
Hands of Creation and Destruction

Cain feels worthless sometimes. Well, that was before he found power. Unlimited power. Now, he still feels worthless, but at least he can take out his rage on the world

XLR_creations · Romance
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8 Chs


The intern shivered in fear, and could smell himself relieving into his black pants. The smiling man made quick work of the guards, and then the permanent workers, and then the superiors. One red eye was all that blazed in the black, except a little glint of grinning teeth whenever the sound of a body being ripped filled the room, always following a blood-curling scream. The smell of blood was all that was there, along with the sound of a waterfall in the making. The intern was hiding below a desk, but the smiling man has already noticed him. The red eye stared right at the intern, and when the white of the teeth was shown this time, a small line of black divided the white into two, as if the smiling man was holding a finger to his mouth to shush the scared kid. When all the screams were silenced, then finally did the sound of heavy steps become all there was, along with that one uneasy eye. The intern felt his heart make its way to his throat, and he would have screamed at the top of his lungs if he could have managed to control his whimpering. 'I have so much more to live for. Why am I dying now,' he thought, between the heavy breaths and whimpers he made.

The monster was in front of the desk soon enough. He bent down, to look into the kid's eyes. His red right eye was clearly mechanical, glowing with an unholy hue. "Get up, kid," spoke the smiling man, smiling a lot more now. "You pissed yourself, huh? Happens to the best of us. Anyway, here's the dealio. I'm here for that there super weapon," he pointed at a door leading to the basement of the office. "Now, I'm a smart guy, but not smart enough to know what you dipshits kept as the password for that thing. Oh, who am I kidding, its probably 'password' or 'abc123' or some shit like that, ain't it?"

The intern tried his best to get up, falling once, and finally stopped whimpering long enough to get some words out, "I..... I don't know the password."

"What do you know, then?"

"I know the tea.... team leader has the password in the desk drawer. The key is in his co... coat pocket."

"Ah, great. Much appreciated, kid," the intern felt his shoulder being patted. The smiling man walked off to the superior's office door, which was pretty much opposite to where the intern was standing. He considered running away. The door was just a few steps away. Freedom, and life, was only a few steps away. But before he could completely delude himself into thinking he could ever think, the sound of an opening drawer brought him back to reality.

'No, I can never escape this monster. He would catch me even before I could take a second step,' thought the kid, who still remembered how the red eye moved fast enough to be a blur. 'I am going to die here' thought the boy, before falling down in complete defeat and dejection. His heart thumped to high heaven, and felt like all his ear could hear. But, soon enough, he heard the drawer closing, and the man walked out of the team leader's office. "Thanks for the help, kid. I'm making my way down to you guys' super weapon. When I come back, you better still be here. Toodle-oo!"

The sound of heavy boots making their way down stairs filled the room this time. The intern finally found the power to stand up, and walk around. He held his head in his hands, a migraine ringing his skull. Every step he took felt heavy, made heavier by the blood sticking to his soles. Here and there, his foot would step on something or the other squishy, and he tried his best to not imagine whose body he was stepping on this time. He was grateful for the fact that his boss was the sort of cheap bastard who didn't pay for windows. The moonlight would have illuminated the ground, along with the piles and piles of ripped apart appendages below him. God only knows what sort of migraine that sight would have brought him. He wondered to himself, if running away was an option now. Surely, he could make his way down to the ground floor through the main stairway, before the red-eyed man could come up through the service shaft. Surely.

His hopes were crushed this time with a kind of light he never had hoped to ever see again. It seemed as if the sun was rising from inside the building, with light filling the entire room. So was every pile of bloody remains on the floor, and every lifeless eye that remained of the intern's old team. The sun came from the service shaft, and a mechanical sound filled the air. The sun grew brighter and brighter, surpassing the glow of heaven and the blaze of hell itself. Soon, the intern was too blind to even see the blood he stepped on. His eyes could make out nothing but a deafening white. Accompanying the mechanical whir, was the sound of heavy steps, and the thumping of his own heart. He felt his heart beat faster, and soon it was he could sense. His ears only found the sound of his heart. The only thing he felt was an immense pain from his chest.

Finally. The thumping stopped. The pain in his heart stopped. The entire feeling stopped.

The intern's legs gave out. More so was it that he stopped feeling his legs. He fell down, and looked around. The sun had finally left, and all that remained was black again. The intern tried to grab his stomach to brace himself, and found nothing. He strained his eyes, trying to make out what was around him. A meter away, was a torso, with black pants that still stank of piss, and a bloody unclean cut remaining instead of where the main body of the person would connect. When he looked closer to himself, the intern found a pink tube making its way out of his body, or, more so, spilling out of his dismembered torso. He finally was able to compute the pain, and it felt like nothing and everything at the same time. He felt overwhelmed by the feeling, so much that his brain and nerves stopped working. Before he finally closed his eyes, he could hear a final bit of a voice, "A shame. This "super" weapon is not even powerful enough to completely disintegrate a weak kid. Oh well," before he saw the smiling man, no longer smiling, snapping the weapon into two with his bare hands, his red eye illuminating everything.