

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantaisie
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39 Chs


Akimitsu spend the next three or four days in the study going through all the books which could interest him.

Most of the books weren't even related to Hagetaka which he was most curious about but there were others which described how to become a devil,how to gain the powers of a devil,how could you control your powers and interestingly there were also some high level books which described techniques of different types but they seemed a lot complex.

He wondered if the oldman could perform any of these techniques.

As a matter of fact,he hadn't seen the old man for the past four days not even in his own study where Akimitsu had been reading books for the past four days.

He wondered what did he actually use to do while running this dojo.

The fact that he had known about all of this demon stuff,had already started giving training to everyone on how to fight against it and even knew where they were and had to be rescued back than in the alley made him wonder since how long had he known about all of this stuff.

It was all a mystery to him.

"Did Akiba also know about all of this stuff?"

He than completely rebuked the thought but kept it in his mind to ask him later.

He than closed the book in his lap and lifted himself up to place it in the shelf from which he had taken it.

Not surprised,his leg had healed itself in the past four days and he could walk fine enough.

He placed the book back in its shelf.

The shelves were like 100 years old or something so he always thought they were gonna fall but they managed to keep themselves up somehow.

"It's got a nice smell doesn't it?" He looked back to see and it was the old man.

"Yeah well it seems old but sometimes its got quite a good smell" he replied.

He could still smell it.

"Well it's magic for you,my son"

He than started walking away from him and waved him to follow him which them towards door.

Akimitsu looker around and realized the door hadn't been there before.

"This wasn't here before was it?" he asked.

He was sure it was one of old man's tricks again.

Before he could ask anything,old man opened the door only to reveal a large flat ground infront of them.

He turned towards Akimitsu and took a step back.

"This is where we will practice,Akimitsu".

Akimitsu was amazed.

"Well this seems quite the-"Akimitsu felt a piercing pain in his stomach and fell as far as he could hoping to hit a wall or something but he just kept on sliding across the ground.

Finally he came to a halt and was laying on the ground not moving.

His stomach pierced with pain;it had been punched deep inside and now he was vomiting blood.

His vision was also blurred.

"Is that all? If that's all you've got your dead in the next strike" oldman's voice came from directly above his head.

"Fu-ck you!!" he said loud and clear enough this time for him to hear.

A strike directly aimed for his head came towards Akimitsu and with all the pain in his head he managed pushed his head with his quick reflexes.

"Oh?You've still got a little bit-" he was about to get kicked on his face but he dodged.

"So you really wanna fight huh?If that's what you want I'll give you that" Akimitsu looked up at the oldman.

He noticed Akimitsu's left side of the face had started to get white and his his left eye also had changed colour;It had cracks in it of purple while the other eye was normal

Akimitsu made the first move and ran towards him but his speed had increased and the wound in his stomach had already healed himself.

Akimitsu appeared straight infront of oldman and threw a cross at him which would have surely crushed anyone's skull but old man easily stopped it with his bare hand.

Suddenly,he felt pain in left side of his stomach and realized Akimitsu had kicked him there.

"Your speed has increased,your reflexes have gotten better and your wounds have healed but are you in control of yourself right now,Akimitsu?"

"What?"Akimitsu shot back but instead felt his throat held by oldman.

"I asked is it you right now,Akimitsu?"Akimitsu felt himself choked and pushed into the ground.

"Of-course its-me,old man" he could barely say anything while he was being choked.

His grip than loosened on his throat however he kept him in his place.

The old man than took out his phone from his pocket which had begin to ring.

He listened for a while than put it down.

He than looked towards Akimitsu and let him loose.

He threw him a bottle of water which Akimitsu drank thirstily.

Old man was looking upwards after which he spoke.

"It has begun"

Akimitsu didn't get what he was saying.

"What has begun?"he asked confused.

Old man than looked towards Akimitsu and helped him to stand up.

"Your training is complete,Akimitsu" he said with a satisfied tone.

"What?But we haven't even done anything?How can you say it's already over?"Akimitsu interjected.

"Your emotions are the trigger to this power so keep them in check,don't get way too emotional and use the power like you used it against me right now.Understand?"

Akimitsu was silent for a moment but than nodded.

"I wish I could've given you more training sessions but right now we have a situation"

"What has happened?Akimitsu asked walking towards the door through which they came earlier.

Old man opened the door and replied not facing him.

"We're under attack"