
Chapter 10 - Star Dou Forest

-Previously Chapter 9-

"Okay then lastly" said Qin Han then he take Dugu Yan into his arms by the waist that make her shock and look up to Qin Han face confused with a blush

Before she can say anything she got attacked at her lips, because its her first kiss she timidly kiss Qin Han back slowly she got addicted and passionately kiss Qin Han, this action take about 10 minutes and more before Qin Han let her lips go that now look more plump

-Chapter 10-

"You bullying me" said Dugu Yan while punch Qin han chest weakly

"But you like it right" said Qin Han with grin

His action make Dugu Yan more blushing appeared in her face so Qin Han let her go then he said

"Okay then i will go back, if there's some noisy bug that want get close to you, just beat him up if he dont relent with it just say my name in the necklace and i will come out or you can use it as communication too" said Qin Han

"Thank you Hubby" said Dugu Yan hug Qin Han again and slowly let him go

"Bye my Dear Yanyan" said Qin Han before he go to Soto City direction

Dugu Yan seeing him go until he far away for her to see she go back to the inside of manor and after he go inside he see his Grandfather sipping tea in the living room that shocked her

"Grandpa! since when you here?" ask Dugu Yan confused

"Oh i just got in here while you two lovey dovey in the park of course Lord- no my Grandson in law already know, Muahahah Good job Yanyan with this if something happen to me i can contend with life, noo i must see my Great Grand Child first so Yanyan work hard" said Dugu Bo while he still in imagination of hug his Great Grand Daughter

Dugu Yan can just Blushing and twitch her body so much to hold her anger so she just run away to her room that she and him sleep together before and lock the door

Her action can be seen by Dugu Bo so he just chuckled and continue his leisurely in Qin Han's manor, of course the servant in this Manor already know who he is

'but this Lord Qin was resourceful to get this manor full of beauty that rare in this world maybe just one rank lower than Yanyan' thought Dugu Bo



It's already 2 days after Qin Han come back and he just give Rongrong what she need Gorgeus Tulip and Red Heartbroken for Xiao Wu and Zhuqing

After they absorb it Rongrong like the Canon her spirit evolved int Nine Spirit Pagoda and her Spirit Core completed as for Zhuqing Her Talent got increased to atleast God King Level that what Lisa said

Apparently there a talent in everyone so they can be seen at what level they will reach in their peak not just for Spirit Power but all Cultivation Realm like BTTH, Wu Dong Qian Kun, ATG and many more

For Xiao Wu she got her Soul Core Complete too, Qin Han give the others student too except Tang San he remember that he need that External Spirit Bone to help him with grant that anti poison body

So that's why today they will go to Star Dou Forest for getting their own Spirit Halo because their Spirit Rank already full in Rank, Qin Han dont teach them train Spirit Core because they not something important to him

The reason Qin Han training them was because they already Qin Han's Slave when they wear the bracelet Qin Han give the moment they wear it the Slave Crest activated with the Order to be the same but their loyalty to Qin Han Dont need to ask

After all of them ready Qin Han make them go to the Star Dou Forest with 7 different Directions and every direction was their training ground because of the trial to past the road was already Qin Han make so hard for them to past it

Different from the Canon where they need go as a Group but because they already have enough Group battle in Soto City Arena so its not have much effect, thats why Qin Han change it to make them stronger by trial to overcame individual weakness

Like Rongrong where there's many Spirit Beast that is her weakness, or Zhuqing many Spirit beast that is have hard Defense of course they got protection from Qin Han, Scathach, Taihou and Zhao Wuji

Scathach and Taihou was protecting the girls and Qin Han and Zhao Wuji protecting the boys, the last person to arrived will get punishment to double their training after back to the Academy

Of course the seven of them past it easily as for the last to arrived is Oscar of course it was him, but Oscar know that he is not weak its just the others is have advantage in their spirit Ring so he not disheartened

"Okay the last person to arrived is Oscar but all of you arrived before the time limit finished by more than half of the time, so i exempt Oscar Punishment" said Qin Han that make Oscar happy

"Yeahh!" shout Oscar that gather attention after he know it he bow to the people as a apology

"Okay let's go to the inn" said Qin Han while walking with Zhao Wuji as for Taihou and Scathach they go to the Residence in this place because Qin Han order Ye Qui to do it

7 of them following Zhao Wuji and Qin Han to the inn but after they got in the inn Zhao Wuji go somewhere the others already know there a rule like this but just Qin Han with them not bother with Rules

Well the others don't mind if its Qin Han because he is not far by age to them and his personality was well liked especially Qin Han is Strong

While they eating and random chatting there some commotion in the door of restaurant, Qin Han see it and he remember that is in the Manga Canon so he don't want to much Drama and want to ignore it

But just when he want to said to others to ignore it Xiao Wu who is known as the most kind in this group already uncomfortable with their action

"What is their problem? so meanie" said Xiao Wu

"Nah it's just Chung Hui Academy" said Mubai

'... Fuck you plot' thought Qin Han while he see some guy got closer

"Ho Ho Ho, you look so familiar where are you from" he said with smile but i know what he want just look at his aura, he targeting Zhuqing

Without much talk Qin Han let out his aura 10% at all people here except the 7 Shrek Devil that will i change the name of it because SHREK NOT DEVIL and some weaker person or ordinary people

All of people that inside radius of 100 meter at the restaurant feel Qin Han's Aura they scared shitless especially all of Chung Hui Academy people they know they kick a way to the hell

Qin Han just let 10% aura of his for a 30 second but the people almost all of them pass out except some stronger one but for them its like 30 years waiting to end

Chung Hui Academy people was like albino people at the end of it because Qin Han make sure they can't pass out or do anything they feel his Aura, after the end of Qin Han aura he just let them go

"Get out of my face if i ever see you again you know the conesquences" said Qin Han while he not look at them at all

All people know that is for Chung Hui Academy but all people inside already get out because of that and not forget to pay their own food because if they did not they feel something bad will happen that is their instinct

"Okay everybody pack up go to your room boys in this inn, as for the girls lets go to the Manor" said Qin Han while he give 10 Gold Coin as a payment for the restaurant

While the boys go to the inn to sleep the Girls follow Qin Han to the manor Qin Han just arrived in the manor but all girls just go to their own room to sleep, so Qin Han just go to Living Room just to see Taihou and Scathach chat with each other

"What are you guys talking about?" ask Qin Han

"Dear come sit down here" said Taihou while Scathach just smile at him, Qin Han just sit as she point in the middle of her and Scathach

"Sooo whats going on?" ask Qin Han

"Nothing we just talking about our life here and just give each other story we know" said Taihou

"Well you two story was so different but a Great story too, just that you two talking about" said Qin Han remembering Azurlane and Fate

"Nah we guessing what is your True Goal in this world" said Taihou

"Yes for me i guess you are World Domination" said Scathach with proud smile like she was right

"No i think he just want to Independent place that is every one look up as Sacred Place maybe like what Spirit Hall want to do" said Taihou

"So what are you going to do Dear?" ask Scathach

"Hmm... my goal hah, i never think about that but maybe my only Goal was life full of Great Memory with all of you my lovely wives, like when we sad, angry, regret, happy, go to fun place, explore world together all of it i just want you all beside me when i reach the peak

We will watch together what future give to us so we can make a Great memory together, lauging together when remember it again to tell them to our childrens or your future sister hehehe yes that is my only Goal" said Qin Han with smile of happiness

Scathach and Taihou never think Qin Han was a Simple but Big Person in his life, by the way he act he like an Emperor in the making so they just think he want to be like that but his Only Goal was spending time together with them

Their feeling became more stronger and they swear to let his Goal will happen especially the Childrens and Future Sister part, so for now the two just plunge into Qin Han's arm that startled him

"Woah! what happen?" said Qin Han with confusion while he take the two into his arm that make him to lie down

"Nothing we just happy to be your Fiancee" said Taihou with smile while look up at Qin Han's face

"Yes i agree with Taihou its funny that a Queen and God Killer at that happy by just my only man in this past, present, or future Man's Simple but Big Goals make me so happy" said Scathach with smile while she hearing Qin Han's heartbeat

"Okay... thank you i guess my two lovely lady" said Qin Han still confused but atleast they are happy

With that Scathach and Taihou Chat with Qin Han of what are they doing just in this months at Shrek Academy and Souto City

Especially Scathach story about her action with some wannabe Mercernary king at Dragon and Phoenix Hall that want to challenging Qin Han but just got his ass kicked by Scathach

Or Taihou story about some another Idiot cliche Young Master that want to flirting with Taihou just to make him get beaten up by his Father when he see what his son doing, later that day the father and son give half of their Family wealth as apology

'So that's why there some large increase when i see the wealth i accumulated this month' thought Qin Han

With that Qin Han,Taihou and Scathach chat till the sun rising because of their High cultivation and power they don't need to sleep for a months they still can have energy to do trainings or doing any work

Because its already morning Qin Han and Taihou decided to make a breakfast for the others, fast forward the time.

Qin Han and others was searching for any Good Spirit Ring in Inner Area while searching and chatting about what inside the forest they have curiously touch or look

There's some ruckus coming to them when they waiting what is that its make Qin Han confused about what the fuck happening


[Well its not like you doing anything to Meng Yiran or her Grandparents as for you know the butterfly effect you think in the novel still a Shit that some idiot think it was true like that so others can say he was a Genius]


Qin Han speechless about life but its not like he care about this plot or whatever atleast he dont have that troublesome plot shit hole scenario

"It's A Phoenix Tailed Chicken Comb Snake that come here it's good Spirit for Oscar, Oscar go fight it" said Qin Han

"Hai Teacher Qin" said Oscar

Oscar fight was just his own pure physical attack imbued with spirit power and his own created martial arts by watching the others

From what Qin Han see it was combined martial arts of Zhuqing and Xiao Wu martial arts attack but its still stiff but its the main and other martial arts too in there

'Food Arts : Claw of Tiger'

Oscar Attack with 5 finger imbued like a sharp claw in his hand to attack the wing of the snake that make it fall to the ground

'Foor Arts : Rabbit Heel'

Oscar go at the snake at fast speed and attack with the heel of his foot imbued with spirit power that attack make the ground crack from the snake body and Oscar power

'Food Arts : Chef Knife Stab'

Oscar imbued his fist to be like a knife and attack at the top of snake's head with this attack the snake passed out

'What a Genius boy, he deserve as a Food God in the future if just a luck he can't be a God in the future' Thought Qin Han

"Good Job now you take the Spirit Ring we will Guard you" said Qin Han while patting Oscar

"Right away Teacher Qin" said Oscar then he sit beside the snake and just want to take the Spirit Ring out

"All of you go around Oscar to protect him" said Qin Han to the Xiao Wu and others

"Roger" said them all together

When they just want to surround Oscar something like tail want to attack him of course attack at this level just got swat away by Qin Han who is close to Oscar

"Who are you dare to attack my student?" said Qin Han just to see a Beauty at the level of his Maid in the Heaven Dou City

"That Snake is Mine" said the beauty with 2 Yellow Spirit Ring

"Huh? are you a thief? how can you just let the others hardwork and just say it yours" said Qin Han with smile

"Who is a thief you are a thief" said the beauty with a blush

"Well im not you are the thief" said Qin Han

"Argh im gonna beat you brat" said her but before she can go to attack Qin Han, She got pulled by someone behind her

"Yiran dont be reckless!" said a Granny with horrified expression

"Esteemed Lord Dragon God, please forgive my Grandchild impudence" said the Granny while bowing with the beauty

"Stand up its fine, so why your Grandchild do this?" ask Qin Han

"Well this snake is really what us Hunting first you can see in the stomach have 3 external wound" said the Granny

"... I see you telling the truth" said Qin Han

"So can we take this snake?" ask the Granny

"Sorry but this snake important to for my student, how about it i will help your Grand Daughter... what is her name and you too?" ask Qin Han

"My name is Chao Tian Xing and my Grand Child name is Meng Yiran" said Elder Chao

"Okay Elder Chao and Fairy Meng, because Oscar need his 3rd spirit ring too how about i will help your Fairy Meng search with me as a Compensantion" said Qin Han with smile that relieved Elder Chao that Qin Han is reasonable person and make Yiran blushing

"This.. is this okay by you Lord Dragon God?" ask Elder Chao

"Just call me Lord Qin , and for your Question why not its just one more person" said Qin Han

"Okay then i accept but can i go with you?" ask Elder Chao

"Well you do what you want" said Qin Han

"Okay then" said Elder Chao

"Oscar continued absorb it" said Qin Han

Oscar continue what he want to do first he take the Spirit Halo then he sit cross legged before he start absorbing it

"Granny is this Lord Qin can be trusted" whisper Yiran still with a bit red face

"Yeah he is one of people that never back at his own word like Poison Douluo" said Elder Chao

"Okay then" said Meng

Before Long Oscar already done his 3rd Spirit Ring and got the ability like the Canon and he already at 33 Spirit Elder Rank, after that while searching for suitable Spirit Ring Qin Han think its time to camp for rest

"Okay i think this place was good for camping, the boys open Tent as for the Girl go cooking and Oscar you are Food master go help the girls" said Qin Han

"Haii~" said them together

"Oscar what is your 3rd ability food form?" ask Xiao Wu

"Why did you ask?" ask Oscar

"Well maybe we can add it to dinner" said Xiao Wu

"Eh seriously you really want to eat my spirit ability, are you sure!?" ask Oscar excitedly

"On second though i think no" said Xiao Wu remember what Oscar food problem

"Why? why you so cruel to let my hope up just to let it down" said Oscar while he whimpering

"Dont be mean like that Sister Wu, lets see it first what his food form was" said Hongjun while embrace Oscar's shoulder suddenly

"Yeah even though we maybe not eat it for dinner atleast we know what form it was" said Mubai

"Yes just show it to us before its too dark to see" said Tang San

"Okay since you guys want to see it i will show you this ability of mine when you eat you can fly, Couples Wings-" before Oscar done what he want to said somehow its became dark


'Hmm? this presence was 10.000 years old beast and not a ordinary one, wait isnt this where Xiao Wu will got 'Kidnapped'' thought Qin Han

"Everybody Retreat behind me" said Qin Han calmly

"ROARRR!!" they see a Big shadow Roaring at them, to say they scared was understanding

As Qin Han dont wanna to doing something useless he just let his 20% aura to the beast and just like that the Giant beast prone to the ground and make a crack in it

"ROARR!!" Wailed the beast this time

"If you don't stop i will increase it" said Qin Han

"Roar" roar the beast like he said 'okay i stop'

After that Qin Han release his aura from him, the beast sit there look at Xiao Wu direction with look like sad and need comfort

Of course Qin Han see this so he just look at Xiao Wu to take care of it and she know Qin Han already know it so she just go to her brother

"Er Ming how are you? where's Da Ming?" ask Xiao Wu that make others shock

"Roar" roar Erming

"That's Good you two fine, here i'm introduced you that man is my Fiancee and future husband so its make him your Brother in law so be good to him if not he will make sure bullying you everyday" said Xiao Wu with scary smile

"Roar" Erming with fast nod repeatedly

"... Xiao Wu how can you do that?" ask Tang San

"Well im a Spirit Beast that become human" said Xiao Wu like it was a casual thing

"Huh?... WHAT!!!" said them together except for Scathach, Zhuqing, Taihou and Qin Han

"Wait how did i dont know it" said Rongrong

"Well you not yet live with us for long enough and she never tell you or she just forgot about it, with Xiao Wu character it was the latter" said Qin Han which Xiao Wu blush because it was right

"Ah yeah its Xiao Wu we talking about" said Rongrong like it was common thing that make Xiao wu angry

"Yeah i know im forgetful but can you just not throw a salt at my wound" said Xiao Wu while grit her teeth

"No" said Rongrong

"Mah mah its fine and as for you guys especially Zhao Wuji and Elder Chao be quiet ok if not you know why right" said Qin Han with smile full of bloodlust

"A-All Right" said Zhao Wuji and Elder Chao

As for the others student the boys already got Slave Crest from Qin Han and the girls was Xiao Wu sister

"Okay let's go to search for Tang San, Mubai and Hongjun first" said Qin Han

"Roger" said all of them together

"So what we need to do for Erming?" ask Taihou

"How about we just let him be our Transport?" said Scathach

"That's Great Idea, okay Erming you be our transport as a punishment for scaring my Student" said Qin Han

"Roar" roar Erming with nod

So Qin Han and others search for Spirit Ring for the boys first and without another bothersome things all of them got their own Spirit Ring even Tang San got the same like the canon and the External Bone too

After their Success Qin Han let Zhao Wuji take the boys back first because he want to take the girls search for their Spirit Rings in the Sunset Forest with Taihou and Scathach

As for Erming he order him just go back to Daming after that he just bring them all with Scathach take Xiao Wu, Taihou take Zhuqing and Qin Han take Meng and Rongrong both in his arms

Rongrong became happy with it but Meng was shy because other than his Grandpa and Father she never get in touch with other man as for Elder Chao Qin Han just let her go back

3 weeks later Qin Han and others already got what they need for the girls Spirit Ring because here is have many rare beast and what they get was

Zhuqing - Hell Sabertooth

Rongrong - Red Tulip

Xiao Wu - Paragon Golden Rhino

Meng - Illusionary Snake

-To be continued-