
Harem pirates

The setting moves out to the high seas for the second entry in the Harem Series: Harem Pirates

Jonas89 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Harem Pirates: Chapter 2 - The Red-Haired Pirate

"Excellent work."

The radiant sun shined in the clear blue sky. The glittering jade color of the sea continued for as far as the eye could see. The large ship named the South Sea Falcon sailed calmly in the space between the two. The ample wind filled the sails and the ship raced along the great sea with shocking magnificence. It almost looked like the ruler of the sea.

However, the deck was scorching hot and it felt like standing on a frying pan. Magic jewels could only produce so much cool air, so sweat seemed to cascade down the sailors.

It seemed female sailors simply did not wear bras. The sweat plastered their thin clothing to their bare skin, so both the curves of their breasts and the protrusions of their nipples were fully revealed.

They might have acted differently with men around, but this was a women's ship. The only male aboard was a boy who did not really count, so they felt no need to worry about their appearance.

Ricardo often had no idea where to look when half-naked young women and girls were wandering around.

As the lowest ranked sailor, he was not given a magic jewel to help cool himself, so he desperately focused on his mopping to give him somewhere to look and to distract himself from the heat.

The next thing he knew, Captain Isis was watching him work. She was most likely in the middle of an inspection around the ship.

She was the one exception among the other half-naked women.

She wore the blue coat, white pants, and white scarf of her naval officer's uniform impeccably. Plus, she did not look even slightly warm. In fact, her cool stoic attitude made her seem almost inhuman.

Ricardo assumed she was simply trained differently.

She also scolded her subordinates with a harsh look in her eyes, so no one wanted to get near her. When she approached, tension filled the entire area.

That attitude meant none of the crew adored her, but no one doubted her abilities.

She did a splendid job of treating Ricardo just like everyone else without giving any hint to his true identity.

"Keep it up."

With that quick statement of encouragement, Isis walked away.

She had a gallant gait and looked like the perfect example of a woman soldier. Ricardo sat entranced watching her leave, but then he let out a surprised shout.

Something cold had touched the back of his neck.

He turned around to find Marion with a mischievous smile and a glass of magically-cooled orange juice.

"Here, take a break."

Life on the sea was unavoidably lacking in vegetables, so they needed rum to make up for it. The crew was always supplied rum during meals. It was a life-or-death issue, so the sailors were justified in staging a mutiny if the rum supply stopped.

But for the young apprentice sailors, orange juice was supplied instead. It was normally provided only at mealtimes, though.

Ricardo was confused until he saw Marion's friends Martha and Jimmy hanging out in the shade of the mast.

Jimmy, the one with more stereotypical beauty, pressed a finger to her lips to tell him to keep this a secret. She had apparently used her authority as a cook apprentice to treat her friends.

And now Marion was giving him an extra.

That young boss worked him like a dog and shouted relentless abuse while he was training as a sailor, but she was generally a nice girl. He thanked her, took a gulp of the drink, and pressed the cold glass to his forehead.

Marion sat on the edge of the ship. In order to enjoy the cool breeze as much as possible, she spread the healthy legs extending from her shorts and pulled out the chest of the shirt plastered to her skin.

She clearly did not think of Ricardo as a member of the opposite sex, but her healthy sexuality was dazzling to the adolescent boy. He blushed meaninglessly and looked in a different direction.

Marion must have figured out what his behavior meant because a mischievous smile appeared on her lips and she spoke.

"I get why you'd fall for the captain, but you don't have a chance with her no matter how bad you want her. She'd never give a kid like you the time of day."

"That isn't it!"

Realizing that this girl was terribly mistaken, he looked back to her and defiantly rejected the idea.

Her white eyes glittered on her tanned skin as she peered at the boy in amusement.

"Really? But I'd heard you ended up assigned to this ship because you'd fallen in love with Captain Isis and wouldn't take no for an answer."

"That isn't it. I don't know why I was put on this ship either."

"Fine, let's just leave it that."

Marion had not actually believed the rumor; she was just having fun teasing the younger boy.

Ricardo decided getting any more worked up would only make things worse, so he sipped at the yellow liquid and changed the subject.

"More importantly, we're hunting down a pirate, right? I wonder what kind of person this Scarlet woman is."


Marion stared at Ricardo as if she could not believe what she had just heard.

"What is it?"

"I'd suspected you had a sheltered upbringing, but it's worse than I thought."

"Is it weird not to know that?" asked Ricardo with a tilt of his head.

"Yes," definitively declared Marion.

She was so confident that he was not sure what to say and took a swig of his orange juice instead.

Deciding she had found an interesting topic for discussion, Marion waved her friends over.

"Martha, Jimmy, listen to this. This boy's never heard of Scarlet."

"Eh? You really haven't heard of her? What kind of backwoods did you come from to have never heard of Scarlet the Good Pirate?"

"Oh, my. You really are ignorant of the world, aren't you?"

Magician Apprentice Martha and Cook Apprentice Jimmy surrounded him as if they had found a rare creature.

Marion raised a finger in front of his nose and began explaining as if it was her duty as his boss.

"Surely even someone as ignorant as you has heard of Lady Sigrain, commander of the navy's fourth fleet."

"Yes, of course."

He could hardly tell them he knew every inch of her body.

(She has silky smooth skin and huge boobs. And her rough pussy really squeezes down on you. Plus, she gets such a lewd look on her face when she's horny. You'd never be able to imagine that look if you'd only seen her normal composed look.)

Simply hearing Sigrain's name reminded him of that pleasure that sweetly melted his body and soul, so blood reflexively began gathering in his penis.

"When Lady Sigrain was sailing her ship around fighting on the front lines, the two standing on either side of her were Captain Isis and Scarlet."


Ricardo was so surprised he almost dropped his precious orange juice.

The three young girls smiled in satisfaction at his reaction and began telling him plenty more.

"Strict Isis and open-minded Scarlet achieved countless military victories as a golden duo who worked in perfect harmony."

After Marion's explanation, Martha raised her index finger to explain further.

"Captain Isis was more the intellectual commander while Scarlet was the fierce general. She always handled leading the charge."

"During the battle to fight off Sabrina, she even fought Queen Vishnu in single combat."

Jimmy folded her hands and spoke dreamily about it, but Martha scolded her for it.

"That's from the saga sung by the bards. You don't know it's true."

"But it's still a famous scene every bard makes sure to include."

The usually obedient Jimmy grew defiant for once and Marion decided to intervene.

"Now, I don't know if it's true either, but it has that romantic allure because Scarlet and Vishnu probably would have done that."

"That's true."

Martha agreed with a bitter smile and Jimmy continued to stubbornly insist it was true.

Scarlet was apparently an incredibly famous female warrior. Ricardo was left in a daze because he had only known it was Sigrain's skill that had driven back Vishnu and he had not known who had fought under her.

Plus, the girls' voices showed no hint of hatred toward the woman for being a pirate. In fact, it was obvious they looked up to her.

"Wh-why did someone that incredible become a pirate?"

Ricardo's voice was nearly cracking and the three girls exchanged a glance.

"She was caught up in some military mistake and about to be thrown in jail for something she didn't do, so she ran off, right?"

"Eh? I'd heard some lecherous old admiral tried to use his authority to get at her body, so she beat the snot out of him. After that, it was awkward for her in the navy, so she left."

"No, Lady Scarlet was a free spirit through and through, so she couldn't get used to the strict navy and set sail for the freedom of the open sea."

Marion, Martha, and Jimmy each had a different answer, so the legend had apparently taken on a life of its own, leaving the truth in the shadows.

"But whatever she used to be, she's a pirate now. They drive down the supply of items we need to live, causing the prices to skyrocket. Isn't that a problem for everyone?"

"That's why people call you a kid."

Marion could not have been more than two years his elder, but she tried to act like his big sister.

"The Jade Sea is a complicated mess of territories belonging to various kingdoms, so regular navies can't protect it properly. That's why merchant ships pay a travel fee to the pirates that control each region of sea for safe passage through."


Ricardo was left speechless by this truth he had never even imagined.

(That's what's happening on this sea!?)

He felt a little dizzy as his idea of pirates was turned on its head.

If he did not know that tacit understanding of the sea, then he may really have been an ignorant child who Marion and the others were justified in teasing.

"And Scarlet does an excellent job of controlling those pirates. She crushes any pirate groups that get too nasty. I know we shouldn't be saying this, but she might help out the common folk a lot more than the navy."

Most pirates were actually merchants with secret connections to people with political power.

But Scarlet used her piracy to crush those crooked merchants and corrupt government officials. So rather than causing trouble for the commoners, she helped them out quite a bit.

Also, she apparently avoided killing people so she could take them prisoner and release them for ransom money.

That behavior had made her intensely popular among the commoners on the Jade Sea's coast.

"The sea around here looks pretty, but it's completely empty on the inside~♪"

Marion cheerfully said something very serious.

"The morning really is the most relaxing time of day."

Ricardo was enjoying the cool morning after climbing the mast as the lookout. It was his tenth day onboard, so his body was growing accustomed to his new life and he was finding he could relax more.

A morning fog left him with poor visibility today, so he decided making a serious effort would be a waste of time and thought back on his shipboard life instead.

On a ship, they kept moving even without doing a thing, so it had seemed easy at first. However, Captain Isis had made sure the crew was never goofing off.

They had to clean the ship, train, and mend the sails and nets, so there was no shortage of things to do.

That should have been nothing but monotonous work, but she also made sure it never got old and maintained the crew's morale. It made sense that she was Sigrain's right-hand man and Ricardo respected her as someone he could learn from.

He sighed as his thoughts also reached the other woman who was also said to have been a trusted follower of Sigrain's.

"The good pirate, hm? I don't like the sound of that."

Pirates were criminals, so there was a problem with the kingdom if one of them was known as a "good pirate" and gathering popularity among the commoners.

"The Jade Sea is a tie-dyed sea. The small kingdoms and pirates gather in groups and someone is always spilling new blood somewhere, hm? I can see how the commoners wouldn't like that. Are father and my brothers and sisters not thinking about uniting this sea to bring peace and prosperity to everyone? That seems like it would benefit us a lot more than getting caught up in the fight over the double kingdom on land."

The boy's confidence in his personal theory was growing, but then he heard a pleasant sound coming from somewhere.

"Hm? What's that sound?"

He cleared his ears and tilted his head.

"That's an ocarina."

It was a high-pitched flute-like sound, so one of the sailors may have been playing it.

While they were young and beautiful, they had all seemed too unrefined for this sort of elegance, but there had apparently been an exception.

"It's a little rough, but it's a powerful and clear sound."

They were not as skilled as one of the court musicians, but the intensity more than made up for that.

As he lost himself in the sound, it gradually grew louder. And instead of rising from below, it was coming from straight ahead. That meant the musician was not on the ship.


Ricardo blinked because that made no sense.

If the musician was not on the ship, then…

"Waves off the port side! It's a ship!"

He shouted just as the ship split through the fog and made its appearance.

"That was slow! Why didn't you notice it before it got this close!?"

"I'm sorry!"

Ricardo frantically apologized when the navigator below shouted up at him.

The ship was a size smaller than the South Sea Falcon, but it was plenty large for a merchant ship. It could likely hold a crew of about one hundred.

A woman stood on the mast-top lookout station just like Ricardo. She was the one playing the ocarina.

The South Sea Falcon's larger size meant its lookout station was higher up, so Ricardo had to look down at the woman.

She was tall. She was even taller than the average man.

She had large facial features, her eyes were the color of the sea with the morning sun shining on it, and her beauty was accentuated by intensity and strength.

Her expression looked far too fierce to be playing an instrument as delicate as an ocarina. Instead of losing herself in the performance, she was using it to inspire herself.

She looked to be in her late twenties. Her supple and full body was the perfect example of what was known as a "dynamite body".

She had ample breasts, a slender waist, and a large butt.

Plus, her clothing freely showed off that lovely body.

Her chest was covered by a black bustier with golden borders, so her strong shoulders, arms, and belly were left exposed. She also wore long black gloves with golden borders.

The thin skirt wrapped around her waist was colored a deep ruby red and it had a large slit, allowing it to flutter in the wind like a cape.

That naturally exposed what lay below the skirt, so her white thighs and sexy black panties were visible. She had likely chosen the panties assuming they would be seen.

Her lower legs and feet were covered by long black boots with golden borders.

Overall, she wore a cool, sexy, and revealing dress.

She also wore a leather belt with a short golden sword hanging from it.

The finishing touch was the wide-brimmed black hat with golden borders. The front brim was raised, so it looked just like the pirate hats in stories.

The flag fluttering over her head pictured a salamander.

The entire crew was stunned by her showy appearance, but Isis recognized her.


That name sent a stir threw the crew.

(That's…Scarlet the woman pirate?)

Ricardo gave her a more serious look now.

Meanwhile, the pirate seemed to have spotted her old friend. She stopped playing her ocarina, removed her hat, and gave an elegant bow.

Her curly, golden-red hair fluttered in the wind. Her black, gold, and red clothing clung to her ample body, revealing its every contour.

When she raised her head again, the corner of her scarlet lips was raised in a smile. It was the smile of a bird of prey viewing its next meal.

Her full red hair and full bodylines drew out her beauty, but so did the radiant vitality welling up from within her.

She was almost sickeningly dashing. She had an intense individuality that kept anyone from forgetting her once they met her.

Ricardo felt a shudder run along his spine, but he was not the only one charmed by her.

"To your stations. Prepare for battle. They're going to board us!"

Isis's shouts brought the crew back to their senses, so they scrambled about.

Meanwhile, twenty or thirty magic cannonballs were fired from the pirate ship. The indomitable naval ship fired twice as many back.

The magic cannonballs were exchanged at close range, but neither side managed to break through the other ship's hull.

"Prepare your weapons. This is going to come down to close combat."

A tremendous impact followed. The ships had been forced right next to each other and they both shook violently. The artificial earthquake knocked the sailors from their feet. Ricardo rolled around like a ball and nearly fell to the deck from the lookout station, but he somehow managed to stop himself by hitting his head on the railing.

Amid it all, Isis and Scarlet used their incredible sense of balance to stay standing.

A plank was laid between the two ships and the close combat began.

The pirates and soldiers fought fiercely on either side of the narrow makeshift bridge, but it was only wide enough for one person to pass at a time. Once the front line was broken, the battle would fall into complete chaos.

All alone up in the sky, Ricardo considered climbing down, but he was not confident he would be any help and could only hesitantly watch on.

Except he was not all alone. The female warrior in question was right across from him.

They were actually a good bit apart since they were on top of each ship's central mast, but without anyone else around, she seemed within arm's reach.

"Oh, what a cute little boy."

Female Pirate Scarlet gave him an upturned look with a crossbow in hand. It was aimed directly at him.


He had nowhere to run, so he was going to be shot. This was the first time he had ever feared for his life, but his body froze up and refused to move.

Her sea-colored eyes smiled as she pulled the trigger and fired the bolt.


He let out a shriek that even he found pathetic and desperately got down on the floor.

He heard a dull sound but felt no pain. He hesitantly looked for the bolt and found it stabbed into the mast.

There was a rope attached to the back which led back to the female pirate who held the crossbow in her left hand, placed it between her legs, and drew her short golden sword.

The band of red surrounding the blade suggested it was a magic sword.

The red-haired pirate lightly shut her left eye in the direction of the boy who lay pathetically on the floor.

(Sh-she winked at me?)

While Ricardo sat there unsure how to react, she flew through the sky. She used the one rope as her lifeline and let her curly golden-red hair flutter behind her as she swung towards someone like a pendulum.


A shout rose from the deck at the pirate's unexpected attack.


She rushed in like a falcon, but Isis was not foolish enough to try to stop that powerful slash.

She rolled her slender body out of the way.

The magic sword drew a red arc behind it and sliced diagonally through the spot Isis had occupied a split second before.

Upon landing on the deck, Scarlet let go of the rope and Isis drew her sword.

"Hi, Isis. It's been a while."

"Yes, ever since you left."

As Ricardo looked down from the lookout station, he saw those lively glittering blue eyes and deep sinking chestnut eyes facing each other.

According to Marion and the other girls, those two had worked together under the same captain and had not seen each other for a year.

They were both captains of their own ships now, one a naval ship and the other a pirate ship.

Their positions did not let them apologize for not staying in touch. The navy and pirates were archenemies that could never get along.

"I came to greet you since you were sent out here to hunt me down."

As soon as she finished speaking, her short golden sword sliced through the air and was swept aside by the unrefined military blade.

The two swords jabbed, slashed, and struck. As far as Ricardo could tell, their physical abilities were on equal footing at a very high level.

Scarlet was gorgeous and dazzling while Isis was plain and sturdy. Who would win in an all-out battle between those two that contrasted in just about every way? A year before, that had been a common debate in the Etrurian navy, but now it was being tested.

Scarlet fought like she was performing a sword dance while Isis used solemn sword techniques that left no openings. Their back and forth left no room for anyone else to join in.

"Scarlet, I have one question!"

"What might that be?"

"Why did you stoop to the level of a pirate?"

There was an obvious hint of shame in the chestnut eyes decorating Isis's grim face. Ricardo could tell she had some deep feelings regarding this that he could not even imagine.

"Eh heh heh. I have no obligation to tell you. But if you insist on an answer, then I suppose you could call it a twist of fate."

"Don't joke about this! Do you have any idea how sad the captain was when you left!?"

The "captain" Isis referred to was of course Sigrain.

She had been betrayed by one of her protégés, so it was easy to imagine how she must have felt.

Scarlet took a light step to dodge Isis's intense slash and immediately sent out her own sword, but the other woman seemed to have predicted it. The military blade seemed to ignore the laws of momentum as it was forced back the way it had come in a horizontal sweep.

Scarlet just barely ducked down in time and a few strands of her red hair flew through the sea breeze after the sword passed by.

"As always, not bad. Isis, you are currently the only one on the Jade Sea that can fight on my level. You have been ever since Sigrain grew too important to work out at sea herself."

"Surrender. We used to be friends, so I will personally make sure you are not treated poorly."

"A promise from straight-laced Isis? That I know I can trust, but I no longer care about that rotten kingdom."

When Isis made her serious suggestion, Scarlet only shrugged and gave a timid smile.

"In fact, it's a shame that a woman of your skill is still acting as that kingdom's dog. Why don't you join my crew? The two of us can rule the Jade Sea together. I'll be the pirate queen and you can be my first mate. If you're really picky, I could even settle for reversing our positions."

"Enough nonsense!"

Isis spat back in anger and another tremendous swordfight began.

Their blows were coming even closer to landing than before.

Isis's uniform was cut in places and her light blue bra was exposed. The chest of Scarlet's sexy dress was torn, but since that revealed a glimpse of bare skin instead of a bra, she was apparently not wearing one.

Exchanging blows with her old comrade-in-arms brought a bitter look to Isis's face, but Scarlet seemed to be enjoying herself.

The beauty in black and red and the beauty in blue and white swiftly swapped places in a nimble but dangerous dance.

(W-wow. It really looks like they're dancing.)

Their intense attacks and perfect defenses continued one after another. These expert-level skills seemed to have a magical power that enchanted everyone watching, even though this was a deadly battle.

Ricardo lost track of time as he watched. The other sailors did the same.

Suddenly, a yellow magic bullet was fired into the air in the distance. It was undoubtedly some kind of signal.

A gong rang on the pirate ship, instructing the pirates to withdraw.

"Tch. Over already? I wanted to enjoy this some more."

Scarlet looked displeased as she flipped her body around.

"Where do you think you're going!? Do you really think I'll just let you escape!?"

"You really are as strict as ever♪"

Scarlet gave one last strike as she turned, but Isis of course caught it on her blade.

Scarlet pushed sword against sword and let the crossed blades move back toward her. This naturally brought their shoulders in close.

This was a comparison of strength and their movements had naturally come to a stop.

"What are all of you doing? Charge in and restrain this insolent woman!"

Isis's command brought the soldiers back to their senses.

Pirate hunting was not a sport, so there was no rule requiring single combat. The other sailors tried to obey, but Scarlet stretched her neck forward and stole Isis's thin lips.


The charging sailors were utterly shocked and the usually calm and composed Isis widened her eyes in obvious surprise.

When Scarlet stuck her tongue inside the woman's mouth, Isis reflexively pulled back.

"Eh heh heh. Thanks for the treat♪"

After sensually licking her lips, Scarlet turned around, took off running, and leaped from the edge of the ship.

It was such a great leap that it seemed wings had grown from her feet. The pirate ship's bridge was lower, so she easily rolled onto her own ship.

"Isis, I'll let you off with that for today."

She laughed as the two ships moved apart. Scarlet's and Isis's ships were swept in entirely different directions, so they must have been on the line between two different currents.

Scarlet had to have known about the change in the currents when she made her attack.


Isis remained silent for a while.

She knew it was too late to order a pursuit.

Perhaps because of Scarlet and Isis's relationship, there were injuries, but no one had died.

In other words, Scarlet had been toying with them the entire time.

"So that's Scarlet. And that's Isis's strength…"

Ricardo muttered to himself on the lookout station as he watched the vanishing ship.

Isis seemed to view this as a defeat, but Ricardo did not. He felt the pirates had been splendidly driven off.

The one-one-one battle scene was replaying on his retinas. He also thought back to the kiss between women. A second later, he imagined the two of them in the nude and the eroticism they were sure to show off when having sex.


When he came back to his senses, he crouched down and held his crotch. His penis had grown erect and pitched a tent in his shorts.

(I can't let the others see this. It'd be too embarrassing.)

Unaware of the young boy's troubles, Isis wiped her lips with the back of her hand and spat on the deck while listening to a subordinate's report.

Normally, that kind of vulgarity would have been unthinkable from her, but that showed just how much of a shock it had been to have her lips stolen by another woman.

To vent her anger, she sliced through a barrel collecting rainwater before sheathing her sword.

Even the sailors who had known Isis for a long time had never seen her let her anger out like this. She normally expressed her anger with no emotion visible on her face, which was quite frightening.

Silence fell over the deck and Ricardo hesitantly climbed down the mast after somehow managing to calm his erection.

Isis took a deep breath in front of the solemn group and let out a shout.

"Ricardo, you were the lookout, weren't you?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Ricardo straightened his back and replied like he had been struck by an invisible whip.

"Why didn't you notice the enemy before they got that close?"

"I'm sorry."

He had no excuses to make. Isis's sharp eyes held enough force to make his balls shrivel up.

"You will be punished."

As the large crew watched, Ricardo was made to stand with his back to the central mast, had his hands pulled back around it, and had his arms tied to it.

"You will be untied tomorrow morning."

Isis began to leave after her strict declaration, but Ricardo asked a hesitant question.

"Um, what about the bathroom…?"

"Do it there."

He thought she had to be joking, but her chestnut eyes were not smiling in the slightest.

He had thought she looked strict, but she truly was a monster.

"Are you okay, Ricardo?"

That night, while Ricardo was tied all alone to the mast, Marion in her jade-colored bandanna paid him a visit with her friends Martha and Jimmy.

"Isis sure is mean. She claims you failed as a lookout, but she's just using you to vent her anger."

Gentle beauty Jimmy was burning with indignation, but intellectual beauty Martha rebuked her.

"That's not what happened. Captain Isis wouldn't do anything so emotional. She always does this to teach a newcomer how strict life on the ship is. We all had to go through this once."

"Oh, now that you mention it…"

Jimmy clapped her hands together while shaking her white ribbon.

She was apparently a bigger fan of Scarlet while Martha preferred Isis.

Marion took the middle ground and gave the restrained boy some advice.

"I know you're probably thirsty, but I wouldn't drink anything. The real hell begins once you need to pee."


When Ricardo gave a brief acknowledgement, Martha gave a deep nod.

"Y'know, this guy is too cute for his own good."

"I know. It makes you want to bully him."

(Was I being bullied? I'd thought the work I was given was a little harsh…)

I took Marion admitting it for Ricardo to catch on, but it did not make him angry because he could sense the good will behind her pleasant and cheerful personality.

"Isn't a boy tied up so he can't move the kind of thing dreams are made of?"

"Yeah, it makes you want to tease him."

"Let's do it."

Jimmy spoke with a distant look in her eyes, but then Martha agreed and Marion settled it for them.

Ricardo's cheeks stiffened when faced with the bewitching smiles of those three girls.

"U-um…please stop joking."

"All you need to do is stay quiet♪"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Ricardo desperately squeezed his inner thighs together to stop them, but his efforts proved fruitless and his shorts and underwear were taken from him.

The three girls crouched down and stared intently at him.

"It's tiny!"

Marion gave a wild shout, but Martha scolded her from her purple robe.

"Wait, Marion. You're not supposed to say that to a boy."

"Eh? Really?"

"See? He looks really hurt."

He had never compared his to anyone else's and Sigrain had not said anything, so he had assumed he was perfectly normal. Having a girl call his penis small felt like a physical blow to the heart.

(I'm tiny, tiny, tiny…)

When Marion saw tears welling up in his eyes, she quickly apologized.

"Sorry, sorry. But guys' penises get big, right? What makes them grow?"

"It's when the guy gets sexually aroused."

Martha made it sound obvious, so Marion asked a further question.

"And what gets them sexually aroused?"

"Isn't that when they see naked girls?"

"Naked girls, huh?"

With a gleam in her eyes, Marion and her two friends turned their backs, huddled together, and discussed something.

"Eh? We're going to do that?"

"Sounds fun, doesn't it?"

"Yeah. I can't wait to see the look on his face."

He heard some bits and pieces of the conversation, but he could not figure out what they were discussing.

The three girls seemed to finally reach an agreement, so they lined up in front of him with bewitching smiles on their faces.

"Pay attention, Ricardo! One…two…three!"

One the count of three, the girls grabbed the bottom of their short shirts and pulled them up.

None of them was wearing a bra, so a total of six breasts appeared in the dim light of the stars above.

None of their breasts were tanned. While they did not have the almost transparent white of Sigrain's skin, they still had a healthy flesh color.

Jimmy's were the largest, Martha's were in the middle, and Marion's were the smallest.

Unlike Sigrain's ripe fruits, these were almost bursting with fresh youth.

Even Marion's cheeks flushed at having her breasts seen, but she seemed satisfied by the boy's shocked look and held out her chest with a mischievous smile.

"What do you think? I bet you've only ever seen your mom's boobs, so you're a lucky boy to have three girls show you theirs at once."

"Honestly, how can you act so full of yourself when you've barely got anything to show off?"

As Martha showed off her breasts through the gap in her purple robe, she too blushed while giving a rational rebuttal.

Marion blushed an even deeper shade of red and argued back while obviously shaken.

"Oh, c'mon. My boobs still have plenty of time left to grow."

"I've seen your mom. You don't stand a chance."

Not even energetic Marion could argue against that, so she simply gave the other girl a resentful glare.

Meanwhile, Jimmy's cheeks flushed as she groped her own large breasts to show them off.

"You showed us your penis, so feel free to look at our boobs as much as you want. It's only fair."

Following Jimmy's lead, Marion and Martha both began massaging their breasts in front of Ricardo's face to show them off.

They had to have known how shameless they were being. Their faces were beet red and the boy's face began to burn as he watched them.

They were playing the part of the more mature older girl because they thought he was a virgin, but Sigrain had taught Ricardo how wonderful it felt to sleep with a woman and he could only gulp as he imagined devouring the delicious fruits displayed to him.

"Oh, it's getting bigger."

His penis began growing like a bamboo shoot.

The three girls gulped and watched in obvious curiosity as the male organ curved back almost to his navel.

"Is this what they call a boner? Hmm, so is this big or small? I can't really tell."

Marion carefully observed it from every angle, but she finally gave in to her curiosity and reached out a hand.

The hesitantly approaching hand finally touched the tip of the penis but immediately pulled back like it had touched a hot kettle.


Ricardo clenched his teeth.

Having his penis touched in a situation like this should have been pure humiliation, yet the touch of the girl's hand felt undeniably good. He was afraid to admit it, though.

As the boy desperately fought his own desire, Marion's fingertips hesitantly approached and touched his penis once more. Once she realized it was safe to touch, she wrapped her fingers around the shaft.

A ticklish pleasure raced up to his tailbone from where her warm, sweaty hand touched him.

Unaware of the sexual pleasure he was feeling, the energetic girl carefully squeezed here and there to see how it felt.

"It's definitely hard."

"It's hard?"

"Yeah, really hard. And I think it has a good bit of elasticity too."

After answering Martha's question, Marion grabbed the head, pulled it down, and let go. The rod shot back up and slapped against his lower stomach.

"Wow. That's neat. I want to try too."

Jimmy reached out her hand, pulled the penis back to the side, and let go. With no obstacle this time, it danced quickly back and forth.

Marion and Jimmy took turns playing with the rod, but then Martha showed interest in the ballsack.

"The testicles are in here, right? Oh, they're so tender. You've got a ton of cum packed inside there, don't you?"

Alone, they might have been too embarrassed to do anything, but with the three of them together, they had no trouble. Their cheeks were red and their eyes glittered damply as if they had a fever, but they continued curiously playing with the male sex organ.

"Stop. Ah, stop…please…"

Ricardo started showing the confidence of a man of the sea, but his voice only grew weaker from there.

His breaths grew heated, an empty look filled his eyes, and his rod continued to grow larger and harder in the girls' hands.

The virgin girls did not seem to know what that meant. A glitter of entranced curiosity filled their eyes as they watched the every-changing penis.

Ricardo tensed his anus and lower stomach to desperately hold back.


Sweat poured from his entire body and he bent his back which only thrust his penis forward.

Oblivious to the boy's effort, the girls lost themselves in playing with the male sex organ.


With one last shout, his adorable rod began throbbing inside the girl's hands.

"Wow, it's throbbing."

Just as Marion expressed her astonishment, a milky liquid erupted from the tip of the flesh rod held in the girl's hands.

The penis swept its head around with the force of a cobra spitting its venom and its hot liquid splattered across Marion's bandanna-covered head, her healthy face, and her breasts.

Marion was the lucky one for wearing the bandanna. Martha and Jimmy even had their hair stained with the milky liquid.

The three girls sat in stunned silence as the hot liquid poured down on them.

The volcanic eruption finally ended and Marion opened her mouth.

"Is this what they call cum?"

"I don't see what else it could be."

Martha replied somewhat timidly while looking at the semen splattered across her purple robe and Jimmy began sniffing.

"What an amazing smell. So this is a man's smell."

The three virgin girls gulped, sniffed at the semen on their hands, and hesitantly tried licking it.

Marion grimaced.

"Y'know, I like milt a fair bit, but this is way too bitter and not very good."

"That's what makes you a child. Alcohol doesn't taste very good to us, does it? But the adults love it. This is the same. To an adult woman, a young boy's cum is apparently the sweetest nectar in the world."


Marion sounded skeptical of Martha's explanation.

Meanwhile, the boy shouted back at them due to the embarrassment and shame of having the girls toy with his sexuality.

"You're satisfied now, aren't you!? I won't tell Captain Isis or the others about this, so put my pants back on me."

"Pipe down. Everyone's going to hear you."

Saying he would not tell anyone seemed to upset Marion because it sounded like a threat.

Of all things, she suddenly removed her shorts and then her white panties.

This revealed pubic hair the same dark blue as the hair on her head.

She ignored Ricardo and her friends' surprised looks and shoved the panties in Ricardo's mouth.

"Wait, he'll spit them right back out like that."

Martha also removed her shorts and panties. She then placed the leg holes over his ears so he wore the panties like a mask.

"Then I'll do it too…"

Pushed on by her friends' actions, the more docile Jimmy stripped her lower body bare and placed her panties over Ricardo's head.

His face was covered by the warm, stained panties.

Three different scents mixed together too much to tell apart, but their youth must have caused them to secrete more juices and the feminine scent was quite strong.

The sexual aroma was enough to make his vision flash as it filled his mouth, nose, and lungs.

This was a humiliating situation for a guy, but he could not help but enjoy the aroma.

(It smells completely different from Sigrain's pussy. Oh, I get it. She was always wearing perfume, so I couldn't actually smell her. This must be what a girl actually smells like. Oh, it smells salty.)

He had loved Sigrain's pheromone-filled aroma, but he also fell in love with this scent that truly seemed to fit girls of the sea.

Also, the three beautiful girls standing in front of him were lifting their shirts above their chests while wearing nothing on their lower bodies. His penis quickly recovered.

If his attendants from the royal palace had seen him now, they would surely have cried.

"Oh, even with the cute face, it looks like he's still a boy. He loves the smell of pussy."

Marion verbally teased the boy and physically teased his penis.

"This thing's like a girl's clit, right?"

"I think so."

"Then we should be able to peel this skin away."

After receiving Martha's agreement, Marion began pulling back the thin layer of skin covering the head.


Sigrain had made the foreskin easier to pull back, but it was still a young penis that found the open air to be too much stimulation. A fusion of stinging pain and pleasure caused the red, exposed flesh to grow more and more.

"Oh, it's working, it's working."

Ignoring the boy's agony, Marion had fun pulling back the foreskin.

A helpless tremor ran through Ricardo's penis and then his entire body, but the girls did not seem to care.

The supposedly docile Jimmy raised her voice in joy.

"Wow, it's such a pretty pink. It looks kind of delicious. Hey, boy, can I lick it?"


There was no way Ricardo could respond with panties shoved in his mouth, but he did give a large nod.

His experience with Sigrain had taught him nothing felt better to a painfully exposed penis than a woman's saliva-covered tongue.

The cook apprentice licked at the exposed head like she was testing its flavor.

It was sensitive after ejaculating once already, so the assault on the underside and tip of the head was a fusion of pain and pleasure.

The pain gradually faded and only the sweet pleasure remained.

"Me too. I want to lick it too."

"Jimmy, give me a chance."

Marion's head moved in from the right and Martha's from the left.

Jimmy looked displeased, but she gave her friends some room and focused on licking the underside.

Three girls licked at the red and swollen head from the left, right, and underside.


They went at it with such zeal one would have thought it was a kind of candy.

Their saliva quickly coated the head, so no pain accompanied the pleasure.

The hot breaths from the girls' mouths and noses also felt quite nice.

(Ahh, their tongues are so rough and amazing.)

He no longer wanted them to stop.

Their technique was hopelessly bad compared to Sigrain's, but having three of them working at once was incredible.

His penis curved back as their curiosity sent their tongues dancing along it.

He was completely at their mercy now.

The rod grew larger and larger and the head swelled out further and further as the girls' tongues stroked all over it.


After a quiet groan, the boy began ejaculating.

The milky liquid erupted right in front of the girls. This time, he sprayed it all across their faces.

Marion raised her voice in surprise.

"Wow, he came again!"

"There's no helping that. Young boys can't help themselves. But they apparently make up for it by being able to cum several times. …Hey, Jimmy, why are you drinking it all?"

Martha turned an exasperated look to Jimmy who held the head in her mouth while sucking and audibly swallowing.

That girl had looked the most obedient of the three, but she kept being the most forward one.

As Marion, Martha, and Ricardo watched on in surprise, Jimmy swallowed every last drop, pulled away from the penis, and let out a cute little burp.

"Ahh, delicious♪"

Marion stuck out her tongue to lick up some semen stuck below her nose and nodded.

"Yeah, once you get used to it, it does taste kind of good♪"

"Yes, it seemed awfully bitter at first, but I could get hooked on this flavor."

Martha agreed while using a finger to scoop semen from her face and into her mouth.

The three girls exchanged a cum-covered glance before looking back to the captured boy.

The three virgin girls licked their lips while looking intoxicated by the semen.


The boy's cheeks stiffened while he basked in the pleasant afterglow.

Then his sexual hell began.

"You look exhausted. Was it that tough?"

The following morning, Isis tilted her head curiously while releasing Ricardo from the mast.

"No, I'm fine."

After an experience far rougher than his intended punishment, he went inside the ship and slept like a log in his hammock.