
HAPPY GHOST -the nerd's secret-

Reniya particularly is a simple person surrounded by people she mostly love..... has a boyfriend but broke up with her... still she continued her journey in college, then one day a bunch of people came and talked to her parents little did she know his dad's dad wanted to bring him back from being a runaway son but he didn't want to go... so Ren has been kidnapped by his grandpa to offer a trial for his father's doing as a runaway asshole which he stated... his child shall take over the karma in introducing her to their company enemy's son, Liyan Liyan is unexpected, a nerd boy who loves to eat and then there is this MMA fighter guy, a complete opposite of the Nerd

Art_Angel · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 Now get over it

walking with Reniya- The nerd felt awkward, he could sense a sad tears on her face but he just let her cry

but after getting away he stopped and felt Ren stumble behind him

"w-why did you stop!!" he looked behind and saw her crying face looking up to him

"w-what!!" she sniffed

"you look so ugly!!"

"wahhh~" she cried louder enough to attract some attention

"you rude ass nerd!!" she started punching him and he let her

"it's true-" he continued and reached for his handkerchief

"wipe your tears... we still have gym class and you'll see him again-"


"shut it..... Reniya!!" he said pissed and pulled her away


it was a bad timing for Reniya.... a time where Hailey is not around... she admit she still have feelings for Kevin, but she is afraid of being played again and seeing him with another woman makes her so anxious and mad

"don't you think you stick to me like a tic!!"

"stay with me I don't have Hailey today-"

"how about the other girls!!"

"I don't want to they talk about me!!" she said

everyone else is playing on the PE gym class and Kevin is right at the other side playing basketball

"alright everyone! gather around ok- today is basketball.... just take your ball and shoot on the basket, after half an hour we'll take your heart rate, weight, height and so on and so for.... I'll just hang around the office cos of a sudden freaking meeting- could be because of sports festival next week so this week, expect to run around in physique for half a day, room decorations and university band- whatever, get it!!"

the coach gradually walked away lazily and gave the next hour for them

in this state, the boys looked at Liyan and walked towards him

"hey Liyan wanna play some balls!!"

"I'd rather not- he fixed his glasses and turned around

a ball hit him in the head and it bounced back to the ground

"Liyan- are you ok!!"

"quit it Randal!!" Reniya yelled

"dude are you ok!!" Randal who hit him walked towards his face and looked up and down

"what!" Liyan asked

"I just hit you with a ball-" Liyan tilted his head like he didn't know a thing and proceed in cathing the balls in the ground

"why are you asking Liyan if he is ok when you hit him yourself!!" Ren looked at him with fury

"he's got a hard head...." he said

his friend pulled another ball and gave it to Randal

"one more time Ran-"

"stop it Randal-" Reniya yelled

the ball is already halfway through the nerd... and his face is coming to kiss it.... but like a wind it swift right at Kevin and hit him in the face while sitting down with his friends.... Liyan dodged the ball

"how did he move so fast!!" Randal's friend said

"who was it-" Kevin walked towards them.... Randal and his group pointed at Liyan who is holding the ball

Reniya sprinted at him to stop Kevin... he was already holding Liyan's shirt attempting to lift him but he couldn't.... Liyan is like a rock he thought for a second and just received a lazy expression

"did you threw that ball-"

"let go of him!!" Reniya pulled him away

their classmates gathered round to see

"he didn't throw that ball-"

"then who was It, ghost!!" Kevin yelled at her.... Reniya stepped back surprised by his sudden action and looked around, all the people is staring at her so she walked away

Liyan wanted to ran after her, she is crying because she just got yelled at....

"you shouldn't have done that!!" he said and walked but was pulled back by Kevin

"look here nerd- don't you dare do that again or else I'll smash your face!!" he grinned his teeth and walked away

Liyan just rolled his eyes and ran towards Reniya's where bout

he found him at the corner of stairs staring at the window


"go away!!"


"cos this is none of your business!!" she said...she was silent for a while then spoke

"dad never yelled at at me, nor mom even if she is not my real mom" her sad face thought of her dad

"now you know it's a good thing you broke up with him- he'll yell at you whenever he please!!" Liyan looked down on the lower ground

"he wasn't like that before-"

"cos he's no longer your boyfriend but an ex!!"

"but still-"

"those kinds of people are only kind when they didn't get what they want, and when things are given you're no longer that important! he should've treated you well, but earlier he was only thinking about himself!!" he gave her water to drink and smiled

"it hurts isn't it!!!" he was already mocking her

"shut it Liyan!!!"

"truth is better to hear than lies that will kill you!!"

Liyan sigh and looked at his watch-

" it's gonna be time to run a lap soon

"Let's go back Reniya-" Liyan walked away and Ren followed

getting back is just awkward, but Ren leaded the class right in running a lap.... getting everyone to shoot their ball in the basket and taking their heart rate one by one

"Reniya- are you ok!!" Karina asked, she came towards her with a towel and gave her a water

"thanks Karina!!"

"what happened earlier? you were crying!!" Ren didn't respond and for a second Karina slapped herself

"that's right, Kevin is your ex- that asshole is a B* ya know" she said and sat next to her

"where is Hailey!!"

"headache!!" she responded with a sigh and looked at Liyan

"Liyan comforted you earlier huh-" Karina looked at him too


"don't you think everyone is tired except him!!" Karina suddenly asked

"Liyan- he ran a lap earlier with everyone!!" Ren gave a closer look and he does look ok, everyone else look like they are dying except him who is following every ball that landed on the floor

she smiled and thought about earlier- he does have a point, he is now his ex and she should stop thinking about him.... she knows he is quite selfish


the afternoon is just a little rough since rain started pouring... she didn't wanna go home either since she doesn't have any umbrella

her only source is to go to the library and read books she needs

for a brief moment she was there reading then she dozed off... never realizing she fell asleep she woke up from the librarian's voice

"hey- it's past 7.... time to leave!!" Ren's eyes widened

"oh- oh no!!" she ran and grabbed her bag... there are 13 missed calls from her dad and 20 from her mom... she immediately texted she's coming home

walking the corridor is just way too scary, there are only small amount of people inside and most of the hallways are empty

she swallowed and walked, it's like a scene in a horror movie

she's quite fragile and she hates hallways like this

she looked back and stared... the lights suddenly turned off from one hall to another

"gah~" she silently walked away then suddenly landed in a hard thing

when she looked up she saw the same eyes she really liked

"G-Ghost!!" she whispered.... Happy was surprised and covered his face, he walked away but Ren followed

"waiiittt!- where are you going I'm all alone right now!!" Happy messed his hair and put them up to cover Liyan's style, he looked back slightly and saw a scared Ren behind

"ah~ sorry!!! am I bothering you!!" Ren said... Happy wanted to speak but he remembered what Clarence say.... Happy Don't speak or else you'll reveal Liyan

thinking about Clarence makes him wanna snap his neck

"uhhmm!!" he could only murmur and nod

"I remembered you can't speak!! Happy what are you doing here!!" She walked with him.... the light suddenly ran out in their presence so she suddenly glued herself to his arms

"the light is off!!" she said

Happy brought out his keypad and wrote

*the lights go off at past 8*

"really? how do you know!!" Happy wanted to explode, he doesn't know how to reason either

*it's the same to every university, they close at past 8 except to other department who have 9:00 class*

he wrote in his tiny cellphone.... they both walked out and found themselves at the ground, using the keypad's flashlight

Ren finally let his arms go and so as the silence began... Happy didn't speak and just went with his role as a voiceless guy with a pretty eyes

"by the way what are you doing here!!" she asked... Happy frowned and brought out his keypad again

*Just a business meeting*

"oh- do you have next match!!" she asked, he just nod and walked in her pace

she kept on speaking but Happy was looking at Clarence who is holding a bear not far away from them... he raised his bear and smiled with

*enjoying with the trouble!!*

Happy secretly gave a middle finger and proceeded in walking with Reniya

*where are you going!!* he typed in his keypad

"I'm going nowhere!- I wanted to go home with Liyan but he is gone now!" she sigh

"I'm going for a stroll!!* she said and bid goodbye" Liyan is worried so Happy had to go with her

*can I go with you- I'm new in this city* he lied

"sure, why not- come I'll take you to the city park, I heard they are gonna open the new fountain that was just made!!" she pulled him and walked away