
Samezees Stickies

"Do you really think he is going to kill you?" Aquina asked as we walked up to the church.

"Oh yeah, Ivan may be a drunk asshole of a Russian, but he is a crack shot when he is mad!" Tenten added unhelpfully.

"I will just have to hit the gate running like last time, plus, I have the hamma sammich now! I will just have to move fast!"

"You know how you only can move at three speeds, right? So does Ivan, and he flies the pod down remotely, so he knows how fast you can go!" Teten complained as we finally got to the tall closed door.

The strange thing was that it was in remarkable shape considering how everything else in the area looked like...a post-apocalyptic world should look like. This door was out of place, and I was equally surprised when I pushed the door open and walked inside.

"What? Isn't this the place where we just started?"