

"A shiver suddenly went down my spine making my heart sink as I clutched my pillow tightly. It felt as though someone was hovering over me. Furrowing my brows, my eyes slowly fluttered open only to be met with shinning bright yellow orbs just few inches away from my face" - Brian white a teenager who is still trying to get over his mother's mysterious death, gets sucked into a magical realm of mythical creatures. He meets Lyria, a half-human, half-goblin halfbreed sent to retrieve a stolen Amulet meant to maintain the peace between all mythical races. Brian and Lyria must work together to find the said Amulet while overcoming certain challenges on the way discovering his true identity and why his mother was murdered. Ever heard of a Gobman? Neither has Brian.

Da_Witty · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

~Chapter seven~

I jolted awake with a loud gasp but hissed in pain instantly when I felt a sting to my side. I pulled up my sweatshirt to see a very big and ugly gash oozing out blood from just below my belly button by the left side of my stomach.

It was as painful as it looked.

I winced placing my hands over it trying to stop the bleeding but it was pointless"Finally"My head snapped up to meet Lyria's gaze.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't wake up"She joked walking over to me to inspect the wound"Yeah that looks bad"her face contorted to one of distaste.

I watched her tear a thick strip of cloth off her shirt and wrapped it around my waist tying it over the wound as I leaned against the rough and hard thing behind me.

That was when I took in the environment.

The area was dense and dominated by trees. Tall trees which towered over me like a skyscraper building with it's branches spread out wide casting shadows which formed creepy looking figures on the ground.

Okay hold up. Where the hell are the buildings that were here moments ago? or the roads and the burning bus? And importantly, weren't we just running from terminator one and two? or was that just my imagination?

"Where the hell are we?"I asked not able to tear my gaze from the canescent fortresses which stood proudly rooted to the ground. I have seen a lot of trees in my life but something about these ones looked Magestic and almost...Magical. In a way.

"Wouldn't you like to know"Lyria snorted as she finished up the work she busied herself with on my stomach.

"Er yeah?" I questioned confused as to what she found funny then she looked up at me with paused lips looking as if she were in deep thoughts"What?"I asked arching my left brow.

"Do you remember anything before you blacked out?"she asked causing me to furrow my brows as I tried to recall what had happened.

"I remember terminator one and two chasing after us"


My mind was blank. I don't think there was anything else except..."There was this bright light that came out of nowhere"I said looking at her for confirmation.

She nodded and said"It was a portal"

"A What?" I asked in exasperation unconsciously putting a strain to my wound which made me recoil in pain with a groan. Lyria passed me a look of sympathy but continued anyway.

"It was a portal, and for some reason we got teleported here"she sighed

"Where exactly is 'here'?"I asked, a grunt of frustration escaping my lips.

She looked at me cautiously as she said"The outskirts of Nasguard"

Great! just fucking great!

Before I could stop it, laughter escaped my lips. Not because I found anything funny because frankly, this was nothing to be laughing about but because, I was angry and this was my way of biting back the ungodly profanities threatening to leave my mouth.

Can my life get any worse than this?

if only I knew how much I would eat those words in just a few hours.

When my bitter laughter finally died down, I wiped off the tiny tear that stained my eyelids and stared at a confused looking Lyria. She was probably questioning herself as to whether i had gone nuts or not. I know I would too if I were her.

"How do we get outta here?" i asked my face now set in a serious manner as if I had not just laughed like an imbecile a few moments ago.

My mom used to say that instead of dwelling on a problem, focus more on finding the solution to the problem. And this seemed like the best time to do that.

"I don't know"she mumbled, her cheeks red in embarrassment. I dug my nails into my palm trying to calm myself to avoid any unnecessary outbursts. Deep breaths.

She sighed looking around"We should find shelter, it's dangerous out here"she nodded. I tried getting myself to stand upright but it was a struggle.

"Need help?"

"I'm fine" I said stubbornly trying to walk but ended up on my knees with a moan. Fuck, just how deep is this cut?

I heard her tsk!...before she walked over to me and placed my hand over her shoulder helping me to my feet.

"You're welcome"she grinned showing off her perfect white pearls making me roll my eyes. It's kinda hard to stay mad at her.

"I never said thank you"

"But you wanted to"she said smugly and I sighed. No point arguing.


The sky was darkening and night was drawing nigh. The sound of the crisp grasses beneath our feet echoed through the forest as we walked on without rest. I noticed Lyria was growing weary and I suggested for us to take a rest but she wouldn't yield.

"We won't stop until we find shelter"were her words and I merely complied because she was my aid. In my defence, I did try reasoning with her but she had this look of determination on her face that said it wasn't negotiable so I just let it be.


The distressed high-pitched squeaking sound of bats reached our ears as we saw them flap away towards the opposite direction. Lyria led me to one of the tree enabling me lean against it for support. I felt handicapped and it sucked. She looked around the area, then suddenly her eyes flashed yellow. She sniffed the air, her eyes widened as they returned to their normal color.

"Shit, we're scre-"barely even finishing her statement, a huge looking beast emerged into our line of view with the loudest ear-deafening roar I have ever heard.

It had the huge body form of a wolf on two feet. The body swollen and engorged with extended limbs which resembled that of a donkey. It's dark green orbs trained on Lyria and I.

"Screwed"I finished for her. Before I had the time to react, my arm was pulled on so harshly that it felt like it was being disconnected from it's sockets as Lyria's words rang through the forest loudly.


Apologies for the superrrr late update my pumpkins!...next chapter would be up tomorrow!!!!!!

Da_Wittycreators' thoughts