
Give me a break

Outside principal office:

Akimitsu and Ahihito were standing outside principal office.

"He won't let us go easily this time right?"Akimitsu looked towards Ahihito.

"This is my second and your third time.I doubt he would go easy on you".

Ahihito then turned towards Akimitsu.

"Plus,I am good at studies unlike you so there won't be much problem for me",he spoke with proudness in his voice.

According to coach,they had skipped three classes.

"Dammit Sora",he cursed his brother silently.

He was still shaken from what had happened earlier.He was still confused about all of it.

Plus,he had been dragged into this mess.

By instinct,he punched the bench near him.

"Hey,do u wanna break your arm or what!!.It hasn't been even one day since it got hurt!"Ahihito complained looking at his bandaged arm.

"Sorry-",he turned to apologized but then he realized something.

"It doesn't hurt?Why am I not feeling any pain?"

Multiple thoughts were rushing through his head.

He then started to take his bindings off.

"Hey,what are you-"Ahihito shouted at him surprised but then both of them saw it.

"Holy crap".

That was the only word which came out of their mouth.

Both of them couldn't believe it.The gunshot wound had healed.There was no sign of anything anymore.

"Impossible impossible!!"Akimitsu looked at Ahihito for an explanation but he had a normal expresssion on his face.

"Actually,I'm not that surprised",he gave Akimitsu a normal look."If you ask me,I think its normal",Ahihito said while setting his glasses.

"My hand just fuckin healed itself and you say its normal?Tell me what is normal about this?"he shouted in the hallway for everyone to hear.

Akimitsu was scared to death at that moment.It wasn't something ordinary which had was freaking him a lot

Before he could think of something else,he was pushed to the wall.

"Listen to me Akimitsu",Ahihito had pushed him against the wall.

"I think I have an idea of whats going on.I promise I'll explain everything I know but for now act normal".

"Don't loose your cool,all right?",Ahihito then let him loose.

He couldn't loose his cool right now.

Everybody in the hallway was already staring at them right now.

"Yeah,right",he then took his seat.

As if this wasn't enough,another problem came into his mind.

"What about that hole in the gym.What are we gonna say about that?",Akimitsu asked.

''Well I don't know",he looked up for a moment and then spoke again.

"Lets say we heard a sound and when we went inside,it was just like that.Sounds good?",Ahihito asked.

"Before going there we were talking behind the school building,alright?".

''Yeah it's perfect'',Akimitsu replied still not convinced.

''Btw what are you gonna say to Fumiko?",Ahihito looked at Akimitsu.

''She doesn't need to ask me everything''.

"She looked worried,though"Ahihito looked at Akimits for some response.

''Akimitsu Nohara and Ahihito Ken,the principal's calling you in his office".

Principal's secretary's voice came through the speakers.

"Ready for it,Akimitsu?

"Not quite ready",he gulped and then started walking towards principal's office.

''So you two score bad in class,get in fights and have now started breaking school property?''

The principal asked in a calm voice though it was evident he was trying to contain his anger.

''Please exclude the the fact that I don't study.I'm one of the top students in this school''.

Principal gave Ahihito an angry look which forced him to shut up.

''Well the rest of your group is same".

Principal's eyes then widened and he looked angry.

Akimistu had an idea what he was gonna ask about.

"Now tell me,how on earth did you make the hole in gym?".

Both him and Ahihito looked at each other.

"For gods sake,It was made of pure concrete''.

Ahihito then opened his mouth to say something but principal again interrupted him.

''How did you two do it and don't give me the the crap you gave to the coach''.

They again looked looked at each other but did not know what to say.

He then looked towards Ahihito.

''Ahihito,you have a little sister".

"For her sake,change''.

At that point,Ahihito went quiet.

He didn't say any further.

He then turned towards Akimitsu.

''Akimitsu how are you gonna take care of Fumiko if you remain like this?''

'I'm eighty years old'',he continued.

''I have taught your parents,you know?.They wouldn't want this'',he said giving them a disappointed look.

''So both of you change yourself".

"I'm not expelling you but you two will clean the grounds for a month and will pay for the damages you've done".

''I would've kept you late but you two have to go home by night to take care of the girls,you both understand?'',he asked.

Both of them nodded.

''You know what?",Akimitsu asked Ahihito.

"The old geezer's right,we need to be more mature",Akimitsu continued.

''Yeah he's right",Ahihito replied.

"You agree?",Akimitsu asked surprised

"Yeah,I do"

So i might be not updating for 2 or 3 days but stay tuned pls and lemme know ur opinion in comments.

This work entirely belongs to me and is not to be published without my consent on any website.Its only available on wattpad and webnovel.Pls inform me if its somewhere else.Thank you.

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts