

Rebekah's pov:

"Hey-hey" I hold his hand, stopping it from hitting Leeyan. "Look at me," I say, and he looks while I put down his hand. Leeyan is still rolling on floor with pain.

"I'm sorry,"

Our friends run over to us. I stand up.

"Come on, Liam," Tecno helps him up. As soon as Liam is on his feet, he walks away from us.

"Liam!" I call him

"Let him go, Harmony, give him some time," Tecno says and I let him be. Max goes to help Leeyan up.

"Sometimes you just have to know your place, Leeyan," Max says, Leeyan looks at him with fury and spits his blood on him. I can see the rage on Max's face but before he could do anything, Michael stops him and Leeyan furiously walks away. that's when Reseda and Alina show up.

"What on Melda just happened?" Reseda asks looking around at the mess.

"it's a long story," Clyden says

"Okay people, the show's over" Tecno shouts to the crowd and they turn their focus away from us, though some are still looking and talking.

"Are you okay?" Reseda asks me.

I nod, "yeah."

"Where is Liam?" Alina asks

"he went out to get some fresh air," Tecno says

"If I catch that guy," Max clenches his fists

"Calm down Blaze," says Michael.

Reseda looks at Max, "Which guy?"

"Leeyan" Max says while holding back his rage

"What exactly happened here?" Alina crosses her arms over her chest.

"Liam fought with Leeyan," imparts Tecno.

"How did that happen?" Alina unfolds her arms in shock.

"It's hankte Alina, let's just clean up here," Tecno says

"How complicated?" Reseda suspiciously asks.

"Very," Clyden responds.

Alina rolls her eyes, "where do we start?"

"anywhere, the headmistress can not find this here," Tecno says

"At least no glass broke, just that chair over there," Clyden says

"Yeah, but what will we tell the headmistress if someone tells her what happened?" Cari asks

"we will think of something," Tecno says

Max listlessly looks at Tecno "Think?...when was the last time I did that?"


Liam's point of view:

I'm a leader, a guardian, that was unprofessional, she makes me breaks the rules.

"When she is not even mine," I sigh sliding my hair back. I look around at the eating area.

I can't answer these questions, but I know I will never allow any man get so close to her in such a way, or desire her for pleasure.

I get up from the chair and start walking back to the party. When I enter, everything has been cleaned up.

"Where are they?" my eyes search the place until I spot them, but the girls are not there.

"There you are," Tecno says as I approach them

"Thanks guys for-"

"Don't mention it," Michael says

"No big deal," Clyden says and I smile

"where are the girls?" I ask

"There," Tecno looks past me and I turn to look,

"Oh my…"

She moves her waist like a snake. Her smile…

" looks like I'm going to be beating up a lot of guys from today onwards" I slightly smile, "why do you have to make things hard for me Harmony?"

"What are you smiling about," Max asks

I stop smiling, "nothing." But my eyes are still fixed on Harmony.

"Mmm..." max says. He probably figured it out.

"man, that smile is precious, why are good things always forbidden?"

Problem is that, the more I try to stay away from the forbidden fruit, the more I want to have it and see for myself.

"Liam!" she calls, "come!"

To be honest I'm not into dancing, so I smile and shake my head. She walks over to me

"No I-"

"Come on," she grabs my hand.

"Harmony...I don't dance," I say

"Who doesn't dance?" she smiles

"I'll teach you," she starts dancing. "Let the music move you, follow me."

"she wants me to dance? Fine, I'll dance"

I loosen up and start dancing, doing some moves I learnt from my Cousin Zack.

"That's it," she says with enthusiasm, "woo!" she shouts with joy.


Harmony's point of view:

"Incredible," I think

I've never seen a guy dance in such an attractive way, he brings out feelings in me that I can't control, especially when his shiny black hair falls over his face making him look like a hot mess.

"go tiger." I smile and continue dancing

"That sounds weird."

I love this place, I've never felt so…confident, didn't take much for me to loosen up.


Reseda's point of view:

I can't believe Harmony got Liam to dance, I don't think he has ever had that much fun in years. I look over to the left and spot Bexy and her minions looking at Liam and harmony with jealousy.

"Why can't she just give up?"

The heart wants it wants I guess.


Harmony's point of view:

I did not expect to have a party when I arrived here, I was actually expecting some aliens to take me to some secret base. I can feel myself getting lost in the music.

My legs get lost and I trip falling into Liam's arms. My hand his shoulders and his hands on my waist. My heart beats fast. He lifts his right hand and slides it on my cheek down to my chin. I galp.

"What's going on? Oh man, can't I go brush my teeth first?"

"Let's go and sit, my legs are tired," Alina interrupts breathing heavily.

"Good timing."

"Yeah, me too," I loosen myself from his grip and walk down to the others.

"Why do you look like you went for a long run?" Tecno asks Alina

"Leave me alone, Tecno," she says

"you looked pretty hot out there," he compliments.

"you think so?" she smiles

"I think these two like each other, no wonder they always argue"

A man walks to us, he has fair skin colour like Liam and Max, dressed like one of the guards that welcomed us earlier with the headmistress.

"princess harmony," he bows. "The headmistress is looking for you."

"Oh…okay," I uncertainly say

"You will be okay," Reseda says.

"Follow me," instructs the guard, and I follow him to the staircase, but before I start walking up, I turn to look at Liam. I'm so nervous.

"you will be okay," says Liam's voice in my head.

"Wait what? I must be imagining things." I mumble.

"princess?" the man calls me halfway on the stairs

"Coming," I continue up the stairs.


Bexy's point of view:

Harmony Slora, you have started the wrong girl, and the wrong game. For fifteen years I have kept Liam company, and now you think you can just come back and take him from me? Everything I worked hard for, you think can just destroy it all just like that?

"two can play this game," I evilly smile while sitting on the sofa with my girls.

"He is alone now," Athena informs.

"Maybe you can go and talk to him," suggests Aliyona

"Not now, I'll wait for the perfect time. She does not stand a chance."

"She is so stupid trying to compete with you," says Aliyona.

"I know, but what can expect from a normal, boring, useless human?" I smirk.


Harmony's point of view :

The man takes me to a room of elders sitting at a long glass table with orange patterns like plant roots decorating it.

"Harmony, come sit," smiles headmistress Ramona while tapping her hand on the chair next to her.

"Good afternoon ," I smile, but the people just nod their heads with a welcoming smile

"Maybe that's how they greet here,"

"You are welcome," says the headmistress

"Thank you," I smile as I take a sit.

"They are probably going to turn into Aliens anytime now."

"First of all these are the headmistresses and headmasters from other big schools in Melda," she introduces the people and I smile at them. I just have no idea what to say, literally.

"Harmony, you do know why you are here, right?" asks the female headmistress seating at the end of the table

"Yes miss," I say

"Did you come here out of your own will or were you forced?" asks a man

"I came out of my own will," I nervously respond. They write down on some type of see-through paper with a see-through pen in different colours, I don't know if they are writing down my response or the way act.

"Okay," Headmistress Ramona rests her hands on the table. " I know this not the perfect time to be throwing a party but, we wanted you to feel free first and meet the guardians before going into the serious part," she explains

I nod, "thank you."

She smiles.

"Am I…really Harmony?" I look at all of them

"Yes," affirms headmistress Ramona, "you are Harmony Slora, daughter of queen aria Slora and king Kai Slora. A long time ago," she begins, "your land was invade by the menace, a evil group controlled by Asmodeus. I can't tell much about Asmodeus yet, right now we just have to focus on saving Musiana."

"I think we should do it now, I have another meeting after this," says the man in a white and gold suit, dark blue skin and fish scales on his scalp nicely shaping his hairline.

Headmistress Ramona smiles "well then, let's get to it." She looks at me. "At the moment we have guardian necklace that has not chosen anyone from any country except Musiana, we believe the next person to wear this necklace will be from Musiana, because there are no Musianas to choose from, we are giving it to you," she looks towards the door. "Harry!" she calls and the same guard comes inside holding a medium-sized pink box.

"Thank you," she says as Harry sits the box on the table.

"In here, is the last guardian necklace, this necklace boosts your powers, making you stronger than any regular Musiana, this necklace gives you many opportunities to unlocking different levels of your power," she explains.

She grabs her wooden stick and hits it on the floor, immediately the box opens up on its own. Inside it, is a golden necklace with a glowing, plain diamond pendant with golden branches coiling around it. It looks exactly like the one I saw Reseda and Teva wearing.

"Stand up everyone," she instructs, and we all stand.

"Are you ready? Is this what you want? Or you want to go back to earth? Because once you wear this necklace you will only be able to travel back when your mission is complete."

I just arrived today, I don't know this place, I don't know these people, I'm still finding it hard to trust them, what if this was a mistake? what they are lying to me? What if I bind myself to eternal doom? What if they are aliens in disguise?

Headmistress Ramona smiles, "I understand," she places her left hand on my shoulder. "I'll give you the box, take your time to think about it, and when you are ready, put it on."

I look at her, I nod with a slight smile.

She hits her stick on the floor again and the box closes. She grabs the box with her left hand, and I receive it with both of my hands.

"Thank you," I smile

She slowly nods once with a smile.

I guess that means, "you're welcome".