
The Chunin Exam - 6

One Week Later

"I will not debate this with you any longer. You have heard my conditions," Kurenai was fed up with her most argumentative student, "I have spoken to your uncle and he has been reprimanded by Hokage-sama himself for teaching you such a technique."

"But I'm telling you sensei, I can use the Chidori!" Sato was still protesting, even after days of disagreement.

"That is precisely why you have been forbidden from performing it," She pointed out, "It will get you killed. You have no means of defending yourself from a counterattack, not like your uncle."

"But I can still subdue my enemies! I can show you-"

"No. Whatever you feel may make your use of the Chidori effective is not worth the risk." Kurenai gave him a steady glare, "You are only a genin, Sato, and your skill is questionable. As your instructor I must ensure your safety."

"You act just like Kakashi! Dance around the truth of it, say it's too dangerous, but you don't acknowledge anything that I can do!" Sato snarled, "All you really mean is that I'm stupid! That I can't protect myself! I don't have anyone who believes in me...and now I think I don't need anyone who does! I don't care what you have to say sensei! I can do this on my own! You're just like the rest of them."

Abruptly, before she could retort, the silver haired boy stormed out of the new training area that they had been using. Hinata watched him leave, hands folded, worry weaving its way into her delicate features.

She was unsure of what to think. Both Sato and Kurenai had brought up great points, but in terms of safety and ability, Kurenai had the upper hand. Hinata could only hope that Sato would not do anything rash before the arrival of the Chunin Exam.

Shino, it was clear, agreed fully with Kurenai. He stood next to Hinata, hands hidden in his pockets.

"It is for his own good," Kurenai said finally, to her remaining students, "I'm sure I can trust you two to prevent him from endangering himself?"

They nodded silently.

Back in town, Sato was fuming.

He had a difficult time recovering from the endless argument he had with his jounin instructor. Even his own teammates seemed uncertain of him using the Chidori after seeing it themselves.

The young Hatake made his way hastily down a busy street, frowning and thinking the situation over, 'What do they know anyway? They're not really concerned about my safety! They're just pissed off some juvenile delinquent like me is raising the bar for the other genin around here! Always selling me short...'

He stopped outside of a bakery and peaked in through the window thoughtfully, 'Maybe I can hang out here for a while...'

Sato strolled inside, running into the back end of a long line, 'Whoa, it's busy in here today.'

He took a seat as people scurried around, picking out pastries and bread, shouting orders, arguing who was first in line...things he was used to hearing. Patiently, Sato waited for the customers to leave one by one, and snapped a picture of the last to exit, who happened to be a balding, obese man who had purchased a fritter.

Sato smirked to himself, amused.

"Did you come out for lunch?"

He looked across the now empty shop to see Tama leaning on the counter next to the register. She gave him a welcoming smile and he grinned back, feeling less upset.

"Nah, I'm not hungry. Hey, guess who's fifteenth birthday is in..." Sato took a moment to think, "Two months and six days?"

Tama sighed, smiling, "Mine? Maybe?"

He pulled up a chair to the counter and sat down cross-legged, grinning, "I think you're right, clever girl."

His odd behavior did not catch her unaware and she rested her chin on her hand, considering the false expression on his face, "You seem upset about something. Is everything alright?"

The grin he had conjured crumbled away, "No, nothing's alright anymore," He admitted, "I got my team pissed off at me again..."

"What happened this time?" She asked, curious, turning around and rearranging the bread on the shelves behind her as she listened.

"See, I finally got my cyclopic uncle to teach me the Chidori, right?"

Tama giggled, "Right."

"Then I show my teammates because I think that they might give me just a bit more respect, right?"

She nodded, "Right."

"Then Kurenai-sensei just flips out and tells the Hokage! Now I'm forbidden from using it ever!" He hollered, standing up and waving his arms about.

After a moment of thought, Tama answered, "I understand. That wasn't very fair of them to do after all of your hard work," He smirked at her favorable response, "However, I think for now you should be patient and trust their judgment, so you don't get into any more trouble, alright?"

"But it's so stupid! No one has faith in me! They all think I'm just some kid with a bunch of tricks, but I'm-"

"Shh! Keep it down, you'll scare away my customers," She admonished lightly, "You've got to calm down. You are a great shinobi; don't let them convince you otherwise. If it were up to me, I'd let you use the Chidori whenever you felt it necessary. But I think just because they're looking out for you doesn't mean that they don't trust you."

"I know you believe in me, but that's kind of your job, isn't it?" Sato chuckled, feeling buttered up by her confidence.

Tama shrugged, "Yes, I suppose it is my job," She then added, "Although, this is my job too..." She patted the counter smirking, "It's hard to believe I earn more money in a day's work than a genin does!"

He sighed, "Not that hard to believe, actually..."

Her dark eyes lit up with an idea, "Oh! I just remembered! Could you do me a favor and find Lee for me?"

Sato grinned, "What? You want to ask him on a date or something?"

"No smartass," Tama snapped, "I'm kind of not allowed to do that."

He laughed playfully, "I bet you would if you could, right?"

She wore a small smile, "Maybe I would, now will you quit it? I need you to find him and tell him to come out here in his free time."

Sato's voice became slightly defensive, "...why?"

"Unlike you he helps out around the shop and is polite and courteous!" Tama explained, folding her arms, "All of his help has earned him a free muffin. So can you tell him to stop by and pick it up?"

He relaxed a margin, "Oh, sure. I thought you had a thing for him or something."

"Will you knock it off?" She warned, "You have no reason to mistrust me!"

"Hey, it's okay...Lee's a cool guy." Sato chuckled, "I'll go find him for you then. I'm not busy."

With a sigh she nodded, glad that she had his cooperation, "Thank you."

Sato exited the bakery with a new spring in his step.

Visiting Tama always cheered him up. Although he was aware that his idiot uncle was the reason for his engagement to her, it had not bothered him when he was young. Sure she was nearly three years older than he was and quite a handful, but she was one of his closest life-long friends.

There were times he wondered if it was wrong that he didn't want to marry her, like he would be breaking some sort of contract that was signed for him. After all their relationship was forged when they were infants. He prized her friendship and support, but the older he got the more doubts he began to have.

She also seemed aware that he was reluctant of the entire marriage idea. But they never complained, because good friends shouldn't fret over sharing a life together, she had once said.

Still, he remembered trying to interest her in others on a few occasions, hoping she would choose a different path. It never worked. Then again, the dates he had set up for her hadn't gone very well and she let him know it too.

So whether they liked it or not, they were stuck together, thanks to their ridiculous uncles.

'One day, karma will come back to bite Kakashi in the ass...' He thought to himself pleasantly as he traversed down the sidewalk, 'Er...what was I supposed to do? Oh yeah! Find Lee. Hm...where is Lee?'