
Chapter 38: we back baby

I could feel are speed increase as we ran down the mountain and right before we hit the floor I felt that familiar tug the feeling of my stomach dropping and the feeling like I was being suffocated as Fives ran through a colorful spinning toob I saw flashes of different colors that should me something from the 5 years that I had been gone but it was from a random person and it was only a flash of something before it faded I heard hundreds to thousands voice and conversations that I couldn't even focus on one do to how many and overwhelming it is I counted 5 seconds that's when swoosh Fives slid to a stop in her motorcycle form I moved a hand to Layla's noticing I had on my fingerless gloves, leather coat black lase up boots, blue jeans and a shirt that had a rock band on it around my waist was a gun belt 4 familiar colts in them I felt my switchblade in my pocket and my magic bag from this timeline it was funny my clothes was the same but my body wasn't my jeans was a bit to short for me and my shirt felt a little tight if this wasn't a sign that I had grown I don't know what it but that's when I noticed I had my wedding ring on my finger huh interesting Layla said behind me I glanced back to see she was in her normal Greek style armor her helmet on her head Slotter over her shoulder i could tell some of her clothes didn't fit right either she looked up to me and giggled dear what sort of look was you going for your shirt and pants look like they are being tortured I opened my mouth to retort but then thought better of it so I looked around we was on top of a hill all around us was barron fields I could see old holes from explosions that had grass grown inside of it and there was a wood line going around these hills and in the north was a river where salt and river water mixed I also seen overgrown vehicles like a tank geep and a crashed helicopter Layla also looked around her eyes want wife saying Hunter you don't think are luck is that good do you I smiled shrugging it seems so we are back at came right where we disappeared Layla nodded yea that's what I thought so what's next I shrugged I ant sure we could pray to are parents to see if they have a path for us she nodded sounds good and I seen her close her eyes and start to mumble to her self I admired how cute she looked doing that for a few moments before I closed my eyes and started mumbling

Hi Mom, Dad I am back I am sorry that it took me this long but I am here Layla and I are lost we need a path do you think you can show us one please and thank you

I opened my eyes to see nothing I looked to Layla asking anything she shook her head no nothing you I shook my head that's when I got a feeling head west the path will show it's self I nodded west it is Layla nodded shall we I smiled and got off Fives saying not before this and I let out a very load whistle nothing happened at first but I simply sat down and started meditating it was probably going to be a few minutes and I was right time passed slowly we head far away from hunter north to Montana to a mountain rang there at the top of the mountain was a big White house in its porch Chiron, Gimli Fox, Slade, Flare and Frodo all was sitting around a poker table Chiron speaking the gods are getting restless and it ant just them ancient creatures that I nearly forgot about are steering it's critical that we stay vigilant that's y each seeker will have one to three half bloods standing by in the city also that's y we gave them all phones it maybe deadly to Half-bloods to answer the things but iris messages take to long to make and you need a Rainbow for it plus a gold drachma so it can get expensive speaking of that how is Red, Drake and Sharkys quest going Fox was about to respond when the hole house as a boom noise came from the garage of the big house Fox pulled her self back into her chair sense that shaking shook her out of her chair what in the nine hells was that are we under attack she asked Chiron was about to respond when boom it happened again but along with the boom came the creaking of metal Chiron looked around saying I ant sure and watch your language young lady Fox flipped him off saying bit but right them BOOM crash another more powerful boom came plus the sound of metal braking open as the garage door exploded open as a black 1997 dodge charger shot through the garage door it drifted around the big house 3 times before it shot south to say everyone was shocked it would be a understatement Fox yelled the fuck is happening Slade laughed happily as he took out a cigar and lit it he laughed happily he took a few puffs from the cigar before saying so there back everyone started at him confused as fuck so Frodo asked who's back Slade what are you talking about Slade smiled and silently puffed his cigar for a few minutes the tention in the air was so thick and heavy you could almost cut it with a knife right when Fox was going to say something Slade cut her off saying the death walker and the blood devil there's back Fix scoffed your laying those two half bloods disappeared a long time ago 5 years after the civil or that's what the reports say how could half bloods from that era, still be alive Chiron, Gimli and Slade looked to one a other Chiron had a complicated expression on his face wall Gimli and Slade was grinning Chiron side and looked to Fox his tail flicking nervously behind him the true names to the half bloods we call the blood devil and death walker are really Layla Nekros and Hunter Nekros Fox eyes went wide in shock and she wasn't the only one Flare and Frodo also had shocked expression Flare was holding her head in her hands wall Frodo massaged his temples silence feel over everyone as this information sank in but Fox finally asked in a stuttering voice how Chiron and Gimli looked to Slade who just kept on smoking like nothing was happening Chiron then spoke I think you should start at the top for them Slade shrugged whatever strap in yall cuz this will be a long story it was during the Civil War 2 years into the war to be exact when my unit brought back two naked people and a odd looking horse and like that Slade started telling his tale we move over the camp to a familiar building that had two black braziers that had a bright green flame dancing in it we go through the gold inlaid inside was very clean at the center of the room was a circle toob that had lava moving down in it around this toob was bookshelves placed at each corner of the room was 4 beds sitting in one reading a book was a woman with raven black haired and a odd gold dagger sat on her nightstand time slowly passed this woman just reading her book till her head shot up her gold eyes going wide and a beautiful smile spread across her face even though a long scar ran down her face it want over her left eye all the way down to her mouth and jaw this woman started to laugh he's back by the gods hahaha if anyone walked in on her laughing and talking to her self they would probably immediately turn right back around cuz she was acting like a crazy woman we leave this cabin to another that wasn't far the familiar white and black hut with depictions of life and death scrolled all over it we go through the dark wood door two see a huge fire place placed in the center of this room that had a white and black fire dancing in it at the back of the room was bookshelves that had many different color books on it there was latters that lead up into 6 different room underneath each room was a table and a armor stand we currently sitting on the floor on a pillow reading a book was a woman that had snow-white hair and skin she was so beautiful with her cold dall like figure her blue cold eyes moved as she read but the rest of her right eye was black seconds passed of her just reading till a gust of wind blow through the room the white-haired beauty looked up from her book and she wasn't the only one 2 heads stuck out from there rooms one was definitely Chinese woman with long black and white hair the other was a young man probably 18 or so he had black hair and white skin he was jacked the woman who was reading the book smiled warmly yelling he's back she shot up happily the other one landed next to her smiling happily tears falling down from her face the two hugged one another wall the guy just stayed in his room laughing like a mad man big bro back before this we move to a training ground in a sand circle where a black man that had a strange Halberd in his hands was fighting against a tain skin man who had a shield and chain mace in his hands the two was really going at it to most people there movements would just be a blur a few minutes passed when the black man thrust forward with his halberd but the tain man raised his shield blocking the attack but there was so much force in that strike that the tain man skitted back a few feet the two started at each other both was sweating and breathing hard they was about to jump back at one another when a cold wind blow passed them heading towards the south the two stopped shocked but that didn't last long the two of them broke out laughing happily but after a few moments of that they got back to sparring just like this my siblings sensed my return Layla and I was walking through the old camp seeing that all the buildings was gone there wasn't any signs of them at all it was like they disappeared we had been walking around for a while know trying to get us to the feeling of modern day clothes again but it wasn't helping that we had outgrown this stuff Layla had to take off her chest plate she said it was to uncomfortable I smiled at that but wisely chose not to comment Fives followed behind us it happy to be in its motorcycle form again it was probably 5 maybe 6 the sun was about to fall in the horizon that's when the temperature dropped and it started to snow shit Layla huffed as she started to shake I could see her breath I opened up my leather coat for her but I felt a cold breeze brush again my bar chest as I did that sense I took off my shirt the thing was just way to tight for me the coat was also a bit as well but I wasn't bothered by it Layla wrapped her arms around me and I moved my coat over her shielding her from the elements and like that, we waited in the cold for another 20 minutes it was dark out Layla and I was leaning against Fives cutting together when I heard the sound of a engage reve a few times I also heard the sound of a horn going off I looked behind us to see nothing at first till at the top of the hill I seen a black vehicle crest over the hill or more like it jumped the damn thang it shot down the hill towards us drifting and stopped right in front of us it's doors opening on there own I laughed happily it's good to see you prime the head lights flickered 2 times as I heard the radio say it's good to see you also master it's been to long I laughed hope you got the heat turned up in there and like that Layla and I got in where it was warm Layla almost immediately fell asleep wall I and Prime started talking so Prime what modifications have you gone through I asked I heard it sy and appearing over the steering wheel was a 3d model of it that slowly want in a circle first master let my just say fuck you for abandoning me like that not even saying a word to me do you know how bored I have been these years I laughed scratching my nicely trimmed beard sorry about that is that the reason you burning the hell out of me when we first met I heard it giggle maybe as for upgrades I really don't got any the only upgrade if you could even call it that is this new form the twins who did this died soon after they did this so there hasn't been anything crazy done to me sense you was here master I side nodding i waved my hand through the 3d model it reacted to my touch and I started examining what those twins did and I must say they was either damn fools or just starting to learn the craft cuz all the magic runes and parts I seen was very sloppily done and that was a hindrance to Prime she wasn't at full power can you still transform into your other form I asked I got a simply yes I nodded show me both side to side and she did appearing next to the 3d model of the car was a 3d model of a horse I started to compare the two and noticed most of the runes and parts in her was just shitty version from her horse form I side asking Prime y haven't you fixed this but I soon found the answer there was only one rune that wasn't copied and funny enough it was the strongest rune on her it was a item seal this prevents anyone from tampering with the twins work and that included Prime only the twins could do anything with her this rune was shinning angrily I could tell it was hurting Primes I am lucky that she even heard me and was able to get her with this thing on her my eyes burst with green fire gralling they dare fucking do this to my work I will show them what a real rune smith can do and I tapped on this rune that's when a rune appeared on the hood of Prime it was the size of the hood and it was pulsing red and yellow I got out and pulled out my rune inscribing pin which this was my first one I ever made to it was a little ruff but it will do I channeled my power into this pin the tip starting to glow green from my power I looked over this rune my eyes glowing green the easiest way to destroy someone's runes is to find its weak spot or spots in this case I smiled and pressed my pin down in the center of the hood my pin flashed green and the rune flashed red I felt two presents push against my mind one of them yelled who the fuck do you think you are to undo the Jesse twins work huh answer me you fucking disgrace of a smith yea that's right what's your fucking name you bastard and they pushed harder at my mind but it only felt a little uncomfortable my will power alone was strong enough to withstand these fools let alone my power I chuckled saying you wish to know thy name it's Hunter Nekros the creator of Prime and Fives so you are the little brats who put this fucking rune on my prime and not just that yalls work is so shotty it's disgraceful I am already pissed don't make me any more so or I promise your souls will be punished and torchored one of them scoffed listen to this old timer talk thinking he can control the dead then the other brother spoke oo you got us shaking in are boots hahaha they both started laughing a huge evil grin spread across my face you brats wish to mock me so be it torture it is say hi to my father for my o and don't worry about your work I promise none of it will remain after I am done and just like that I shattered the link to them which also shattered the rune but I wasn't done these two brats used there soul essents to make this rune this is to easy I reached my hand out and cot two balls of string that was trying to escape what's this yall trying to run na we can't have that I made you all a warning and yet you didn't listen it's time for y'all to learn a valuable lesson in who not to piss off and like that I jerked my hand back and flying into my chest from those strings was two balls of brown light and like that they was sent to the afterlife with my massage I got back into Prime feeling my fingers getting cold thank you master those fools have been talking in my mind for years they was so annoying I nodded do you think you can upgrade your self now it simply said yes good I will leave you to it I want to get some sleep and like that I leaned my chair back and fell asleep.