
Haikyuu: The Undying Will

Just another Haikyuu fan-fiction. Drop by a little if you can.

Azezzz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Nekoma High - Volleyball Club (2)

"I guess, our class is here?" I said as I pointed at the little sign on the door and wrote 3-2.

"Let's head inside." Akane said as she reached for the door and slide it open. Immediately, a large figure was sent flying towards us.

I react quickly, raising my right leg up and pushed him away with all my might. The boy was sent flying once again before colliding with the wall in front of the classroom.

"Shit… that fucking hurts… sorry about that- Oh Aki and Tetsurou!" The boy, Sasaki Ito, muttered to himself before noticing me.

"Ito?" Kuroo said.

"What the hell is going on here? you almost hit Akane," I asked.

"Yeah, sorry about that, but, it's not my fault. I don't know what's wrong with this fucker." He said as he gazed at the culprit who seem to be the one who assualted him. It was Shinji Ryu, a well-known delinquent of the school. "I just greeted him and he just started to pick a fight with me."

"I told you to fuck off three times already, you shithead," Shinji said as he glared at Ito.

"Hah? You were muttering something under your breath. At least speak louder next time, you little bitch." Ito retorted as he stood back up.

"The fuck did you just called me?" Shinji shouted as he burst forward raising his hands up for a punch.

Before his hands reached Ito's face, I caught it, neutralizing it completely. He tried again, with a roundhouse kick this time. But, in a quick motion, I lightly pushed his supporting leg to the side, causing him to lose balance and fall down. "The teacher is going to be here, you both better sort out your problems by then." I sighed. "Akane, Kuro, let's not get involved further, we may lose training time if we do."

"Right. Ito, just apologize to him and get over with it," Kuro advised before waking to his assigned seat, which was then followed by Akane and I.

"I can't believe there's already a fight on the first day," Akane heaved a tired sigh before turning her attention to me with a smile. "Thanks for earlier, Aki. That would've been bad." She reached up and ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, you better be grateful " I chuckled before splitting up with the two and sitting down on my assigned seat, right next to the window.

"Way to go, prince-charming…" a familiar voice that made my skin crawled suddenly resounded next to me. "I'm glad you were able to handle that calmly."

I nervously turned my head to figure out who would be my neighbor for the rest of my final year in school. "Ishizaki… Miyu…" I unconciously uttered, my eyes twitching in annoyance.

"It seems, fate brought us together once again." She said with a gentle smile, resting her chin on her hand, but I knew underneath that smile was hiding an evil spirit of a devil.


"What's wrong, Izaya-kun?

I gazed at her for moment before helplessly sigh in defeat. "I seems so…"

"I have to say though, our class is quite… unique…" Ishizaki suddenly mentioned.

I scanned the clssroom and realized that there was quite a lot of interesting kids. The star players of the basketball, football team, and even track team if we include Akane. The popular group of gyarus. The notorious delinquent. The overly passionate otakus. The duo, a guy and girl, that was both known to be second to none in terms of looks. Hell, even the girl sitting next to me is known to be a extremely rare genius of academic that is said to only appear once every century. She had been 1st in the national mock exam for 3 consecutive years in our year level. "Very unique, indeed."

"By the way, before summer I'm planning to organize a overnight camping event at school for us third years, since its our final school year and all, so I was wonde-"

"Do not speak another word, woman." I refused before she can finish her sentence.

"How mean," she said, faking a dejected tone.

"Alright, settle down you brats, orientation is about to begin!" Our new assigned homeroom teacher walked in and told the class to be quiet.

'The smell of booze…' I internally noted.

"I'm Yashiro Yuichi, I'll make this short and sweet for y'all since you should be too old for this by now," Yashiro-sensei began to tell us about the layout and what our third year of high school is going to be like and what it is going to be consist of.

For the rest of the day it was essentially the same thing but for different subject, so we didn't really do much work.

Then, finally, after the agonizing amount of waiting time, counting every second that passes by, it was time for some club activities. Training.


"Are we having a practice match of some sort this week?" I asked Kuro while we were walking to the club.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because you're the captain?" I sent in a confused look.

"Oh, right. Well, Fukurodani Academy is asking for another one." Kuro answered.

"Bokuto again? Do you know how many times we faced off against them last year?"

"Don't blame me, Nekomata-sensei is the one accepting the invitations."

"Ugh, well that should be some good training I guess. When is it?"


"Hmm, alright."

Oh! Good afternoon, Aki-senpai, captain!" As we enter the gymnasium, the second and first years greeted us .

"It seems everyone is here already." Kuro said as he gazed around. "And Aki, put that ball down, we have to greet the first-years first."

"Tch," I clicked my tongue as I threw the ball back into the storage cart.

"My name is Kuroo Tetsurou, I'm the captain of Nekoma," Kuro turned to the group. "This guy is Izaya Aki, vice captain, in a sense. You've probably have heard of him last year, he was quite well-known from our school," Kuro said as he leaned on my shoulder.

"Cut it out," I sighed. "Anyways, you guys introduce yourselves as well."

The second years began introducing themselves.

"Yamamoto Taketora. I'm this team's ace."

"Kozume Kenma…"

"Fukunaga Shohei. Wing spiker."

"Oh! The first years are here, so eager." It was then, the door to gymnasium open and entered two more players. They were the remaining third years of the team.

"Yaku Morisuke. Libero. Nice to meet you guys."

"Kai Nobuyuki. Opposite. Let's get along."

"Inouka So! Please take care of me!" Inouka enthusiastically introduced himself.

'How wholesome,' Kuroo and I both revealed a peaceful smile.

"Shibayama Yuki! I'll do my best!"

"Teshiro Tamahiko! I will try and not let you down!"

"Alright, now that's it for the introduction." Kuro said, clasping his hands together. "Before starting the activities, there is several news I want to inform you all about."

"Are we finally getting better equipment?" Yamamoto asked excited.

"I bet it's another practice match with Fukurodani…" Kenma muttered.

"It is, Kenma." Kuro answered. I watched as Kenma's face grew sour at the thought of playing with Fukurodani for the nth time.

"Speaking of the equipment, it seems the school is finally willing to invest more into the volleyball club after our performance last year in national. So, there's a high chance we'll get our hands on so better equipments in the future." Kuro said. "And also, we'll be getting a new coach."

"Hah?" I unconciously uttered. "Did something happen to Nekomata-sensei? Well, he is pretty old so I wouldn't be surprise if h- Shit!"

"Don't even finish that sentence." Kuro smacked me in the head. "Anyways, we'll have to wait a bit longer to see what that's about. Nekomata-sensei is currently working with him right now."

"Alright time for some training." I shouted as I head for the volleyball.

"Addicted as usual," Yaku sighed.

"Remember to warm-up thoroughly!" Kuro reminded.


After the light warm-up, we once again rounded everyone up.

"Okay, now w-"

"Shut the fuck up, you're being way too slow," I pushed him out of the way and take control of the crowd. "We'll be doing some practice match now. 4 on 4. Kenma will be your setter. It's time for you to show us what you've got first-years."

"I'm your captain, damn it! Couldn't you be a litte bit more gentle and, possibly, respectful. Shit that hurts," Kuro shouted in annoyance. But, I ignored his words. "Yeah, and also, what he said."


"Aki, you're going to be setting," Kuro reminded me as we stepped on to the court.

"Got it." I nodded. "First-years, we'll give you the honor to serve first." I threw the ball over on their side.

"So, remind me why we are bullying some first years?" Kai suddenly asked.

"Cause we said so," to which both Kuro and I said in union.

"Oh yeah!!" Yamamoto shouted with fire in his eyes.

"And you better restrain yourself a bit, Yamamoto," Kuro reminded.

"Alright, serve!" Teshiro shouted as he tossed the ball up and hit a overhead serve.

"Got it." Kai shuffled his feet quickly and got behind the ball and bumped it lightly. A good receive.

I swiftly got under the ball and raised my hands up. The ball sunk elegantly into my fingers before returning back into the air as I set it towards Yamamoto. A perfect height and distance from the net.

Yamamoto burst forward with three step approach before kicking off the ground and soaring up into he air. He twisted his torso and pulled his elbow back in a quick motion. Then, he twisted his body again and slammed his hand into the ball with all his might.

It was at that moment, a wall, so thin yet so tall, appeared before the path of the ball, not allowing it to enter the world beyond. Inouka was there, with his hand extending forward.

"Geh!" Yamamoto blurted out.

"Nice block!" Teshiro and Shibayama shouted.

"He's quick," I heard Kuro uttered with a smile. "But…"

When it seem as though the situation was inevitable, a hand suddenly reached out at a speed incomparable to any player on the court.

"Even a talentless soldier who honed his instinct beyond the limit of human should never be considered as only a mere soldier. He is nothing but a monster himself."

My instinct roared violently, forcing my body to move. I hit the ball up high for the chance of someone taking control of the set. Then, I disappeared from my spot at high speed.

"How?!" Inouka shouted in surprise.

Kuro immediately understood my intension and got under the ball before tossing it at high speed towards my direction. A first tempo.

"I have to st- How is he up there already!" Inouka gazed at my figure in the air with widened eyes.

"Hah…" Kenma heaved a sigh. "How tiring."

I swung my arm and slammed my hand into the ball hovering before me. The ball disappeared and reappeared in the far corner. Shibayama tried to dive to save it, but it was ultimately too late. The ball embedded itself onto the ground and bounced away, losing its speed slowly.

"Hey now, you shouldn't be hasty to celebrate first-years." Kuro revealed a smile that did not quite reached his ears.

Shiratorizawa was strong. Ushiwaka was a monster beyond belief. We lost the national with the score of 2-0. But, there was more to it. In reality, the score of both of the set ended with over 30 points for the two team.

"After all, we were the ones who brought even Ushijima Wakatoshi to his knees once in the midst of our battles."