
Hail the King (Personal)

An ordinary student accidentally traveled into another universe and became the king of a small kingdom. He had gotten a “Cheating Code” of life and was able to complete something extraordinary. This is the story about a king that was able to conquer continents and leave behind him an ultimate legend that will be recited between every generation to come. This is not my work, if this is your work you can ask me to delete it. Thank you.

Tushar_Vashishta · Jeux vidéo
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58 Chs

Ch 251 - Ch 255

Chapter 251: Entering the Capital at Night

The military exercise among the affiliated kingdoms had been put on hold, and the search for the assassins from Spartax Empire got more ferocious.

Since the identity of the assassins was identified, the two empires all went into battle modes. Spartax Empire that had 100,000 soldiers around the border started the first small initiation, and Zenit defended against it. Two empires battled around the first and most important city on the border – Razor City... every day, numerous white letters were sent into the Military Headquarter at Zenit like snow, and the War Machine got cracked up.

However, any information about the situation around the border was locked, and regular people couldn't know what was going on.

One thing the regular people did know was that sh*t was about to go down; they felt a pressure that they hadn't felt for a long time.

On the seventh night when Fei was instructing his four disciples from Hot Spring Gate on assassination skills, Torres came in and said that a mysterious visitor was here to see him.

Fei laughed. He knew who that was as soon as that person stepped into the camp.

"Ms. Paris, I haven't seen you in so long. I thought you forgot about our deal." Fei smiled as he looked at the beautiful girl who was walking into the camp. Fei didn't stand up from his throne but rather hand gestured the guest to grab a sit.

"Giggles... Alexander, you name is now well-known around the capital after the duel. Numerous people want to meet you, and it is hard to squeeze in. I only came after I got courageous; I was afraid that I couldn't be let in."

Paris was always in the same outfit; long white robe and a fresh rose in her hand. The contrast between the while and the red seemed to notify the people around her about her contradicting personalities. She was a cruel strategist that everyone feared, but she was also a passionate and intimate friend. This girl was smooth at switching between different characters and emotions.

Fei was used to this girl's tricks so he wasn't fooled.

At this time, the entrance to the tent opened, and Emma poked her head in. After seeing Paris, her face changed color. Like a furious little bird, she walked into the tent while dragging someone along with her.

The tent was lit up as this person came in.

It was Angela.

The girl looked a bit nervous. She looked at Fei with a little apologetic feel to it as she tried to pull her hand out of Emma's hand.

After seeing this, Fei immediately knew what was happening – Emma had thought about something else when she saw a beautiful figure walking into the central tent. She dragged Angela here to catch Fei "cheating". Even after finding out she was wrong, she still dragged Angela into the tent as a way of telling Fei "You have a wife, don't fool around!"

Fei found it funny how little Emma was looking at him with a stubborn expression.

"Wow, you are so cute!" Paris was really intelligent. She knew what was going on and quickly smiled at the two girls intimately. She took out some precious gifts from nowhere and gave it to the two girls as an apology for what happened on the Peak of East Mountain at Chambord.

At first, little Emma didn't buy it. However, Paris was on another level. She knew that little Emma was a nice girl who looked tough on the surface. Paris started to explain how she was also an orphan when she was young and got bullied all the time, as well as how she was rescued by the second prince Dominguez and got involved in the cruel politics to pay Dominguez back. She also indirectly conveyed the idea that she wasn't here for King Alexander but to help Chambord take out Blood-Edge Mercenary Group...

Fei was stunned on the throne.

He was able to see from the outside how this Paris was able to quickly dissolve the hostility between them. Soon, the three girls were chatting with each other like long-lost sisters...

"No wonder Tanasha told me that you were in a very tough situation before." Angela sighed as she felt very sympathetic towards Paris.

"Huh? Elder Princess said that?" Paris asked as she was a little surprised.

"Yeah..." Angela ordered the servants to bring up wine and fruits, and she started to treat Paris; it was a sign that she was seeing Paris as a friend.

Soon, the topic went back to the reason why Paris was here.

"As you requested, I have arranged everything. Tonight at midnight, you can bring a maximum of ten people with you into St. Petersburg, and you only have two hours to deal with Blood-Edge Mercenary Group. After two hours, you need to leave whether or not you have wiped them..." Paris told all Fei all her arrangements despite the fact that Angela and Emma were still there.

This straightforward attitude made a better impression of her in Angela and Emma's mind.

"Two hours is enough!" Fei knew about the strength of Blood-Edge very well, and he had plans of his own.

It was the evening.

There were only a few people walking in the camp area since most of the people went back to their campsite and waited for the beginning of tonight's curfew. After experiencing the "white terror" for some time now, everyone here got used to it; they knew they would survive if they were obedient and behaved properly.

A team of 50 imperial soldiers quietly entered Chambord's camp under the cover of the darkness.

In less than ten minutes, 50 imperial soldiers quickly left the camp.

They caused no issues. The Imperial Patrol was a force under the Second Prince's control, and the Imperial Patrol was one of the main forces who was investigating the assassination incidents. Even though the King of Chambord's name was so well-known, Chambord still needed to be searched every day. However, that was more like an act; no one dared to cause a mess at Chambord's campsite like they did to other kingdoms.

These 50 soldiers didn't catch anyone's attention.

After leaving Chambord, they didn't search other kingdoms; they cut through the camp area directly and passed through layers of inspections between the camp area and St. Petersburg. After successfully entering the South Gate of St. Petersburg, they disappeared into the darkness like a water droplet in an ocean.


It was a full moon night.

"Your majesty, those red structures up ahead is the headquarter of Blood-Edge. 80% of their strength and wealth are concentrated here. Especially after the assassinations from Spartax Empire, most of the forces in Zenit had concentrated their power; Blood-Edge did the same. Tonight, all of the high-level people in Blood-Edge are here."

The six-floor pub that they were in was one of the locations in St. Petersburg that Dominguez had control of, and it was the tallest building around this area. After walking up the stairs onto the fourth floor, Fei was able to get a good elevated view of the area and Blood-Edge. After listening to the henchmen of Paris explaining the details to him, Fei was able to complete his plans.

"Alright, I got it. Thank you for your help, mister." Fei nodded.

"Your majesty had shocked the empire, and it is my honor to help you tonight." The red-bearded officer from Imperial Patrol said: "According to the plan, you are able to take action after fifteen minutes. Ms. Paris asked me to tell you that Blood-Edge is one of the top mercenary groups around, and they are stacked with wealth. If your majesty is able to wipe them out, Chambord would be able to get 30% of the share!"

"30%" Fei frowned a little.

But he soon understood why.

It was impossible for him not to disturb the numerous patrolling soldiers and high-level warriors who were guarding the area; after all, the Empire was under the strict monitoring and guarding mode. Also, it was rumored that Blood-Edge had the support of a superpower – Fellon Family. Under such circumstance, Paris must have negotiated some kind of terms with all these other superpowers to get him two hours of free time. After looking at it from this perspective, 30% of the total trophies was huge.

"Sounds good." Fei nodded.

The red-bearded officer looked calm after hearing this, but he was a little surprised.

It was the first time he met the famous King of Chambord. He heard that this king was super strong, and he thought this king must be arrogant and unwise since Chambord was so remote. But now, his respect for Fei grew higher as he thought: "There are no scammers under such big fame."

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Chapter 252

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Chapter 252: Have to Wipe Them Out

[Red Beard] – Granello was one of the key henchmen of the Second Prince Dominguez; he controlled more than half of the forces at Imperial Patrol.

Although this tough looking man didn't have the influence and the intelligence Paris had, he was quite a character in St. Petersburg with his five-star fire elemental warrior energy and a smooth social skills. He was technically only under Paris in terms of status on Dominguez's side, and many people in St. Petersburg had to greet him with respect.

People at St. Petersburg had already forgotten when this Red Beard came into the politics.

The only thing that the people could recall was that this tough man was standing behind the Second Prince when Dominguez was summoned back to St. Petersburg by Emperor Yassin; at that time, a lot of ministers were against summoning back the Second Prince who still had the identity of a love-child. Back then, this guard standing behind the Second Prince didn't catch anyone's attention; after all, even the Second Prince at the time were looked down at by a lot of people.

Six years ago, there were eleven main battle legions in Zenit.

However, the commander of the eleventh legion mocked the Second Prince Dominguez who just came back to St. Petersburg for less than one month when they were at a party; they were fighting over a beautiful female slave. What people remembered from that was the red beard; the red-bearded guard cut off the head of this drunk commander to protect his master, and everyone remembered him ever since.

That chop made the a battle legion of 50,000 soldiers disappear.

That chop turned the former eleven battle legions into ten battle legions.

No one knew what Emperor Yassin was thinking at the time, but this guard who killed that commander didn't get punished; instead, he was rewarded by Emperor Yassin three days after for bravely protecting his master and got promoted. After that, he soon gained control of the Imperial Patrol and became the second most fear character under Dominguez.

Of course, the number one most feared character was the female slave that people were fighting over – She was Paris.

After a year, people in the capital started to address her as the [Demonic Woman].

At St. Petersburg, [Demonic Woman] Paris was the only person who was able to match up against [Zenit's God of War] Arshavin and [Goddess of Intelligence] Tanasha.

The family the eleventh legion commander was also getting pressured by their foes in the empire, and Emperor Yassin turned a blind eye to it. Soon, that family only existed in the history. After that incident, people got one thing straight; Emperor Yassin really liked his second son! And it wasn't impossible for the emperor to give the throne to him!

Since then, Dominguez became one of the most influential people in Zenit with the help of [Red Beard] and [Demonic Woman], and he was the only rival for Arshavin in terms of the race for the throne. Under this fact, a lot of noble families at St. Petersburg jumped onto his ship and supported him in the fight for the throne.



Today, [Red Beard] personally helped Fei and his men to get into St. Petersburg under Paris' instruction.

One reason for this was to ensure the plan was executed properly.

Another reason for this was that [Red Beard] Granello was very curious about Fei. He wanted to see for himself; he wanted to see what kind of person this king, who dared to fight anyone, was. A hidden dragon who was about to soar into the sky? Or a lizard who could just spite some fire.

Now, Granello knew.

Of course, Fei didn't know that this normal-looking red-beard guard was the fearful [Red Beard] who controlled Imperial Patrol; Old Zola's intelligence report told him that there was such a character.

After expressing his thanks, Fei didn't hesitate to ask them to leave politely.

Granello didn't get mad; he left with his men in a friendly manner.

After that, only Lampard, Cech, Torres, Oleg, Pierce, Drogba, and three other strongest Saint Seiyas were in the room – of course, there was the singled eyed tough man who had his limbs broken and mouth stuffed.

This man was one of the six top warriors at Blood-Edge; he was captured by Fei a few days ago at the campsite of Byzantine.

Compared to twenty days ago, this man looked a lot thinner, but vicious lights still flashed in his eyes. Fei could tell that this man hated him dearly.

"I said that I will let you witness how I destroy Blood-Edge. The day has finally arrived. I didn't let you wait for too long!" Fei kicked the cloth away from the man's mouth and sneered with a murderous intent in his words.

The man started to struggle and shout loudly.

"There is no use, no one will come to save you..." Fei said subconsciously. After he said that, he felt like it could be misunderstood into something obscene, so he quickly followed up: "This room had already been set up with noise-canceling arrays. Even if you smash all the things in here, your peers won't hear it!"

"King of Chambord, don't get ahead of yourself. There are a ton of powerful warriors at Blood-Edge, and we are backed by one of the superpowers at Zenit – Fellon Family. What can a small level 6 Affiliated Kingdom do to us?" After understanding the situation, desperation crept into the man's eyes. However, the words that came out of his mouth sounded even more ferocious.


Tough Drogba was direct and forceful. He smashed the man's face, and blood spilled everywhere. The man's cracked jawbones got smashed into pieces.

Fei, on the other hand, switched to Barbarian Mode, and powerful physical strength was endowed onto his body.

At the next moment, his face changed color. He sensed that there were a lot of powerful warriors hidden around the headquarter of Blood-Edge. There were four or five groups, and they seemed to be from difference forces; they were all waiting for something.

"These people must be from the forces that Paris made deals with. They wanted to use me to wipe out Blood-Edge and divide the wealth."

Fei thought about it and realized this was a rare opportunity.

"This time, no one needs to hold back. Bring out all your strength, and use the Star Saint Sets I gave you when necessary! I need you to lock all the possible exits of their headquarter and don't let anyone escape! I will let these people pay for what they did to Chambord!"

Fei's clear and murderous words sounded by everyone's ears.



"Leader, we got it. The murder of the northern slave capture team is related to King Alexander of Chambord, and the man who killed Blood-Edge members in the camp area is also him!"

In the bright stone palace lit up by torches, numerous shadows moved as the fires flickered.

One person kneeled on the ground as he passed on the message.

"King Alexander of Chambord... that little king of level 6 affiliated kingdom who defeated the Executive Knights? Huh... if it is really him, then this situation might get a little messy..." A mid-aged man who was wearing a dark blue cape made from the skin of a Demon Beast wondered as he rubbed the handle of the throne he was sitting on; the throne was decorated with two lion statues.

"According to the information we gathered from the Blackstone Kingdom, it could be that we have captured too many slaves who were from Chambord."

"Getting on the wrong side of Blood-Edge because of some slaves? What a dumb reason... Looks like this King of Chambord is very naive. He is an idiot! No wonder he dared to anger half of the Executive Knights... Eh, even if a man like this got a lot of strength, he couldn't do much with it. Looks like I overestimated him..." The man on the throne relaxed.

"You are right, my leader. This King of Chambord is a bumpkin who would be killed sooner or later by others!"

"In my opinion, this king is a poor soul who was used by others. He looks dominating now, but he would be taken care of!"

"Hehe, I will personally conquer that little kingdom with my team and revenge for our brothers!"

"Fellon Family really wanted to recruit that idiot I think we need to send someone to Chambord's campsite and ask him why he killed our men. If he couldn't give a good answer... Hehe, we could kill a few Chambordians. We shall let him know that he couldn't protect everyone with his personal power."

All the members of Blood-Edge laughed along with their leader. They started to shout and mock Fei; the heavy pressure that the young king gave them seemed to have disappeared.

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Chapter 253

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Chapter 253: The Siege of the Masked Devil

The mid-aged leader of Blood-Edge smiled.

Although he knew things weren't that optimistic, he was able to determine that King of Chambord wasn't someone who was able to hold back emotions. That fact along decreased the threat of the king in his mind.

However, he didn't know that Granello, the red-bearded man who was known for evaluating people, made a completely opposite judgment.

The optimism filled the hall.

Then, as everyone at Blood-Edge was extremely confident...


Like a meteor that fell from the sky, a loud booming noise sounded with a heavy earthquake. It felt like it was doomsday.

"What just happened?" The leader of Blood-Edge stood up and walked out of the hall with other members. They all looked at the direction of the noise with a gloomy expression.

Streams of fire appeared in everyone's eyes.

The fire was bright like a firework in the night.

However, none of them were able to appreciate the beauty of the fire. The merciless flame was devouring the properties and structures of Blood-Edge.

"Haha, here comes the punishment! The massacre is about to happen! After tonight, Blood-Edge won't be in existence anymore!"

A loud thunder-like roar resonated in the area, and it almost broke everyone's ear-drums.

"Who are you? How dare you come here? Fu*k off!"

While being crowded by the members, the mid-aged leader was really angry; flames of anger danced in his eyes as a light blue warrior energy erupted from his body. He waved his hands, and the chilling warrior energy dashed out and suppressed the burning fire. His temperament made everyone feel like he was really the boss here.

"You fu*k off!"

A shadow dashed towards the crowd as fast as lightning and landed on a stone statue of a warrior that was more than twenty meters tall.

There was a mystic energy under this person's feet. There was fire below him; he left a fire trail in the air as he traveled. When he stood on top of the white stone statue, the fire started to burn. Soon, the entire statue was lit up as if it was the God of Fire. The man standing on the statue, on the other hand, was wearing a mage robe, and his red cape was fluttering in the wind. Under the robe, there was a mysterious metal armor, and he also had a huge battle wand in his hands; it was more than 180 centimeters long.

He looked like he was merging with the fire and becoming one with it.

What was surprising was that nothing on his body was burning despite the fact that he was standing on the vicious flames. His long black hair also fluttered in the wind, and his hair mixed in with the darkness and made him look like a devil that walked out of the deep hell.

What was more terrifying was that there was a black mask on this man's face. The mask was made with craftsmanship as it looked like it was a living being. It fit so well on the face of this man that it traced out all the details. However, on the forehead of the mask, there was a thick black horn that pointed upward at the sky; its pointy tip reflected a terrifying light.

"Who are you?"

After feeling the huge magic surge and tense murderous spirit coming off of this unknown man, the leader of Blood-Edge appeared unprecedentedly serious. He was clear that this was a terrifying opponent; an opponent that won't leave unless one of them was killed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

What answered him was more than a dozen fireballs that were more than 20 centimeters in diameter.

No chanting! No surge of magic energy! As the man waved his hand, these fireballs appeared out of nowhere and struck towards the members of Blood-Edge who were standing on the stairs.

"You... die!" The leader of Blood-Edge was infuriated.

The blue chilling warrior energy lit up even more as he waved his hands. Streams of chilly energy met with the fireballs in mid-air.

Bam! Bam! ...

The collision noises of fire and ice were as loud as thunder.

The fireballs were from a strange yet terrifying spell. Even the tiniest bit of fire or spark would immediately ignite the buildings and structures it landed on. As if it was all oiled up, the headquarter of Blood-Edge was filled with fire in just a few seconds. The entire hall was turned into a living hell as the mercenaries of Blood-Edge whined and tried to put out the fires.

This was the power of a mage.

During a 1 v 1 battle, mages would be pressed down by warriors of the same rank. However, the crowd control and damage of the mages were far superior compared to warriors.

This was the reason why Fei chose to use Sorceress Mode at first.

The devil with the mask standing on the lit statue was Fei who switched to Sorceress Mode. He used the skill [Blaze] to light up everywhere he stepped on, then he used the skill [Fireball] to turn the main hall of Blood-Edge into a flaming sea.

It was the dark murderous night.

The perfect time for cleansing the evils that had been committed by these sinners using the pure flames.

This was the only way that would put the innocent Chambordians and other weak people who were killed by these mercenaries to rest.

"Put out the fire first... I will take care of him!"

The leader of Blood-Edge immediately made the decision. He ordered the people around him to put out the fire as he dashed towards Fei like a meteor that drew a long blue tail in the air.

Like a terrifying beast that roared as it opened its mouth, he struck down at Fei with all of his might.

"[Kiss of the Frost] ... die!"

The leader of Blood-Edge didn't hesitate and used his strongest technique.

He knew that he had to kill this mysterious mage as soon as he could. Otherwise, the mercenary group would suffer unrecoverable damage! Even an idiot would know that it was asking for death if anyone allowed a six-star mage to cast spells freely on the battlefield!



"Eh? Who... is that? Why is there a terrifying fire mage under King of Chambord's command that I didn't know about?"

On the peak of a tall tower at the headquarter of Blood-Edge, a young figure who was observing the fight suddenly frowned. There was a ton of surprises in his sharp and calculative eyes.

"King of Chambord, just how many more secrets do you have? No, I have to convince the elders of the family to recruit this person! It is worth it doesn't matter how much we need to pay!!"


"Eh, finally. Killing and Burning, King of Chambord has a good plan... Sent someone to investigate the origin of this mage."

On a huge tall tower north of Blood-Edge's headquarter, a young man murmured as he was surrounded by more than a dozen guards.


[Zenit's God of War] was also carefully observing this battle from afar.

Arshavin was able to secretly exert his energy into the headquarter of Blood-Edge and screen the area. He didn't sense the existence of the King of Chambord, so he could only focus on the mage who was wearing the devil-like mask. Numerous guesses appeared in his head, but he was only able to conclude that this mage's temperament was really different from the King of Chambord. On Azeroth, every powerful warrior and mage had his or her distinct sensation; this sensation was really hard to change. Therefore, Arshavin was sure that the mage with the mask and the red cape wasn't King of Chambord.

"If he isn't the King of Chambord, then – he must be a master mage under King of Chambord."

"Tanasha is very clear about the talent under the King of Chambord. Why hasn't she told me anything about this terrifying mage?"

[Zenit's God of War] was really perplexed.

The strange feeling in his head was getting stronger and stronger.


"Huh? This sensation... Since when did a mage like this appear in Zenit? This sensation is really unfamiliar."

"What? Old guy, you don't know who this is? You sure that he isn't your mysterious disciple?"


"What kind of a magic surge is that? Why did I sense a strange, ancient, and mystic feel from it? As if ..."

"As if it is from the Mythical Ruins."

"Could he be an assassin from Spartax?"

"No way, we are really familiar with the old guys from Spartax. To my knowledge, there had never been a mage like this in Spartax."

"Could he be a new talent that is from other remote kingdoms? Time is the greatest force in the world... Since King of Chambord came into the public eyes, I feel like us, the old guys, are rusting..."

"Whatever, the two princes and other superpowers had come to an agreement... Tonight is the night of blood... we don't need to show up."

Magic surges and energies containing consciousness shot out of the eight tallest magic towers located in St. Petersburg; these were so subtle that ordinary people couldn't detect them at all. On top of the holy city, the most prestige mages of Zenit quickly communicated and then quieted down.

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Chapter 254

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Chapter 254: Do You Want To Duel?

"Ah... life is like a show, everyone wants to perform at their best. When the act ends, only the top performer would be rewarded!"

Wine, golden cup, golden fan, golden robe ... A figure was hidden in the dark clouds. It was the number one Traveling Poets of Zenit – Matt Razi. As if he was showing off his poetry skills, he said those words out loud as he drank the delicious wine.

There was a thin figure that was standing in mid-air next to Matt Razi. The man was wearing a brown robe, and he was staring at the battle below him in silence.

"This little guy. Hahahaha, interesting. Is this guy with the mask the King of Chambord? Eh, the sensation is really different, and the battle style is different too. Instantly casting spells... not really, but similar... Interesting, I haven't encountered something strange like this in so long... Old guy, can you say something? Even if you don't want to listen to me, you can at least let me know." Matt Razi said that intentionally.

The thin figure turned around and looked at him.

"When would that person in the palace get cured?" Matt Razi took a sip and continued trying to find a good topic.

"Not sure."

"Really? You don't know as well?"


"Yo, we go way back. Can you not respond in a way that makes us feels like strangers?"




"Hehehe, looks like he has some more secrets. He has a mage like this under his wings? Or is he the mage? What a terrifying mage... He is able to cast out fireballs that is equal to the attack of a fix-star warrior. With this, he is probably a six-star mage already."

On the sixth floor, Paris stood in front of a window and murmured with a faint smile on her face.

Behind her, there was a table. There were wines on the table, and there was a man sitting beside it.

This man was wearing a very normal outfit, but he looked magnificent. The long black hair that was tied together with a red band was fluttered in the wind. His skin was smooth and white, his nose was really well-shaped, his eyes were brilliant, and his eyebrows were sharp and valiant... with all the adjective for beauty in the world, they would only describe 0.01% of his handsomeness. He reached out and lightly grabbed onto a wine cup.

The wine cup contained the top-tier wine; the aroma of the wine made the room a little bit dreamy.

However, that wine wasn't for a human.

It was for a dog.

A little dog that lost both of its hind legs rested in the arms of this handsome man. It licked the wine from the cup as it looked up at its owner infrequently while crying out of excitement. This dog wasn't a rare species; if it was on the street, people would pick stray dogs over it because the stray dogs would look cuter.

"Hey, slow down, no rush!" The handsome young man petted the dog as he smiled; it felt like he was talking to an old friend.

Behind the young man, Granello stood there in metal armor. His body was straight as a spear, and he was glancing around with his guards up; his hand didn't leave the hilt of his sword.

Except for Granello, there was another person who was standing straight like a spear.

However, that man was standing beside Paris.

His golden armor didn't look too fancy on him as a light pressure came off of him infrequently. It was Sutton-Chris, the tenth Executive Knight of Imperial Knight Palace. He was staring at Paris as if she was the only person in the room – care... love... the emotions that a man would have towards the woman he loved were all in Sutton's eyes.

"Hey, Chris. Can't you look at Paris a little differently? It is just too nauseating. Oka and I are about to throw up." The handsome man who was playing with the disabled dog suddenly laughed.

He was really casual.

The dog that lost two of its legs was called Oka.

The man's name was also Oka.

Oka Dominguez.

The Second Prince of Zenit who was really influential in the empire right after Emperor Yassin.

"Oh... Ok!" Sutton turned around and blocked Dominguez' view using his cape. This way, the prince and the dog couldn't see his expressions anymore.

This scene made Dominguez speechless; he tapped his forehead in defeat.

"Oka, aren't you going to come here and see how our friend is fighting? It is really interesting!" Paris who was standing by the window waved at Dominguez. Her attitude was so chill that it felt like she was talking to a friend rather than a prince of the empire.

"All of that battle is just boring. You can enjoy it yourself. I'm tired, and I'm just going to take a nap! Let me know when it is all over!" After saying that, Dominguez rested his arms and head on the table; he didn't care for his image at all. "Really, I'm a prince, and I should be sleeping with all kinds of beauties in my palace. Now I'm dragged here to watch a battle... Boring..." He murmured.

However, since he was so handsome, his casual sleeping position was very attractive as well.

In his arms, little dog Oka was drunk off of the wine. It closed its big eyes, and it looked like an alcoholic.

In the loud battle noises, the prince and his dog actually fell asleep.



"You... coward! Garbage! If you have the honor of a mage, stop and duel with me!"

The leader of Blood-Edge was so mad that he was going to puke up blood.

He was chasing after this mage with the mysterious mask, but the mage completely changed his view of mage as a profession.

His opponent was sly as a fox. The mage wasn't planning to fight with him; rather, the mage ran around in the buildings that were on fire. He was super-fast, and he was able to cast fireballs to kill the mages of Blood-Edge who were trying to cast water spells to put out the fire or ignite more buildings on fire. What was more shocking was that whatever he stepped on, the fire would start to grow from it. Soon, the entire headquarter was filled with flames.

It was no use!

These magic flames were hard to put out.

Gradually, the mercenaries of Blood-Edge started to back off as the flames grew bigger as wind added oxygen to them.

"Everyone, form groups and protect the most important buildings! All water-elemental mages, put out the fire!" The roar of the leader of Blood-Edge resonated in the sky. "Hold still for a few more minutes, the imperial soldiers will be here soon!"

"You, stop! You have stained the honor for all mages! You coward!" The leader shouted as he continued to chase after Fei who was making the chaos worse.

Letting a six-star mage to cast spells freely in the headquarter was like suicide.

There were only a few six-star mages in St. Petersburg, and they were all famous and prestige. Blood-Edge tried hard to get on their good sides by giving gifts to them. Although they didn't manage to build a strong relationship, there wasn't any hostility between them. Also, those mages valued their image and won't do what this mage was doing. This mage in front of him was more like a thief.

"Who is this devil that can instantly cast spells?"

"Could it be..."

The worse possible person popped into the leader's head, and his expression turned cold.

At this moment –

"You want to duel with me?"

The mage that was running around suddenly stopped on a warrior statue, and the fire under his feet instantly ignited the stone; the fire was so terrifying that it looked like it could burn anything in this world into ashes. This mage laughed: "Hahaha, ok. I will give you this one opportunity. If you can take this strike, I will leave here right away!" When he said that, the mysterious mask on his face rippled.

A magnificent magic elemental surge waved outward from this mage.

As if all the flames in the area heard the call, they all burned towards this mage viciously.

With a serious expression, the leader of Blood-Edge concentrated his power as he waited for his opponent's strike. He knew that the "strike" of this terrifying mage would be on another level, and his muscles all tensed up around his bones; he was so concentrated that his warrior energy, spiritual power, and physical strength were in a perfect harmony. He was ready to take on the strike.

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Chapter 255

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Chapter 255: You Can Only Die Like a Bug

"No one was able to take this strike!" With one hand holding onto the magic wand, Fei drew various magic symbols in the air with the other hand.

Blood-Edge leader's expression turned even more serious.

He sensed a terrifying fire magic element surge from the flames around here. Some kind of force was being summoned.

"If you can take on this strike, I won't come to this part of the city anymore!" Fei said in a cold confident voice as a light red sphere appeared around his body.

The leader was feeling even more pressure; he had to concentrate his energy and spiritual power more.

This mage with the mysterious mask was giving him enough pressure already. This mage had a thick magic shield around him when he was casting spells, and it was hard for the leader of Blood-Edge to sneak attack. The leader was put in a very reactive situation, and all he could hope for was to endure this strike so this reaper would leave.

"Get ready!" Fei shouted.

The leader of Blood-Edge got even more focused as the blue robe that he was wearing gave off a blue light; it was made from the skin of a demon beast, and it was able to increase one's defensive ability. All he could do now was to wait for his opponent's deadly attack.

At this moment –

An invisible ripple suddenly appeared behind the leader of Blood-Edge.

A strangely shaped knife appeared out of nowhere and pierced through the leader's protective warrior energy shield quietly; no one saw it coming. The blue robe the leader was wearing was also pierced through, and the knife stabbed into the leader's body.

"Shit! Die!"

The leader's attention was completely focused on Fei, and he didn't expect someone would get this close to him at a time like this. He also didn't expect there would be such a weapon that easily broke through his warrior energy and armor-like blue fox battle robe.

When he realized that something was wrong, it was too late to react.

A strangely shaped black knife actually pierced through his heart like the touch of the Grim Reaper; this knife was so sharp that it looked like it would tear through anything.

The knife was in the hand of a small figure.

"No..." The leader of Blood-Edge cried in desperation. With his last breath, he used all the warrior energy he had and struck at the sneak attacker. This movement worsened the wound on his body, and blood spurted out of the bloody hole. The strangely shaped knife was designed to deal the maximum amount of damage, and it left a devastating wound on his body.

"Cough... cough... you.... You cheater.... You..." The leader of Blood-Edge staggered around; it felt like he couldn't stand up anymore.

"Cheat? Hahahaha, really? This counts?" Fei who was standing on the stone statue dashed forward and stopped ten meters away from the leader. Then, Fei slowly walked towards the leader of Blood-Edge while leaving behind a trail of fire and said: "Why do I feel like I'm not despicable enough? With a garbage like you, I want to use the hundred cruelest penalties on you. I want to kill you more than a hundred times. However, you only have one sleazy life... Do you want to die before me like a warrior? Yuck! You are not worth it!!"

"Cough... you... Who... Who are you?" The leader of Blood-Edge murmured as unwillingness filled his mind.

His vision was already darkening. If his opponent didn't stand in front of the fire, he won't be able to spot his opponent's figure. There were multiple shadows in his eyes for the same object, and the world was becoming more chaotic in his eyes... before he died, he wanted to know who killed him.

"I'm..." Fei walked up to him and murmured into his ears like an old friend.

"You... are ... Ch..." The leader of Blood-Edge opened his eyes wide as his eyes were filled with shock.

"Since you now know who I am, you can die peacefully now!"

Fei walked to the other side of the leader, pulled out the knife that was still in his body as blood gushed out, and grabbed onto the leader's head with his other hand. Whoosh! The black knife moved, and the deadly mercenary that terrified the region for many years got decapitated.

"Bloody knife for the revenge. No one can leave here alive! Ahahaha!" With the devil-like mask on, Fei laughed under the nightly sky. With one evil knife in one of his hand and the head of the leader of Blood-Edge in the other, he looked like a devil from hell standing in front of the fire.

This terrifying scene mixed with the thick murderous spirit coming off of Fei, more than a thousand mercenaries of Blood-Edge mentally collapsed.

"Ahahah, he killed the leader..."

"Leader has died, the leader has died!!!!"

"It's over, Blood-Edge Mercenary Group is done for. Devil, he must be a devil from hell!"

"Let's escape, we can escape!"

A series of screams and whines sounded from the sea of fire. The mercenaries of Blood-Edge lose their courage and willingness to fight. With such momentum, they couldn't stop the collapse of Blood-Edge. Until now, the Imperial Patrol and imperial soldiers still hadn't shown up, nor did the reinforcement came from Fellon Family. This was enough to show that Blood-Edge had offended someone they shouldn't have. A terrifying power was trying to destroy this mercenary group, and even Fellon Family couldn't stop it.

Blood-Edge Group was ditched!

Mercenaries started to scramble as the fire burned. Some of them still tried to grab their savings and treasures before escaping, and some of them already targeted the treasures of Blood-Edge that the group accumulated over the years. Although it was a critical moment, a lot of the mercenaries were high risk-takers, and they were willing to gamble to have the chance to win big...

Under the leader of Blood-Edge, there were six leading fighters.

One of them was captured by Fei already several days before. The bald man, who was left in the pub by Fei, witnessed everything. His face was completely pale as he watched the leader who was invincible in his mind get killed by Fei and the fire devouring up the headquarter of Blood-Edge. Now, he was scared; really scared. However, he didn't have the chance of redo. A Saint Seiya who was guarding him chopped his head off using an axe and threw his body into the fire...

The rest of the five leading fighters all had their own plans. Some of them gathered their henchmen and tried to escape with their treasures, and some of them bit their teeth as they charged towards the warehouse where a lot of the treasures of the Blood-Edge was kept...

Some of them chose to revenge for their leader.

"You killed the leader, and I will take revenge for him!!!"

A figure dashed out of the fire. His clothes and armors were all lit up by the fire, and his skin and muscle were obviously burned. This man had been hiding in the fire for a while and wanted to kill Fei with the surprise attack... this man was respectable.

However, his loyalty was used on the wrong person.

With a cold expression, Fie dashed away using the skill – Telekinesis and then cast a series of fireballs. After that, his body disappeared. As this sneak attacker barely dodged the fireballs, the strangely shaped knife dashed through his throat...


The corpse fell to the ground.


Fei threw the knife forward, and a thin figure appeared out of nowhere to catch it.

"Your performance isn't that good. After striking the target, you should have dashed away immediately. When you pierced his body, why did you pause for a second? He was able to seize the opportunity to injure you... Eh, it was fortunate that he was distracted by me and got injured already.... Otherwise, you would have been killed..." Fei said slowly.

"Master, I got it." This thin figure was Fei's first disciple – Philip Inzagi.

Inzagi's strength wasn't high, but his natural stealth technique was just too powerful. He was able to travel through space quietly and invisibly; Fei wasn't even able to discover him without trying intentionally. After getting trained by Fei, Inzagi had a better control of this technique. In order for Inzagi to become a real assassin, Fei wanted him to get real battle experiences. That was why Fei distracted the leader of Blood-Edge and got Inzagi to deal the lethal attack. Of course, the knife Inzagi was using deserved some credits; it was made from [Demon's Remain] and [Black Stone Essence], and it was as sharp as god-tier weapons. That was why Inzagi was able to pierce through the leader of Blood-Edge's warrior energy, robe, and body.

"Assassins, are opportunistic. You have to remember that. When you become the master of seizing opportunities, you would be a god-tier assassin."

"Yes, master!"