

Harmony's point of view

"Do you think we should be worried about the missing keys?" I ask as we are standing at the entrance of the guardians training hall. The bell just rang.

"Well...the keys open the room that has some of the most powerful potions, If someone has stolen them then, I think we should," Reseda explains

"Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Bexy is behind this?" Clyden asks

"Why would you suspect her?" Teva asks

"Didn't you notice she came to the eating area late? And it was after she came that the headmistress delivered that news," Clyden explains

"Hmm..." Reseda wonders, and it gets me wondering too.


Bexy's point of view

I'm hiding in one of the bathrooms just until everyone has gone to their training halls. Now that the headmistress knows about the keys, I have to be careful if I want this last job to go smoothly. Deep down I have doubts if Aliyona and Athena will be able to keep their mouths shut. While I am standing behind the bathroom door I hear a female voice getting closer.

"Let me just check if everyone is out of the bathroom," she says to another person there and I immediately run inside one of the toilets, I close the toilet pot slowly without making a single sound and I get on top. I hear the door open and footsteps get closer

"Is there anybody in here!?" She asks because when the bell rings nobody must be outside of their training hall unless you have permission from the teacher. Then I hear a toilet room door open

Oh no, She must be checking each one, this is bad. She is going the find me!

The sound of doors opening keeps getting closer

How am I going to explain this one?. I start to freak-out

I can't let her ruin this for me, there's only one thing I can do…shapeshift. I can transform to one of the cleaners, hopefully, she won't find anything suspicious.

I transform into Marisa, one of the Cleaners. She's white like paper, brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a blue uniform.

"Here goes nothing," I open the bathroom door and she looks startled

"Marisa," she says in relief

"Oh, I was checking the bathrooms and I had to use the room," I say in Marisa's voice.

"Oh, I was doing the same thing,"

"You can go, I already checked," I say

"Okay then let's go," I walk out with her

"I will see you around, there's something I have to clean that side." I point to the right.

"Wow, I've never heard you speak the human language so much, I thought you didn't like speaking the human language?" she questions.

"Uhm, well I-uhh..."

"It's okay, don't worry about it, the human language sometimes is just irresistible,"

"Oh yeah, yeah that's right," I smile with relief

"I'll see you around," she says and walks away. The place looks empty.

"Everyone must be in their classes." make my way to the staircase, I look around one more time making sure nobody sees me.

"I think this is a good disguise," I smile and walk up the stairs


Harmony's point of view:

I enter the training hall and spot Liam standing further down with his hands on his hips, he looks lost in his thoughts.

"Thinking about the keys?" I ask as I walk to him and he looks at me with a smile.

"It's just weird," he says

"Hey," I look at him in shock. "Where's the staff!?"

The portal is gone.

"Don't worry about it, he's probably hiding in here somewhere,' Liam calmly says.

"Are you sure," I search the place with my eyes.

"Yeah," he responds

"Help me find it."

"Oh come on, it's going to waste time," He playfully hesitates

"I'll need it for the training, remember," I say

"Oh yeah," he scratches the back of his head, "come on then."

"Hello!..." I shout while looking around for any clues of his whereabouts.

"Liam, you are not really helping," I say

"Because he is annoying," Liam whines

"Excuse me,"

I startle at the voice coming behind me

"Who is annoying between me and you?"

But Liam looks so calm as he turns around.

"You," Liam replies

My eyes light up, "A talking stick..." I mumble and Liam looks at me.

"Huh..." It looks at me.

"You have eyes and a mouth," I say while I'm still in shock

"Uhh..." It looks down at its body, "yes," it smiles. "But I don't have arms or legs…or a nose" his voice sounds disappointed. The staff is almost the same size as me

"Disco, this i-"

"Ohh look at that, you must be the new guardian of music." Disco flies over to me, moving around me and checking my hair.

"Yes I am," I confirm

"You are beautiful," he comments, " you look exactly like the queen of Musiana."

"The QUEEN is her mom," Liam says

"Yes of course, wa-wait, what?" Disco flies in front of me and slowly grins, "of course, the lost Princess of Musiana," he starts to figure it out, "why didn't you tell me?" He looks at Liam with a bit of playful anger

"I tried to tell you," Liam responds

"You should've spoken louder," Disco says

"Whatever," Liam replies

"Before we continue, you must give me my new name," He moves away and floats in front of me, waiting for my answer

"I think Disco suits you," I say

"I've always thought so, even my former owners thought so," he happily says

"Okay, I must get training," Liam says

"Oh come on, I just arrived, can't I go say hi to the others?" Disco begs

"No, everyone is busy right now. Don't disturb, now come on, it's training time" Liam says and Disco lands on the floor

"But I'm so ex-"

"Training," Liam insists. I laugh.


Bexy's point of view:

I must check first if the headmistress' guard is outside the door, he might see me.

"Oh no, he's there," I peek at him through the side of the wall, "now what? I can't stop now. Think Bexy think" I try to figure out my next move and voice mimicking is my only option here.

"It's now or never," I change my voice while am still in Marisa's body

"Harley," I call and the guard turns to look at the door "could you please come insider," I say

"I have to be ready to move as fast as I can,"

The guard enters the office and closes the door, immediately I run while taking out the keys from my breast. Once I get to the end of the corridor I turn left, I get to the door and open it as quickly as I can, eventually, I get in and lock the door. I rest my back on the door I sighing in relief.

"By the time I get out of here, Harley could already be outside, how in the world will I get out of here?" I walk forward in search of the Helaphim in this shiny, white, clean potion room, there are big white shelves of different potions lined neatly like in a Library, I know exactly how it looks, a glass pot filled with purple potion and purple smoke rises from it.

"Argh, where will I put it though? I didn't bring anything to store it in," as I'm looking around I spot a small empty glass bottle on one of her shelves

"Perfect," I smile, then I grab the bottle and continue the search. Row after row I carefully search

"At long last," I softly say as I stare at the Helaphim in front of me in the third row. I walk closer to it and open the bottle in my hands, I place the bottle on the shelf next to the Helaphim, then I grab the pot of helaphim and carefully pour it into the small bottle, but it keeps spilling so I put it back on the shelf and walk down the third row

"I need something like a syringe" I reach the end of the row, "or..." I look left, and spot a dark brown wooden table "or a funnel," I smile and immediately walk over to grab it

"Perfect," I walk back to the third row and finish what I started.

After pouring some of the Helaphim in the bottle, I try to figure out my way out of here

Even if I was to get out of here, the only exit is back, where I will most likely get caught by Harley.

I walk to the door and think of a plan, "I might need Athena and Aliyona's help, somehow,"

Athena's point of view

Aliyona and I are in class, the teacher has instructed us to try and generate a power ball.

"Athena, it's me" Bexy telepathically communicates with me

"What's up?" I respond while trying to maintain focused on generating the power ball.

"I need your help," she sayz

"Did you get the Helaphim ready?" I ask

"Yes, but now I can't go out without Harley seeing me," she says and I stop generating the power ball

"What do you want me to do?"

The teacher looks at me, "Athena, why have you stopped?"

"Uh..." I'm lost for words

"Are you there?" Bexy asks

"Yes, the teacher is asking why I've stopped training," I respond

"Tell her you need to go to the room," Bexy says

"Okay, I don't know if it will work though," I say

"Are you okay?" Aliyona softly asks me

"Athena!" the teacher calls.

"I-I need to use the ladies room, miss, please" I plead squeezing my legs together.

"You know very well that nobody is allowed to leave during practice. You were supposed to use the room during the break," She reminds

"I know, Miss Harrison. I just forgot" I claim innocently

"This is your first and last time," she warns, "go."

"Thank you miss," I make my way out

"Are you out?" Bexy asks

"Yeah, what must I do?" I ask while walking through the eating area

"Makeup something that you will need Harley's help with. Something to get him out of the building" she says

"What could that be?"

"Tell him something like, the other two guards outside the front door need help to carry something," She suggests.

"What happens when he finds out I was lying," I ask

"Tell him you must've heard wrong," she says as I enter the main building through the back door

"I don't know about this, Bexy, if I get in trouble I might get expelled, I don't want to disappoint my parents," I worry

"Don't worry, you will be fine" Bexy assures.

I exhale, "Fine,"

"Good girl, tell me when he's out."

"Sure," I make my way up the stairs.

"Act normal Athena," I tell myself as I reach the top and turn to walk towards the headmistress' office.

"I should've listened in the acting classes my parents sent me to. Or better yet, picked better friends."