
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Jeux vidéo
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58 Chs

Ch 76 - Ch 80

Chapter 76.1: There's one more bottle (1)

Since more than ten days ago, the little second commander of the King's Guards was promoted by the young King Alexander to the number one seat in Chambord's Military. Brook now had control over all the military power in Chambord and was called one of the [Two Gurus] in Chambord along with the new Head Minister Bast. One star warrior Brook's future skyrocketed and became one of the most influential figures in Chambord, above everyone else except for one person. Even the richest merchants who didn't even bother to acknowledge him before would now put on a big smile on their faces, invite Brook to their parties frequently, and send him gifts and cute maids. People visited his place from morning till night everyday. The hinges on his door were almost worn out because of it.

If it was anyone else, this huge change in status would probably make them dizzy and get them carried away. However, this warrior born in a poor family had finally shown his integrity, boldness and flexibility. To anyone who was trying to network and befriend him purposely, his principle was quiet surprising – he would neither accept or coldly reject them. He would mildly satisfy everyone that came to his door.

He used painstaking effort in order to achieve this – Chambord was currently greatly weakened after the war and needed to recover. Moreover, in half a year Chambord would have to take on another life and death challenge in Zenit's Military Practice. King Alexander said that the goal in front of them was to unite all the powers and strength they could and build up Chambord quickly with the least amount of resources. Therefore, Brook didn't want to stimulate any hidden conflicts between the young king and the old school nobles. He had to at least maintain a superficial friendliness.

Except for burying his head into rectifying military affairs, Brook spent a lot of his time on reforming the military planning. It was his main objective for the next thirty days. King Alexander had mentioned a few requirements and also vaguely expressed some stunning ideas. Brook carefully studied and thought about these ideas; the more he thought about it, the more excited he got. There were many things that he never considered. He was even confused and didn't understand when the king mentioned them for the first time. But slowly, he felt that those ideas and plans were impeccable. After tailoring those ideas to fit them into Chambord's current situation, Chambord would experience an enormous change for the better.

Of course, as the power in his hands grew heavier and heavier, Brook also felt huge unprecedented pressure.

After King Alexander returned to normal, his strength and long-term vision both increased at an astonishing rate. Recently, during a chat in their free time at Chambord's Civil and Military Academy, the number one warrior Lampard actually implicitly admitted that the King's strength had increase to a level that he couldn't even estimate. He probably couldn't even defeat Alexander.

That left people such as Brook and Pierce a ton of pressure.

They knew that if they wanted to follow the king and battle and bleed for Chambord, they had to improve their strength; that was essential. If they couldn't keep up with their majestic king, they would be gradually left behind and eventually become useless men.

During this time, the strongmen such as Pierce and Drogba "got" a set of strange training methods from the King and started to excessively train themselves everyday. Brook on the other hand was busy with military affairs and had limited time to train. He gradually felt that he was falling more and more behind and there was nothing that he could do.

When he was struggling one day, Fei sent his guard Fernando-Torres to Brook along with a king's command – "Mr. Brook, His Majesty has asked you to head to his palace right away. There is something very important that His Majesty wants to talk to you about."

Brook was lost; he didn't remember Fei previously telling him that he wanted to discuss an important matter today. He followed Torres to the main palace.

After he stepped into the palace, he was surprised to find out that the First Commander of King's Guards Peter-Cech was sitting down on a chair and having a conversation with King Alexander. Except for the two of them, no one else was in the palace.

"Haha Brook, you got here just in time. I have something very important for you two to see."

After seeing Brook's arrival, Fei laughed as he walked down from his throne that was surrounded by two lion-like monster statues. He tapped Brook's shoulder and suddenly opened up his palm. Cech and Brook both felt something flash in front of their eyes as a small green bottle appeared in Fei's palm. A green liquid was stored in the elongated crystal bottle...It had a light touch of magic power.

"This is..." Both Cech and Brook were surprised.

"Hehe, this is a violent energy potion that I recently put together..." Fei explained with his nonsense. He spoke proudly, "But I prefer calling it [Hulk Potion]. Hehehe, this is a very magical potion...." Fei paused a little bit to create more suspense.

"[Hulk Potion]? That name is very strange..." Brook could feel the light magic power hiding within the potion. He subconsciously asked, "Your Majesty, what's the special effect of this potion?"

"Of course, Hehehehe, it has the effect of instantly increasing one's strength by a few times..." Fei wanted to show off. "It sounds like the [Mad Potion] that magic pharmacists put together, but the difference between the [Hulk Potion] and those low class [Mad Potions] is that the strength enhancing effect is permanent!"

"Permanent improvement?" Cech and Brook were both flabbergasted. They stared at the potion in Fei's hand and gasped involuntarily, "How is that possible? Could this be one of the epic potions from the legends?"

Under the mage classifications on Azeroth Continent, there was a branch of magic pharmacists. These magic pharmacists could create a lot of strange potions. The potions all had different effects, and due to the differences in effects and materials required for each potion, there were many ranks from low to high. The epic potions from legends were one of the highly ranked potions. They all had incredible effects and there were a few recorded epic potions that could permanently enhance one's strength...

But those were all items from the legends. Epic potions could only be created by epic leveled magic pharmacists, they also need a lot of rare and precious raw materials. These raw materials would even be considered rare by the level 8 and 9 super powerful Empires on the continent. Fei casually took out a potion that he claimed to have the same effect as epic potions, so Cech and Brook naturally had a hard time believing their eyes and ears.

"Ah? Epic Potion? How is that possible, I don't have any of those precious raw materials to make such a potion..." Fei read a ton of books in the Royal Library, so he knew what the epic potions that the two were talking about was. He rolled his eyes and rejected that idea while smiling, "Hehe, although the [Hulk Potion] has such a powerful effect, it has a terrifying side effect... that's why I hesitated for a long time before telling you guys about it. If you guys can endure through the side effect, the real effect would definitely be satisfying. The potion is here, if you wish, you guys can decide among yourselves who wants to give it a try."

"Terrifying side effect?"

Brook and Cech looked at each other in unison. The shock in their eyes quieted down a bit. They believed this explanation a lot more. If the potion didn't have any side effects and could enhance one's strength permanently and flawlessly, then this [Hulk Potion] would definitely be ranked as one of the epic potions; it would be too precious.

Brook hesitated for a few seconds, and suddenly raised his head and said, "Let me try it out!"

The date of Zenit's Imperial Military Practice was getting closer and closer. There was nowhere that Chambord could back off to. If Chambord lost in this event, their kingdom would be gone. Even though Chambord had two trump cards – Lampard and King Alexander, the military practice was based on the total score for the ten matches. There was no way that the Kingdom could depend on just the two of them. If Chambord wanted an overall win, other people's strength had to improve as well. Time was tight, and to Gordon-Brook who was single-mindedly focusing on increasing his strength and fighting alongside the king, the potion in front of him might've been dangerous, but perhaps it could be his last and only opportunity.

Brook made up his mind and reached out for the bottle of green potion.

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Note: I split this chapter into two parts because the chapters are pretty long and Big Udon is pretty busy, so he sends me the translated version in parts so that I can edit it as he translates and so that I won't have to edit super late at night. Don't worry, despite the chapter being split into two parts, it still only counts as one chapter!

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Chapter 76.2

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Chapter 76.2: There's one more bottle (2)

However –


Peter-Cech who was standing quietly beside Brook suddenly moved first and grabbed the [Hulk Potion]before Brook did. He pulled open the lid on the bottle and chugged down the entire bottle.


Brook panicked.

Cech was only pardoned more than ten days ago by the King and barely got out of Iron Prison – Water Dungeon alive. He got ill from the moist and dark environment and the torture in the prison, so his body was very weak. His two energy swirls that represented his two star warrior strength and status was torn and ruined by the former Head Minister Bazzer's vicious methods. All of his two star energy had mostly disappeared and his strength dropped significantly. Although he could get it back and return to being a two star warrior, it would take a long period of time. Cech's body was at its weakest stage; by taking this [Hulk Potion] which had a terrifying side effect, if he wasn't able to endure through it, his life might even be on the line...

He knew that Cech didn't want him to take the risk which was why he took the potion first.

At this point, Brook was very nervous. However, there was nothing that he could do. He could only stare at Cech closely; he didn't even dare to blink his eyes, because he was afraid that he might miss some signs of dangers.

Fei on the other side was secretly laughing to himself shamelessly.

After a few seconds, the side effects that Brook was worrying about appeared –

At first, a bright green light suddenly appeared on Cech's forehead between his eyebrows. It gave off an indescribable magic power. Then, it gradually began to spread downwards in a cloudy fashion. The green light became more and more dense, and soon Cech's head was dyed in green, and even his hair became green as well. It seemed very strange.

As the same time, drops of sweat the size of beans started dripping down his green forehead. The muscles on his face also started twitching unconsciously. Clearly, he was under unimaginable pain.

Brook was shocked.

He turned his head and looked at Fei, and found that he didn't panic at all. Instead, he had a faint smile on his face. This calmed Brook down a little bit; he held back his worries and concerns and continued observing Cech's state.

That green light was getting thicker and thicker and started spreading onto Cech's whole body. Starting from his head, it quickly covered his neck, chest, waist, arms, hands and legs...After more than tens of seconds, the First Commander of the King's Guard Peter-Cech had become a green person. Even his arm hair was glittering green like a jade. This condition was no different than getting poisoned by exotic toxins. What worried Brook more was that he could clearly see that it was as if there was something alive that was drilling and surging underneath Cech's skin. It created many bulges that continued rushing around in Cech's body. The blue veins bulged and sweat dripped down like rain...This process was obviously extremely painful.

"No wonder why it's called [Hulk Potion], Cech is getting bigger and bigger." Brook thought.

Fei had a chill when he saw that.

Fei tried the potion on himself when he was doing the experiments, and the pain of the body enhancement was unbearable; it was like having tens of thousands of ants crawling through his body and devouring every bit of his muscle, having someone cut the flesh off of him piece by piece and deep frying his entire body...even though Fei was tough, he didn't want to experience this hellish pain ever again. This was especially true since the [Hulk Potion] wasn't effective on Fei.

After half a minute, the painful expression on Cech's face toned down a bit, and the dense green light dimmed down. Suddenly, a powerful sensation came off of Cech's body. Brook was very familiar with this sensation. He often felt this sensation from King Alexander. It was the sensation of a breathtaking and dragon-like pure physical strength. What surprised him even more was that this sensation was getting stronger and stronger. This meant that the strength in Cech's body was increasing very quickly.

After another minute, the greenness on Cech was almost negligible, and the sensation finally stopped growing stronger.


Cech exhaled heavily and finally opened his eyes.

He observed his body and felt the long-lost strength. This strength was even more powerful than his former strength at his peak. He was so excited that tears filled his eyes. Before when his energy swirls were destroyed by Bazzer, he felt hopeless and thought that he was going to become a useless man, but now the light of hope shined through the dark clouds. He instantly turned around and kneeled down before Fei and said with an uncontrollable excitement on his face, " Thank you, Your Majesty! I have recovered...I can feel the monstrous strength in my body, and the energy channels in my body have widened by a few times. I can restore my two star warrior's energy at my peak state in less than half a year..."

Cech was so excited that his sentence structures weren't making any sense.

After some rough observations, Cech had completely understood the effect of the [Hulk Potion]. Although his energy swirls didn't come back, his physical strength and his body's firmness had reached an unimaginable level. He could fight a two star warrior with pure physical strength. The effect didn't just stop there. What made him more excited was that the channels that the energy flowed through in his body was widened by a few times. This meant that when he started training his energy, his improvement speed would be faster than other ordinary warrior by a few times... The actual effect of the little [Hulk Potion] was far superior than the epic potions in the legends.

Fei said calmly with a serious face, " Peter, don't be so overjoyed. [Hulk Potion]'s terrifying side-effect hasn't completely passed yet."

"Ah?" Cech and Brook who were finally relieved were surprised again when they heard that. "What other side effects are there?"

"It's this green light. See? The greenness on your body hasn't fully disappeared yet. According to my calculations, it needs three to five days to completely go away."

Cech asked with a strange face, "Your Majesty...eh, was the terrifying side effect that you were talking about before this greenness over my entire body after taking the [Hulk Potion]?"

"Yes, yes." Fei held back his laughter and nodded firmly. "This greenness will take a long time to disappear; isn't that terrifying?" But right after he said that, he couldn't hold back anymore and started laughing loudly like a kid who had just pranked someone successfully. His kingly temperament instantly disappeared.

Cech and Brook felt like they were about to faint.

That counts as a terrifying side effect?

"Brook...I..." Cech was a little bit embarrassed at this point. He was originally worried about the "terrifying side effect" and took the potion before Brook could react; he wanted to take on the risks himself. Who knew that the king was only joking? Now, it looked like that he had jacked Brook's opportunity of becoming stronger. It didn't matter if it were merits or official titles and positions; Brook deserved it more. Cech instantly regretted his action.

"Mr. Cech..." Brook was still used to calling his former leader mister. " You're being too polite. If Chambord can get another powerful warrior and increase the chance of us winning the upcoming Zenit Military Practice, it doesn't matter who takes this potion." Brook's words were really sincere and didn't feel fake or superficial at all. Cech didn't know what to say. Fei on the side nodded secretly. He knew that he had chosen the right person. This one star warrior was just, dependable and had integrity. The best part of all was that he was extremely loyal to him.

"Actually, you guys don't need to panic, hehehe..." As Fei was speaking, he flicked his wrist and another bottle of [Hulk Potion] appeared in his hand out of nowhere." I have a few more bottles of this potion!"

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Chapter 77

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Chapter 77: Teleport Portal in Real Life

Cech and Brook were about to go crazy; both of them stared at Fei with "resentment". At this moment, they finally knew that they had been pranked by the young king and everything was a friendly joke.

Brook drank the other bottle of [Hulk Potion] in excitement.

In his prior experiments, Fei had tried the potion on animals like chickens, pigs and cows, as well as on a few heinous prisoners on death row. He had accumulated a good understanding regarding the effects, dosage, side-effects and long term effects. After experiencing the indescribable pain, Brook gained a huge boost in strength. His physical strength was enough to take on a two star warrior. The energy channels in his body had also expanded. This had a more significant long term effect; it meant that Brook who was average in terms of energy training had suddenly become a genius at it.

To maximize the efficiency of the [Hulk Potion], one would need to train. Therefore, the remaining potion was still stored in their bodies. When looking at them closely, the greenness on Brook's and Cech's skin could still be seen. They looked at each other and laughed.

The king's action of continuously taking out such potions with ridiculous effects had shocked both Brook and Cech. If this information leaked out, many people would fight and start a war to get their hands on the potion. They now knew why the King talked to them in private; except for Fei's personal guard Fernando-Torres, all the other guards had been dismissed.

"[Hulk Potion]'s effect is astonishing, but it doesn't accumulate, so it only works once. The effect will be minimal if you guys take it again. However, you guys shouldn't relax on your training... I do have some extra potions on hand, but there aren't a lot. They're all for the improvement of Chambord's overall strength. You two are the ones that I trust the most, as well as ones who took the [Hulk Potions] first. Remember, this matter must be kept confidential and can never be exposed. For the reason of your increase in strength, think of ways to explain it yourselves... We have to be very careful on this matter. You guys know exactly why we must be."

After their excitement, Fei returned onto his dual lion statue-clustered throne on the stairs and suddenly switched back to Paladin Mode. The holy and majestic temperament of a level 12 Paladin instantly filled the hall; the majestic sensation surged in the hall like tides. At this time, Fei had restored the King's superior prestige, controlling everything like an inviolable god.

After hearing Fei's words, Brook and Cech finally knew that they were the first ones that touched the [Hulk Potion]. Their hearts were filled with gratitude; they felt their blood boiling. Both of them kneeled down and said in unison, "Rest assured, Your Majesty! No one will know about this!"

Fei nodded in satisfaction.

He suddenly opened his hand and another bottle of [Hulk Potion] appeared in his palms. He pushed it out and the level 12 Paladin's aura wrapped around the potion and slowly flew into Brook's hand.

Fei continued, "When you get back, immediately choose two hundred loyal soldiers with clean backgrounds. Then, dilute this bottle of [Hulk Potion] into four barrels of clean water and feed it to the two hundred soldiers in the next three days. This way, although they won't receive the same benefit that you two received, it will still be a good boost in the soldiers' strength and physique. Remember, these two hundred soldiers will be the elite force that participates in the Zenit Imperial Military Exercise. We couldn't afford any kind of carelessness. They must be carefully selected; loyalty comes first, and ability comes second. It would be the best if all of them were born in Chambord...Brook, after you finish that, hand these soldiers over to Commander Cech and let him train and direct them. I want the two of you to build an invincible iron force for Chambord in the next six months. Can you two accomplish it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. There's absolutely no problem!"

Brook held onto the potion tightly as if he was holding the key to a peerless treasure. He said with full confidence, "With the help of this [Hulk Potion] that can compare to epic potions, we can absolutely construct an elite force of terrifying strength. Our chances of winning in the Military Exercise half a year from now will increase by a lot."

Even Cech who was taciturn nodded excitedly and said, "Your Majesty, Peter-Cech guarantees to build you an invincible iron force in less than six months!"

Fei nodded.

He wasn't concerned about accidents that might occur when using [Hulk Potion]. Before when he was testing the [Hulk Potion], he discovered a satisfying phenomenon – regardless of whether it was a human or an animal, after taking the full potion and enduring a few minutes of severe pain worse than death, the test subjects all had a huge boost in strength and instinctively developed a heartfelt dependency towards Fei, which made them become more loyal towards him. It was like the emotions that kids had toward their parents. After some deep thinking, Fei believed that this phenomenon was caused by the weak spiritual energy in the potion. When every [Hulk Potion] was created, they all contained some weak spiritual energy in them, as if they had lives and had some intimacy towards Fei, like a newborn lingering onto its mother. It seemed like that weak spiritual energy quietly affected the user of the potions' soul and increased their loyalty towards Fei.

The incident of [Hulk Potion] had come to an end. In the next ten minutes, Fei and Brook chatted about the restriction of Chambord's military. Fei wasn't some kind of military genius, so he only briefly outlined some main principles from his memories and knowledge from Earth. However, it deeply inspired Brook. During the chat, Cech also gave some great recommendations. Fei realized that this First Commander of the King's Guards was also quite talented in military affairs. During the chat, Brook happily recorded three full animal skins worth of notes. After seeing that it was getting late, Brook and Cech got up and bowed as they left the palace.

Finally, only Fei and his personal guard Fernando-Torres were left in the hall.

After he felt the shiny eyes staring at his back, Fei turned around and saw Torres staring at him eagerly. Fei knew what he was thinking and directly asked, "Fernando, do you also want a bottle of [Hulk Potion] to increase your strength?"

Torres hesitated a little; he knew that the potion was extremely valuable and limited. However, he wasn't able to resist the temptation of power and kneeled down as he answered honestly, "Your Majesty, it's my greatest honour to be able to follow you. I want to fight for Your Majesty, but I'm too weak; I even have a hard time holding up a sword... Therefore, I beg Your Majesty to grant me a bottle of [Hulk Potion]."

"One of the [Hulk Potion] is yours, but I can't give it to you right now..." Fei gestured Torres to stand up as he continued, "The effect of this potion is significant, but the potion itself is extremely brutal. An ordinary person is not able to endure the unbearable pain during the body transformation process. If you pass out, it would damage your body severely. Both Mr. Brook and Mr. Cech are strong warriors that have fought numerous battles, and they have the basic strength and mental toughness to handle the painful process and successfully benefit from the potion. You on the other hand are still too weak and can't bear the brutal impact of the potion. If I give you the potion now, it would be a disservice...If you want to quickly reach the minimum requirement to take the potion, go find Pierce and Drogba. Train with them according to the method that I gave them. Once your body becomes strong enough, I will give you the potion."

After hearing Fei's explanation, the expression on Torres' face turned from the initial disappointment to hopefulness. He clutched his fists excitedly and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will go find Mr. Pierce right now..."

After he said that, the blonde boy turned around and rushed out of the hall.

Fei looked at the boy's back and laughed quietly.

After his observations for the last couple of days, the blonde boy Fernando-Torres had great potential. He was clever, thoughtful, brave and honest; he had all the necessary qualities of a true warrior. He also grew up in Chambord and was loyal to the kingdom. He looked up to Fei as an idol and worshiped Fei as a god. Fei had no reason to not promote this young man.

The only thing holding him back was that Torres was still too young, so Fei wanted to sharpen him a little bit more first.

However, the brutal damage of the potion that Fei was talking about was true; he didn't exaggerate in the slightest. In his prior experiments, there were a total of eighteen sheep, thirty-three pigs, and numerous little animals such as chicken, ducks, and geese that had died from the potion. Even most of the heinous prisoners Oleg brought to Fei who were on death row died during the process of the body transformation. This was the dark side of the potion.

Fei sat in the hall for a little bit longer and thought through everything that had happened and made sure that nothing was left out. He exhaled slowly as he switched to Barbarian Mode. After looking around and making sure that no one was around, he stared at the open space in front of him and inexplicably whispered, " Elena... You can come out now!"

As soon as he finished, a slight buzzing noise sounded.

A small blue flash of brilliance appeared in the mid-air that grew larger and larger. Soon, it formed a huge blue oval shaped "door". It gradually stabilized itself as blue light circulated on its surface. It was actually a portal from the Diablo World! Then, a beautiful figure slowly emerged through the portal and appeared in the King's Palace.

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Chapter 78

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Chapter 78: Supreme Leader of [Rogue Encampment]

Her red hair was like a cloud of fire burning in the air. Numerous mystic magic symbols were engraved onto the set of delicate armour and magic power circulated on its surface. The white leather long boots covered up her knees like spreading vines. Her smooth thighs were exposed, slender and beautiful; they were as white as snow and exuded a breathtaking and seductive charm. The sky-blue battle skirt covered up her alluring round hips. Her waist was like a swinging willow; it was so slender that it could be gripped with just two hands. Her chest was still outstanding under the light leather armour. Her fabulous face made people felt guilty when they looked at her. Her temperament was three tenths apathetic, three tenths elegant and four tenths stunning...

This was Andelisha-Elena, a stern inviolable Valkyrie, and the prettiest [Flower of Rogue] in the entire Diablo World.

She quietly came through the portal as if she traveled through space and time. She appeared in the hall and stood in front of Fei.

Elena's beauty had blossomed.

For a long time since the last [Flower of Rogue] Andariels unimaginably fell in love with the Lord of Terror Diablo and became demonified, no one on the Rogue Continuet was able to be regarded as a [Flower of Rogue] until the elegant Elena was born. This young rogue warrior quickly conquered the entire Rogue Continent with her beauty and bravery.

"Mr. Fei. I heard your summons from [Rogue Encampment]." Elena bowed and saluted Fei in the same manner that people in the Diablo World saluted their king. "Do you have something for me to do?"

"Elena, you can call me Alexander from now on!" Fei pointed at a stone chair beside him. He smiled as he asked, "Take a seat. How did it go? I believe you've told Priestess Akara and Leader Kashya everything about this world, right?"

"Yes. I have conveyed the information to the two leaders according to your command, Alexander Your Majesty."

Elena quickly got use to the name "Alexander". In the last ten days or so, she had gone from the initial surprise and shock to a serene calmness; she had completely Fei's position and status in this world. When she was summoned to Zenit Continent by Fei accidently through the portal ten days ago or so, Elena was shocked by the quietness and beauty of this world. There weren't any monsters or demons, and there weren't invasions and pollution from the evil powers from hell. There were only clean air, fresh water, lush plants and healthy green mountains. Everything here was thriving and flourishing; there was literally no difference between this place and the heaven that everyone was talking about in the Diablo World. Elena fell in love this world at first sight.

In the last ten days, she was able to come to Chambord Castle for four hours everyday and observe and study everything in Chambord as a guest under Fei's permission. This included the rules of this world, Fei's identify, Chambord's status and rotation between day and night from the sun and moon. After she understood everything, with Fei's permission, Elena passed on all her knowledge to the two leaders at [Rogue Encampment] Akara and Kashya.

"Eh, good. Thank you for your hard work. Oh, right, later someone will bring you to a place. Please observe that place carefully and tell me your discoveries." Fei didn't behave like a king in front of Elena at all. He casually handed her a big red apple and smiled, "So have Leader Akara and Kashya made any decisions yet about my prior proposals?"

"They both have agreed. However, Leader Akara hopes Chambord could help out [Rogue Encampment] a little bit in terms of food." Elena was surprised; she quickly took the apple as a trace of redness appeared on her white face; she lowered her head and replied.

"Oh, food? ...I can only give it a try and see if I can convert food into the Diablo World." Fei thought about it and said, "On this matter, I will discuss it with them personally later."

At this moment, the guards outside of the palace shouted to inform Fei that Warden Oleg had arrived and was waiting outside.

"Let him in!"

As soon as he finished, Warden Oleg rushed in excitedly. His face was red and all the fat on his face were shivering, as if something great had happened. He humbly kneeled down and crawled a few more steps forward until he reached Fei. He bowed to the floor to salute Fei as he smiled and fawned, "I'm here to report back to Your Majesty, great news, Hahaha, the new prison has officially been completely, and it's ready to be used immediately!"

As he was talking, he quickly noticed Elena who was sitting on the side. His heart was instantly shocked by the beauty of this [Flower of Rogue], however, Oleg didn't have any evil and lustful intents. For one, he clearly knew that this girl was very likely having an intimate relationship with King Alexander; he could tell from the way that she was looking at His Majesty. Also, Oleg was at least an one star warrior; he vividly felt Elena's powerful level that was far greater than one star rank. He also understood the value of her full magic engraved armour...All of these things clearly told Oleg to kill any kinds of dirty thoughts. He couldn't offend the girl in front of him, otherwise he would die painfully.

After hearing Oleg's report, Fei nodded in satisfaction and said, "Great, you've done a good job. I'm glad. Now organize some jailors and transfer all the prisoners from Iron Prison – Water Dungeon to the new prison. From today onwards, completely seal up the water dungeon. No one is allowed to enter without my permission."

"Your command is my life, Your Majesty!" Oleg was excited to receive Fei's praise. He spoke loudly to announce his loyalty.

"Eh, one more thing. This Ms. Elena is my...friend." Fei was about to use the word "trusted subordinate" or "confidant", but he felt the word "friend" was more suitable. He continued, "After you finish transferring the prisoners, lead Elena to the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon for a visit. Remember, don't ask any questions. Come back to the Palace by yourself after she finishes. I have some great rewards to give to you."

"God bless you, bright and merciful King." Oleg's teeth were about to break due to excitement after he heard that there were rewards. After meeting with the King more often, he had an even deeper understanding of Fei's character. Once Fei said that there were great rewards, that meant that the rewards must be good stuff. Then, another series of flatters "showered" Fei.

"Elena, just follow him. That place is a bit strange. You might find something, but there is a huge black iron gate. Don't go behind there for now, alright?"

Elena stood up, nodded, and followed Warden Oleg out of the King's Palace.

After seeing both of them disappear from the gates of the hall, Fei licked his lips and rubbed his temples. There were too many things to do these days. Although he was acting like a hands off king that passed on the majority of tasks onto Brook and Bast, he was still extremely busy and didn't have time to breathe.

There was a light bluegrass fragrance still in the air. It was left by Elena when she was sitting down.

The golden sunlight passed by the huge stone god statues and shined into the palace. Fei showered in the sunlight, closed his eyes and smelled the wonderful fragrance. His thoughts and thinking patterns suddenly became fluent and cheerful as ever, and his memory traced back to twelve days ago.



Twelve days ago.

After Fei designed ten sets of male and female clothes and "scared away" his cute fiancée with a design of bras, he had nothing to do. Therefore, he tried to communicate with the cold, mysterious voice in his mind and return back to Diablo World.

Diablo World, [Rogue Encampment].

As soon as he stepped onto [Rogue Encampment], he was surrounded by crazy cheers around him. He looked around and was surprised to find out that Priestess Akara and Military Leader Kashya led everyone at the camp to kneel down and devoutly pray before the place where he left the Diablo World last time. When they saw his appearance, everyone jumped up and started cheering unstoppably.

"Mr. Fei, you have finally returned!"

A smile appeared Akara's old face like a dandelion flower, while Kashya and the other people also stared at Fei in excitement. Expressions of respect and admiration were on everyone's face. Fei rarely saw those expressions from the NPCs.

"Eh...What happened?"

Fei wasn't use to the NPCs' enthusiasm. This rare situation made Fei feel like these people wanted something from him.

"Mr. Fei. You have killed the evil demon leader Andariels and opened up the path from Rogue Continent to the east. According to the Blood Oath of Covenant from our ancestors, you are now the Supreme Leader..." Elena who was standing beside him notified him quietly.

"I'm now the Supreme Leader of [Rogue Encampment]?"

Fei stunned. He suddenly remembered that. When he was leaving Diablo World last time, Elena didn't mention that to him. He turned around and looked at Akara, Kashya and others, and didn't try to hide his delight, "It that true? Am I now really the supreme leader of [Rogue Encampment]?"

"Yes, that's right." Although Akara wanted to beat his face with the bottom of her shoe after seeing his "insolent" and shameless expression, the matter related to the Covenant from their ancestors, so she couldn't be disobedient. She had to reply patiently.

People such as Kashya and Charsi also nodded to confirm.

"Haha, does that mean that I don't have pay anything to Akara for potions and scrolls, or to Kashya for hiring mercenaries, or to Charsi for buying equipment and items? Hahahahah..." Fei's laugh was very shameless; it was almost his nature. This treacherous and shameless idea popped into his head almost instantly after he knew he was now the supreme leader.

A great life was waving its "hands" at Fei coquettishly, as if it was so close. Fei could also smell it.

However –

"That's impossible. Even with the Covenant from our ancestors, the supreme leader couldn't get everything for free in the camp... Mr. Fei, I have to notify you that as the supreme leader, you do have the power to drive everyone in the camp to service you, and you also have the power to constrain everyone. However, you also have the obligation to protect and fight for everyone, every building, every cow, even every chicken. I have told you a long time ago that everything in this world is balanced... Of course, to show respect to the supreme leader, from today on, you can purchase from anyone at half price, including my potions and scrolls." "Greedy" Akara said as she gnashed her teeth. Her words shattered Fei's dream of getting everything for free.

"Eh...Half Price?" Fei rubbed his chin in disappointment. He had no choice but to nod and say, "Although it's still expensive, half price is a great deal."

"Honourable Fei. We are planning to open the pledge altar from our ancestors. After the altar ritual, you will officially become the Supreme Leader at [Rogue Encampment]... The white bearded Cain separated the crowd and saluted Fei with a cane in the hand, "According to the legends on Rogue Continent, every supreme leader can acquire three legendary miraculous skills from the Great God. The timing is perfect, let's start the altar ritual quickly!"

Fei realized that everything in the Diablo World was going towards an unknown direction.

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Chapter 79

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Chapter 79: Ancestor's Altar and Three Legendary Miraculous Skills

What surprised Fei was that the altar from the ancestors of the camp was not in an obvious location in [Rogue Encampment]. Under Akara's lead, Fei and other locals arrived at her small tent that was located on the southwest corner of the camp.

Fei had been here numerous times.

Cracked and broken bottles and jars that had moss and vines growing on them were laying around everywhere. The air close to the tent smelled pungent; it was the smell of incomplete potions. Akara's tent was very small; it was even a little ragged. Fei had questioned how this small tent could accommodate one person more than once, even if that person was someone small and thin like Priestess Akara.

However, this time he was stunned.

Fei's mouth opened wide after he saw Akara, Kashya and Cain bending their backs and walking into the tent one by one. He was extremely curious, "Is there a secret underground cave in the tent? If not, how could the small tent fit so many people?" Soon, almost everyone at [Rogue Encampment] had went into the tent, and Fei's mouth opened to its max.

Elena poked Fei with her cold little hand, "Mister, we should go in now."

Fei had to go in there; he was even planning to crawl in if there wasn't enough space... However, after he bent his back, entered the tent and looked up, he was extremely shocked. How could someone call this place a tent? It was definitely a magnificent grand palace. There was an open view; Fei was now in a huge hall, and a long corridor that Fei couldn't even see the end of was connected to it. Chairs and tables were set up orderly in the hall, and there were a lot of doors along both sides of corridor; Fei's couldn't count how many room there were.

"This...this is...spatial magic?"

After the short moment of shock, Fei quickly understood what was going on. It was crazy; Akara's ragged tent was the entrance to an unrivaled huge space. Through this small tent, Fei entered a space that he never seen before.

But after some deep thinking, it was only normal for [Rogue Encampment] to have such a mysterious place. After all, the camp had existed for more than millions of years. It was even here when the war millions of years ago between heaven and hell had begun. After the accumulation throughout history, if the camp was as shabby as it seemed and only had that little power and means, then the camp would've been razed to the ground by the demons and monsters on the moor; there was no reason why [Blood Raven], [The Smith], [Griswald] and the final boss [Andariels] couldn't wipe out this place.

There was only one reason why this camp could survive throughout the wars, battles and historical events – power.

It was obvious that [Rogue Encampment] had an unknown power that Fei didn't know about.

As everyone walked further into the palace, they all passed a hall that looked like it was for meeting. Fei still couldn't see the end of the corridor. Akara and Kashya were at the very front of the crowd; they were walking extremely slowly and Fei wanted to catch up. But at this moment, something strange occurred. He unbelievably found out that the faster he ran, the longer the distance between him and Akara and Kashya got. Soon, he could only see Akara's vague figure.

"What's going on?"

Fei was perplexed.

"Mr. Fei, the time and space in this place is reversed...The slower you go, the longer the actual distance you will travel. You don't have to walk so fast." Elena was always beside Fei as she whispered to remind him.

Fei was surprised, but he finally understood the secret to this space.

Fei gave Elena a thankful smile and started to walk slowly.

He found that he was actually going faster than when he was running. Although he was only taking small steps, the doors and rooms were passing him by like wind; he felt like he was walking on a fast moving conveyor belt going in the same direction. Fei slowed his steps down even further as if he was moving at a snail's pace, but under the rules of this mysterious space, he moved even faster. In an eye blink, Fei had magically caught up to Priestess Akara who was walking slowly and leading everyone at the front.

"Wow, such a magical space...Hehehe, where are we going?" Fei tried to start a conversation.

"Ancestor's altar." the Priestess' response was concise.

"Eh...how far do we still have to go?"

"We have arrived."

Akara paused her steps as she said.

Fei looked ahead and his weak little heart was shocked again.

At the end of the corridor, a huge and wide mysterious space appeared out of nowhere. A thirty or fourty yard (m) tall altar made from black stone stood quietly in the middle of the space like a skyscraper.

The diameter of this altar was longer than fifty yards (m), and it was layered with an unknown black stone. There were a total of nine levels, the further up the level, the smaller the space; it almost looked like a black wedding cake. There were a thin set of stairs on four sides of the altar that led to the highest ninth level; only about four or five people could fit on the ninth level. Looking at the altar from afar, stones on every level were fully engraved with mysterious and profound magic patterns and symbols. They looked like spreading vines and words of an unknown language. Except for the magic patterns, there were also countless ancient paintings. The content was all different; there were hideous demons, howling monsters, battling warrior and chanting mages.

The entire altar was black. It stood in the space quietly and created an ancient feeling around it, as if it was silently telling the mysterious history that was buried in the dust of time, but also as if it was showing the ruthlessness and terrifying nature of time. Fei could clearly feel a hint of mythical pressure emitted by the altar and filling the entire space.

"This is our ancestors' Covenant Altar." Priestess Akara said with a rare solemn expression on her face; it had a bit of holiness, as if the altar was the shrine in her heart. She said to Fei, "After you climb up the altar through the stairways on the east and reach the ninth level, by praying devoutly, God will gift you three miraculous abilities. Go ahead, Mr. Fei.

After she said that, she and other residents of [Rogue Encampment] kneeled to the ground and started singing a song in a mysterious and ancient language very deeply. A holy natural atmosphere surrounded everyone; visible holy energy emerged from their bodies and slowly injected itself into the black altar like meteors, dragging out a long tail behind them.

Fei walked up the altar step by step on the thin stone stairway that was located on the east side.

When he finally arrived on the ninth level, the black altar under his feet seemed like it had finally absorbed enough holy energy coming from the rogues' bodies, and gradually new changes occurred. From the very bottom level of the altar, every level started to rotate and turn under a strange inexplicable pattern, as if it was a precise instrument that was calibrating to match a mysterious waveform.

The sensation of ancient atmosphere emerged again and it was even stronger this time.

Fei forced himself to endure the huge shock and watched everything that was happening calmly.

All the things happening in front of him were completely beyond his imagination. These incidents never occurred in Fei's most familiar game on Earth. At this moment, some things were developing in a direction that was outside of Fei's memories.



An earth shattering noise sounded, and the black altar under Fei's feet finally stopped turning.

Everything in Fei's sight changed, as if the altar was teleported somewhere else. People like Akara who were beside the altar had all disappeared; it was as if the entire altar had moved to the space among the stars by someone who had unlimited powers. Fei looked around and found bright stars everywhere. There were no directions of north, east, south, west, or up or down. Fei felt like he was in a cosmic vacuum.

Before Fei could be surprised...

Suddenly, a beam of white light shined out of nowhere and covered his entire body. It felt similar to the beam that shined on him when he leveled up, but the power and pressure of this beam was far greater than the white beam of light he experienced when he was leveling up. For a moment, all of Fei's senses went black, and only a cold and majestic voice echoed in his mind –

"Supreme God, endless years, infinite space, time of eternity... According to the Blood Oath of Covenant from the Rogue's ancestors, weak human Fei, you have killed Anderial, one of the four gurus from hell, and you shall receive three miraculous skills from the mighty gods. These three miraculous skills are – [Learn], [Give], and [Summon]! ... Human, prepare to accept the gift from the gods!"

As soon as the cold majestic voice finished, the white beam of light started to surge and wash Fei's body over and over again. This process was like being anesthetized during a surgery; Fei didn't feel any pain or itch, but he could clearly feel the incredible changes undergoing in every single cell in his body...


Below the altar.

"Ms. Akara... He...could there be any accidents? Three hours had passed by already..." Seeing the huge altar completely buried in the milky white light sphere, anxious and worrying expressions appeared on Elena's face; she couldn't help but ask the spiritual leader of the camp impatiently.

"Elena my child, don't worry...This is our ancestors' and god's decree."

Akara looked at the [Flower of Rogue] who was a little restless beside her and a smile came on her face. She comforted Elena with a kind expression that Fei never saw before, "In the legends on the Rogue Continent, every [Flower of Rogue] would encounter the man who would change her life forever. Anderial met Diablo and you met Fei. This is what the Wheel of Fortune had already prepared for you guys. Elena my child, I can foresee your future, you all..."


As Akara was speaking, loud noises sounded beside her ear. She paused and looked in the direction the noise came from with everyone else. The white light flame sphere that embedded the altar was slowly disappearing. They could finally see everything on the altar again. On top of the thin stairways, Fei who just finished the whole ritual was coming down step by step.

An excited expression appeared on Elena's face as she rushed towards Fei. After observing Fei carefully and making sure that Fei was unscathed, her fast beating heart finally slowed down and she sighed in relief. A faint smile also popped on her white, smooth and spotless face.

"I'm alright, relax."

Fei felt the girl's worry and laughed as he held on and squeezed her cold little hand.

Elena was extremely embarrassed. She blushed as she struggled to escape from Fei's big hand and quickly lowered her head and returned to the crowd.


After taking the same route back out of Akara's magical space tent, there was only about less than half an hour of gaming time left for today. Fei didn't rush out of the camp onto the moor to kill more monsters. Instead, he stayed at the camp and chatted with Akara, Kashya, the two leaders at the camp and the white bearded "obscene" old man Cain.

No one knew that they talked about and no one knew what kind of three miraculous skills Fei had acquired. More or less, when Fei left the Diablo World again, the residents of the camp saw an unprecedented relieved expression on Ms. Akara's face.

Alright that's the 3 regular from last week. Next up r the 2 boner chaps and 2 regular from this week

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Chapter 80: Miraculous Skill -[Summon]

On the same day that Fei exited the Diablo World, he found out that both Angela and Emma had been invited by Princess Tanasha to her place to hang out again. He felt that this eldest princess of Zenit Empire was quite interesting. She never showed herself in Chambord since her arrival. Even when Fei executed a few cavalries of Zenit and the deputy captain of the Royal Canonization Legion, she didn't appear or say anything. As the commander of the Royal Canonization Legion, she didn't ask Fei to meet up with her or voluntarily come to him. As if she was on a vacation, instead of getting ready to formally crown Fei as the king of Chambord, she didn't mention the canonization at all and instead wanted to get closer to the future queen Angela. She frequently sent her servants to invite Angela to her place to hang out.

Fei didn't bother to stop here. He wasn't afraid that the elder princess might take Angela hostage; it was his vague instinct. At least for now, this princess of Zenit's attitude towards Chambord was safe.

Fei was currently very busy. Extremely busy.

Fei had two short term goals. One was to increase his strength, and the other was to increase Chambord's strength. He could achieve the first goal by going to the Diablo World, and he could use the [Hulk Potion] to achieve his second goal.

The only thing disappointing thing was that Fei's success rate of finding [Hulk Potion] was way too low; it was less than four percent. Also, it was only effective for people who had the required strength. For example, Cech and Brook who were star ranked warriors were able to obtain the strength boost from the potion, but people who were weaker, like the thin and tall mercenary in the Iron Prison – Water Dungeon could benefit from the potion too. However, if an ordinary man like the old handsome Bast took the potion, he would burst into pieces within tens of seconds after taking it. Ordinary people couldn't handle the pain of the body transformation; it would feel like their internal organs and muscles were being torn apart.

What Fei experienced when he just entered the Diablo World was unprecedented. The so called Ancestors' Blood Oath of Covenant, the mysterious space inside Akara's tent and the black altar had never appeared in Fei's memory about the Diablo Game on Earth. From that point on, everything in the Diablo World seemed to deviate from his prior gaming experience. It even made Fei question whether killing monsters and leveling up in the Diablo World was really a game, or if it was something else with the game as a cover...

Fei was thinking about the three miraculous skills – [Learn], [Give] and [Summon] the whole night.

When Fei acquired the three miraculous skills on the black altar in Diablo World, he didn't know how to use them right away. In other words, when Fei was embedded in the mysterious white light beam on the altar, except for cleansing his body and increasing his strength and firmness, Fei didn't have any substantial gains. The cold and mysterious voice only told Fei that he needed to discover the casting method and effects on his own in the future. It would purely depend on his intelligence and luck. He could possibly get them right away, or he might not be able to get them until the end of his life.

"Damn, this irresponsible answer is too crappy." Fei thought.

After a night and nothing gained, Fei started to question the authenticity of the three miraculous skills; the ancestors of rogue encampment might have put them out to motivate their descendants. However, at dawn of the next day, something miraculous happened – Fei accidentally triggered the miraculous skill [Summon]- he actually opened up a portal and summon mercenary Frost Archer Elena from the Diablo World into the real world.

He was ecstatic at that moment. Fei was in a complete shock.

It wasn't only because he triggered [Summon], but it was more because... The sun hadn't risen yet, so the people in the Diablo World hadn't gotten up yet. Therefore, when Elena was summoned to him through the portal, she wasn't wearing much clothing. He had gotten a great view of her body; the round arcs sketched out one out the most beautiful sceneries in the world. With the slightly messy hair and the sleepy expression on her beautiful face, Fei was almost turned to stone and his nose almost started shooting out blood.

Elena on the other side obviously didn't fully wake up yet and was half-asleep. A few seconds later, the archer beauty finally realized the situation she was in. She screamed and covered up her chests with her arms, stared at Fei "angrily" for a second, and rushed back to the Diablo World before the portal in the King's Palace could close. After he got himself together from the brief shock from this "peerless beauty", Fei quickly started to try to remember his actions and words before triggering [Summon] again. After tracing back, he eventually skeptically determined one thing – about a few seconds ago, he subconsciously murmured "If only Elena was here, maybe she could help me figure this out..." Then, the miracle occurred. A blue oval portal appeared after a light buzzing noise, similar to when he used a [Town Portal Scroll]. Then, the almost naked Elena appeared after that.

Fei figured out the key to successfully casting it and excitedly tried several times.

Sure enough, after about twenty seconds, he managed to open the portal and summon Elena from the Diablo World again. Fei was only a bit disappointed because this time Elena was definitely prepared – she was fully dressed and armoured, and travelled through the portal and appeared in front of Fei.

Fei was stoked after this success.

He then tried to summon everyone in the camp including priestess Akara, military leader Kashya and blacksmith Charsi... however, Fei was surprised to find out that he wasn't able to summon anyone except for Elena from [Rogue Encampment] to the real world. The specific reason was unknown.

After a full day of trial and error, he came to the conclusion – due to some unknown reason, the miraculous skill [Summon] was only able to summon Elena, and the process and method of summoning was quite simple – if Fei wanted, he could open up a blue oval portal in mid air and summon Elena from the Diablo World to the real world.

Of course, restrictions applied.

First of all, [Summon] was only available under Barbarian Mode. Next, [Summon] would consume mana. With the mana of a level 16 Barbarian, Fei could only summon Elena three times. After that, he had to drink a [Mana Potion] before summoning her a fourth time.

Like that, an unconscious behaviour by chance had revealed a portion of the thin veil covering the miraculous skill [Summon]. Fei guessed that [Summon] was ranked as a miraculous skill, so it must be able to summon more than just Elena. Logically speaking, people such as Akara and Kashya in the camp could be summoned as well, but for whatever reason, he wasn't able to do so.

Except for [Summon], the other two miraculous skills [Learn] and [Give] he had acquired on the black altar still had no desire to reveal their inner secrets to him. After Fei spent more than ten days trying to figure them out, he still got nothing out of it. There weren't any clues, so he didn't know what to do.

However, Fei didn't panic.

Being able to summon Elena to the real world was already a pleasant surprise for Fei.

Elena was a level 14 Magic Archer and equal to a three star warrior on Azeroth Continent. To Chambord, this was an addition of a strong master that could easily tilt the balance on the scale of victory. In the Military Exercise half a year from now, because of Elena's existence, Feicould almost guarantee another win in the six individual competitions. There was about half a year left after all; in this time, Elena's strength could increase significantly after fighting and leveling up alongside Fei in the Diablo World.

In the next couple days, Fei summoned Elena to Chambord Kingdom. Although there was a time limit of four hours a day, it didn't stop the beauty mercenary from observing and merging into the real world like an extremely thirsty traveler finding a lake and drinking the water in a desert. In Elena's eyes, the quiet and beautiful Chambord was no different from the heaven described in the rogue ancestors' tales. When she stepped into Chambord Kingdom and peaked out the window for the first time, she fell in love with it.

"This is a beautiful paradise...Mr. Fei, if I have to, I'm willing to bleed and die for this land, just like how I fought for [Rogue Encampment]." Elena showered in the sunlight of Chambord's sunset, as she said to Fei with a smile on her face.

Fei nodded.

He felt the same way as Elena; he fell in love and was deeply obsessed with this beautiful and peaceful land.

In the following days, Elena merged into Chambord Kingdom at an astonishing speed.

The only difference was that Elena didn't show herself to anyone in Chambord except for Fei. Even when she saw the pure, crystal-like girl Angela and knew that she was Fei's fiancée; she simply suppressed her own sudden dejection and hid herself... Until about thirty minutes ago, no one knew that a hot magic archer that had the same strength as a three star warrior had appeared in Chambord.

Currently in the King's Palace, Warden Oleg was the first Chambordian that knew of Elena's existence. It could even be said that he was the first Azerothian that knew of her existence.

"Although this f*cker is a flatterer and is afraid of death, his luck seems to be better than everyone else's..." Fei thought about Oleg and felt a bit strange. Fei finally knew why the emperors in the ancient times would use corrupted and eloquent ministers and officers even though they knew their characters...For some reason, Fei felt safer to use "corrupted and eloquent ministers and officers" like Oleg to complete some tasks compared to people like Brook.

Fei sat in the Executive Hall in the King's Palace for a little while and suddenly remembered that Elena mentioned [Rogue Encampment] needing some food suplies. He ordered a guard to gather some winter wheat seeds and put them into his Barbarian's storage belt. After calculating the time and knowing that it would take a while for Oleg and Elena to get back from the underground maze at the back of Chambord, he dismissed the guards and used some mana to open up a portal in the King's Palace, and then he stepped into it...

When Fei's figured disappeared in the blue oval light portal, the entire portal suddenly disappeared; there weren't any magic fluctuations left in the room. It was like a bursting bubble, leaving no traces behind.

In the next second, Fei arrived at [Rogue Encampment] through the portal.

This was the "by-product" of one of three miraculous skills – [Summon] when it was first triggered by Fei. If he wanted to enter the Diablo World from that point on, he didn't have to communicate with the cold and mysterious voice in his head. All he had to do was use some mana and open up a portal to the Diablo World and walk through it. Before, he could only enter the Diablo World with his mind in his sleep and kill monsters to level up, but now he could enter Diablo World with his physical body.

The first thing he did when he entered Diablo World was not meet up with Akara and Kashya, but rather open up his Barbarian's storage belt and glance through it. He was stoked; he found out that the small bag of winter wheat seeds he had put in the storage belt hadn't disappeared.

That meant –

"I can actually bring items from the real world into the Diablo World!"

This discovery excited Fei. It meant that this didn't only apply to the small bag of seeds.

He could bring any important items with him from the real world into the Diablo World.