

Haffiriala, a young woman with a perfected beauty beyond description found herself in Egypt, where every man wants to get married to her. Her people the Israelites were under slavery at the hand of Pharaoh, Rameses, the prince of Egypt desperately desired her as a wife, but she fell in love with Morinaadri, a wine dealer who could not return same affection because of her excelent beauty. Her people, the Israelites see her as a gift from God, and so they placed the heavy burden of their liberation on her head. It is either she marry the prince so that they will be made free, or she and her familly faces great persection.

Etinosa_Iyinbor · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

7. In My Subconscious state

No sooner did the night passed away to a new day; reflected light from the window shimmered on his face. The trauma he recovered from gave him a fresh breath and new reason of life. He arose with clear conscience and fresh strength. The sky lit up that morning, to tell how far the day has gone. His entire barrels of wine were already empty, so going to the market to open his shop would be to bring out the empty barrels and load them into a dray. He had previously thought of traveling to Elephantine, his home town, so he could restock before his wine get exhausted, not knowing that Haffiriala's glory would help him empty his barrels at the shop even before he could embark on the journey. No reason to procrastinate the day he is to travel, after all the purpose he was residing in Thebes is because of his business. He had been away from his family for long and greatly missed his siblings. Therefore, he sought for a dray rider who usually convey him and his barrels to his hometown. Azariah, the father of Deborah, who lives around his neighborhood was the dray rider. On reaching his house fortunately, Azariah had no business at hand, so he was still in his house. He drove to his house where he loaded his empty barrels. After which they headed to the market to load the other barrels. On reaching the market, many stared at him because he was affiliated with Haffiriala. At his shop, some of his customers who had been waiting asked for his wine, among which was a spy of prince Rameses, he was so curious to learn about his relationship with Haffiriala, but he gave him no attention. His entire barrels were empty, there was not even a single leftover, so he was traveling to Elephantine in order to restock. Both him and Azariah were engaged in loading the empty barrels into the dray, after which he got on it and straight away, they left for Elephantine.

To the household of Gaias, it was business as usual, a day to receive guests, who were suitors. This time, Geb, a very wealthy Egyptian. His visit wasn't strange to Gaias, he learnt of it a day earlier. Perhaps, could be One of the reasons why he was indifferent towards Morinaadri. Early that morning, he bid Haffiriala to appear in her best, which she did without complaining. Gaias was a man who cared only about himself and family. Whether his fellow Israelites were in bondage was not his business, he was only after the benefit he will get from whomsoever gets married to his daughter. The offer of prince Rameses wasn't a match to Geb. Geb vowed to give Gaias up to two hundred pieces of gold. He was willing to empty his treasury just to ostentatiously display before Haffiriala as the richest man in the world, because he was aware that she declines rich men too. Therefore, to him, he was an exception. Meanwhile, when she was ready to go out and receive this visitor, Gaias counseled her saying: 'Haffiriala, you are my lovely daughter. You know that I always want the best for you. This person is not just a visitor, he is a man every woman will die to have, but he desires to make you his wife because you're so special. Please, do not disappoint I and your mother by turning down his offer. We will be so proud if you accept him as your husband.'

She stood before him as a maid before her master, most submissive and indebted to all his instructions. Thereafter his short counsel, he took her by the hand to meet Geb, who was nervously waiting for her presence. And she followed him as a lamb. Idoffia and Dosilia were already seated in the sitting room keeping him company. This was the kind of man Dosilia wanted for Haffiriala; an extremely rich man that will give her all the pride of the world. Geb was a man whose wealth has inclined his self-esteem to the peak; so prideful, supercilious and unsociable, and he lack humor. Part of his increase were derived through oppression and discomfort of other people. He believed he can surmount anything that is possible if he so desires it. Despite all his qualities, none could quantify the weight of the beauty standing before his very eyes. Hence, his boastful lips sealed or muted. He gazed astonished, so much that when he realized, he taught he lost his pride. By the biding of her father, she came closer to him and greeted him, while he kissed her hand, and said, 'I'm hallowed by your beauty.' He remained overwhelmed after she retrieved her hand. From his look, probably, it might be his first time of being in her presence. But on the contrary, possibly because her beauty upgrades or increases each moment, in dominion and time. Notwithstanding, he was just a square peg in a round hole, because of the glory that overshadowed him. Soon his true identity revealed in a way, like a mishap.