
Haikyuu: The Monarch

Asato Shou walking home with his friend and was hit by a truck and died, he woke up and found himself meeting a man who called himself God and that he will give him an opportunity... Just another wish making and reincarnating into haikyuu fanfic

Azezzz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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32 Chs

Author - The Final Note

I supposed I should address this now since I haven't upload a single chapter for the last 4 months or so. I'll get straight to the point. I've lost the motivation to continue this story.

It was fun for while, seeing Shou just destroying everyone, and Kazuto being the only one that could go against him was quite exciting.

Maybe it was because I made them overpowered that the story just became too repetitive, and this started to bored me. So, I decided to, in a way, kind of drop this story.

Though, I don't really want to put the status of 'dropped' onto it as I may come back in the future and write some more just for shits and gigs.

I made another fanfic on one of the days in which I was bored and said, "fuck it." It's called Haikyuu: The Undying Will. The characters would be much more balance, and there would be more slice-of-life aspect in it. If you have time, you can check it out. But still, don't expect too much for a good upload schedule, and just read it for fun.

By the way, I did write a scene of Oikawa vs Ushijima in the qualifier a few months back. Anyone want me to upload it? It's kind of cheesy and quite cringe, but, that was the way the story has been so who cares.

Anyways, that is all. Stay safe everyone. Thank you for your support. And, I guess, goodbye for now, Shou and Kazuto.

Goodnight ❤️