
The first re-birth

Time slows down when you die. The only thing you feel is disparity and the unrelenting feeling of anguish. The first time I died I remember thinking 'What will happen to me?' Now all I ask myself is what miserable existence will I suffer? Every time I die now I feel the same. I feel the cold black blood melting my skin off leaving nothing but bones then I feel the same disgusting feeling of being wrapped in some sort of burning slime that gives me a new form. Then I am put into this cage where It closes down on me and pressing on me cruising me into a small black pill. Where I lose consciousness and brought to the new world to become a child. Every time this happens I have one though, 'how much worst will this life be then the last.'

My life is not me suffering in eternal anguish my life is eternal repent. I did something that the gods of creation were so discussed that they cursed me to live threw nine lives. Each worst then the last.

I killed a single person. I killed a son of a god of creation. Their are 36 god races, their are 14 transcendent god races, and their are 2 gods of creation. The gods are immortal creatures or humans that managed to surpass existence. A transcendent gods are gods that surpassed dimensions and planes of existence. A god of creation is a god that, existence and the possibility of existence are the same. Their powers are beyond understanding even to a transcendent god and rule over all other gods and existence.

I never meant to kill him. I was told to kill him by a god. She gave me a knife that could kill anything that does not surpass transcendent god. She showed me a future in which the child grew to destroy the world. I was only a chilled my self and lived a normal life. I didn't want everyone to suffer, but now I realized all of them should have burned to death slowly while I laughed. I want to kill them all and kill that file women that cursed me to this life.

That atonal song that she sang while I was dragged to abyss. I hate it so much she cursed me to this she played with me she laughed at me and If I could I would rip her limb by limb. Yet she mocks me with that song that is stuck inside my soul making is insufferable to even keep my lay a second in silence. The night comes and I dread sleep each time.

I used to live in this small town off of an S ranked trade city. Our town was mediocre and had very little money. I was a farmer's only son. I knew of the world beyond the stone wall was one with brutal creatures, magical beings. I studied a little about magic ruins and of the creatures outside in my schools library. Sadly the their was not many books their. My teacher was a teacher of the main city and used to explain to us how our world works. Their are 7 plains of existence ranging from dangers and their are 'tunnels' that are space connections to other worlds and other. They are of worlds of magic also ranging of concentration of magic, and types. The endless universes is terrifying. Their are infinite amount of evils, and their are infinite amount of heroes.

The two gods of creation exist as symbols. The sides they stand are, are known as the realms of light. Black magic, blue magic, white magic, its all the same, ruins and formations, all exist as tools and powers to surpass our existences.

The first time I was reborn was into a cave. I had no eyes, no ears, and no sens of touch. I had a sens of permanent confusion and never knew where I was. I was scared, but that fear turned into hatred. The life I had was nice. I had food each cold night, and would have made a name for myself. That file women deserves to die. That was seeded in my heart.

I died I don't know how, but it was painful. Death came and told my curse to behold a life of a immortal only to be reborn in to a worst life each time. He told me he was a transcendent god and told me I killed one of the god of creation's son. He told me that he has to make me live 9 lives then the 10th time I am reborn I shall be reborn in front of him to be torched to death. My fate dread it but I accept it as long as I can drag that witch down with me.

My next life I will be a 'black blood.' They are a sub demon spices that contracts with humans with high affinity to black magic. They can do four things one is to bond with the host giving them power and the ability to summon them as a creature or a weapon. Whatever the daemon was before the contract determines his shape. The second possibility is to refine the demon as nutrient in a life and death situation where it can save them in a huge burst of energy. The third one is to consume the host and attempt to kill everything and everyone around to escape and live its life as it pleases. The fourth is to soul bond where once a child is born the contract is formed by draining half the blood of the baby. The next step is to drive a stake that drives from the front to the back. The stake stays their and the demon is summoned. Next its the demon that crawls into the spike and merges with the body and attempts to save the baby. The survival rate is less then one in every billion.

I wonder whats next. The light is fading out and my soul feels weak. What will come next I pray that it will be short.