
Chapter 2 The Visit Of The Burning Forest

Authors Note:

Hello readers, I apologized for not posting for the earlier days. I understood that y'all were patiently awaiting a second chapter, the reason why was that I was busy with my daily life, this caused me to not be able to write down a following chapter.

But hey, here it is, the second chapter.

If you'd imagined, it took me quite a while to write down countless words in this page. At first it was long, but eventually I mange to have write down nearly thirteen thousand and three hundred fifty six words.

Hope this is worth it.

Note to self the story will also include both the wolf pack Tv series and the book novel. If you want to know about the books, I'm happy to tell you.

The actual owner or creator of the book series is made by (Edo van Belkom)

Give it a try.

Also, secondly I also like to add that the Michael Bjorn Novel series will have a mix together with the wolfpack books and the tv show.

As for Halo Vahrian I am going to start writing it tomorrow. Don't mind for it will have more then four thousand words. So it'll take quite a while for me to finish chapter seventeen of (Halo Vahrian)

•••Enjoy Halo Earths Guardian•••

The inside of the mall was empty because most of the customers had left, while a few others were being held hostage in another area.

On the north side of the mall, one of the goons was dragging a woman by her hair as she tried to resist the larger man. She eventually manages to break free by elbowing him in the ribs.

The masked goon lurched forward with his back arches after his victim punched him right where the crown jewel was located.

When the man released his grip on her, she fled to distance herself from him, not wanting to be touched by his hands again.

"You will pay for it, you hear me!" The man yelled out, clearly in pain.

"Dane! There you are! Where were you, dude? You were supposed to meet us just a minute ago," says one of the masked men who had just arrived by the time the woman turned to face the other direction.

"What do you think, man?" I was doing a sweep around my side of the mall when I came across a woman hiding. I tried dragging her to the other door to use her as a shield, but the damn woman hit me in the weak spot!" Dane responded, doing his best to walk straight.

"Well, why don't we both go find her. Because I am sure the boss would not like it if we let someone go," the other man suggested, knowing the consequences he and Dane might face.

"Yeah, if we make it out of here without the cops on our tails," replied Dane, who was already unsure of their escape strategy.

As they continued to walk, they were both unaware of the large silhouette fifty yards away, which was slowly creeping up behind them.

It was not long after when they turned to the same corner the woman had taken and proceeded forth. They walked a few more steps until they came across a small bookstore with its entrance door open. It was pretty clear to the two men that their prey was hiding in the bookstore.

"Wait," one of the men named Dane said, stopping his partner.

"What is it?" His colleague inquired.

"Stay silent. Dane suggested, "Let us make her think we left," as he quietly told his friend the plan.

On the other hand, the woman was doing her best to remain silent and avoid drawing attention to herself. She remained calm, waiting for her beating heart to return to its normal rhythm.

After what felt like a long time, she slowly veered her head around to the left, peering through the edge of the large bookshelf the woman was hiding in to the entrance of the bookstore where she last saw the two masked men. When her hand accidentally knocked down a book, she silently cursed to herself.

The woman cursed once more before quickly pulling the book back to hide from the two men's gaze. 

Just as she thought she was safe, the woman was taken aback when she heard someone speak.

"Why hello there, young missy," Dane said, introducing himself.

The woman stood up and bolted for the door, only to find the second man standing there, blocking her only way out.

"Uh uh uh." "There is nowhere for you to run," said the man, smirking.

"What exactly do you want?" I will give you money, but please do not hurt me," pleaded the woman as she tried to avoid the two men who were getting closer to her with each step.

"Hurt you... Oh, no. We aren't going to hurt you. We are going to end you! Besides, I do not think anyone would mind if a beautiful woman like you died. Ain't that right, Jack," Dane said to his partner.

"You got that right," Jack remarked casually.

The woman, realizing she could not plead her way out of her current situation, attempted to flee past Jack but was apprehended by the larger man, who simply threw her to the ground.

"No one will hear you scream, lady, and they will not come to save you. "For today is the day you die," Dane declared as he drew his pistol and pointed it at the fallen woman.

Jack, who was smiling with a malevolent expression on his face, was enjoying the desperate woman begging for her life, but as he was basking in the moment, he noticed a man in the mirror across from him, and a very tall one at that.

"Dane Loo-"

Jack could not finish his sentence when the newcomer dashed forward at a rate neither he nor Dane could comprehend. As he fell flat on his back, all Jack could feel was the impulsive darkness that surrounded him.

"Stay there! Or she will lose her head!" Dane ordered as he held the woman at gunpoint.

"You should stop this," Leo simply replied.

"Oh, and why in the hell should I listen to you?" Dane said dejectedly, continuing to pull his victim backward.

"Because the police are already inside the building, so is the swat team. And I doubt you and your friend here would make it that far, especially with multiple cops surrounding the mall from all sides," Leo said indifferently, successfully distracting the man.

"No, that is not true. There are others of us who keep all entrances locked. So cops, swats, or whoever the hell it is out there am not getting in," Dane told the man, who was unnerved by what he was saying.

"Yes, all but one. And the many ceiling doors that you and your friends had forgotten about... "So, last chance, drop the weapon, and you might live to see tomorrow," Leo said decisively but less seriously.

Dane refused to give up, continuing to speak out despite the fact that he knew the Spartan was completely correct in his statement, as he was not telling any lies. That did not, however, mean he would allow himself to be placed in a cell again.

Leo, on the other hand, saw the woman's expressions as she struggled to free herself from her captor's grasp. But the moment she and Leo's eyes met one another, the spartan demonstrated a slight stomp with his right foot.

It was from there on that the woman understood exactly what the Spartan was insinuating for her to do, and it was from there on she took that chance to heart. Preferably, before she enacted that plan, she first peeked up at the masked dane and then looked back down at his foot. Without giving it a second thought, she immediately stomped on the man's foot so hard that she could feel his foot.

Dane instinctively released his hostage, and she dashed down the opposite path from where he stood.

Dane brought his hand up a little too late and was struck in the shoulder by a sharp object.

"Perhaps now you will know when to stop," Leo said, slowly walking towards the grunting, pained Dane.

"You fu***** bastard! How did you ev-"

Dane let out a painful cry as he attempted to raise his gun but was unsuccessful when Leo kicked the pistol a good few feet away from them.

"There is no pleading your way out of this," Leo said as he stepped on Dane's good arm, preventing him from moving any further.

"I am not going back. I just can't. Or else she'll have me killed!" Dane yelled desperately, attempting to pry Leo's boot off of him.

When Leo heard that, he was trying to figure out who the masked dane was talking about. However, his thoughts were cut short when Jack appeared from behind him, about to strike him with the flat surface of a bookshelf.

"Behind you!" the woman yelled in alarm.

Without turning around, Leo grabbed the wooden shelf and pushed the man back, knocking him out of his sleep once more.

Following that, the Spartan knelt with his boot on Dane's arm and stared him in the eyes. "What exactly do you mean by her, and who is this woman you have mentioned?"

Dane simply grinned evilly at the Spartan and laughed. "Haha, you have no idea. Besides, I would not tell you a damn thing."

"Good, because that means you are no longer useful to her," Leo said indifferently, unconcerned as the man spit on him.

"Is that you, Leo?" A man with a familiar voice spoke.

When Leo heard that, he straightened up and turned around to see Michael Bjorn standing in the entrance doorway.

"Michael, you are alright," Leo said, relieved to see the man alive. "Are the two girls that were with you okay?"

"Yeah, they are okay. Besides, they can handle themselves," Michael replied unconcerned, knowing the two sisters were not as frail as ordinary humans.

"I do not mean to interrupt you two's conversation. But, could you please tell me if it is safe to leave?" The woman inquired, looking around the corner of a distant bookshelf.

Michael and Leo exchanged looks before returning their attention to the woman in hiding.

"Yes, everything is fine. I have already dealt with the last of the hostiles, and cops and SWAT teams are sweeping the entire area... So you can leave," Michael told the woman.

"Hello, is anyone there? This is Officer Bella of the Yellowstone Police Department." She said, introducing herself.

"Yes, we are here, officer!" The woman responded to the cop's call.

As Bella walked out into the opening, she noticed two tall men standing inside the bookstore with the woman she knew, and two knocked-out masked men on the floor.

Bella realized that all three people were staring at her. Before entering, she lowered her gun and aimed it at the ground, finger still on the trigger. "I see you three did not need my help after all," Bella said, casting a glance at the wounded masked men.

"Yeah. But it was his work that caused this," the woman said, gesturing to Leo, who stood silently beside Michael.

"Is that so! Sir, could you please tell me who you are? The officer asked, taken aback by Leo's height and stature.

Leo saw no point in lying to the cop because all she wanted was for him to tell her his name. "My name is Leo,"

"Okay, Mr. Leo, I do not want to come across as pushy, but after seeing your and Michael Bjorn's work on camera, I am going to have to ask for your last name as well," Officer Bella said, giving the man a simple smile to show she was not one of the cops.

"My surname is Kornesean," Leo said to the officer.

"Kornesean! You wouldn't happen to be related to the Rosa Kornesean?" Bella inquired as to whether her assumptions were correct.

Leo finally responded, sighing internally, knowing that people would soon learn about his relationship with the famous businesswoman, who happened to be one of the most prominent people in the country, if not the world.

"Yes, she is my aunt," Leo answered casually.

Bella was jotting down some important notes on her notepad, which she had received from Leo, before opening and tucking in her left pocket shirt. "Now that I have gotten what I want from you both, I believe you will want to leave, and you do not have to worry about the other cops or detectives questioning you."

The woman standing between Michael and Leo spoke with a sudden shift in tone. "Oh, and I would like to thank you for that officer!"

"What about these two?" Leo said, gesturing to the knocked-out jack and a struggling dane.

"Good thinking. Would you be willing to help, Michael? And Mr. Leo, could you please assist your friend?" Bella asked, pulling out her handcuffs.

Leo did what was asked and lifted the grunting dane by the arm. After a few minutes of locking the two masked men up, Bella had Michael and Leo remove their masks, causing Bella's face to contort into one of surprise at seeing a familiar face.

"Well, it is good to see you, Dane, but given that you have been one of my favorite rats to catch, you would not be too happy to be behind bars again," Bella said, both hands on her waist.

"If it is not Ms. Dounaught herself, it is nice to see you, Bella," Dane said wryly.

"Danes, how many times do we need to do this? First it was the 7-Eleven, and now this... I mean, if you need money, all you have to do is find work. You even have a degree from one of the most esteemed universities. And you could have had a better paying job?" Bella chastised him, knowing exactly how he would react.

"Let us just say the last job I had died, in the sense that it no longer existed," Dane commented.

"What exactly do you mean?" Bella asked.

Dane responded with a shrug. "I am not sure, but everything I have heard from other employees suggests that the company's boss was involved with some bad people. That was all the authorities told me and the others who worked there before releasing us." 

"Why not just look for another job?" Questioned the other woman.

"I am sorry, but who are you?" Dane said asking her.

"My name is Davina, and my last name is Claire," the woman stated.

"Okay, Ms. Claire. I do not think you would be concerned if I got a second job," Dane said casually.

"And why is that?" Davina questioned him.

"Because, Ms. Claire. Mr. Dane is about to visit his old jail cell once more... See you later, Dane," Bella said as she and everyone exited the mall.

"Ma'am, do you need help?" said an officer as he and his partner approached the group.

"Yes please, and keep an eye on them. Make sure they do not run away, guys," Bella said, relieved that she would not have to be the one to load Dane into the back seat of her car this time.

"Copy that, Officer Bella... Come on you two!" The cop said this as he and his partner were taking Jack and Dane into their custody.

"I believe Leo and I should leave right now. Our other new hires must be looking for us now," Michael said, causing Bella to turn around and halting their steps.

"Before you two leave, I just want to let you guys know that some of my people will most likely be visiting you guys," Bella said with a discernment look mentally cursing at the partner of hers who would always beat her in her own game.

"Of course officer, thank you for the notice," Michael responded nonchalantly as he and Leo left to find rieka and the other two new hires.

"You appear to be a well-known person in town, sir," Leo said quietly.

"Yes, you are correct. But, given that this is a small town, you will soon be among the few notable people here," Michael replied.

"That is true... Anyway, how would the boss react to the incident? Do you think he will be upset that some of the masked men died as a result of our actions?" Leo said in question of the unsightly masquerade that the two of them did in the mall.

"There's no need for you to worry yourself, man. Bill himself wouldn't stoop down to the level you think. He'll understand the reason why you did it," Michael said reassuring  Leo.

"Alright," said an understanding Leo as he nodded slightly.

The two men were chatting with one another when from the entrance of the mall three familiar figures were seen exciting the building all safely unharmed. "Yoohoo! Hey you two, it's good to see you guys are still alive. Well, not that I doubt both of you guys action back in there," says rieka as she yells out loud for Michael to hear her.

"Rieka. How are you and your sister doing?" Michael asked in care for his two nieces.

"Michael, we are fine. Thanks to you for dealing with those crooks," Karhu said in a honeyed yet upbeat tone.

"I would not say it was just me. The majority of the robbers were taken down by Leo," Michael said with a thin veneer of honesty.

Both sisters, as well as Joseph, looked at the spartan because the three of them did not believe Leo was responsible for a headless crook that they had previously passed by, nor for the other crooks who were unmistakably alive, albeit with broken fingers and busted mangled bodies.

"With all due respect, Leo. Did you really have to kill them so horribly?" Joseph said in question on some of the unsightly images he wishes he could erase from his mind forever.

"Perhaps I overreacted. So I'll be mindful next time," Leo responded earning a pleased look from the kid and the two sisters.

"Pardon me!" Someone called out for them.

"How can we help you, sir?" Karhu answered as she was the quicker one to ask.

A man dressed in a business uniform stood seven feet away from them, holding only one object in his left arm.

"Thank you, ma'am... But if you do not mind, which of you is Leo?" The man spoke while holding a phone in his hands.

When the man asked for that name, Rieka, Karhu, Michael, and Joseph all turned to face the spartan.

"I am, that is my name," Leo answered.

"Sir, Ms. Rosa has requested a conversation with you," the man said, handing Leo a flip phone.

Those around him stared at him, as if they were waiting for something interesting to happen. Leo thanked the man before taking the phone and pressing a button. "Hello, Aunt Rosa. You called?" Leo said, expecting her response, which he knew would come.

"Hello to you too as well nephew... Tell me why you have not returned my calls?" Rosa Kornesean inquired as to what had taken him so long.

Leo recalled the previous forty-eight minutes, when he was fighting off one of the robbers and forgot to pay attention to the busted cell phone in his right pocket. "Forgive me, Auntie, I might have been too distracted in fighting off the thieves that I forgot about my broken phone,"

The others standing behind the Spartan remained as silent as possible, intently listening in on the conversation between the Spartan and his alleged famous aunt.

Leo swears he heard his aunt smack her head in disappointment at his dubious action as she sighed heavily. "I guess that is pretty understandable. I saw on the news that the High Mountain Mall had been attacked by about twenty robbers, but since I am looking at you right now on television. Make sure to be cautious with the damn phone. Those are damn near expensive."

"All due respect, Aunt Rosa. I do not think money will be an issue for me or you, and I will be more careful next time... Do you have anything else you would like to say?" Leo asked inquisitively.

"No, it is not that big a deal. However, now that you've asked. This morning, I received a call from the town's mayor. He had requested for me to come to the Yellowstone meet and greet event, and I know that you aren't much of a people person, but I want you to come with me there," Rosa said on the other side expecting an opposite response from her nephew.

"When will that be?" Inquire Leo seeing as how he didn't want to disappoint his aunt.

"I am glad you asked. The event will take place on Saturday, March 2. I hope you will be there. Oh, and since you are with four other people, please invite them too. Lord knows you need some friends as well," Rosa said as she could see Karhu rieka and Joseph plus Michael all standing near her nephew.

He had no idea why she said that, but Leo realized that his aunt Rosa was just trying to tease him. "Of course, I will make sure your message is delivered to them,"

"Thank you, nephewhew... Oh! And, please order McDonald's on your way home. I am craving some burgers," Rosa stated purposefully.

"Why not ask one of your servant's employees?" Countered Leo confounded on why she asked him something like that.

"Thank you, Leo, oh, and congratulation on your new job," responded Rosa as she hung up the phone on him.

"Well, what did your aunt say, man?" Joseph inquired, expressing his curiosity.

When Leo returned the phone to its owner, he thanked him before responding to Joseph. "She called me several times, but my phone had broken during my altercation with the crooks," Leo replied answering him.

"Oh, and is there anything else?" Karhu spoke next, folding her arms.

"Yes, she had told me to invite you four to some town event this Saturday," Leo said to her to which it got a reaction from the two sisters and that of Joseph who's eyes widened in shock.

"What! You mean to tell me that she herself has invited us!" Joseph exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes," Leo said simply without much care.

"She must be talking about the Meet and greet festival of the town," Michael bjorn on the side said.

"Yeah, but, since your aunt Rosa was kind enough. We'd be delighted to answer her call," Rieka said humorously.

That got Leo's attention but he guessed that it wasn't an important matter at the time and chose to come back to it later. "Then she'd be happy,"

"Okay, now that we've gotten what y'all need, I think we should head out now. Bill must be waiting for us," Michael spoke out in an announcement.

"Yeah, let's go. I don't wanna be seen on camera any longer," Karhu said yawning.

Rosa Kornesean


Patiently standing in the elevator the founder of Reach Corporation Rosa was watching as each of the key number pads that lit up in light as it passed one by one.

Rosa cursed silently through her lips. She reflected on why she should have taken the stairs, as it appeared to be a better option than being held inside a metal box. However, her curse, as she believed, came to an end when she heard a sudden bing.

The elevator doors then slid open, revealing a Latin Spanish woman with light brown skin standing outside. Her suit was nearly identical to that of her coworkers, with the only difference being a pair of red-framed glasses on her face.

"Hello, Ms. Kornesean. How was your day?" The lady smiled as she spoke to her boss.

"Good day to you too as well lady lopez," Rosa responded. "Oh, is that coffee?!"

Lopez's eyes widened in surprise because she had almost forgotten about it. "Oh right, forgive me. Here's your coffee, just like you wanted, ma'am,"

Rosa thanked her personal assistant and took the coffee from her, taking one sip of it. "Mhmm, I like it... You are getting too good at this lopez, but please don't push yourself,"

"Of course ma'am. I think we should leave for your limousine. The rain is getting a little worse for the day," Lopez said as she and Rosa noticed a pedestrian pulling out an umbrella.

The two women then exited the building and made their way to the limousine. Rosa thanked the guard who held the door open for her and Lopez as they entered the vehicle.

While the two ladies were making themselves at ease, they sat down two seats apart in silence. Rosa who being the talkative one in most of her families decided to spark up a conversation with her employer.

"So lopez, I know you've been working in reach for seven months. And I hope you don't think of me as a prying type. I just want to know. How's it going for you, you like it here?" Rosa asked as she rolled her window down slightly.

"Yes ma'am... I am able to begin a new life in Yellowstone because of you. Plus, if you had not given me a second chance in life, I would never have gotten a job in reach... Which is why I'd like to thank you for saving my life," Lopez expressed gratefully.

"Oh your too generous Ms. Lopez. It wasn't I who actually saved your life that day, you should thank my nephew... Lord knows what would've happened if he hadn't come across you that time," Rosa told her as she drank her coffee.

"Ahh, your nephew! If you don't mind me asking ma'am. What is your his name again?" Lopez said asking her.

"Why are you interested in him?" Rosa asked, teasing the woman.

The woman chuckles trying her best to lessened her the slightest laugh within herself. "No, no, Ms. Kornesean, I am just curious. So that I can thank him the next time I see him."

"Well, given that he would not mind. I would not mind telling you, either... His name is Leo, I'm sure you wouldn't have a hard time finding his last name," Rosa answered as she saw out from the window that they were nearing their destination.

"I see, ma'am," Lopez said in gratitude.

"It looks like we have arrived," Announced Rosa.

Lopez was the first to exit the vehicle as rosa on the other hand followed after. Once they've gotten their belongings the two of them glanced up at the sign depicting the building's name.

Inside the six-foot-long rectangular box was the word red chow buffet, or primarily the only buffet in town, with the exception of a few others in other cities and small towns throughout Yellowstone.

Before her hand touched the door handle Lopez was beaten to it by rosa herself as she opened it for her first. "Please let me do it,"

Lopez thanked her boss hesitantly as she entered first, while Rosa followed suit, accompanied by one guard who remained nearby wherever they went.

It was no longer than a minute that the two of them had to find the man they were looking for. Rosa was scouring around the place till her eyes landed on a familiar face, one that she knew of.

Rosa and Lopez strode towards the man as soon as she saw him. As they approached him, the man with his arms open extended a handshake to the CEO of Reach and did the same to Lopez.

"Madam kornesean. It is good to see you, please take a seat ladies," The man said gesturing to the two empty seats.

Once she scooted herself in rosa spoke. "It is good to see you xayen, please allow me. This here is my personal assistant, Ms. Vellana Lopez,"

Lopez bowed her head in greetings to the man. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir,"

"The pleasure is all mine," In response, the man bowed his head and placed his hand on his left chest.

"Please, no need to be formal. Just call me xayen," The man said with a genuine smile.

"As you wish sir," Said vellana.

Authors Note(Vellana is her first name, Lopez is just a last name)

"Anyway, may I know who your friends here are sir?" Rosa said citing towards multiple other individuals in the twenty-foot-long table.

The man chuckled lightly as he sighed to himself. "Apologies for my inconvenience lady rosa. Allow me to introduce to you my colleagues... This here to my right is my lovely wife, kafan gellow. The one's you see around me are associates, they are founders and CEOs from their own corporations,"

Rosa could see in her mind why she had been summoned to this meeting between her and Xayen, which also explained why there were no other ordinary civilians inside the restaurant. Especially since there were additional bodyguards inside the building keeping watch.

"I see, I suppose that you want to discuss some matters of importance between us and your friends here?" Rosa said stating her question plainly.

Xayen took a seat down as he responded to rosa's inquiry. "Yes madam. As you have heard before, we are hosting an event that the people of Yellowstone celebrates every year on March second. And seeing as you have been living among the citizens of Yellowstone, I doubt they would not know who you are, and I am most certain that they would be happy to see you on Saturday... Which I am sure you have already known about." 

"That is true, it's a good thing you've invited me before this meeting," Rosa responded though that didn't mean she wasn't aware of Xayen's other agenda. "But, there is one other issue that's I just remembered, why call me here in this meeting when you've already sent me an invitation the day before yesterday?"

Leo's P.O.V.

It was now Wednesday, two days after the mall and robbery incident took place on February 29th. And now here he was, on his first training day.

To his front was none other then Michael Bjorn. He was tasked with a slightly boring assignment by bill Thompson, their boss.

Michael was leading the front explaining to the new hires about the basics and the Extentive importance of those who are called by others in the Yellowstone department as private, or more commonly known as the new guys.

"Come on you three, we are almost there," spoke Michael as he kept the lead.

Behind the veteran park ranger was Joseph who looked like he had ran a marathon, with how hard he was breathing. Hands-on the back of his head as he slowed his breathing down. Next to Joseph was karhu who looked no different as her companion.

Karhu whether she may have been preternatural was dealing with the same situation as Joseph himself. She reached back for her metal water bottle and noticed that the third recruit, Leo seemed to be looking as fine as he was before.

Though if they were in the cold she doubt the cold wouldn't have any trouble dealing with someone of normal aptitude, but Leo on the other hand looked to be an exception. Especially since he was doing fairly better then both her and Joseph.

The man even with all that sweat and heat didn't appear to be consumed of exhaustion with the addition of less water he had taken from his own bottle.

"How are you not tired?" Karhu said asking him.

Without turning his head her way the Spartan just replied coolly. "I'm used to doing training at a young age, so physical activity like this is not much of a problem,"

"You know, i'd say I would be jealous. But not now, since I have my trusty water bottle," Remarked Joseph as he took a sip of his drink.

"You wouldn't have any issue, your body is fit enough to walk more then five hours," Commented Leo as his compliment pleased the kid.

"What if I'm walking without a water bottle? Or unless I lose it in the middle of nowhere?" Questioned Joseph.

"Then you can find a nearby river. It may not be for your satisfaction, but it'll do enough to hydrate you," Leo said to him to which Michael commented in on his statement.

"He is right kid, water can be anywhere... And if you are ever lost, then the nearest waterfall, river is your best option," Michael said as he stepped over a piece of broken branch.

"But you don't have to worry yourself Joseph. I doubt you would even be in a situation like that, pretty soon that is," Karhu added humorously as she tapped the kid in his back.

As karhu and joseph were exchanging words between one another, Michael had strode forth one step and then knelt down to check a footprint.

Leo passed by the other two hires and knelt down next to Michael as he joined in on the inspection. "What's wrong sir?"

Michael was going to respond to the trainee's query but supposed that the sight in front of him was of more important then a simple question. "Just a wolf paw print, and it seems to be bleeding," Michael said answering the man.

"I see, but this one. It looks to be a lot bigger paw-print then that of a normal wolf," Leo said replying to the man's statement.

In Michael head he knew that Leo was slightly right about his assertion, but one thing for sure is that he was relieved that the man didn't know of what exactly this paw print belonged to.

"You are right about that, which makes me glad that you know a bit about finding and figuring out stuff, especially since you are an ex-ranger... You'll fit right in on this job," Michael said to him.

"I'm Belive that our wolf problem might have caused a bit much of a problem," Leo said to which Michael and the other two looked at him questionably.

"And what makes you think that Leo?" Karhu asked.

Leo pointed in another direction, directly at a tree, and on that side of the tree was an arm, bloodied but with most of the fingers intact except for the pinky.

"Woah! Is that an arm!" Joseph said shocked by the sight of someone's missing limb.

"What do ya think dude," Karhu said as they strode towards the bloodstained tree.

"What do we do! Should we call the police?" Joseph said looking around at each one of his newfound colleagues.

"We are the police man, you know as in rangers?" Karhu said thinking of how ridiculously senseless the kid is for his question.

"I think our training day had just gotten worst," Michael said as he was checking out the arm.

"Should we call for backup?" Joseph added unsure of the fact that they found a piece of someone else's limb.

"Yeah. Joseph, I'm on it," Michael said responding to the recruits suggestion.

Reaching for his radio, Michael was about to report in on what he and those around him found, but just as he was about to press the left button on his radio, a sudden yell belonging to a person transpired throughout the forest. This caused Michael including the four recruits to look around trying to figure out what it is that they just heard of.

Of course they knew that whoever it is that screamed was a person and not an animal, cause if it was, Michael being more used to this forest as a park ranger would immediately know. However, this was none other than a human who was the cause of the scream.

"I've already called old man bill. He said that and emt is on the way, along with some of the ranger's," Karhu said earning a word of affirmation from Michael.

"There also seem to be others who might have been here in this exact same area," Leo said getting the others attention.

"What is it?" Asked joseph wanting to focus in on the task ahead.

Leo was walking around flashing his light where it revealed to the others footprints. Unlike the other one, this wasn't an animal paw print, but that of a bootprint, one that obviously belongs to a human. Except there wasn't just one, there were multiple other bootprints.

"You think we're alone here?" Joseph said asking Leo.

"Correct, we aren't," Leo replied as he looked at Michael. "We should go find the person who is missing his or her arm," the spartan said expecting a reply from the veteran ranger.

"His right uncle Michael. Whoever this person is, he or she might be bleeding to death out there," Karhu added in as she looked at Michael with a severe expression on her face.

"I may not be used to this, but I believe this will be a good start," Joseph commented unsure of what exactly he'll meet next.

Michael slipped his phone after he was done texting the other rangers. "Alright, that means we'll have to split into two groups. Joseph, your with me, we will have to head off to the south. Karhu, you and Leo are left with each other. You two will head north, if you run into any civilian, tourists and especially hikers. Tell them to head sixteen miles east of our position, there is one of our guys that had already begun their search. I've texted him that we will meet up later... Ok, we got about few more hours until eight,"

"Copy that... come on kid," Leo said to joseph as he nodded in understanding to Michael who returned the same gesture to him.

"Good luck you two," Joseph said as he followed after Michael.


Leo and Karhu had long since separated as they led themselves to another part of the forest in the north side.

Karhu and Leo had spent quite some time wandering in their search for any possible sights of passerby in less than a few minutes, which felt more like hours.

"How long do you think it'll take until we bump into anyone?" Karhu spoke as she of their previous plan.

"Not very long, it seems like we aren't very far," Responded Leo walking over a rock.

"How so?" Questioned karhu.

Leo responded by pointing to a large smoke column that reached higher than a four-story building. "It appears that a fire has been burning for a while."

"Alright. About time we get something," Uttered Karhu in slight excitement out of boredom.

The two of them arrived just a good hundred yards away from where the fire had originated from. From where they stood it glanced around the part of the forest, the fire as it looked had prepared over for nearly a mile.

"It looks like someone had started a fire, damn bastards! Can't they know that their action can damage the forests and people living nearby," Commented Karhu as she was starting to feel outrage for whoever did this.

"Agreed. Let's just hope the wildland firefighters have already begun taking care of the fires from spreading," Added Leo for he too was already abhorring the ones that started this.

"Leo look!" Karhu said tapping on his shoulder.

The Spartan stood back up as his gaze followed after where his colleague pointed at. About a hundred yards away from where the two of them stood was a person, or more specifically a young girl. She wore a jean jacket with a long-sleeved black shirt that had a ripped hole a cuts all over her outfit. The bottom right of her light blue jean had one side missing, for only her exposed knee showed.

"Hey there kid, it's okay. We mean no harm, what's can I ask your name please?" Karhu said attempting to show herself as none threatening to the girl.

Though at first the girl was about to consent to karhu's attempt but the man that stood next her causes the young girl to halt in her steps.

Nevertheless the thought in her head came to a stop when throughout the forest an exceedingly loud howl took place causing both Leo and karhu eyes to glance around the place.

However as they were looking around the girl that they saw had sped off into another direction opposite from them.

"Hey wait!" Karhu yelled out as she rushed after the fleeing girl.

Leo wasn't so far behind that when karhu ran off he without trouble caught up to the girl in over three seconds long.

"Jesus how fast can this girl run!" Karhu said speaking in gasps as she was starting to have problem trying to breathe in and out.

Leo who was next to the woman was thinking that he could've catch up to the girl in the first place, but seeing as how that there was someone else with him, he knew he couldn't leave her behind in the dust, especially since there is a wildfire happening in the middle of the forests.

Three minutes had passed by, that was how long the two ranger recruits had been running after the young girl. Yet, on the other side their suspect seems to be slowing down just about twenty feet away from where they are.

"Hey kid, it's okay!" Karhu said to the girl as she pointed with her hand at Leo and then back to herself introducing themselves in the process. "It is okay, me and my partner aren't here to hurt you, we are rangers. Let us help you please?"

The young girl's front path was blocked by two fallen trees that had caught fire. That is, she was unable to pass it; however, this does not imply that she had no other option. However, the only issue was that the two park rangers had moved six feet away from their original position, leaving her at a disadvantage from running off once again.

"Can I please know your name?" Karhu had been trying to speak with the girl for a minute but failed to do so. "She can't seem to understand me at all,"

"That's because she isn't from here," Leo responded simply understanding the girl is exactly what he thought of.

"Then what do you suppose we do? It seems like she can't understand me at all," Kathy exclaimed in futile of her attempt.

"Puedes entenderme?" Leo said speaking in Spanish.

The young girl's eyes widened in slight surprise of what the spartan had spoken lessening her fear of him and his partner, though that doesn't mean she wasn't truly scared of Leo's stature and size.

"Sí," she said responding to Leo in her own fluent Spanish language.

"I didn't know you speak Spanish!" Karhu said in wonder of the many secret that her partner seems to hide.

"There are many you don't know about me," Leo said replying to the woman. Afterward he then turn to look at the young girl as he spoke once more in spanish. "Can you tell me your name," 

"My name is lorella vastus, please you have to help me!" The girl said in plea to Leo.

"She seems to be in some sort of distress over someone," Leo said to karhu in English.

"Tell her in Spanish, ask her if she had seen any other people in the forest," Karhu said asking Leo.

Leo nodded in affirmation as he looked at the young Spanish girl. "What is it you need help with lorella? Why are you frightened like this?"

"My familia, they were taken by man. We escaped not long ago, but, one of the masked man had captured my madre and brother. Me and my sister manage to escape the other bad man... But my sister and I lost each other in the burning forest. Please, you have to help me find her!"

"Where did your sister go, and can you show us which direction she left?" Leo said asking her in spanish.

The girl was going to speak but due to her still being shakingly scared, especially being surrounded by a burning forest she couldn't even uttered a word when from her's and the other two refruits left side strolled in a man.

"Who are you, and why are you out here in the middle of the forest when it's burning?" Karhu said speaking out towards the newcomer.

Leo don't know why but somehow he could sense that these new guy doesn't seem like the typical hiker or runner that is. However, he got his first answer when the Spanish girl ran towards his and Karhu's direction. The girl got behind karhu as she did her absolute best to hide herself from the new guy gaze.

"What's wrong?" Karhu said though she reprimanded herself for the young girl couldn't understand English.

"I mean no trouble hombre, I am merely here for the girl," The man said speaking a broken English.

Leo heard the man and could discern that the man was of Mexican ethnicity, even so when the spartan could tell by his darker skin color.

The spartan turned his head back glancing at the girl, from thereon he knew that this man was of no relative of here. Hell, he wasn't even fooled by the Mexican man, especially since he held in his right hand a handcuff of some sort.

"The girl doesn't know who you are, so I doubt she'd even offered herself to you... So I will ask you to leave while you can," Leo told the man straight forward.

A smirk appeared across the man's face as he shot them a smile. "I am afraid I can't do that Chico. All I ever want is that girl, so I will give you this one chance. Hand over the chica,"

Leo took two steps in front of Karhu and the terrified girl to shield them from any harm that this man may be planning, afterward he spoke to the man in a refusal to his ominous demand. "And my answer is no," Leo said readying himself.

The man tilted his head up as he scratched his neck. "Aww, that's too bad. You see I ain't going anywhere without that girl. Sooo, seeing as how you are refusing to answer to my request. I'm afraid I have no other choice but to kill you, the sad thing is, your girlfriend will be next,"

After the man finished speaking he took off his jacket and tossed it aside, thereafter he threw away his nike hat. Once he was done with that he moved too fast at a phenomenal speed that Karhu and the girl couldn't comprehend, however, whether Leo didn't imagined that a normal human could have move that fast he immediately moved back three steps quickly.

"I don't wanna be here!" The frightened Spanish girl said fearful of the attacker's sight.

The man moved on in his feet that once he made six quick steps he leaped at the spartan in an incredible length. Somewhat managing to land a punch on Leo the man went for another one that the spartan managed to evade in time. However this caused Leo to leave his face opened for a hit.

The assailant came down at the spartan, and with his right fist he conducted straight punch at his opponent face, though as fast as he was the partan brought his arm up and blocked it at the knick of time.

"Leo!" a terrified Karhu yelled out in alarm when she saw the attacker sending the spartan skidding back.

The spartan could've responded to his fellow recruit, but due to the dire circumstances he was in he could not act fast enough when the man continued his attacks in a relentless ferocity.

"Get the girl and get out of here!" Shouts Leo as he avoided a strike from the man.

The man saw Karhu and the girl running the other way and bounced after the two of them. Though for as quick as he moved, the Spartan in an instant reached out and pulled him back, and with that he spins the shocked man and sent him smashing through two small logs. The man stood up slowly and coughs out a couple dusts and small wood-dusts out of his mouth, after that his head looked up at the spartan. And merely seconds later he darted towards the spartan. Yet instead Leo faked a straight right punch and then in an instant he executed a perfect and quick uppercut that sent him flying back very far.

As the attacker landed a few good feet away from his target he began circling the spartan like a tiger getting ready to attack it's prey. 

The man reached up and wiped a blood off of his lips. Inside he was bothered by this thing. At first he thought this was going to be easy, but after fighting the big man, he assume that he was an effortless kill. Yet after combatting him in a fight for a good three minutes, he soon realized that this man was no ordinary human being.

"What are you? You aren't even a normal man,"

The spartan stood there eyeing the man with every movement he made while it continues in its endeavor to instill fear in him for any mistakes he might make.

"What I am is of no concern for you," Leo said tracking the man's every movement.

"That's just too bad, I liked to know the names of the people I kill. But, it looks like I'll have to beat it out of you. You don't mind that, do you," The man said with a devilish look spread across his face.

"Yes, but I doubt you would be successful in doing so," Leo said, aware of the man's attempt to get inside his head.

Subsequently in just seconds later, the man came to a stop and dashes forward at the spartan in mere seconds. Leo saw his attacker coming and moved answered by heading forward, and just six feet away from each other the man moved downward and performed a straight punch that the spartan blocked, depicting that the inhuman Leo would do that, the man brought his arm up once more to land a swipe of his claws on the spartan.

The man smiled in contentment at seeing that his opponent's forearm had claw marks stained in blood. He saw the spartan stopped in his steps, with this the man took this as a chance and strike at his target once again.

The spartan saw the attack coming, with it, his left arm went up and drew the man's arms in the other direction. Within a flash Leo loaded his second strike as he pulled his right arm back and merely moments after he directed his fist straight at the center of his assailant's chests.

The man couldn't believe in what he had felt when the spartan had landed a straight punch on him that he could've swore he felt his chest break whereas his manubrium-sterni shattered upon contact. As that happened, the man was sent flying back ten feet that when he made impact on the ground his head came upon contact against one of the burning tree.

The spartan figured out that he couldn't remained here on the middle of the burning forests for very long. He thought he could take this guy out quickly, but seeing as how the man wouldn't allow to let himself get taken down that easily Leo knew that he would have to end him for good.

"Okay, I've got to say hombre, you are one formidable meat kill. I must ask. Are you a monster like me, or just some freakish Chico huh!" the man said smugly.

"As I previously stated, none of your concerns," Leo responded to the man's remark attempt.

"I can see that you aren't easy to crack, no matter. I'll just beat the answer out of you," Says the man.

Leo without care of what he said replied by a simple hand gesture that compelled the man to suddenly do something that left him slightly surprised by.

The man understood that he could no longer hang around in the middle of the forest, he now understands that to be able to deal with this man for good he needed to finish the spartan off. So he decided to do the one thing that his alpha told not to do, which was in under no circumstances must she allow any outworlders, which was to not let any human eyes to see and know of the existence of his kinds.

It didn't take long for the man to change from his human form into that of his werewolf form. Both of his arms began growing at an alarming rate, along with that of his whole body. Shoes busted open as leather parts were laying in the grass. After that his toes sprouted out as it wasn't his toenails for seconds later claws as long as three inch kitchen knife expanded outwardly. Continuing after that all around his body his skins started tearing as his bloodied tissue skins were revealed out, and simply moments after that hairs began to grow outward covering every inch of his body.

He stood there while in every seconds he gave off a loud and resounding growl like that of a wolf, or to be more precise, a monstrous being that preponderance amount of the people around the world knew of.

The spartan was impressed by the sight of the creature standing there in front of him. The unsightly beast was nearly the same height as sierra-026, for the spartan currently stood up to a height of seven-foot-seven towering over the seven foot and a half werewolf.

Immediately the werewolf turned man leaped at the spartan with it's clawed hands aimed at him.

Leo understanding that things just got a whole lot complicated knew that killing this creature for good was the only option. He watched as the werewolf swung down at him, Leo stepped to the left quickly and then sent a right hook at the werewolve's side of the maw. It's teeth cracked upon contact as it responded in anger and tackled the spartan.

The two of them continued rolling down a steep hill while they continually beat each other. Though for the spartan he know that he could not afford to get bitten.

During the time before he was sent here on this planet, Leo was handed an information of everything he'd needed to know about the existence of every unnatural beings. At first he couldn't believe that actual werewolf existed, and not that but alongside with other species such as elves and vampires.

Yet here he was dealing with a werewolf that was trying in it's self to bite him off.

The werewolf missed a bite at his prey's leg. Thinking that he would just stand back instead he got a quick knee slammed right into the bottom of it's maw resulting in one tooth to fall off. The werewolf let out a grueling growl for he felt how hard the spartan's hit was. However it didn't let it go any long for two seconds later he swiped down at the in humanly fast spartan.

The werewolf outraged at missing his opponent for the majority of the fight stood there breathing outward in an ongoing pace. Then just as he ceased for a moment it suddenly roared at the spartan loudly showing multiple of his sharp wolflike teeths.

Meanwhile the spartan on the other hand stood in his place as he was contemplating various amount of ways in handling the situation he was in. While he was a spartan Leo understood that to kill his contentious opponent he needed to falsify a move that the werewolf would fall to, which means that it wouldn't be difficult for him, seeing as how the werewolf was slowly healing up over every good minutes.

The werewolf was ran at the spartan on all fours and then changed it's motion by hurdling upward at his target with both claws aimed. Still as fast as Leo was he simply moves to the right side watching as the werewolf landed on it's two legs, and then afterwards he turns around and surged towards the spartan.

Leo feigned a simple left punch that the werewolf quickly moved backward from it upon expecting it, nonetheless he didn't slow down for even a moment that when fooling his opponent Leo grabbed a hardened wooden log and whirls it around from the right and smashes it across the mouth's of the beast.

The werewolf stunned by that was angered, it knew that one of his tooth was missing. For this he was furious, in an instant it struck the spartan while he shielded his side with the wooden log.

In the ongoing fight between the two Leo was starting to get annoyed by this and hits the werewolf back after it kicked him back and followed down to bite him. The spartan saw this coming and struck the wooden log against the werewolf, yet it may have felt that hit it didn't stop seconds after that and ignored the pain. With anger and hunger for the death of the spartan the werewolf has no longer retained the mind of it's human side for it now was only filled with a ravenous kill as it struck down at the spartan. Followed after that it reacted with it's whole mouth opened for the spartan.

Leo barely showing any signs of trepidation brought his weapon and sticks the wooden log right in it's mouth.

While it's mouth was pry'd open by force due to the log stuck in the center of it's mouth the werewolf still went after the spartan for in it's head was only hunger for Leo's flesh.

Leo in his feet did not relent as he simply slams a hard hit on the beast's nose causing it's head facing the sky for after that he smashed a fist on the center of his target's chest.

This caused the werewolf to be sent rolling backwards. Nevertheless the spartan didn't stop there for he stepped towards the werewolf and executed a perfect punch so hard that the beast's head bounced against the solid ground.

The werewolf now with his back against the ground wasn't able to get the spartan off of him, so it attempted to strike his foe from the right, however the Spartan picked up on that and caught the werewolf by it's arm and twisted it at an abnormally angle. The werewolf let out a gurgling roar of substantial pain, yet it didn't stop there for the beast draw's strength from it's insufferable misery and with it's mouth wide opened it went to bite the spartan, regardless of that the beast forgot that it's mouth was still stuck in the way it was for it could not even clamped its mouth shut.

Leo took upon this chance and performed multiple punches at a great force so hard that bloods were splattered everywhere in their area.

The werewolf could not react upon in avoiding the many punches that the spartan was landing on him. It's head reared to the right. Shortly after that he attempted to used it's only good arm to knock the spartan only for him to block it.

In spite of the fact that the werewolf couldn't land a hit on the spartan in it's endeavor, it's bearable despair to get out of this situation was answered when one of the burning tree's branches came down at a fall right where two opponents is at.

Though the spartan could've ended the beasts right then and there he chose the wiser idea and moved off of the werewolf so as to not get hit by the burning debris. The beasts on the other side thankful that the annoying pest of a human had released him, he too backed away from his previous spot and avoided the debris as it landed.

The werewolf and spartan stood there staring at each other in a face off, though the two of wanted to continue their battle both of them understood the dire situation they are in and needed to vacate the area. However, both of them were answered when someone arrived on the scene, and soon after that a gunshot occurred whereas the werewolf was struck in the shoulder by a bullet.

Leo turned to his right to see who it was that pulled the trigger, and right there he saw a ranger. A woman of Mexican looks. Her skin was lightish natural brown. Her hair wasn't closed but was instead made into a twisted crown braid hairstyle giving her more space to turn and look in any way she chooses.

In her hand was a python-357 revolver. Then transpiring after that was a third shot that struck the beast's in abdomen causing it to roar out at the woman.

Leo knew exactly what the werewolf was about to do and immediately rushed toward the sheriff and manages make two steps ahead of the lunging beast. The sheriff saw the werewolf coming at her in a speed she was not able to comprehend and wasn't able to move in time.

However her luck came to a chance when from the corner of her eyes was the other suspect she saw earlier. The man manage to have move past her sight and she thought of how fast he was for at a moment after that the werewolf was one feet away from her face as it's maw clamped down in a chomp.

She let out a shocking yell out of surprise when someone had pulled her back from her impending end.

"Who are you, you shouldn't have came here!" Leo said staring at the woman.

The sheriff grunted in slight pain due to the larger man who saved her life. Bella watched the man standing up and offered a hand down to her.

Bella looked at it and didn't think twice and accepted the help. "Thanks, any way you can tell me what the hell that thing was?"

Unsure of what to say to her Leo guessed that his response would be quite the issue for her. "I believe what you just saw is a werewolf," said Leo earning a questioning look from her.

"I wouldn't have believed that at first, but what you said might be true... Huh!" Bella uttered looking around at where the werewolf was at.

"No need to worry, I believe the beast has already fled," Leo said answering her which relived her.

"We need to get out of here!" Bella said to Leo in alarm as she used her hand to provide herself a way to look around for any place to lead them out.

"Over there!" Leo said tapping the sheriff and showed her where he was pointing.

About three hundred feet the two of them could see hundreds of animals, some whose fur or skin was burning in flames, while some were slowly treading due to the lack of air around them. Regardless of that a majority of the animals such as deer's bears and ducks, foxes and birds were fleeing towards south which Leo realized that the others resided in.

"Come on!" Leo said urging for the sheriff to run

Bella wanted to refute but reckoned that the man was right, and to her senses she followed after leo who looked to be ahead of her in every step of the way.


For as long as the sheriff and Leo could run on their feet they could feel the environment around them beginning get to them due to fire spreading all over the forest.

In her head bella was trying to keep her heart rate to beat normally but the heat around her was causing her be in a situation where she has had to use a part of her coat to cover her nose and mouth to breathe in and out repeatedly.

Leo looked to his side where he could see the sheriff was having trouble trying to keep up with him, sadly to his expectation bella was slowly starting to hinder in her steps, and to his slight annoyance bella knelt down to one knee while struggling to keep herself up.

The sheriff's head tilted forward to see Leo walking toward her and to her surprise she felt the man pick her up in a bridal style. Bella was about to utter a dissaproving word out shock, but to her sudden amazement she felt as how Leo was running through the forest without even a hinder of slowling down.

She squinted trying to see better through the foggy forest, in her view multiple animals were all running in the same direction. She held one hand on the man's left shoulder and used it to haul her head forth. In her sight were a mile long wooden fences, possibly longer then she'd imagined.

She saw the deer's foxes and mooses hell even bisons, all of these animals hopping over the fence in yearning to be away from the flaming forests. Afterward she let out a yell when the man had jumped three meters over the fence and made land on the green grass.

One of the firefighters and sheriff's saw the two of them, two sheriff's and one emt headed his way followed lastly by a paramedic. Leo met them halfway as he then lightly set sheriff bella on her feet.

Bella looked up at Leo and spoke in thanks to him which the man simply replied with no problem response.

She wanted to ask Leo about his name, but suddenly some of the civilian who were stuck in traffic were getting trambled by the fleeing animals. One of the firefighters was using a fire extinguisher to fire at any animals to divert them the other way from harming any people.

The fire fighter succeeded in his effort to scaring off the ongoing numbers of animals, however from behind him a clawed hand sent the man flying nine feet as he slammed into the side of a firetruck.

"What the hell!" one of the firefighters said perplexe'd by what he saw.

Leo didn't allow himself to stand there in shock of what had transpire and sped towards the scene. The other sheriffs saw this and were immediately fast on the move when they and some of the firefighters could see fleeing people go flying around the area.

Hell, some of them were seen laying dead in the top of their vehicle while others either had their back against the side of a car as some appeared to have claw mark all around their bodies such as throat slashed opened with sights that not many emergency workers don't see in an every day's work.

When Leo reached an injured man he knelt down and helped him up on his feet while telling him to head as far away from the incident. Afterward he got on his feet and assisted the firefighter that was struggling to get himself up.

Meanwhile he as well as that of wildland firefighters and sheriffs were ushering civilians to safety.

Shortly after that he heard disarray of screaming people ensuing from the other side where he and the emergency workers could see what looks to be two school buses.

Leo muttered in disapproval of what he was seeing. One bus still had students locked inside while they were yelling to be let out. Though as for the other one, he saw that it was empty, assuming that the second school bus was emptied of any students Leo dashes for the first school bus.

When he arrived Leo notices the back and side entrances of the bus was blocked. The back was obviously crammed hard from the front side of the second bus. The side entrance clearly was held against a large class c RV that was parked in a parallel position.

A voice belonging to an old man saw the spartan and yelled out to him. "Hey you can't be here, you need to get out now!"

Instead of answering to the sheriff Leo left to alleviate the situation the pleating students is in.

As reached the bus Leo was about to enter the RV but to his right his ears picked up on a galloping ram that it didn't stop in it's tracks. Knowing what the animal was attempting to do Leo avoided the horns as it came into contact with a nearby vehicle.

"Look out!" Leo said as he grabbed a sheriff away before she was hit by a burnt bison.

"Thank you!" the female sheriff said in relief.

While the sheriff was speaking Leo was formulating a plan in his head. One was he could either enter the RV and drive it far away so the entrance door of the school bus wouldn't be held closed.

Be that as it may something in his head lit up. He turned to his side to speak to the woman and was however surprised to see bella standing there giving him a questioning look.

"What?" A hard sterned sheriff bella said.

"Can you work a vehicle," Leo said asking her.

"What kind of questio- you know what, yes I can," Bella responded in frustration.

"Good, I need you to operate the RV over there and drive backward for those kids to vacate the school bus," the spartan told her as he and bella were running alongside each other.

"On it, but what about you?" Asked Bella.

"Just do it!" Leo replied to her as he sped off to assist any of the nearby civilians.

Bella couldn't remained in her steps but decided to do the man's bidding as she left for the rv.

Leo heard a woman pounding at the side window of her car, while her voice couldn't be heard the spartan understood clearly what she saying in a plea for help. His hand reached up and grasped the door handle and he couldn't seem to be able to open it.

So seeing that it wouldn't budge Leo went over the other side and busted through the window with his elbow without a second thought. The woman and her kids who were inside the car screamed in trepidation as they watched leo's right arm reached inside and clicked opened the door.

"Why didn't you run out of here with your life," Leo said questioning the mother.

"Me and my husband went with others to ask the cops if it was safe to drive, but then the animals came running out of nowhere!" The mother said answering the man.

"Question on how you and your kids didn't flee. And where is your husband?" Leo inquired in calm sound of his voice.

"My husband, he didn't make it. There was this creature. I-i don't know what it was, but it took devin. Please! You have to find my husband, I beg of you," The mother said in a cry for her lover.

"I will. But first you and your kids need to leave here, I'll see if I can find your husband. Can you do that ma'am," Leo said having to speak louder due to the commotion happening outside.

With a nod of confirmation the mother grabbed her two-month-old baby and motioned for her other two kids to leave the minivan.

"Head over there, the sheriffs and paramedics will lure you to safety!" Pointed Leo.

"Wait, what of the creature that took devin! It could still be out there!" spoke the mother in a concerned tone.

"I doubt that creature would stay here any longer, go now!" Shouts Leo.

Leo watched as the lady nodded and and fled with her kids towards a groups of paramedics. From his left Leo overheard bella calling out to him.

"Hey! You! Over here!"

"What is it!" Responded Leo.

"The RV, I won't work. The key is gone, I've tried hotwiring but the damn thing electric!" Bella said yelling at the spartan.

Leo mentally cursed at that, one of the things he hated was when something doesn't seem to have work, especially in a situation like this.

The sheriff watched Leo running over to the back of the bus, but remembering that it was blocked by the second bus Leo in a hurry ran around and entered the bus.

When Leo first sat down he had overlooked the fact that he was seven foot seven, making it difficult to operate the bus. But eventually he manages to finally make it work as the bus began functioning when he turned the key. After that he looked at the rearview mirror for anyone that might be running behind the bus. Momentarily he rev the vehicle followed by the engine and hit reverse.

Then after Leo had parked the bus twelfth feet away from front school bus he hopped out and was about to head over to the pleading students in the bus, but in his peripheral vision a young girl of about European look halted in her steps when she saw Leo.

"Behind you!" The high school girl said in alarm.

Pondering why she said that Leo soon learned of her warning when a growling noise could be heard coming from his side. In the rearview mirror of a nearby car Leo saw a massive figure of a beast slowly standing up to it's height of seven feet.

Luna the girl was expecting the worst outcome for the man, but to her utter shock she saw as the man quickly moved to avoid a lunging werewolf and missed him. Luna sauntered to hide herself behind the back of a pickup truck while still watching the scene.

The werewolf let out a monstrous roar and leaped towards the spartan. Leo grabbed an opened car door and ripped it right off, and before it could touched him Leo smashed the car door and sent the beast into contact with a metal container.

The beast didn't take long to stay down and got ready to rush at the spartan. Yet before it could gunshots were let out its direction. The werewolf stood there giving Leo a growl and then sped toward the forest without a care for it burning.

"Was that the same werewolf that attacked you earlier?" Bella said as she stood beside Leo hand still on the trigger of her python-357 revolver.

Recalling to standoff he had with the previous creature Leo made a distinction that the werewolf that had just fled retained a fur of a different color.

"No, the one that tried killing you earlier had a black fur, however, this one that you've just shot is of a darker black," Leo said answering her.

Bella looked up at Leo absurdly. "How are you certain of that?" the sheriff asked.

"Because it didn't missed half of it's teeth," Leo said responding to her nonchalantly. "We should get moving,"

Bella consented to the man's word as both of them began helping the terror-stricken civilians around the place.

The two of the first went and helped opening the back door of the school bus. As following after that the numbers of high schoolers began exiting the bus all in a hurry.

It didn't take long for two to four ambulances to arrive on the scene while behind them were multiple emergency vehicles like that of firetrucks and police cars.

"You know, I never got the chance to ask you for your name," Bella inquired.

"It's Leo... May I ask why you were alone in the forest, while it was burning?" Leo said asking her wondering of how foolish the woman was for her decision.

"Well, I'm glad you asked... Two people, I came across a woman and a young girl who were fleeing the burning forest. The older one by the name Karhu told me about someone being left behind, so doing what any good sheriff's would've done I went looking around. That is when I've found you tussling it out with the wolf," Bella said telling Leo.

"I see, then I suppose you earned a thank you from me," Leo said to the woman.

"Well, I wouldn't say that. But you are welcome," Bella said pondering on the fact that it was more of the other way around.

"Sheriff bella, a word please," An older looking woman said calling out to her.

"I'll let you go Ms. Bella, take care," Leo said as he left to help more of civilians who were in distraught.

Luna P.O.V.

Luna had long since fled the scene after she had witnessed that one man who somehow managed to send the werewolf flying with a simple swing of a car's door.

She wondered at who he was thinking if he was like her brothers and herself.

The thought of her considering the man as a preternatural was of an outlandish thing, luna couldn't bring herself to believe the matter when one of the students called out to her making her erase the current thought out of her head.

"Luna! Where have you've been!" a familiar voice spoke.

"Noble! It's so good to see you. Where the hell did you go running off for?" Luna said asking her older brother.

Noble being the serious elder sibling he is didn't want to chastise his baby sister considering that her inquiry had more rights then what he was about to say.

Sighing deeply to himself the older brother answered her. "I was out looking for argus and the others. What about you, you seem to be fairing better then most of us," Noble said inferring to their siblings.

"Hey guys, sorry for being late," One of the siblings said.

Luna glanced to her left and saw three other familiar faces belonging to her brothers and sister.

"Are you guys ok, and why would three of you try to find that thing, it could've killed guys!" Luna said chastising her siblings.

"Now calm down sister, the only reason why we did that was to try finding out why it was here during the time we were about to leave," Her only other sister named Tora spoke in response.

"And speaking of our hairy friend, have you seen where it left?" Harlan one of Luna's brothers asked.

Luna shook her as a no. "About that, yeah, I have,"

Seeing that their sister was insisting on them to speak in silence they all nodded in confirmation and huddled in a circle behind a very large transporting truck.

"What's the matter?" Noble said wondering what his little sister got for them.

"Remember the werewolf you went after, well I saw it. But our hairy foe of a wolf was in a conflict, one that I couldn't believe," Luna said earning a look of subtle inquiries from her siblings.

"Surprise us," Her brother Argus said.

"The werewolf as I said was fighting against a man. At first I thought he was about to die, but after that I saw him tore off a car door he sent the werewolf smacking against that container," Luna said answering him as she pointed with her index finger at a three-foot-sized dented metal container.

Noble who was the wiser one of his siblings spoke out of disbelief. "Are you sure you aren't hallucinating," the older brother said wishing he was he was wrong.

"You tell me if a normal human being can tear a car door and use it as bat that caused that," Luna said as she saw a certain sheriff pointing her flashlight at the large dent container.

"Perhaps the door was already broken," remarked a humorous Argus.

"Shut up argus! You don't know that!" Tora said as she hit by the shoulder.

"Perhaps we get out of here now, this place is starting to get overrun by cops," Noble said in caution of what the rangers and paramedics might overhear of their conversation.

Luna glanced around at the scene and she could see that the area seemed to have slowly calm down. "Noble is right, we should go now. Mom and dad needs to know about this as well,"

"Alright guys, let's go," Argus said as he he and his siblings walked off for their home.

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