
HAPPY GHOST -the nerd's secret-

Reniya particularly is a simple person surrounded by people she mostly love..... has a boyfriend but broke up with her... still she continued her journey in college, then one day a bunch of people came and talked to her parents little did she know his dad's dad wanted to bring him back from being a runaway son but he didn't want to go... so Ren has been kidnapped by his grandpa to offer a trial for his father's doing as a runaway asshole which he stated... his child shall take over the karma in introducing her to their company enemy's son, Liyan Liyan is unexpected, a nerd boy who loves to eat and then there is this MMA fighter guy, a complete opposite of the Nerd

Art_Angel · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 Underground fight

Liyan walked Ren towards the building sight to see the city, she looked flattered and looks around like she never saw such a view

"never seen 7 star hotel before?" he started the conversation.... the leaders decided to kick them out since they said they have important matter and they are out, it's obviously a plan to get them closer to each other

"ah- of course I-I did, I always come here?"

"don't pretend, just say you were poor and never came to such a place!!" he stopped his mouth and wanted to slap himself, he looked at Ren who wanted to cry so he pulled her by the arms for comfort

"uhh- that was bad! I'm sorry... just be honest will you, don't lie!!" Reniya looked at him and cried loud

"hey!!!" he looked around and saw staff looking at him

"nothing to look at haha- .....REnIya!!"

"don't just say that then- I know you are rich!!"

"alright I'm sorry!!"

he let go and pulled her towards a higher balcony

"where are you taking me!!"

when they arrived, her sad face turned happy

"happy now!!" she nod like a kid and looked around

a stunning beauty of the city made her eyes sparkle up and down, she never saw such a scene in her life

"be honest wherever you go- it doesn't make you different from other people-" he said out of the blue

"yes sir!!" she smiled, he smiled back showing his teeth

Ren stared at him for a bit and realized, he has a good feature and handsome face, except that his bangs is covering his eyes, his smile is the most attractive of them all

"what's wrong Ren!"

"your cute?"

"thanks!!" he said

"you look better without glasses, why use such a big glasses!!" she asked

"I have a blurry eyes!!"

he said and looked away

a paper flashed in his face followed by Ren coming her way and tripping

"what are you doing?" he catched her by his arms and pulled her up

"the ticket!!" she cried reaching for the ticket stuck on the iron at the edge of the balcony

"I'll get it- stay here?" he said with a grumpy face and walked towards the edge

he reached on it cos he is tall and finally walked towards her

"what is this that you make a fuss about, you should focus on studies?" he asked

"it's a ticket for a fight- an underground fight! Hailey gave it to me!!" she said, Liyan paused to look at the ticket and saw a WWW X-Monsters underground fight....

"Hailey said, we will watch an MMA fighter, his name is Happy- HAPPY GHOST!!" Liyan extended his hands to give her the ticket with an empty face

"Happy Ghost?" he uttered

"you know Happy Ghost?"

"never heard of him!!"

"me neither, and I'm interested"

"you shouldn't be interested in this sort of stuff" she gave her the ticket which she happily received

"but it's interesting, the one I'm not interested is you who always focus on work and studies!!" she gave him a face and ran away


-Hailey gave it to me?- Liyan kept thinking about what she said at the hotel.... she's going to the game, would that be quite a dangerous place for her.... the people there are like a barbaric human being, it's a street bet and where he will see his enemy for the upcoming city league

"hey- tonight is the night- warm it up and run a lap!!" Clarence came and snap him out of fantasy, he started running at the city first strike of the morning at 5... and now stopped for quite a while and linger around his mind....

as he continue to run, he looked around and saw a familiar figure near the street... she's standing there with a paper bag in her hands while waiting for the stop sign to turn green

"what's she doing early in the morning?" Happy knows he can't go near her cos base on his appearance, she won't know he is Liyan but as of now Ghost

"tss, what a sight!" he was about to continue the lap, but a sudden feeling urged him to look back and saw a motorcycle come behind her.. it seem to be out of control and with a flash, he counted himself sprinting and pushing her back wrapped in his body, he ended up knocking a post and hitting his shoulder on the iron and stumbling down with Reniya

"sh*t!!" he cursed silently... Reniya suddenly burst on his chest asking him if he was okay... for a brief moment she was crying on his chest while sitting on his stomach but she suddenly stopped and stared at him

Happy stared back then to the motorcyclist who he wants to punch behind her, he seem to fly on the street and stumbled down the alley

"are you guys ok?" asked some people around them

Happy just nod, but the girl sitting on his stomach seem to freeze and stare at him

"R- Ahm... h-hey" he asked gently.... it's hard for him to make a sound in his situation

"uhh- y-yeah!!" she said still looking at his face

Happy Ghost smiled down at her, it's the same reaction people give him whenever they stare at his eyes

He suddenly carried her like a child to stand up straight

"t-thank you?" she said, getting embarrassed he literally carried her like a child without a weight

a police came over to ask and some people called an ambulance, it turned out that a drunk cyclist wanted to be a superhero in his mind and started cycling around the side walk....

the cyclist went in a critical condition and is carried by a police to be put inside a car so they could drive him fast to the hospital.... meanwhile, Ren was called to be question so Happy decided to sneak out... his shoulder is stiff from the iron but it wasn't that bad

after all, he needs to continue on... tonight is the night


"is that all miss?"

"y-yes! that's all!!" she answered

she glanced around and found that the person who saved her is gone

"who was that?" she asked herself still lingering around

'he won't even speak'

his eyes are so beautiful! earlier she was holding a bread she could take home for breakfast, she wanted her grandfather to taste the baked bread she really like and suddenly a man wrapped her around his chest protecting her away from the cyclist

"he's so beautiful?" she said holding her face

once she went back home, she forgot her purpose of going out early in the morning, in the end they saw scratches on her legs and asked about it

her father was worried, but his grandpa is far more into it

"who's that guy? I'll pay him handsomely!!"

"I don't know grandpa, but based on his appearance, he might be an athlete!!" she said eating her breakfast

"today is Sunday? how about taking a break! do you wanna go out with your brothers Ren-"

"I can't mom! Hailey said we're going somewhere today?"

"where is that!" the twins asked

"none of your business 1 faced humans"

"but we're interested ugly demon!!" she mumbled and gave her brothers a wide eye which the twins rolled back.... her face totally boomed seeing the twins roll their eyes like a drama kings

"then do you need pocket money?" Sylvia asked... she took out her wallet and gave her a card which his father grabbed

"stop spoiling her?"

"daaaaad-" she cried

"no, a cash is enough! you want a money, go get a job you're on your age now!!" her father warned

"Reven we are rich, give her what she wants-"

"no, you are rich!! I'm teaching mine to be independent!!" Lester suddenly laughed and drank some wine for a toast

"well- you do make sense... goodluck with your dad baby" Ren made a face and accepts the cash


Reniya met up with Hailey at a mall and sat down while waiting for the time to open, their tickets are with them and so as what they need

"so- ever watched a fight before?" Hailey asked

"no, this is the first time and I'm kinda exited?" she said holding on to her milk tea

"anyway, about this guy you met earlier....." she leaned and whispered

"was he hot!!" Hailey continued

"uhh- kinda, but his eyes are beautiful?" Hailey spaced herself, laughed and leaned again

"what do you mean by that?"

"his eye colours are different, the other is bluish gold while the other is amber gold!!" she said trying to reminisce more of what she saw

"wow- are you sure he is human!!"

"I was sure? he saved me and I was sitting in his stomach!!!" Hailey giggled and slapped her on the head

"watch it-"

"isn't that great!! Wow I wish I was there?.... what's his body like is he big?"

"y-yeah, he was handsome... I mean it, he's got black hair weird eyes and very strong build- hmmm if I could scale it, he's as tall as Liyan but stronger aura!!!"

Hailey chuckled and slapped her again!!

"we'll talk about Liyan! why didn't you invite him- ya know get to know of each other"

"Hailey that guy is a nerd, he's got no interest at all!!"

"you're right.... anyway buckle up.... the gate will open at 4:30!!"


Hailey and Ren entered the underground arena... it's actually an abandoned market made as a playground for MMA players and street fight competition.... it was very private and the guy who invited Hailey is a man who gives the bet

"Justin-" Hailey waived on a guy with a curly hair and dark skin, he's busy trading bets card and money on the table.... he heard Hailey and slightly looked from his sunglasses, his pretty light grey eyes sparked and smiled

"hi baby- come'er" Both the girls marched there and looked at everyone

"lil chick there seems to have her first time around here!!" Justin smiled and put his attention to them

"hi, I'm Justin Bry Hailey's cuz!!"

"no wonder she got such an expensive ticket!!" she uttered

"alright babes, y'all be sitting at the second floor... take whatever seat you want, the match will soon start in half an hour-"

"half an hour!!!" Hailey rolled her eyes

"baby carrot ya know events like this needs a lot of introduction and works... now hop along with ya friend and be careful- if you need snack get some at the store corner write my name and be happy!!" Justin tapped and walked away to finish his job with the others

"who's next!!"

they both marched away and planned to buy snacks... Hailey volunteered so Ren had to go up on her own...

"save seat for me ok!!"

"yup- hurry alright!!"

while walking, a crowd gradually stumbled upon her so she had to walk like a warrior out of everyone's sight... the boys and girls are all shouting and cheering a guy who is gonna be participating the MMA fight...

she looked behind and saw a guy around his early 30s, brown hair and tough look.... he was even groping girls that hits on him

"watch it lady!!!" people said while walking past her

it was a loose of balance and soon she knew she will fall on the floor..... a strong hand grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close to his body... he stood there like a wall and held Ren not to be hit from the crowd of people passing by....

"uhmm.... s-sorry My direction is-" she looked up and froze... the same eyes she saw this morning...

this time he is wearing a hoody and a mask, only his eyes are bare... the guy gradually pulled her to the opposite direction of the people... he seem to be strong and people stumbling to him is like hitting a rock.... it was like fighting a river on the opposite direction

once she is at the safety place he walked away

"ah- t-thank you!!" he slightly looked back and nod

"Reniya!!!" she heard Hailey's voice calling for her....

"where were you!!"

"the crowd!!"

"ah- that crowd... no wonder, are you ok!!"

"yes, let's go!!"

when she arrived, she could see the crowd down where she was... she was mad at the guy who caused such a scene, thankfully the other guy saved him

"you should've went the other way- how did you survive that!!" Hailey laughed

the match soon started.... names were announced and the fight begun.... the first fight made everyone exited.... the fighters name is Kin Heron vs Halim Fen...

they were all over talking about Kin the champion of WWE.... he moved to MMA and was becoming a challenge to other fighters

his moves are outstanding, he is also big and stronger than his opponent.... Halim who was an ordinary fighter was knocked down immediately....

"he's so strong!!" she said

"I know right!! he will be participating the city league next month!!"

"why is he here?"

"not just him but other players... they usually come here for fun- and the guy who is challenging the champions will soon appear...." Hailey chuckled opening a beer

"is that the guy you said before!!"

"yeah!!" Hailey swallowed a food and a beer then looked at her

"everyone is gonna watch him loose that's what they are exited about- but I hope not! his enemy is right over there-" Hailey pointed on the guy with brown hair

the guy who caused a lot of people to make a river of danger

"well I hope Ghost will knock him dead!!" she made a face and wrapped her arms

"so you're on Ghost's side!!"

"that guy is the reason I almost fell- if not because of that guy then I'd be in the hospital!!"

"whoo- next one is coming!!" the crowd cheered really loud....