
Harem Maker

In the midst of her anxiety and curiousity, the spinning wheel slowly came to a halt. The pointer dangled in-between God of Education, Harem making and National Scholar systems. Shu Wa'er inwardly cheered and clapped when the pointer reached the 'National Scholar system', but it didn't stop there. She took a heavy breath when the pointer slowly reach, 'Harem making system.' "Move move move, yesh yesh!." She excitedly screamed as the pointer moved away from Harem making system and reached the God of Education system. Then it paused. Just as she opened her mouth to scream in excitement, the pointer suddenly fell back to 'Harem Making system.' She choked abruptly, coughing with reddened eyes. "Congratulations! You have obtained the harem making system!." The baby fox announced joyfully, expressing happiness for its lucky client. Shu Wa'er was dull. She could see her God father shaking his head in disappointment and walking away from her. She tried to stop him but she couldn't. She could also see her Queen status flying off along with him.

sleepparalysis9 · Urbain
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6 Chs

The Sweetheart of the Infamous Young Masters (2)

Song Xian and Meng Li had arrived in their small village, Xiaoling, before the sunset.

Meng Li wanted to have a personal talk with her mother regarding Shu Wa'er, so she sent Song Xian away to sell the dozens of herbs they had found in the mountains.

As Meng Li arrived home, she coincidentally met her mother, who was feeding the chickens in the courtyard.

"You have already arrived?" Her mother, Mei Xing, was a woman with a soft and gentle aura. The wrinkles on her face when she smiled added extra charm to her.

"I thought you would come late. Well, it doesn't matter. Come in and rest. Where is Song? And who is this little girl?" Mei Xing curiously observed the little girl in her daughter's arms.

Since her daughter was the only one in the village who knew how to treat a person if they were sick, the villagers occasionally invited her for treatment.

And her daughter also brought in sick children when she wanted to help them. So Mei Xing considered Shu Wa'er as one of the patients.

"I'll take her to my room first." Meng Li hurriedly went inside; she didn't know how to face her mother after her sudden decision.

After laying Shu Wa'er on the bed, she approached her mother in the kitchen.

Mei Xing stood by the stove, skillfully chopping vegetables, while Meng Li nervously stood at the entrance, gathering her courage.

"Mom, there's something important I need to tell you." Meng Li cautiously spoke to her mother, who was pouring a bowl of noodles for herself.

Mei Xing was slightly distracted. "Hmm? What is it, dear?" She took the spring onions and sliced them into tiny pieces before sprinkling them on the noodles.

Meng Li took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "I... I want to adopt a child, Mom."

As if an invisible switch had been turned off, Mei Xing suddenly paused.

She looked at her daughter, thinking that she was joking as usual. She chuckled with amusement, "Oh Lili, you scared me there for a second. I see that you're improving in your pranks."

She placed the bowl of noodles on the table and added with a smile, "Your joke almost gave me a heart attack. Forget about it, hurry up and eat while it's hot. You have to attend to your little patient, don't you?"

"Mom, she is not a patient." Meng Li clarified with a calm face. "She's the child I want to adopt." Mei Xing turned her attention fully towards her daughter, a mixture of disbelief and confusion on her face.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, Mother."

"You can't be serious, Meng Li! Adopting a child? Have you lost your mind?!" Mei Xing's stern and flustered voice echoed in the house.

"I've thought long and hard about this, Mom. There are so many children out there who need a loving home, and I want to provide that. I also want to be a mother, and adoption is a beautiful way to create a family." Meng Li's calm voice trembled slightly, her hands clenching and unclenching in a display of her inner turmoil.

"A beautiful way? Are you even hearing yourself?! You have your own life, your own dreams!" Mei Xing's voice rose in intensity, her eyes narrowed with a mix of disbelief, confusion, anger, and concern.

She knew what it was like to raise an orphan since she had experienced it herself. She didn't want her beautiful and loving daughter to experience the harsh realities of life. Society can be cruel and judgmental.

"So why burden yourself with a child who isn't even your own flesh and blood?!"

Meng Li's eyes welled up with tears as she desperately retorted, "Blood doesn't define family, Mother. Love does. I want to make a difference in a child's life, to give them a chance at happiness. Can't you understand that?"

"No! You're being naive! You have no idea what it takes to raise a child, the sacrifices you'll have to make. You think it's all rainbows and butterflies, but it's not!" Mei Xing felt frustrated, exasperated, and protective.

"I'm willing to embrace the challenges wholeheartedly. I'm ready to love unconditionally, to give a child a safe and nurturing home. Can't you support me in that?" Meng Li's voice cracked with emotion, her eyes pleading for her mother's approval.

Mei Xing's expression softened, but her decision remained firm.

She pleaded, "Lili, please understand. I only want to protect you. I've seen the worst this world can offer, and I don't want you to experience that pain."

Meng Li began to feel frustrated as her mother continued to reject her decision. "You don't understand, Mother! You can't see beyond your own fears and doubts." She felt hurt and disappointed. She had expected her mother to accept her decision, just like her husband had.

Mei Xing reached out, her hand trembling, hoping to bridge the emotional distance between them. Her body slumped slightly, weighed down by the weight of her daughter's words.

She refuse to understand her daughter.

She recalled the hurtful words and judgmental glances, the whispered criticisms that had plagued her journey since the day she welcomed her adopted child, Meng Li, into her life.

The weight of discrimination she faced from society bore heavily on her heart. She had escaped from that place and come to this unknown village where everything felt right.

Now she refused to stand by and let her daughter experience those things.

Witnessing her mother's stance, Meng Li, overwhelmed by her emotions, turned away from her mother and stormed out of the kitchen. "Maybe I can't make you understand right now, but I hope one day you will!"

Mei Xing watched her daughter leave, her heart heavy with concern, fear, and love.

The kitchen fell into silence as Mei Xing returned to her cooking, her thoughts consumed by worry for her daughter's arduous path.

As the door slammed shut behind her, Meng Li was startled to find Shu Wa'er in front of her.

She suddenly became anxious, wondering if Shu Wa'er had heard her mother's words.

Shu Wa'er held onto Meng Li's clothes and hesitantly said, "I... I couldn't help but overhear your argument, Mom. I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble."

Meng Li's expression softened as she knelt to her level. "Oh, my dear, it's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself. This argument had nothing to do with you."

Shu Wa'er: Of course, it does.

Shu Wa'er's eyes welled up with tears as she sniffed, "I don't want to cause any more pain, Mom. I'll go back to the mountain."

Meng Li felt her heart ache and found it somewhat entertaining. She gently cupped Shu Wa'er's face, "My darling, you are not responsible for the choices and actions of others. And I can't send you back to the mountain even if I wanted to, I've forgotten the way."

Shu Wa'er eye's widened, her nose turning red. "So Mom wants me to go back to the mountain?"

Meng Li laughed seeing her cute reaction. "No, my dear. You're going to stay with Mom and Dad from now on."

Shu Wa'er's eyes sparkled with happiness. They were like stars in the dark sky, more brighter and lovelier. "Really?!" Meng Li stood up and gently held her hand. "Really."

Since the child had forgotten the face of her real parents, she was glad to take their place instead.

Shu Wa'er beamed with joy. Now she wasn't alone in this unknown place. As she touched her chest, she felt extremely happy.

When she woke up from her sleep due to the argument, she had clearly heard the words of the woman named Meng Li fighting for her. It would be a lie to say she wasn't touched.

She decided to stay with her newly made family for a while and later see if she could do anything regarding her mission.

Meng Li packed her clothes in a bundle and left the house. She couldn't bear to face her mother, who had rejected her decision. Since she had always dreamt of starting a small family in her own house, this seemed like the right choice.

Song Xian arrived home to find his wife sitting at the entrance with a bag of clothes and a little girl dozing beside her. He had already imagined the worst outcome, so he wasn't surprised in the slightest. He took her bag on his shoulder and carried Shu Wa'er on his broad back. He gently held his wife's hand as he awkwardly added. "It's okay. Mom won't be angry for too long."

Meng Li smiled sadly. "I hope so." Under the light of the lamp hanging at the entrance, Song Xian's usually cold face looked warm. His eyes were filled with gentleness and unconditional love for his wife.

Shu Wa'er wondered if she could find a man who would love her just like her new dad.

Song Xian took his wife and their new daughter to his old house, which was situated nearby a river at the back of the village.

Shu Wa'er was immensely delighted upon seeing their new house. It resembled the houses she had seen on Pinterest during her boring times.

The house sat gracefully beside the meandering river, its tranquil waters weaving a melodic tapestry of serenity. Its sturdy wooden structure showcased the craftsmanship of those who had built it.

Moss clung to its weathered walls, while vibrant blooms adorned windowsills, adding splashes of color to the dwelling. A quaint, cobblestone path led from the entrance.

The interior of the home exuded a cozy ambiance, with moonlight filtering through windows adorned with billowing curtains. Handcrafted furniture, lovingly worn with use, provided comfort and a sense of belonging.

From the heart of the home, a modest kitchen extended its warm embrace.

The tantalizing aroma of homemade delicacies prepared by Meng Li wafted through the air, a testament to the love and care poured into every meal.

Shelves lined with jars of preserved fruits and herbs added a touch of rustic charm, while a crackling hearth radiated warmth and comfort during chilly evenings.

As one ventured further into the dwelling, a cozy sitting area beckoned, where Shu Wa'er would lie and read books.

A bookshelf, adorned with medical books and stories, held a treasure trove of information waiting to be discovered by eager minds.

Outside, a modest garden flourished in harmony. Fragrant blossoms, tender herbs, and thriving vegetables grew, each nurtured by the caring hands of Shu Wa'er and her father.

A wooden swing, suspended from an aged tree branch, gently swayed as Shu Wa'er's innocent laughter filled the air, blending with her mother's soothing voice.

The river, a constant companion, embraced the home with its gentle presence. Its clear waters reflected the dancing moonlight.

Shu Wa'er and her parents would often stroll along its banks, their feet tickled by the cool, rippling waves.

She spent most of her time engaging in activities that exhausted her mentally and physically.

Since the villagers came to know that Meng Li had adopted a child, they had stopped visiting her.

Adoption, in society, was viewed as a disgrace. It symbolized a woman's supposed inability to fulfill her duty to procreate.

Men and women who chose to adopt a child were subjected to ridicule, shunning, and ostracization.

The village's deeply rooted beliefs and traditions perpetuated the notion that adoption was a sign of weakness, reflecting negatively on both the woman and her partner.

Shu Wa'er had rolled her eyes when she learned about this. What kind of world had she landed in? She was perplexed.

On the other hand, Meng Li realized why her mother had strongly opposed her decision to adopt a child, and she felt extremely guilty for the words she had said.

However, fearing the potential discrimination and harm her contact might bring to her mother, she resolved to stay away from her.

With her newfound time, Meng Li would often find Shu Wa'er and teach her about medicinal herbs, how to identify them, and the skills to treat people with them.

During these moments, Shu Wa'er developed a deep understanding of the healing arts and acquired knowledge, gaining a small amount of intelligence.

Meng Li recognized Shu Wa'er's curiosity and passion for learning as a gift. She also encouraged her daughter to learn a few tips from her father.

Shu Wa'er's father, Song Xian, was a seasoned hunter skilled in tracking and survival techniques.

Although he found it troublesome, he still allowed his little daughter to accompany him during small hunts and taught her the tactics necessary for navigating the wilderness.

Their time together deepened their bond and also provided Shu Wa'er with strength points.

In her free time, Shu Wa'er would either check her status or clean the weeds out in the garden. It became a hobby in her leisure life.

She often felt like her life was too good to be true. Sometimes, she would wake up in the middle of the night and visit her adoptive parents, fearing that they had disappeared.

She wished she could just stay like this, free from worries and pain. But when she thought of her real parents' murderer living freely with no remorse, her thirst for peace could wait for a while.

Although her adoptive parents were not her biological parents, she loved them just as if they were. All she wished for was to see them live happily without any worries.

However, fate proved to be cruel.

On a sunny day, Shu Wa'er wanted to take a bath in the river. After informing her parents, who were in the kitchen preparing lunch, she entered the tranquil river, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment.

The sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves filled the air.

Sunbeams pierced through the leaves of the trees along the river, creating pockets of light that danced across the river floor.

The gentle breeze carried the fragrance of wildflowers, adding a touch of sweetness to the surroundings.

Suddenly, the calm was shattered as a group of menacing enemies emerged from the nearby woods, brandishing weapons.