
Chapter 55: the man come back

3 days quickly passed with me teaching these hatchlings to survive and fight luckily yesterday Shosa came to me and asked to keep training them in my stead I happily agreed sense this would be a good test for Shosa but also I needed to start smithing luckily for me there was a broken stone smithy in one of the abandoned buildings when I found this building I immediately cleaned out all the debris from the second floor caving in on its self when I found the force it had half of a wooden support sticking out of it luckily the damage to the forge was something I could fix hell I could even improve it seeing how this forge had only one set of small bellows that got ripped off when the second floor came down but if I made two big ones this would boost the heat greatly best part of it all was we had the stuff to do my idea and I fixed the forge sense I worked late into the night all I had to do was made and attach the bellows easy enough ones I get the forge going I would start making gear for everyone currently all the hatchlings was to small to fit in any of the armor that we had in storage but at least they could use the weapons even though those might be a bit big for them also Shosa was currently the only one who wears armor he found a Greek style chest plate and arm and leg gears made from bronze but no helmet oddly enough he tried to find a weapon he liked but nothing felt quite like his old spear or that's what he said so he chose a huge sword but I promised him I would make him another spear when I got the chance but we wake up for the 4 day I side hearing the morning birds chirping I slowly sat up and seen light coming from the hole in the roof shit I slept in I mumbled as I got up from my animal skin sheet I made the forge my home all my fear was resting against the wall but only enough there was a book placed between my two swords the title read magic theory for dummies unlike what the title said this book was really thick I stretched my arms and shoulders cracking as I did so I walked to the forge and pat it saying don't worry you will be awakened soon I promised funny enough this forge reminded me of a certain video game called Skyrim this forge looked exactly like the basic ones you could find in that game but I planned instead off having a string that hanged over you to pump the bellows I was going to make a pedal all I had to do was move my foot to pump the bellows I already had the stuff ready all that was left was the bellows lets get started I grinned walking over to one of many boxes that I had brot into this room and started making my bellows wall at the same time I started to hear the noise of training Shosa was more strict and harsh in training them then even I was but I didn't mind I think he enjoyed there suffering a bit to much but whatever I will let him have his fun 3 hours passed and I had gotten everything ready to start forging I just had done scooping the last shovel full of coal into the forge I extended my hand out to light it when I heard the training stop and I heard footsteps and people getting closer but it was coming from the woods that's when the doors to my home opened and Shosa ran in saying Azmo you will want to see this I side this better be important I gralled and I put down my hammer and walked to the door I grabbed my belt with my swords on it that was hanging next to the door I strapped my belt around my waste and walked out and started walking towards the center of the town where I seen 5 of my man in a line there hands on there weapons wall I seen Mesh and 2 others on the roofs of the houses they didn't have there bows drawn but I seen they had a arrow nocked I heard someone hiss get out of our way hatchlings or else or else what I asked as I walked passed my man Shosa stopping with them this is when I seen the man that the elder talked about they was 35 strong all of them looked like us but they was evolved like Shosa and I but I wasn't scared I scanned them all over noticing there was 3 female of our kind all of them had bags that was full with stuff and the last thing I noticed was the 5 woman chained together in the center of them I looked each of the girls over 2 humans one was smaller then the other the short one had brown hair with dirty brown clothes her looks was pretty basic and her skin tain from years in the sun and brown the woman next to her had black hair and glasses she had on what looked like a Smithers apron plus white skin and bright blue eyes,  two elfs both looked to be twin sisters both had on basic training clothes both sisters had long gold hair and dark green eyes and one mutent that looked human but I seen a wolf tail and ears she had on dark green clothes and thick leather boots probably a hunter I thought all of these girls had there heads down and just followed any order given to them my eyes then fell onto the man who stepped forward towards me he was a green-scaled lizard with gold slits he had on leather armor and a hand axe on his hip plus he was probably 6 foot he walked right up to me and hissed move boy or I will make you I chuckled and in a sarcastic voice I said ooo you got me shaking in my boots bastard the lizard hissed grabbing my shirt yelling move I smiled at him calmly how about this I said grinning at him we fight if you win I move and leave you alone if I win you have to listen to my orders and you can't touch them girls this lizard grinned at me saying deal and he let go of my shirts and stepped back he pulled out his axe saying on your mark kid I grinned at him and undid my belt from my waste it soon dropped to the ground with my swords and hunting knife I then brought one hand behind my back and beckended him to come at me with the other he snarled and lunged forward swinging his axe at yelling I am going to kill you little shit right when he said that a ghostly green image of his axe formed right behind his arm it two swung down at me but I simply stood there with my hands behind my back and my huge grin on my face and at the last possible moment my body swayed back both the normal Axe and ghost one passed over me but I didn't attack I just stood back up my body swaying naturally that's when I heard this 

Congrats Nekros for awakening the ability serpents body

I chuckled hearing that as I moved to the side of another strike the lizard hissed angrily stop running fight me like a man I chuckled swaying dodging another strike as I spoke coming from you the sentence fight like a man is a joke but your right I am sick of playing I got work to do right at this moment I lowered my arms from behind my back the lizard laughed that's right fight and he swung his axe down at me but I simply spun to the side of his strike and lunged forward getting right up in his face I through 3 punches two at the chest and the third at his face he couldn't dodge so my first two punches made him spit up a lot of blood wall my last one through him back he rolled a few times in the ground a few times before stopping he didn't get up after that but I could tell he was still breathing I looked at the rest of them hissing my name is AzmoNekros but please call me Azmo as you can see I am more stronger then you and I just hatched last week but who cares about that I will offer you all the chance to join me I will train you and teach you my ways all that I ask is for your absolute loyalty so are you in or are you out I seen them look amongst them selfs before they all want to a knee bowing to me as they said we are in sir I nodded smiling good Shosa take them and start the training Shosa grinned yes sir what about him he asked looking at the lizard that I just knocked out I grinned wake him up and have him do the training also he nodded I then walked to the 5 girls and took off there shackles hissing from here on out you are not to touch these girls if you do you will answer to me got it Yes sir they yelled I nodded looking at the girls bowing I am so sorry all 5 was stunned seeing me bow to them but they didn't say anything I stood up saying come I will show where you can stay I looked around and seen everyone was still standing around I hissed what you damn serpents standing around for get your asses to training before I join the training my self this seemed to light a fire under there ass cuz they started quickly moving Shosa started giving orders and lead them to where we have been training I glanced back to the girls saying follow me please and I lead them to the storage house I opened the door and walked in I am sorry for the mess but we dont have many places to live this is the best I can do please try and make you self at home but please dont do anything brash with any of the weapons around here I would hate to barry such beautiful girls I pulled out a long tarp and some sleeping bags for them I placed the stuff in the middle of the room before I walked to the door saying I will leave you alone I promise you no one will bother you in here so take time and greeve I will be back in a few hours to give you dinner and I shut the door but as I shut the door I seen 3 out of the 5 of the girls collapse wall the other 2 looked to stunned to do so I side walking back to where I dropped my belt and picked it up I side again remembering there sad expressions you can only do so much Hunter I mumbled and walked back to my forge and hung up my belt next to the door before walking to the forge I waved my hands mumbling lets get you reborn shall we like that appearing in the forge was my bright green fire that quickly heated up the coals I stepped into the peddle a few times each time a woosh noise would come from the bellows and the coal crackled I waved my hand my fire disappearing I smiled seeing the forge had been reborn let us start mumbled and I walked to a box and pulled out several daggers that were already taken apart all that was left was the blade and the tang I walked back to the forge with 3 of these daggers and plunged them into the coals I pumped the bellows with my foot many times and I watched the metal go from a dark red color to a bright orange I smiled pulling out one of the blades with a set of tongs and brought the blade to the anvil where I picked up my hammer and before I swung it I started to sing

The gods made the heavens clank the gods made the sea and rivers clank the gods made the earth we walk on clank but ones they was done they gave out the reals each god was to rule over clank Zeus got the sky clank Poseidon got the sea clank and the eldest of the brothers Hades got the underworld and death clank or that's what the Greeks thought but there was many gods out there many gods of the same power clank so which is right which is the true faith who truly knows haha clank all I know is this the gods may have made the steal that I am working with clank they may have made me clank but only I will rebirth this steal into my own creation clank and no god can take that from me for I am the coals and the fire I am the anvil I am the hammer I am the blacksmith hahaha

The hours passed quickly with me mixing and drawing out the steal till I had the blade of a halberd one long spike at the top and two axe blades on the side of it this halberd head had patterns in the steal I smiled at my good work tungsten mmm no better sight I laughed ones more there is nothing quite like a smiths first successful quench hahaha but time for the shaft but first it was time to go and check the traps I smiled and put the halberd head on a box before walking to the door I put on my belt and grabbed my spear that was leaning in the corner and I walked out Daisy guard the storage I said as I walked out of my house wolf wolf and like that Daisy  landed next to me and happily walked to the storage house I looked up to the roof of my house seeing Duke resting ontop of it I chuckled saying come on we got traps to check she slowly stood up and stretched her back arched like all cats when they stretch after she was done she jumped down next to me saying yes master I walked to the edge of the town where a group of 10 was waiting for me I noticed the three female lizards was in this the rest was my hatchlings Mesh was one of them I nodded to her before looking at the three females saying y ant you training the smaller one out of the three and the only other red scale I have seen but she looked more lizard like as for clothes a basic white shirt and black paints her eyes was silver as she looked at me shrugging Shosa didn't think it would do much for me seeing I ant interested in that sort of shit I raised a eyebrow asking o really then what are you interested in she shrugged and waved her hands saying magic also my name is firestarss  but please call me Star I laughed o ok I got a book for you then she was stunned but I looked to the next woman who was a black scale but unlike Shosa this woman was very snake like hood and all the patterns on that hood was just a slightly lighter black and brown slit eyes as for clothes basically the same as the other woman the only difference was this woman had a red bandana on her head I also noticed she was the tallest and biggest out of the three how about you I asked she shrugged I know the woods like the back of my hand Shosa thought I might be useful to you o also my name is Gemringss but please call me Gem I nodded and looked to the last woman who was medium hight and build she two had the same clothes as the other two and she was a copper scale she looked like she had both lizard and snake features the face was snake like but the tail was similar to mine thigh and lizard-like but mine tail was a lot longer then hers by a few inches she had bright yellow eyes and you I asked I noticed her tail nervously tap the group behind her as she shyly looked away from me saying um sir I asked to go along umm also my name is earthseal but please call me Earth my eyebrow want higher hearing this do you earth and you Star have any battle prowess or anything useful to add to this hunt both of them looked to one another before shaking there heads Earth shyly saying un no not really sir I side rolling my eyes that's what I thought you and I pointed to Star saying the book I was talking about is in my house next to the door feel free to take it but I want it back when your done got it Star nodded and ran off and you and I looked to Earth staring at me with big puppy eyes I chuckled girly that trick wont work on him trust me I have tried Duke said beside me shaking her head both Gem and Earth both jumped hearing Duje speak but the others was us to this already Gem yelled you can speak Duke looked at her like she was a fool of course I speak you damn foolish serpent but before this could get out of hand I waved my hand saying enough you Earth she jumped when I pointed at her and she stuttered yes sir I side go train with the others if you can't fight learn how to and maybe I will take you then but till then I won't allow it we dont need any deaths we are only 55 strong that isn't a big number each of your lifes are valuable so learn how to protect it she nodded and happily skipped away muttering something like he said I was special I side looking to Gem and the rest saying lets move they nodded we checked all 5 of the hanging traps we had out but there was only 2 fish on the other 5 either had the vine snapped off or whatever that was on it simply got off this wasn't enough so with Gem knowledge we walked deeper into the forest oddly enough most of this forest was dry land it would seem we lived on the only swamp land but I didn't mind I used my echo location alongside my danger sense I marked every powerful creature I sensed I would come back and hunt it later but that's when I seen a strange fat humanoid pig it had on a white sleeveless shirt and blue shorts in his hands was a club Gem stopped us in the trees and told me this was a pigman they was very but right then I through my spear at this creature my spear sank into this unaware pigman chest the pig squealed in pain but before it could move I shadow walked behind it and cut its head off with a clean cut I stepped back as the body dropped back I used this pigman shirt to whipe the blood off my blade before sheathing it I looked up to Gem who was stunned I chuckled pulling out my spear saying a big boy I wonder what he tastes like but I reached down with my hunting knife and cut off a peace before throwing it into my mouth my eyes lit up it tasted like bacon chowy bacon but bacon none the less that's when I heard this 

Congrats Nekros for awakening the ability pigman strength

Wow that bacon makes me feel good I chuckled smiling but I quickly finished skinning the pigman Mesh walked next to me and pulled out long leather tarp from her bag that I then wrapped the pigman meat in before putting it back in her back Gem landed next to us saying that should be enou but I shushed her as I turned my head to the side what was that I said we all listened but we didn't hear anything Gem looked to me about to say something but that's when I heard it again buzz, buzz that I whispered did you hear that they other two nodded I stood up and grabbed my spear saying lets what that is and I shadow walked back into the trees and moved towards the noise Duke right on my heels wall the others followed behind him the closer I got to the noise the loader and more buzzing I heard like there was many of one thing I moved from tree to tree till we got to a clearing when I seen what was in this clearing my face want pale and I ducked down hidding on the tree the others cot up and followed my example I eared my head slightly through the branches to see the clearing again what I seen was many red angry hornets flying around a huge bee nest but when I say hornets they things was as big or bigger then a human with a long barbed stinger that had a green liquid drip out of the tip and when I say huge bee nest I mean this thing was as big as a fucking house but the bees that came out of it ass half of the size of the hornets to put it simply the hornets was ripping and eating these bees apart sure a few of them died but they killed more bees then they killed them fuck that I mumbled waving to everyone saying we was backing up they all nodded and we left damn I wonder if there honey is any good I mumbled as we moved away I noticed another one of those big pheasants that I killed as we headed back home but we didn't just get meat o no we picked edible mushrooms and plants and when we got back to the town I started cooking for everyone I threw the pheasant and the fish with some plants and mushrooms into

A huge pot for soup wall I skewered the pigman meat on wood spikes and cooked them over the fire to make thick pieces of bacon ones everything was done I scooped up 5 boles and brought it to the girl I knocked on the door saying ladies' lunch is here and I pushed the door open to see all the girls was alive that was a plus and they actually looked up at me at least slightly I noticed there eyes was all red and puffy I slowly placed each bole that I was balancing on my arm in front of them and I kept the 6 one I took a step back and sat own smiling at them saying I hope you like my cooking and I started to eat just the sight of me eating in front of them with hot boles in front of them there stomachs gralled angrily gods sister I can't take this anymore I dont care if it's poisoned or not I am hungry and one of the elves sisters quickly picked up a bole and before her sister could stop her she took a spun full into her mouth the moment she did time seemed to freeze for a moment when all the girls stared at her with expecting eyes but nothing happened this seemed to confuse them and the woman quickly took another spun full then another then another with each mouth full she said my the gods this is really good the other girls stared at their boles suspiciously but hearing the elf sister eating they all side and took a bole and took a spun full just like before the girls froze just for a moment in the next second they all started to quickly scarf down their food I smiled at them saying I take it you like my cooking then the smaller human lowered her bole with wide eyes asking you cooked this I simply nodded yes I did miss the girl was stunned the other human lowered her bole asking what's your plans with us y save us I chuckled as Duke walked in with a tray of cups on her back the girls all froze seeing Duke who walked next to me I picked up the tray from her back before scratching her on the bottom of her head she purred happily as she rubbed her head against my shoulder as she plumped down behind me I looking back to the girls smiling I waved my hand as shadow tendrals wrapped around each of them and moved in front of each of them I took a drink from the one that stayed in front of me before I looked to the woman with glasses who asked the question shrugging that's simply learn and improve my tribe you all have both I saved you to do both I wish to know about this world but not just that I wish to us your knowledge to improve my self and my people plus as a smith and a caption I am curious to here about this worlds technology and I took a drink from the cup that had water in it that's when the mutant spoke and what if we do none of these things for you huh what then I shrugged nothing I dont want to kill you if I did I would have done it the moment I took control of my tribe hell if I wanted to see you harmed I could have left them do what they want with you I am not a saint after all and I took and I picked up my bole and scooped a spun full into my mouth before I continued speaking but I also ant evil either I am a child of two death gods after all death is neither evil or good it is neutral there for I have the right to choose if and when I want to be good bad or ugly hahaha sorry about that umm and I cleared my throat awkwardly seeing how they didn't laugh at my joke before continuing if you wish to leave I wont stop you but I warn you the swamp is dangerous but I would at least give you all a weapon defend your self but by the looks of yall only three of you look trained and I looked to the two elves and the mutant wall you and I looked to the girl in glasses look to be a smith wall you and I looked to the other human was probably a farmer and cook how did you know that one of the elven sisters asked I shrugged you two was easy your clothes is something a new guard would wear under there armor wall you and I looked to the mutent your clothes are dark green and thick boots any Hunter knows those are two essential things to have if you want to hunt game in land but by the burns if your hands I would also guess your a alchemist of some sort as for you and I looked to the human with the glasses your literal wearing a smiths apron and I said I was a smith and you and I looked to last girl your clothes are basic something commanders would wear aka farmers plus your skin is tan from years in the sun plus you was stunned at my cooking skills this makes me believe you have cooking skills of your own make sense they was all stunned hearing me the mutant was the most stunned out of them all well there no rush eat your food is getting cold when your done just leave your boles right outside of the door someone will grab them for you with that I will leave you be and I stood up with my bole and cup and walked out Duke following behind me she closed the door behind me.