
HAPPY GHOST -the nerd's secret-

Reniya particularly is a simple person surrounded by people she mostly love..... has a boyfriend but broke up with her... still she continued her journey in college, then one day a bunch of people came and talked to her parents little did she know his dad's dad wanted to bring him back from being a runaway son but he didn't want to go... so Ren has been kidnapped by his grandpa to offer a trial for his father's doing as a runaway asshole which he stated... his child shall take over the karma in introducing her to their company enemy's son, Liyan Liyan is unexpected, a nerd boy who loves to eat and then there is this MMA fighter guy, a complete opposite of the Nerd

Art_Angel · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 A Nerd for a Fiancee

Reniya put on a beautiful dress it suits her well showing her curves, expect that she can't walk on heels and preferred a smaller heel

"you look gorgeous young lady? please have some tea while the master prepares himself, and also an album of the family for you to see!!" the servant gladly bow and walked away

Reniya opened the album and saw a beautiful family picture of her father's family, his father is the eldest and the second two of them look alike which is a twin, it's his uncle's.... and the youngest child which is her aunt is beautiful

In each page, everything is bright and luxurious, one picture caught her the most is her dad riding a running horse jumping in the sandy air inside a racing arena

"wow!!" there was even a cup of winning and a medal which he and his brothers achieve, the twins are a whole different uncle's, one is slim and we'll built and living his life as an army general while the other one is chubby and a doctor... the youngest which is her aunt is a beautiful make up artist and a designer of clothes

"this is my family!!"

"yes- it is.... we, are your family!!"

she looked up to see his grandpa and wanted to laugh, shining sapphire tuxedo and a matching pair of sapphire slacks, a silver shoes and gold rings all over his finger, his beard which is white stick obedient like he is the fantasy god zues

"don't I look flattering my granddaughter!!" he turned around, she giggled then nod in vain

"it's ok I guess grandpa- were a match-"

"yes we are.... now come along, we don't wanna be late"


the hotel sure is a supreme.... it's a 7 star hotel and only VIP are allowed at the top which is where they will go

Ren isn't sure why she is here, all she knows is that she came as his granddaughter and will help him meet a partner.....which his grandpa assume as their enemy and only hope

they entered a banquet full of people in a business suit, in general there is a party inside full of rich spoons

"oops where right on time!!" his grandpa hailed showing off his laughter

"you're late Mr Race Arena owner!!" a tall blonde lady with a rose lips and blue eyes came upset

"Kanna- what a surprise!!"

"You miss the whole introduction event!!"

"tse- who needs to hear those introduction I don't care about them, I'm here for Travis where is he?"

Lester looked around and saw him waving at the second floor, then proceeded outside the balcony

"who's this young fellow right here-" Kanna smiled but then her smile failed and looked up

"don't you dare f*CK with kids!!"

"Kanna, are you out of your mind, I'm not like that... can't you see she look like me, her deep eyes says it all... beautiful and fair-Mr granddaughter, say hi to Kanna my best friend and my secretary!!" Ren waved her hands awkwardly

Kanna looked up and down then to Lester

"really, are you sure he's you're grandpa cos he's crazy!!"

"uhh- uhm!!" she said, her cheeks was suddenly squeezed from Kanna's warm hands and then laughed

"I'm just kidding little girl, go on now Lester, Travis is waiting up the balcony, just like you he didn't like the introduction and people's speech events, he stayed there at the opening playing in his phone!!"

Ren and her grandfather walked upstairs towards the balcony, she couldn't help but to look around.....the beautiful chandelier above the ceiling is glowing like diamond

"wow" is all she could utter

Upon arriving, she couldn't help her eyes to pop, there is a pool with a clear sky colour, followed by a massive extravagant design all over the area adding to that is a sprinkle of the backgrounds city lights

"put this on my dear, it's cold-" Ren put on a showl which his grandpa gave her

"Lester- late as ever ey!!" a tall handsome man but slimmer than Lester greeted them, he sat still sipping some champagne and crossed his legs

"today is the deal Travis-"

"who's that?"

"my granddaughter!"

"pardon!!" it's the second man giving the same reaction aside from Kanna, now Ren is feeling really uncomfortable, she already felt left out feeling poor earlier, now this

"I said, my granddaughter?"

"and when did you have a granddaughter!?" he gave a look

"just now- introduce yourself darling!!"

"I- I am Reniya Light Hullen!!" she said bowing her head

" I can tell she is uncomfortable- which son owns that sperm-"

"eldest- and keep that bloody mouth shut, this is a kid!!"

"sorry love... come have a sit-" Travis beckoned on Ren and smiled

Ren sat in between her grandfather and the partner, they talked for a while about a business, they were talking about the problem from last week

"you lost big time this year- a lot of million eh! can't invest no more!!" Travis mocked.... Ren is the one pouring wine all over their tiny glass which is only bigger that their hands, the purpose is, so they won't chug many wine as possible since the matter is hot and cold

"I lost big money, just because of some accident that happened in the race field, I tell you, all my horses were poisoned, I will prove it!!" Lester pointed, he chugged down a big amount of wine then continued

"we've been rivals for decades, I only ask now for help- if you could fund those players for a while and I'll get in my feet, I'll pay you handsomely!!" Lester went serious, Ren who is listening the whole time knew the situation is getting big and her ears are dying

that means because of some accident, his grandpa lost a lot and needs a fund, what's his purpose in bringing her around

"Lester- there is more than 15 players who fell in accident, 4 of them died due to the bombing-"

"exactly Travis, and as the owner of course I need to find that, take responsibility and at least pay the family- I also have to attend their funeral which is far from this city- now just give me a chance!! You're a multi millionaire

Ren was silent, she felt left out, and hearing what happened must have hurt his grandpa even more.... how much more to those who lost their lives and the family

"D-dad!!! I....am.... here!!" their attention suddenly drew to another person who came with a simple outfit, a jean, blue shoes, red jacket and a round glasses

he approached like a daredevil and sat down, the first thing he did was to greet Mr Hullen and smile on Mr Salvatore

"Liyan- you brat!! what do you think are you wearing!!" Mr Salvatore threw a fury on him

"an insult!!"

"Ha- that's right good job my boy... I also hate the person who threw this ridiculous party, and oh- have you met my granddaughter" Lester got up and showed Ren to him.... he looked at her head to toe with a judge


"uhhh- hi!!"

"proper introduction Liyan-"

the guy named Liyan stood up and smiled... he's quite tall with a weird aura, you can't tell if he is mocking or is serious at all

"My name is Liyan Salvatore- 19 mucho gusto!"

"uhh- I am Reniya Light Hullen- 18" she said

after that, everything else is awkward... Liyan sat back and started eating while his father is ready to give him a slap in the head

but as soon as he will start to teach the boy a lesson, Kanna entered with a fabulous smile

"Lester- Travis, I have an Idea.... to solve these matters, I know Travis don't trust people in just giving what he have away- I suggest we give a hand in marriage, Liyan and Reniya- how's that sound!!!"

Ren's eyes went to Liyan, he wasn't listening and is still eating

"no! we can't do that!! I am- I mean!!!"

she looked at her grandfather who did not say anything- he is twisted from what he heard....

"good idea!!" Mr Salvatore shook Lester's hand which gradually awoken the old man

"no! that's not ok- Reniya is young and won't like it!!" Reniya sigh in relief and looked at Liyan, he is still eating the leftovers on the table....

'is he even listening...' she thought

"then, I have to cancel giving help- I mean it, you know I have problem with trusting people!.... 10 years ago James took half a million of my money which almost made me bankrupt- I am doing that no more!!!"

"what- c'mon Travis!"

there was a sudden argument on the roof and now Reniya didn't know what to do....

she thought of the race, his father stealing his Grandpa's money and now suffering the consequences, maybe it's time to pay the debt

"I'll, I'll do it- I'll agree, just please!!" She walked towards his grandpa-and bowed slightly

"please help my grandpa-" all she think about is to pay his father's debt

"Ren, are you sure about this, your father will never agree-"

"it's alright!!! you said dad stole money from you and took me to pay for it- I will"

Mr Salvatore was astonished, at the same time he felt terrible

"well- young lady, if you don't want to then don't, don't force yourself...."

"I'll do it- keep me in contract as a hand in marriage for your son.... if it wasn't paid for a year then I will marry Liyan!!"

Liyan who suddenly heard his name got up and walked there

"who called me!!"

"Me- I am now your designated wife-"

"what!!! I was just eating and now I have a wife...." he was a straight asshole in front of them all

'he wasn't really aware at all' Reniya stomped and stepped in his feet

"it's a contract for a money debt- I am still your Fiancee nerd!!" she yelled

"dad- what the hell is going on? someone explain!!"

"You're such an airhead-"

"I was eating cos I was hungry, the elevator was not working so I had to climb up, I don't know how many floors but that took half an hour!!"

"well then, it's settled, this contract will be sealed tomorrow Travis- come on Ren-" Ren and her grandfather walked away, leaving Liyan still clueless about what is happening

" Dad- what the hell!!"