
Harem Sex (Futanari)

Morita Hikaru has an accident but later her life turned upside down because she had a futa cock for a girl but once she touches her futa cock and of a sudden, the semen keep flowing out from her futa cock.

HikaruRei · LGBT+
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1 Chs

1. Accident Happen

Right after the Sakurazaka46 idol want to get back from the dorm and there have someone is getting off the bus and it was the 2nd gen member and her name is Morita Hikaru and she starts to run from to the member who wants to hit by a car but Morita had to save her from getting hit by a car.

Morita: I'm sorry

Hikaru push her away and later Morita get hit by a car and she fell on the ground and landed on her virgin and later others saw that Morita had a huge car accident happen and we call the ambulance for her to be sent from the hospital immediately and just only the 1st gen member go with Morita to the hospital with her.

Takemoto: Morita...I'm sorry I didn't know it was you who push me away

Morita: It's okay...*fading away*

Once the hospital driver drove off and went to the hospital with Kobayashi Yui by her side forever and others are going back to the dorm and still worried about Morita's condition results.

In the meantime, we are here at the hospital with Kobayashi and the doctor takes Morita and goes inside the room to check on her.

Doctor: please wait for her outside while we operation her

Kobayashi: okay please save her

Doctor: of course, we will

Later the doctor went inside to the operating room and check her and went they see that her virgin had damage but they just replace the new part for her below and they put Morita into sleep and remove her virgin and replace a futa cock on her below part.

Doctor: okay now she has a futanari cock and let her sleep for a while

Right before the doctor had finished the operation on her and we all get out of the room we see that her friend was worried about her and the doctor was asking her about some due issues about her.

Doctor: sorry for waiting can we talk and walk at the same time

Kobayashi: of course

While the doctor and Kobayashi had their talk to each other about her friend as been the new futanari for the first time we had to create or make a new project.

Doctor: please seat down let me explain what happens to her?

Kobayashi: did Morita will be okay, Doctor?

Doctor: she will be okay but there have some due issue

Kobayashi: what is the due issue about Morita's condition?

Doctor: I can't say it loud but can I whisper in your ear

Kobayashi: sure

When the doctor was whispering in Kobayashi's ear and was saying to her ''Morita is a futanari'' please do more things that she likes to do with everyone at the dorm.

Later the doctor stand up and bow to Kobayashi and left her alone and he go back to his work.

Kobayashi POV.

Morita is a futanari what the hell the doctor is saying about Morita having a futa cock what did he trying to say is that Morita can have sex with any girl.

Meanwhile, inside back in the wardroom where Morita was sleeping and she can felt something growing at her below her between her legs.

Morita: what the fuck did happen to me? And why did I have a fucking futa cock!!

Kobayashi had left the hospital and returned to the Sakurazaka dorm and everyone can see that Kobayashi is returning from the hospital they were asking did Morita is going to be okay or if worse could happen to her.

Tamura: Kobayashi what happened to Morita?

Kobayashi: Morita is going to be okay but she needs to stay at the hospital

Matsuda: oh okay you better go and sleep while tomorrow we see her

Kobayashi: sure

When Kobayashi goes upstairs to her dorm room to take a nap and right before Kobayashi sleeps and later she had a dream of having sex with Morita futa's cock without wearing any of the condoms with her and the dream feels so damn good.

Inside Kobayashi's dream with Morita and Kobayashi was moaning every time she was a dream inside her dream but others can't hear her moan Kobayashi want to tell others the truth about Morita is a fucking futanari who have a futa huge cock that can have sex with anyone else.

Back inside the hospital ward room, there was Morita is waking up to go to the war toilet for doing something to make her feel better but went she close the ward toilet behind her and she touches her futa huge cock and she can feel that she can get cum that quickly and her futa cock semen is keep flowing and she felt so good of been born with a damn good looking futanari.

Morita: I want to fuck anyone but did Kobayashi come here today at the hospital and why did she go back to the dorm

Later Morita was cleaning her futa cock semen and she saw inside the ward toilet have male small boxer for her to wear and pants to cover her futa cock shape.

Doctor: Morita are you okay inside?

Morita: Doctor why do I have a fucking futa cock?

Doctor: because you had to save Takemoto and you land your virgin that hard and damage part of your body

Morita: every time I touch them it feels so damn good and why is that, Doctor?

Doctor: you wait inside the ward toilet while I call her to have sex with you hang in there Morita

Morita: okay Doctor I will wait for her to arrive

When the doctor go back outside to call Kobayashi to have words with her and back inside the Kobayashi dorm room and she had a phone call at the hospital and she answer the call inside the dorm.

Kobayashi: hello Doctor did Morita want to see me in the hospital?

Doctor: yes she does want to see you

Kobayashi: okay I'm coming over

Doctor: thank you

Kobayashi: no problem

While after a minute left and Kobayashi arrive at the hospital and see the Doctor waiting for her to arrive and went he whisper in her ear saying that to her.

Doctor: Morita was inside the toilet and you better go inside to check on her condition

The doctor had left Kobayashi alone with Morita inside the ward toilet and went she open the ward room door with a sliding door and she walks straight to the ward toilet and knock at the door and wait for her to open the door.

Kobayashi: Morita I have to arrive

Morita: did you know that I have a futanari

Kobayashi: no I do not know that you have a futa cock

Out of the blue, Morita opens half of the ward toilet and grabbed Kobayashi's hand and we went inside the ward toilet together inside to see that Morita was revealing her futa huge cock on Kobayashi.

Morita: Kobayashi I want you to rub my futa cock that fast and hard and make sure it had cum after I semen at your face

Kobayashi: I see you inside my dream of having some sex together inside somewhere but not inside the ward hospital toilet

Morita: please Kobayashi touch my futa cock that hard and fast

When Kobayashi was touch Morita futa's cock that hard and fast later of a sudden, Morita had to cum that quick and her semen is keep flowing at Kobayashi's face and she wiped her face is a towel and their face is lock into each other while Morita starts to have a fucking passion kiss on Kobayashi's lips and we both kiss and we're touching each other part of their body to feel good.

Morita: Kobayashi...Kobayashi, I'm going to cum now

Kobayashi: me too Hikaru!!

Together they were having so much fun with them and Morita was breathing Kobayashi stopped touching her futa cock and Morita wear the new male boxer that the doctor give her to wear every day while she was discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

Morita: I love you Kobayashi senpai

Kobayashi: you can have sex with another member correct?

Morita: yes I can but who is the first victim to have sex with me?

Kobayashi: I want to try with you but later the first victim is someone that you want too much

Morita: sure we will have sex inside the dorm toilet

Kobayashi: I like that idea and rest well Morita

Morita: you too senpai

They had a second kiss together inside the ward hospital toilet and Kobayashi went back to the dorm while Morita was sleeping in the bed and we for her to pick up the next morning at the hospital.