
Harem Shadow

A sequel of sorts to A Queen Disgraced. Follows a ninja bodyguard tasked with protecting a princess in the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom a while after the two kingdoms combined

Jonas89 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Harem Shadow: Chapter 3 - Shunned by a Princess

"Um, miss?"

Zweig called out quietly into the deep darkness.

He was in a breakroom prepared for those who worked in the royal palace. It even had small private rooms in which people could take naps.

Those made excellent spots for couples to sneak away for a tryst and they were often used for that purpose.

(A tryst. That has a really sexy ring to it.)

Zweig was excited.

While Sieglinde was taking a bath, a maid had shown interest in him and then told him to come here.

Ever since happening across Sieglinde while she was peeing, he had been labeled a pervert and thoroughly shunned.

And since he had also watched her bathe, he should probably count himself lucky he was not being treated even worse.

But that sort of luck brought him no happiness and he spent his days with a heavy heart.

That was when Diana had whispered a question in his ear.

"Are you interested in older women, young knight?"

"I love them," he had said. If he were a dog, his tail would have been wagging like crazy.

(Diana said the women in the palace treat love like a game and that a lot of them are incredibly skilled in bed.)

He still found it hard to believe that pretty and pure young woman would say something like that, but she was also the maid who had sexually teased the princess. He just knew she was going to give him an incredible sexual experience, so his heart and dick were swollen with anticipation.

His bodyguard job had flown by after he received the invitation from Diana.

"U-um, miss? I-I can't wait much longer."

If Alisha heard how pathetically aroused he sounded right now, she would probably pinch his butt in anger.

The room's lights were off, but he had good night vision and could see a lump in the bed. Someone was clearly lying below the covers.

(Hm? Is Diana asleep?)

That seemed odd when she had invited him here, but her maid work probably was exhausting.

(Sieglinde works people hard.)

He felt reluctant to wake her, but he was equally reluctant to just leave.

Sexual fantasies about her had been dancing through his mind all day and his dick was pitching an undeniable tent in his pants.

If he searched out Alisha or Risull, they would probably let him do it, but he had decided during the day that his dick was going inside Diana tonight, so it felt like no other woman would satisfy him at this point.


He stared bitterly at the lump in the covers.

The thin blanket was pulled so far up he could not see Diana's face, but he could see what looked like her lavender hair in the darkness.

No, I can't. It's wrong, he told himself even as he walked toward the bed like an ant drawn toward a piece of candy.

He told himself he would be able to leave once he had seen her face. The blanket covering her face created a sense of security that made it hard to resist the urges inside him.

(She invited me here, so it'd be okay to touch her a little, right?)

He used that selfish interpretation of events to excuse feeling up the chest pushing up the blanket.

(Huh? They're awfully hard.)

He had expected the soft breasts of a grown woman, but he found himself touching something else.

(What is that? Well, women have their secrets, I suppose.)

He knew there was still a lot he did not know about women, so he did not let it bother him much.

The light touching through the blanket did not wake her. It was also possible she was only pretending to be asleep.

Feeling emboldened by that imagined possibility, he gently reached a hand below the bottom of the blanket.

She was wearing stockings over her legs and he felt her foot, ankle, shin, knee, and thigh through the thin material. The stocking stopped halfway up her thigh, so he felt her bare skin there.

(Wow, her legs are long. And they feel really nice. She's got a lot of muscle and fat. It's a shame she covers up these nice legs below that skirt all the time.)

Turned on by the feel of her leg, he grew even bolder. He kept his hand going and finally reached the point where her two legs met.

He of course expected to find the soft cloth of her underwear, but…

(Eh? Metal? What in the world is she wearing?)

He was confused, but he did see her body tremble.

(She's gotta be awake. I wonder why she's pretending to be asleep. Is getting pleasured in your sleep a popular roleplaying scenario among the maids right now?)

He did not understand it, but he could not contain himself any longer.

He stripped off his clothing and climbed naked onto the bed with his erect dick shaking from the movement.

"Miss, you're awake, aren't you? Then let's have a ton of sex♪"

The horny boy removed the blanket from the young woman pretending to sleep.

He of course expected to find that monotone maid uniform.

Instead, he found golden hip armor, a golden breastplate, a golden helmet, and a blue pareo.


Topaz eyes shined bright in the darkness.

Then his vision spun around.


He was now lying on his back and he had no idea how he had ended up like that.

He found a left elbow pressed against his throat and a knee on his crotch. Not to mention the short sword glinting in the dark night above his left eye so it could be swung down at any time.



He stared up at the female voice that barked that sharp command and he saw glittering eyes and hair as red as burning flames. This woman's large mouth bore the brutal smile of a man-eating tiger.

He had thought the hair he saw was lavender, but that must have been his preconceptions coloring his perception.

(No way!)

He blinked in confusion.

The shock was similar to excepting a sweet, sweet cream puff and getting a super spicy version instead.

He recognized her. She was the most dangerous woman in the Orsini-Sabrina Double Kingdom – Grim Butterflies Commander Julia.

(How did this happen? Did I get the wrong room?)

No, he had been excited, but he remembered carefully checking the room number. That meant he needed to assume Diana had been teasing him all along.

(Oh, man. City women really are scary.)

He did not know why that young woman had decided to tease a horny boy like him, but she had definitely landed him in serious hot water.

He cowered down in fear while that terrifying female warrior pinned him down.

"Move and I'll crush those precious balls of yours."

He could tell that was no idle threat with her. He got the feeling she had done exactly that to men on the battlefield before.

"I let you have your fun for a bit because I thought it was one of my cute kittens paying me a late-night visit, but none of my cute kittens have one of these."

She rubbed his erect cock with her left knee.

"Ah, aghhh."

His mouth hung open and drool dripped out while he moaned in agony.

"A ninja? You have guts trying to take me in the night."

He never, ever would have done it had he known it was her, but he felt like saying that would sound like an insult. And he had no idea what she would do if he wounded her pride.

"Hm, I've seen you before. Aren't you the kid Risaya brought in to help guard Lady Sieglinde? What was your name again?"

"It's Zweig," he confessed with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, that was it. My younger girls were going on and on about how handsome you are."

She slapped at his cheeks as if to torment him.

"Yes, with looks like this, you shouldn't have trouble finding girls willing to spread their legs for you, yet you still felt the need to pay me a visit? Heh heh heh."

That must have tickled her pride because she laughed quietly about it.

"But I am not a fan of that rotten assumption that you can have any woman you want."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Did you really take me for such a cheap woman? It's time someone taught you a lesson."

She placed her weight on her kneecap.

"I didn't- gwaaaaahhh!"

He screamed in pain and shook his head wildly as she crushed his balls.

The ball crushing drained him of the willpower needed to argue his case.

"Did you want to do me that badly? Hm?"

He desperately nodded his head.

He was not entirely sure, but he got the idea this scary young woman was actually interested in him.

The only way to escape this with his balls intact was to insist he did indeed want to have sex with her. If he admitted it had all been a case of mistaken identity, she would definitely squash his balls flat and possibly cut off his dick entirely.

As expected, her expression softened somewhat when he said that. Realizing he was on the right track, he stuck to that plan.

"It was love at first sight. I couldn't forget your beautiful and noble face, but I knew you wouldn't give a kid like me the time of day, so I eventually lost control of myself and wandered in here."

He was making it up as he went along, but he started to believe it himself as he said it.

This scary young woman was undeniably beautiful. She was tall, she had broad shoulders, she had a tight stomach, and her limbs were long.

"Stop it. You're embarrassing me."

His passionate confession put a bashful smile on her face, which made her look surprisingly cute. The instant he saw it, life returned to the penis being crushed below her knee.

"Fine. I'm willing to reward your courage just this once."


His eyes widened because he had never dreamed of it working this well, but she nodded.

"Yes, even I enjoy the occasional penis from time to time."

She placed her hand on his cheek and gently kissed him.

"Nh, nh, nhh…nhh."

They rubbed their lips together. Hers were surprisingly soft for a warrior woman like her.

Her powerful tongue licked all over his lips and then forced its way through them.

She licked his front teeth and his gums. She gently touched his chin and he realized that was a sign to open his mouth, so he did so, allowing her tongue further in.

An exciting tremor ran through his body and then she tangled her tongue with his.

She let a lot of her warm syrup flow into his mouth and he worked hard to swallow it all so he would not suffocate.

Then she pulled his tongue up into her mouth and let him lick at her mouth all he liked.

She let out a long sigh once the greedy kiss was finally over.

"Eh heh heh. You're honestly pretty cute. I almost want to devour you head to toe."

The golden lioness ran her tongue along her pet's cheek.

Then she licked at his chin, his neck, and up his right arm. She stuck her face into his armpit, enjoyed the scent, and licked at it. She did the same with the other one as well.

"Eh heh heh. Your armpits are so smooth. You really are just a kid, huh?♪"

Her topaz eyes were bright with arousal.

She pressed her wet tongue against his nipples and licked around them like she was loving a woman's areolae.

"Ahh, that tickles."

"Eh heh heh. A pretty boy writhing in pleasure with his nipples hard? What a strange sight."

Zweig was still pure enough that he did not know what to make of feeling pleasure when his nipples were licked.

But he could not fight the pleasure brought by this young woman and he finally went limp.

Satisfied with that, Julia got up, unhooked her bright golden breastplate and lowered it from her chest.

"Here, you can touch my boobs."

The mounds that spilled out were not just large. They jiggled in the most wonderful way.

He reached up toward them as told.

(They're so firm. They're almost like rubber balls.)

None of the breasts he had felt before had been like this. They threatened to spring his hands back off of them if he was not careful.

Her skin was nice and tight, her legs were beautiful, and all of her limbs were long. Her stomach was fit and the navel was elongated in the vertical direction.

She had incredible proportions all around.

As he hesitantly teased her breasts to enjoy that body, she wrapped her arms around the back of his head.

"I said you can touch them, so don't bother holding back."

She buried his head in her cleavage, but that was not all. She also pressed the breasts into his head from either side.

(Wow, she likes to keep things exciting, doesn't she?)

He enjoyed her breasts with his entire face. The air he breathed smelled like her skin and his nasal breathing naturally grew heavier.

"Mh, mhh, mhhhh."

He was close to suffocating in her chest, but his instincts guided his lips to a wine-red nipple that he began sucking.

"Ahn, yes♪ Suck harder."

She let out a pleasureful sigh.

He massaged her boobs hard enough to overcome how much they pushed back at his hands and he alternated between nipples.

"There, is that enough of my boobs for you?"


He had been embracing her chest and teasing her breasts like an ape, but she pulled away from him.

He had wanted to suck her nipples some more, but she rose up in front of him.

She planted her knees on either side of his head, which naturally brought her crotch right in front of his face.

He stared up at her while the noble knight reached for the crotch of her hip armor.

"Are you interested in this?"

He eagerly nodded.

"Eh heh heh. Yes, I imagine you are. …Do you want to see inside?"

"Um, yes. I do!"

He nodded repeatedly because he could not contain his desire to bury his face in her crotch.

"My, what a dirty boy you are."

She twisted her body like his bloodshot eyes on her were enough to bring her pleasure.

This was too much for the teenage boy to bear. He was about ready to push her back onto the bed and tear her underwear away, but she must have seen right through him. The knight held the inexperienced ninja's arms solidly in place with her legs.

"But I am not at all opposed to dirty boys, so I think I'll give you a special treat tonight."

She lifted her paleo in front of his face and undid the golden chastity belt, revealing red low-rise panties below.

They were skimpy and sexy, but the simple design suited her manly personality.

A closer inspection showed the crotch was stained a bit darker by a liquid from within.

(Oh, she's wet.)

It made him happy to know even that tough young woman was aroused.

"U-um, can you r-remove your panties?"

"No, not in this position."

She gave him a sadistic smile and it was true she could not remove them without removing them from both legs. And with her legs currently holding his arms in place, she could not remove the underwear.

"This is the best I can do."

When he gained the look of a dog denied a treat, she reached down and pulled the crotch of the red panties to the left.


His face lit up as some red hair came into view and strings of sticky liquid dripped down.

(Wow, she's soaked in there. She's such a badass, but she must get wet really easy.)

Her vulva was right in front of him and its female scent wafted over to him, but he could not use his arms and stretching his head up was not enough to reach it. His only option was to sniff his nose like a dog.


Julia held an exasperated hand to her forehead at the horny boy's behavior, but it did not seem to bother her. And Zweig decided to ask her a favor.

"U-um, Julia? Can I call you Mistress Julia?"

He knew the Grim Butterflies all called their leader that and he definitely wanted to call her that himself. She was just that impressive and cool.

"Eh heh heh. You certainly know the right questions to ask. You can indeed."

She rubbed his head like he was a pet. Then she moved her left hand to her lower stomach and placed the index and middle fingers against her labia.

She spread those two fingers.

The pink flesh spread open and a translucent liquid flowed out. The nectar fell onto his face in sticky strings, but he kept his eyes open to view the inside of her labia.

The size of her clitoris was a minor shock. It looked as big as the tip of her little finger. It had to be not just one but two sizes larger than Risull's or Alisha's. And he had yet to touch it, but it was already protruding from its hood.

Clit size was probably just something you were born with, but knowing this young woman was known as the Virgin Slayer, he started to imagine hers had grown so large after being licked by countless women.

"Now, get licking…ah!"

When she spread her knees and lowered her hips, he excitedly stuck out his tongue.

Her labia were so wet you would think she had pissed herself, but the greater quantity may have made it thinner because her love juices were easier to swallow than Risull's or Alisha's.

It helped his tongue move more smoothly as well, so he stirred up her vulva and did not stop devouring her sexual flesh even as her body began to tremble.

"Ahn, you're pretty good at this for a boy. Ahhn♪"

She massaged her own breasts while enjoying it. She moved her hips back and forth to help rub her clit and labia against his nose, lips, and protruding tongue.

The more he stirred up her sexual flesh, the more her beautiful and muscular warrior's body trembled, the more she moaned, and the more love juices poured from her.

"Ah, ahn, ahhn, ahn."


He was so happy that cool young woman was moaning so sweetly he began to lick at her vaginal entrance, poke at her urethra, and suck at her clitoris.

Her large clit made for an easy target, so he both flicked it with his tongue and poked at it with his nose.

"Nh…ahn…ahh♪ Nh, nhh…ahhhh!"

When he stuck his tongue in her vagina and rapidly rotated it while rubbing her clit with his nose, the war goddess moaned extra loud while massaging her own breasts. Love juices erupted from her.

She had apparently cummed a little bit.

He used the subsequent calmer moment to ask for more.

"Um, Mistress Julia, I, um, well."

"Pant, pant. What, do you want to put that thing inside me?"

He gave a firm nod with his face dripping with the fluid that had squirted from her crotch.

"Yes, I do. Please let me."

She must have enjoyed how eager he was because she smiled in satisfaction.

"Eh heh heh. That is why you snuck in here, isn't it?"

She glanced behind her where his penis was standing tall and glistening with arousal.

"Yes, I would feel bad ignoring that thing much longer when it's begging like that."

She pulled her hips away from his face and moved her lower body back past his penis and then lowered her hips.

"Are you trying to soak my bed with your precum? What a naughty boy."

She poked at the swollen-to-bursting cock and sneered down at it, but she must have also wanted it herself. She lifted up his upper body, placed her hands on his shoulders, and lifted her hips again. Then she moved them just a bit forward.

Once his rock-hard thing was positioned against her hole, she slowly bent her knees to lower her hips.


Male flesh touched female flesh and that cool young woman's naked body trembled.

She wrapped her left arm around his neck and spread her pussy with her right hand to allow the erection inside her.

First, the head went in.

(Wow, sh-she's really squeezing.)

This was different from the tightness he had felt with a virgin like Alisha. She was squeezing his penis with her vaginal muscles.

It went a lot smoother once the head was inside. His entire length was soon swallowed up by her warm female flesh.

She wrapped her arms around his back and held him tight, squishing her breasts against his chest.

(I knew it would feel good. I knew it would feel unbelievably good, but this is even better than I imagined♪)

Given how muscular her body was, he should have known her vagina would be able to squeeze like this.

The ninja vaginas had squeezed tight too, but this was on a whole other level.

"Not a bad penis. I like it."

She slowly began to move her hips.

He had expected her to start slamming her hips down on him like a demon, but she moved surprisingly cautiously.

(Huh? Does she not do this very often?)

Her hips seemed awfully tame for the horny young woman known for her lesbian relationships with the knights under her command.

His surprise must have shown on his face because she responded in an awkward way.

"Don't look so shocked. To be honest, I don't have sex with men very often."

"B-but you made it sound like you do it fairly regularly before. From time to time, did you call it?"

She blushed and snapped back at him.

"Oh, shut up. So I stretched the truth a little. Don't be so picky!"

Her anger here was obviously fueled by embarrassment, so it was not all that scary.

She must have been aware of that because she dropped the façade of anger and mumbled an explanation.

"I've mostly just stuck to women since Queen Vishnu took my virginity when I was 14 and most men find me too frightening to approach me themselves. A few have been brave enough and that was fun, but I'm happy enough with women that I haven't bothered seeking men out myself."

The Grim Butterflies were Sabrina Queen Vishnu's royal guard and they were entirely composed of women. They also acted as guards of honor, so they were a super elite group that had to be both strong and beautiful.

Many would argue against them being the strongest military group, but few would argue against them being the loveliest. And they were not just for show. When they charged in led by Queen Vishnu, they were devastatingly destructive.

But men were hesitant to approach elites like them and Julia was particular formidable as their leader.

Hence the relatively little experience with men.

"So I was honestly kind of happy to find you had dared sneak into my room."

"Then let's have a ton of sex. I'm jealous of all those women who've been hogging this nice body."

"You really are a dirty boy, aren't you? You're as bad as Selune. Are all Orsini men like this?"

The vast majority of Orsini people would want to loudly protest that assessment.

"I'm pretty sure most any man would want to have sex with good-looking women."

"It isn't just men who like doing that, let me tell you. But handsome young men are to my liking as well."

She smiled, spread her legs wide, closed them again, twisted to the right, twisted to the left, and moved her hips every which way.

Each movement squeezed and twisted at the penis contained in her tight vagina.

Finally, she placed her arms on the bed behind her to prop herself up, lifted her legs, and placed them on his shoulders.

"Okay, I think I remember how it's done now."

As a martial arts expert, she had incredible control of her body and could pull off all sorts of positions in bed.

Her hip movements gradually grew faster, stronger, and more rhythmical.

Her large chest bounced up and down and the sweat flew from her skin.

"Ahhhhhhhn!" screamed Zweig.

Her experience with men may have been lacking, but she knew how to use her hips thanks to her experience with women.

His dick would rise up past his navel when he was hard, but this position pushed it down so far it nearly reached his thighs.

(Sh-she's gonna break my dick right off.)

He was worried, but the pleasure overpowered that.

When it tried to bounce back up, it would apply pressure to the stomach-side of her vagina.

That was apparently her weak point and he wanted to make sure she was enjoying it too, so he actively worked to rub there as much as possible.

"Don't you dare cum before me," she said. "You will satisfy me one way or another."


He gathered strength in his lower body to keep from blowing his load and she pressed her calves against his cheeks while moving her hips and smiling at him.

"You move your hips too. You don't get to sit there and let me do all the work."


He reached around her hips for support and began moving his own hips.

The sticky sounds grew all the louder.

When he moved his hips, the friction grew along with the pleasure. He moved his hips carefully to avoid blowing his load early, but she barked a command at him.

"Faster! Stronger! Pound deep inside!"

He did as he was told.

"Yeah, that's the stuff. Men and women really do provide different sorts of pleasure."

Each time their crotches bumped together, her tits would dance and her jaw would rise up.

She grew more defenseless with every thrust, but he was driven closer to the edge of ejaculation at the same time.

"Mistress, I-I…"

"Don't you dare cum!"

She demanded he thrust his hips as hard as he could, but she also refused to let him ejaculate.

That hardly seemed fair, but it also felt so good. He also wanted to try to give her what she demanded since that scary young woman was actually enjoying his penis.

Alisha was still a kid and Risull had developed sex into an artform, but this wild and sexy woman simply greedily devoured him.

He clenched his teeth, moved his hips like crazy, and focused on rubbing at her tight pussy with his erect cock.

As Julia moved her hips and let her boobs bounce, sweat scattered beautifully from her naked body.

Love juices flowed out with each thrust and it coated his shaft each time he pulled back. Her vagina was twitching wildly, so she had to be close to climax herself.

"Mistress, I…"

"I said don't!"

She still mercilessly refused him. His penis was past its limit and he had no idea what to do.


"O-okay, fine. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!"

She cried out in a way he never would have imagined from her while her vaginal walls squeezed as if sucking at the manhood within her. A shower of hot love juices poured down on his hips.

She had clearly orgasmed before him, so he no longer had to wait.

"I'm cumming!!!"

At long last, he ejaculated and the sense of release was so much greater than ever before.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhn, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"


The knight's lower stomach trembled and the tremor spread to the rest of her body as the boy's hot stuff erupted within her.

Being cummed inside seemed to have shifted her orgasm to an even higher level.

He felt satisfied he had guided that scary young woman to climax.

The two of them held each other in their arms and collapsed onto the bed.

They shared each other's warmth as they enjoyed the afterglow and Julia kissed Zweig on the cheek.

"Ha ha. Being cummed inside is one of those things you can only feel with a man. Eh heh heh. Maybe I should start doing this a little more often."

"Pant, pant. I'm glad you – pant – enjoyed it."

She poked her finger into his cheek.

"Phew. You dirty boy, you. You'd better come play with me every now and then, okay?"


"Yes, I'm willing to make you one of my kittens. No, you can be my very first puppy. But prepare yourself. Eh heh heh. I am going to drain you of every last drop each time you visit."

He wouldn't have it any other way. He could not wait to have a lot more sex with this cool young woman.