
Hard to reincarnate into world of naruto as Iwa shinobi

This is a wish-fulfillment story about mc being reincarnated to Iwa and how he survives the all great ninja wars except the first one. Mc WILL stick with Iwa until the end. There would be no betraying his own village or creating a new village like that. For my personal thinking, why bother creating a new village when you can just become Kage of your own village? First two chapters are just bullcraps how mc ended up reincarnated to Naruto and explanation of his parents death. (I honestly messed up this chapters.) So the actual story starts in chapter 3. You can skip if you want. I honestly wish you guys don't reveiw after reading just 3 to 6 chapters. This is my first fan-fiction novel, was very bored. English is not my first language. So correct me if the grammar is wrong, I will try to fix them.

dragon_guy · Anime et bandes dessinées
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85 Chs

07 Stealing Ninjutsu from Library

It's been 3 weeks since I started training taijutsu with Shuji by his dad.

I had muscle aches all over my body in the first week of training, which is why I delayed my plan to steal earth-style ninjutsu from the library.

I also didn't stop training to increase my chakra reserve and control.

Here is my training schedule, in the morning, I practice Wing Chun style and chakra reserve training.

During school hours, I practice chakra control since I knew most of the stuff they teach in the academy.

After school, I would have a taijutsu lesson from uncle Masashi. Sometimes I skipped school with Shuji to teach him how to walk on water.

Of course, I didn't forget to spend my time with friends, teachers, and orphanage staff and matron.

Today, I decided to sneak into the Library by transforming into Fuze-sensei.

So, I mostly spend time with my homeroom teacher, Fuze-sensei to observe him so that I can transform into him better.

I also stole his identification card to give an impression to others that I am very naughty and he will not always have his identification card on him.

At first, when I stole his Identification card, he was very very mad.

He reprimanded me and told me off to never do that again.

But I still kept doing it and he couldn't punish me too much because of my parent's achievement and my class genius status.

As time goes, the punishment he gave me for stealing his ID card got weaker until he got used to it and didn't even care about it.

But he set the rule that I must return his ID card back immediately within 1 hour if it gets stolen by me.

So I can't use his ID card to enter Iwa Public Library.

But others don't know that I will return the ID card after stealing within 1 hour.

This was my AIM!!!

I want others to have the impression that Fuze-sensei always gets his ID card stolen by me, but also will not get his ID card back in a short time.

So that when I transform into Fuze-sensei, I can have an excuse to borrow other teacher's ID card.


Now, I just need to make an excuse for WHY I need an ID card.

It's simple actually.

Tomorrow, we will have a parents-teachers meeting since the first term(six months) is already over.

Parents will be asking a lot of questions to see if the teachers have a qualification to teach their child.

If a teacher couldn't manage to answer, then there would be a lot of requests to change the teacher.

Not only teachers would get a bad impression, their pride will be damaged.

That's why there would be many teachers coming to the library to study the day before a parents-teachers meeting.

But as Fuze-sensei doesn't give a damn about it, this is my main reason why I decided to transform into Fuze-sensei.


After the end of school, I told Shuji that I couldn't go to training because I got a stomachache.

Shuji bought my lie easily and told me to take care of my health.

I hide and waited outside of Academy until Fuze-sensei goes back to his home.

I started to move after confirming that Fuze-sensei went home. I transformed into Fuze-sensei and went inside to the academy library.

We didn't need an ID card to enter the academy library.

I quickly searched for any C-rank or B-rank Earth-style Ninjutsu.

Although, there were no B-rank as expected. luckily I found very useful C-rank Earth-style Ninjutsu. It was Earth clone Ninjutsu.

Nice, With this clone Jutsu and explosion release, I can create the same effect as Exploding clone technique, but costs less charka, and gives more exploding power.

But I can't find any more useful ninjutsu in Library except this.

I guess most of the earth-style ninjutsu are in Iwa public Library.

Suddenly, the door of the library opened and certain male shinobi came inside.

His name is Osamu, one of a teacher in the Academy.

He is a carefree guy, and a bit dumb. But he doesn't teach a class since he just joined as a teacher, so nobody will ask him a question tomorrow. That's why I am planning to borrow his ID card to enter the Public Library.

He looked around and approached me.

"Hey, Fuze-senpai, why did you call me out to the library? Are you going to treat me to dinner? Hahaha."

"Oh, Osamu. I called you out for a reason. You see, I couldn't find my ID card. So can you do me a favor and let me borrow your ID card to enter Public Library. Tomorrow is a parents-teachers meeting and I have to get prepared."

"Ahh, I see. That naughty kid Genji stole your ID card again, am I right? Senpai you should punish that kid seriously. Well, I can let you borrow my ID card, but please return them until midnight."

"Thanks, Osamu. I owed you one. Don't worry, I will give it back to you when the Public Library closes."


Public Library has two parts, one for citizens and others for shinobi.

Library for Shinobi has three floors. The first floor is available to any shinobi regardless of the rank. This floor only contains E-rank, D-rank Jutsu scrolls, and low-rank information.

The second floor is only for Chunins and above rank shinobi. The second floor contains C-rank, B-rank Jutsu scrolls, and various types of mid-level information.

The third floor is only for Jounin and the leaders of the clan. It mostly contains A-rank, few S-rank Jutsu scrolls, and high-ranking information.

There is a rule that we have to keep in the Library.

We don't need to money to enter the Public Library. You can take a look at Jutsu scroll for free too.

But you can not COPY them down or buy them.

You can only borrow scrolls, but they will ask for a fee. If you don't return them within one week, you will be considered a traitor.

They will check if you have any notebook or pen or photographic memory before you enter the library, in order to capture any cheaters.

After getting Osamu-sensei's ID card, I transformed into Osamu-sensei and passed through Public Library checkpoint easily.

I didn't have any pen or notebook. I didn't need things such as a notebook or a pen to copy down the scroll.

The Great ME has a system,

I can just ask the system to just record all the jutsu scrolls to the database. MUHAHAHAHHAHA

I quickly went to the second floor and asked System to record all the C-rank and B-rank earth-style ninjutsu to the system's database.

After System recorded all the ninjutsu, I left immediately as I finished my object.

I need to go back to the orphanage within 6:30 or they would start to search for me.

Last time, uncle Masashi told them I would have dinner with him to Orphanage so they didn't send the search team.


I quickly transformed into Fuze-sensei again and went to Osamu-sensei's house to return his ID card.

"Oh, Fuze-senpai, you have returned fast. So did you finish preparing for tomorrow's parent's meeting?"

"Yea, I think I am ready. thank you, Osamu. Here is your ID card. And don't tell others that I borrowed your ID card. I don't want others to make fun of me for losing ID card to the kid and has to borrow from others. Don't even talk about this incident to me in the future, My pride would get hurt."

"I got it, senpai. Don't worry. I will just forget about this incident."

After sealing Osamu-sensei's mouth, I went back to the orphanage with a smile.

It's really easy to manipulate Iwa shinobi since they are all dumb. HAHAHAHA!!!!!