
HAPPY GHOST -the nerd's secret-

Reniya particularly is a simple person surrounded by people she mostly love..... has a boyfriend but broke up with her... still she continued her journey in college, then one day a bunch of people came and talked to her parents little did she know his dad's dad wanted to bring him back from being a runaway son but he didn't want to go... so Ren has been kidnapped by his grandpa to offer a trial for his father's doing as a runaway asshole which he stated... his child shall take over the karma in introducing her to their company enemy's son, Liyan Liyan is unexpected, a nerd boy who loves to eat and then there is this MMA fighter guy, a complete opposite of the Nerd

Art_Angel · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 Meeting the Horse


"we'll talk at home?" Reven's voice was serious!!

"did he tell you everything!!"

"I said we will talk at home!!"

Reniya quit her mouth and let the people at the back consume the silence, she could tell Reven is angry

they didn't drop at their village but rather went ahead towards the Hullen's mansion

4 months ago, Reven came back to their city for Reven's business appointment, he was always careful not to be seen by his father's people, for his children, at least he doesn't know them.... he didn't know his father already knew about Reniya and took her

they drove about half an hour which Hailey asked... Mr Hullen said they are going to Ren's grandfather... which didn't surprise her at all since Ren already told her

"I saw grandpa, he was huge"

"and also has white hair and beard!" the twins praised which didn't make their dad happy but rather annoyed

Entering the house... Reven was upset and didn't follow the guards... he just entered and parked the car Infront of the door... there Sylvia is waiting... she smiled when she saw Ren who came and hugged her

"mom are you okay?" she asked

"yes, how about your brothers- ow"

the twins came out and climbed their mother making her a tiger to keeps still

"hello Mrs Hullen!" Hailey refered to Ren's mom, she knows she's her step mom but also know that she is kind to her and Hailey

they all entered, but Ren and her father went to another spare room....

"you guys go on ahead-" Reven said taking Ren with him

"yup- I'll be with twins for a tour!!" Hailey giggled and ran away with the twins

It was a locked room located next to the main hall of the family, the way his father moved felt like he knows every direction of the mansion

"dad- is this your room!!?" Ren is in awe looking at posters and a huge picture of his father in his teens

"is that you!!"


"and that kid- they look like our twins!! dad is that also you" she yelled at him

"what do you expect- come inside the bedroom!!" the room of her father had living rooms and instruments, including a piano next to the window... there is also a passage leading to a bathroom and a balcony

"dad- this room is great, are we gonna stay at this room-" she asked following him to wherever he went, Reven is looking at the drawers and cupboard, as if he is a teenager looking at his stuffs he kept in secret

"this is my room and there are plenty at this house, get your own?"

"but I like this one!!"


"aww dad!!"

"alright Reniya- time is up with your whining, let's get to the real point!!!" He turned and put down his glasses... he folded it and glared

"was it really your decision to say yes in a contract!!" Reniya stopped and bowed her head... it was wrong how she didn't ask her father's permission

"y-yes dad-"

"Why would you do that!!" he was angry but calm

"because, it appeared that grandpa's business is in danger-"

"that's his problem Reniya, not yours!!" he yelled at her and stood up

"sit at the armchair!!" she did as told while his dad sat Infront of the piano

"grandpa said, you stole money from him, before I was born-" Reven looked at Ren and swallowed

"he told you that?" he asked


"Well I did that because I needed money for you and your mother, dad never approved of your mother and me so I ran away with her- but that doesn't mean you will pay for my sake-" He exclaimed

"dad- why didn't grandpa approved of my mother?" Reniya asked slowly

"I was a teenager, I was young and wild and will do everything for love, in the end after doing that, she and I broke up when you were 8.... but at least I still raised you well?" he said and was silent

no one talked after that, not until she heard a piano starting to make a soft sound

"it's been 18 years since I played Benjamin!" he said, while playing

Ren who is flattered went near him and watch him play

"dad- you can play Piano?"

"yes, I can also play guitar, drums and bass-"

"wow- father you are amazing?" she said, after that, both of them agreed not to keep things made without permission, after all Reven is Reniya's father


"Happy Ghost!!" Clarence threw jacket at Liyan and laughed, he immediately caught it with his hands while his eyes are still shut

"your sense is like a wild dog... how did you know I threw something while napping!!" he said and put his feet beside Liyan

"I want a nap-" he went back in closing his eyes

Clarence who came mentioned something which made him flashed to the locker and change

"wasn't tonight at 8 your meeting with your fiance's father-"

Liyan already burst to the locker and grabbed his bag

"lol- calm down asshole-"

"if I don't get there on time, dad will kill me!"

without a goodbye he went out and took a cab

"hotel *** please!"

inside, he put on his oversized jacket and fixed his hair to cover his eyes

coming at the hotel, he sigh and went inside, as soon as he arrived he saw Mr Hullen and Ren on their way to the the elevator-

he sigh in relief and walked towards them... but upon walking a lot of people are looking at him and smiling, while other staffs are just starring awkwardly, he turned his head on the mirror and saw his naked eyes gleaming

"dude, your eyes are awesome-" he heard then ran away towards the bathroom-

"lenses- lenses, contact lenses!!!" he said

his phone also started vibrating and his father's name popped

"shit!!" he put on his lenses and fixed his appearance- he forgot his glasses, thankfully his lenses are intact to his bag


"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" a voice shouted at his ears

"taking a shower!!" he said sarcastically

"you get your butt here right now or I'll never give you allowance-"

"as if I need you to do that!- I'll be there in a flash!!"

he walked out of the comfort room and went to the elevator.... a tall man appeared in his gaze, his attire is cowboy, simple and easy, he's got a handsome feature and dark brown hair... his eyes were deep reminding him of Ren

both of them are inside and not talking, but all they see is themselves in the door

"quite a sweat there ey-"

"quite an outfit sir- are you gonna meet a horse-" he said back, the man smiled at him then suddenly the elevator rang open

"this your floor!" the guy asked

"uhh- maybe" he said not knowing the floor he will go, the guy went out and Liyan went back up to the higher floor, he then received a text from his father that the floor he needs to go in is the same floor as the cowboy?

"what the hell!!" he cursed and pushed the button back down

Reniya and her grandpa is at the table with Travis... it was a family gathering with the Salvatore and in the middle of the talk Reven came with his hat

"hello Mr Salvatore?" says he, Travis looked up and has his eyes wide...

"oh my- is that you Reven- you've grown old-"

Reven wasn't sure if it's an insult or an honest reply, but he still smiled and sat Infront of him

"it's been 18 years-"

"yes, and here you are again- I never thought you are the father Ren-" Travis gave him a champagne

"where is your son Mr Salvatore?" Reven asked

"he's coming? he's actually playing around and hates parties like this but he will come"

"Nice outfit there son-" says Mr Hullen

"well- I liked it? a guy at the elevator actually asked if I will be meeting a horse?-" Ren who heard it chuckled and so as everyone

"why do you keep choosing high buildings!!" a complaining guy came through the scene and he was surprised when he saw Reven

"oh- Liyan? that's my son!!"

Reven stared at him for a second and laughed

"well- I guess you are the horse I will be meeting!!" Reven and the rest laughed while Liyan stare at them with grudge

who knows the cowboy guy is his father in- law


while they are all having dinner, Liyan keep gazing at Mr Hullen, Ren's dad- his cowboy appearance is really strong and the lady next to him which is called Sylvia is his wife, she's beautiful

"so how long will this contract last-" Reven started

"son, my plan is to rise up again, so it would take years, Now that you are here, you'll help me out!" Reven wasn't happy, and it's quite awkward

"how about investigating the accident- Mr Hullen's company is a large racing arena with lots of enemy.... if you can catch the person and sue him, you'll get half the percentage in bringing your company back!!" Liyan suggested, His father Travis who he never help in company matter, suddenly hear Liyan talk about business

"you're right Liyan- I should've done that in the first place, but for now I am busy with a lot of urgencies outside the city and country!!" Lester said... he pulled a wine and sadly swallowed it, Reniya felt bad and just like Liyan she wanted to speak up

"w-well, dad can help handle that matter r-right!!" she was shaking in her plate and looked at Reven

"fine, I'll do it!!"

"Really son!"


"well that's great? and while you two work, I'll work on giving what you need- I'll help fund the family at lost and keep the racing field alive!!" Travis suggested and raised his wine glass

"well- a-as Reven's wife, I'll help with the horses and animals at the farm! I've got a 3 year course of Veterinary but haven't graduated, but I could be a good help!!" she smiled polite but is scared just like Ren

"are you sure Sylvia?" Reven asked

"yes!" she said and looked at Reniya, she patted her hand while Ren hug her

Liyan watch as the family come to a good piece, he even wondered why he and Ren had to be a rope in marriage.... it sure is about money, tying the family will make the other not to run away
