

"A shiver suddenly went down my spine making my heart sink as I clutched my pillow tightly. It felt as though someone was hovering over me. Furrowing my brows, my eyes slowly fluttered open only to be met with shinning bright yellow orbs just few inches away from my face" - Brian white a teenager who is still trying to get over his mother's mysterious death, gets sucked into a magical realm of mythical creatures. He meets Lyria, a half-human, half-goblin halfbreed sent to retrieve a stolen Amulet meant to maintain the peace between all mythical races. Brian and Lyria must work together to find the said Amulet while overcoming certain challenges on the way discovering his true identity and why his mother was murdered. Ever heard of a Gobman? Neither has Brian.

Da_Witty · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

~Chapter eight~

Have you ever ran to the extent that you can literally feel the heel of your feet at the back of your head?

If you have, then you'll understand what I'm talking about.

The adrenaline rush I was having was crazy to the point where I couldn't even feel the pain in my stomach anymore. I can't even tell at which point I started running like this. All I know is as soon as those words left Lyria's lips, we took off and we haven't stopped since.

How could we? when something as monstrous as that was chasing after us with an aim to kill. I could taste my intestines in my mouth which felt as though any moment, they would pop out of my mouth. I knew my wound had torn open again from the amount of pressure being exerted on it as I ran but I didn't care. The only thing on my mind was to SURVIVE!

I couldn't help but think on my life. How the hell did I end up like this? One minute I was leading a normal and peaceful life, the next I'm trying to get out of an explosive bus and now? I'm in another freaking dimension running to save my own Goddamned life. it's insane.

The worst part is, I was running blindly. The forest seemed to be darkening with every passing second which gave the beast a upper hand. I heard Lyria yell out something but my brain was too disoriented to process it.

"W-what?"my voice came out shaky than intended as i yelled out to her.

"The cave. There's a cave over to your left!" she yelled back. I think her voice was coming from behind me? I couldn't tell. Heck, I couldn't think and I sure as hell could see no cave. I managed to whip my head to the side to see her eyes glowing.

Explains why she could see the cave. She had freaking night vision. Her goblin eyes made it easier for her.

"I can't see"

The creature was getting close and I could tell by the thumping sound made to the ground by it's-no doubt-massive feet.

Something warm made contact with my palms and interlocked with my hands. I squinted my eyes to make out Lyria's yellow orbs which was the only thing shining in the dark right now. Our running pace seemed to increase with me running blindly as she led the way.

Soon enough, we made it to the cave going deep into it to stay out of the monsters reach. Her warm hand was placed over my mouth to stop me from breathing too loudly as its savage growl could be heard just by the entrance of the cave.

Sweet Jesus don't let us get eaten. I prayed. Which seemed like the only best thing to do at the moment.

My stomach was filled with so much dread that my hands were shaking uncontrollably from fear and my heart was beating at a million mile per second. I felt nauseated.

The growl dissipated slowly, indicating the departure of the creature. That was when I collapsed to the floor clutching my chest and stomach. The pain had returned and I could feel every fucking burn as the adrenaline died down.

The sound of our breathing was the only thing heard in the hollow cave as we both struggled to catch our breath in the silence.

"W-what the hell is that thing?" I asked once I had successfully tried to calm myself down. Keyword: tried. My chest was still heaving up and down whilst my hand still kept shaking uncontrollably.

It is not even funny.

At least everywhere was dark so Lyria would not be able to watch me embarrass myself.

The only thing that I was able to get to stability was my voice which-if you listened to well-was still a little shaky. Don't judge me.

"Lyria?" I called when there was no response.

"H...ere"she responded flashing her yellow orbs so I would know she was there."It's-" she struggled with her words, trying to catch her own breath whilst panting harshly. I could tell it was hard for her to speak.

"Come here"I said extending my hands out which felt stupid because the cave was dark and she probably couldn't even see my outstretched hand. I was about to retract them back when she held onto it with a tight grip and walked over to where I was so she was now sitting next to me.

"You're bleeding" she said. I could feel her hands over my stomach making me wince as she applied a bit of pressure to stop the bleeding.

I could still hear the creature's growl but it was a little faint now. I felt Lyria's head rest on my tense shoulder and a small sigh escaped her lips just as I couldn't stop the one which broke free from my lips as she muttered the words "I'm sorry Brian"her hands not leaving where they were positioned over my wound.

I suddenly felt light-headed. My eyes were starting to feel droopy and were closing shut on their own accord as I struggled to keep them open. I even thought of poking them just keep myself awake because I didn't want to fall asleep.

who falls asleep in a situation like this? What if the creature comes back?

My mind wandered to the thoughts of my dad. He would have realized that I was not home by now and must be worried sick. I'm the only family he has left, and I him. I can't die like this. We still have so many indifferences to settle and I can't leave knowing we left so many unresolved issues. My soul would never be at peace and I knew my mother would never forgive me if I did.

I fought furiously trying to keep myself awake even to the point of slapping myself on the cheek but I have learnt that you can't cheat nature so i gave into the dark with those potruding thoughts on my mind.

how's the day going?

Da_Wittycreators' thoughts