiled at the young mother "It means that I adopted them, they still have their godly gifts from their original parents but now that I claimed they have become dragons like myself".

The young mother nodded, Harry then turned his head towards the parents and spoke up "To everyone willing to follow your children to their new life I promise you this, they'll be protected, and they will be given the chance to live long and happy lives, I will make sure they get everything they need and want to follow whichever path they choose to take but most of all! They will have a big family that will support them and love them! That's what the Yokai Faction is! What each and every person, being, or anything living in Kyoto consider each other!".

The mothers teared up and sob in relief, while the father smiled and sighed happy to know that their children will finally be safe, suddenly a kind and soft voice spoke causing everyone to turn towards where the voice had come from.

Only to see a kind looking black haired woman with a soft smile on her face and two lions walking beside her "You can trust in Harry Potter's words to him children are a treasure and now that he has claimed them all he will make sure they have a great life".

Harry raised an eyebrow at the woman who just spoke, he can sense that she was quite powerful "You're a titan right?".

The woman smiled at Harry and nodded, Hestia suddenly appeared behind her and walked up to the woman with a pout on her face "Mother! You were supposed to wait for me to get everyone else!".

The black-haired woman smiled at Hestia and patted her head "I'm sorry Hestia, I was just very excited about this that I couldn't wait anymore plus I got to see Mr. Harry's famous dragon form! Doesn't he look amazing?".

Hestia raised an eyebrow at her mother and turned around only to have to look up since Harry had leaned his head closer to them "Eep!".

Harry chuckled and rubbed his snout on Hestia before she could run away in fright and spoke "Welcome back Hestia, were you able to get everyone you wanted to get?".

Hestia shook her head and looked up at Harry "Err... yes I did! All of them will meet you at Kyoto since they have a few things to deal with so they can officially join the Yokai Faction, they're are gods, after all, minor ones but gods nonetheless and they need to leave everything in order".

Harry nodded and smiled "Alright please give the name of everyone who's coming to Yasaka when we get there so she can add them to the wards okay?".

Hestia cheerfully nodded, Harry turned his head towards the black-haired woman and smiled "I take it since Hestia called you mother that you must be Rhea correct?".

Rhea smiled and nodded with a soft smile on her face "That's right Mr. Harry~ it is very nice to finally meet you".

Harry chuckled "Please just call me Harry, I'm not much for formalities and polite talk, now I bet you want to give your grandchildren a hug right?".

Rhea brightly smiled and nodded, so Harry gave her a grin "Then go ahead and have at them, I'm sure everyone would like to meet their granny!".

Rhea did not need to be told twice and immediately rushed to the demigods who didn't expect the whirlwind that is a doting grandmother though they didn't seem to mind much.

Harry telekinetically floated Thalia, Nico, Bianca, Annabeth, and Ophis down so Rhea could get to them.

Nico and Bianca seemed rather taken with Rhea and enjoyed her doting while Thalia was blushing a bit in embarrassment. Still, she also seem very happy, Rhea did stop and asked her why she was wearing the Dragon God of Infinity like a backpack but Thalia just shrugged and grinned at her.

And then Rhea took out cookies and a lot of sandwiches, in fact, Harry had never seen that many sandwiches in his life.

Rhea then began to feed her grandchildren with a very excited smile on her face, Eri jumped down from Harry's snout and ran over to get a sandwich and cookies as well which Rhea was more than happy to give her some.

Harry chuckled at how all the Demigods seemed to be blushing but still happily ate everything Rhea gave them, both Hestia and Hades smiled at their mom.

Hades shook his head in amusement "I haven't seen mother this happy in so long...".

Hestia nodded and seemed to tear up "Yes... it's great to see her smiling so much".

Rhea then turned towards Hestia and Hades "Both of you~ come over here and get your cookies!".

Hades laughed but immediately walked to his mother with Hestia running ahead of him, Harry smiled and turned back into his human form, he was very happy that despite everything the demigod children had gone through they still had family that loves them very much.

He knew that many harbored hate and sadness in their hearts and he doesn't blame them, he knows all to well that some scars just don't heal and that some pain stays with you forever.

They might never be fully okay or even forgive and forget what they have gone through thanks to the negligence of the Olympians but eventually, they will be able to move on and become better than their parents.

While he was pondering all of this Rhea suddenly called out to him "Harry! Come and get a sandwich!".

Harry turned his head towards Rhea and smiled "A sandwich? Heck yeah!".

So Harry walked up to everyone while the demigods, Rhea, Hestia, Hades, and the mundane parents smiled at him.

His daughter was excitedly waving at him and yelling at him to hurry and at this moment Harry couldn't help but smile and think that his crazy and chaotic life will be doubly so from now on.

But he wouldn't want it any other way and as he approached everyone he couldn't avoid the very happy and excited grin on his face from spreading even further.


Back on Olympus Zeus watched as his mother happily spent time with her grandchildren, the King of Olympus had certainly seen better days after Harry had dealt with him.

His skull was cracked, his shoulder and arm were just hanging uselessly from the damage he received and his pride was in tatters, what's worse is that he knew that his wounds would never heal.

Harry's god-killer aura assured that he would never be able to regenerate from his wounds leaving Zeus a shadow of his former self and crippled to boot, he couldn't even wield his Lightning Bolt anymore for it refuses him since Harry had wielded it.

Hera was in her chambers mourning for Ares and as cold and uncaring as Zeus is, the death of his son did leave him feeling pain in his heart, he had watched as Thalia accepted Harry as her father and that had also brought him even more pain in his heart.

And so he sat on his ruined throne and abandoned kingdom, Zeus the King of Olympus defeated, crippled, and heartbroken.

Zeus for the first time in his long life began to regret his actions but it was too late, as everything he took for granted was leaving him and his kingdom while he was unable to do anything about it.

For who can go against the force of nature that is the Dragon God Harry Potter, Zeus knew that it would be useless and would lead to his death if he were to try anything so that only left him with one option.

So the broken god sat there on his ruined throne and watched and Harry Potter took everything he took for granted away from him.


After everyone ate their snacks Harry opened a big Dark Corridor and everyone started to walk through excited about their new lives, Hestia and Hades waved at everyone goodbye.

Hades had to take care of the land of the dead for the Greek Faction so he couldn't exactly join the Yokai Faction but Harry knew that, so Hades will be allowed to visit whenever he wants along with his wife Persephone.

Hestia will be helping a few of the minor gods to prepare to leave the Greek Faction and join the Yokai Faction once everything is settled she will be joining the Yokai Faction as well and moving to Kyoto.

Rhea was moving to Kyoto now to both spend time with her grandchildren and to finally see Japan, Harry had used telekinesis and senjutsu to gently move every wood nymph tree so they could all move to Kyoto while the other nymphs happily skipped into the Dark Corridor.

Eri conjure a big orb of water and had the water nymphs, nereids, and aquatic spirits jump inside so she can move them to Kyoto.

Chiron with one last look and smile at the camp. He nodded to himself and then walked through the Dark Corridor eager to see where this new path will take everyone.

Harry waved at both Hestia and Hades and walked through the Dark Corridor which dissipated soon after leaving an empty and silent camp.

I would like to note for those who do not read The Adventures of Hope and Morgan. Harry has a third daughter that is not one of the recently claimed demigods. If you want to know who she is... feel free to read The Adventures of Hope and Morgan... or you know you can be boring and just check the aux chapter.

Kuroganocreators' thoughts