

Haffiriala, a young woman with a perfected beauty beyond description found herself in Egypt, where every man wants to get married to her. Her people the Israelites were under slavery at the hand of Pharaoh, Rameses, the prince of Egypt desperately desired her as a wife, but she fell in love with Morinaadri, a wine dealer who could not return same affection because of her excelent beauty. Her people, the Israelites see her as a gift from God, and so they placed the heavy burden of their liberation on her head. It is either she marry the prince so that they will be made free, or she and her familly faces great persection.

Etinosa_Iyinbor · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

1. He is the One I Love

Haffiriala, a young woman, among her kind, impossible to find another, and most interesting when trying to describe. Her beauty is fresh than the new rose flower; like gravity which attracts all things, so her appearance in any place was a distraction to any person that sees her. She was blessed with an elastic resplendent skin which appears as a globe. Her reflective dark hair was long, twisted below her right breast, and waves at a slight breeze. She was tall, with a large stature, and a shape that tells how much her creator spent on it. The steps she makes were gentle, is beyond contest. Her dark eye lashes were extended as wings to shield her twinkling rosy eyes, that were embodied by a well grafted eyebrows; and the blinking of it drains out the energy in a man. Anywhere she walked pass, there was always an event of conflict, retaining the news of her presence even an hour later. When she speaks, her lips gently waves, producing a spirited tone, so soft and calm to incite tension, to get instance reaction from the name she calls. And when she smiles, her sparkling white teeth gave hope that there is a beautiful tomorrow. The earrings, neckless, bracelet, shoes and dresses she wore came as gifts, her boxes were stocked with divers' numbers of them, most of which came from rich secret admirers. When she wore them, it reveals how inclined is her class and inviting is her posture. Men shiver and stammer while asking for a moment of her time. She was wise in her words to outwit many. Most ladies gossiped about her, all young men spoke of her, some of which do visit her father's small villa to render free services, just to have a glance of her. For such a kind, it was obvious she had a tender emotion, compassionate and soft temper, so being in her company was a thing to boast of. It was so difficult for a man to summon courage and embrace her, because of the urge that could be triggered. To those who receives her embrace due to a kind deed, it was such a feeling that could have been endless. But to some ladies, her company made them inconvenient, especially those claiming pretty. She is one of a kind, such a species that may not be seen again; such an angelic beauty that could make any man willing to kill to have. Moreover, she thwarted and declined several suitors, the men were willing to endure all storms and dark clouds hoping that peradventure she might change her mind. Many wealthy men at first sight ask to know her abode in order to visit the parents of the damsel that could cause chaos; it was as if she was every man's purpose; the young men claimed they can die for her, the advanced men were willing to divorce and get married to her. She became an articulated threat to most women, why because her excellent look exceeds the kind popular in all women, more perfected as one glorified being. The smell of her perfume was the best, she pays so much attention to her hygiene and nutrition. Her mistakes seem to some a newly discovered pattern. Everyone in Egypt was familiar with the name 'Haffiriala' because it was a similitude to the word 'beauty'. She was given several nicknames, including; 'Beauty of Heaven', 'Queen of Beauty', 'a Rose in the Wilderness'. Insomuch that some women named their girl child, they would say; "this child is beautiful as Haffiriala."

In her early twenty's, the rumor of her becoming the next queen of Egypt spread throughout the land because prince Rameses came to her father's house to ask her hand in marriage. At this moment, to most Israelites, she was seen to be their liberator, the answer to their long prayers to their God. The Israelites had been slaves to the Egyptians for many years, hoping for a day to be liberated. Therefore, they said, "Haffiriala was perfectly designed by God to steal the heart of prince Rameses by her charming nature. Soon, when Pharoah dies, and Rameses becomes the King, Haffiriala shall bid him to make her people free. So shall our dark clouds disperse." Moreover, their burdens were a bit light at that period; pulleys, yokes and slings were provided to lift heavy loads; when weary on duty, the Egyptian soldiers rarely lash them; and there was a considerate time to rest while on duty. Also, the Israelites were having a limited legal right; they could acquire a measurable wealth and inhabit good homes according to their level of freedom. Notwithstanding all these, their livelihood, taxes; freedom to acquire, passion and desires were subjected to the pleasure of the Egyptians, for that purpose, they desired to live free as does the Egyptians.

The visit of Rameses to Gaias small villa was in the morning of a conspicuous day, a day appointed for the Israelites to rest from their labors. This was a clever move because that day was free of lamentation. However, he had been in defense of the Israelites despite it was against his father's will, so he was called a friend of the Israelites. This was the very much reason the Israelites' burdens had been a bit lightened. As such, he felt Haffiriala will find no fault with him in regards to the suffering of her people. His appearance at the villa of Gaias was in grandeur, with the best royal escort under his authority; royal gifts were not left out, all to entice her, and to clearly portray her fate if she becomes his wife. Everyone were already in absolute celebration because her bright look tells that she won't decline such magnificent offer. She was already at the verge of pitching her tent when a young man named Morinaadri walked into the surrounding to supply the household wine. Morinaadri was only able to reach the boundary of the porch of the building before Soriam, Haffiriala's maid retrieved the jar of wine. Haffiriala, while seated opposite the direction, all her attention was on the wine dealer, trying to paint him in her mind. Meanwhile Rameses was still exercising patience to get a satisfied answer. At the point Morinaadri was leaving the premises, she attempted to stretch herself so as to keep seeing him. It became obvious that she had been overwhelmed at what she is seeing. As they all turned to know what could distract her, they sighted the departing wine dealer, which posed no ambiguous discernment. Her mother later called her attention to Rameses, only for her to bargain for a brief privacy to reflect on the prince's words. Thereafter she was permitted to leave, she immediately walked to her room. She sat on her bed and put on a beautiful smile. Her act was as if she was being presented the most cherished treasure her eyes have ever seen. Nevertheless, being speechless still, it was tedious to describe the best reason for such great excitement. She remained occupied with that mood for a while till Soriam walked in to remind her of the special guest. 'What shall I tell prince Rameses?' she asked her maid. Soriam stood puzzled over such question, 'surely, you can't say no to this one. This is the highest of all the marriage proposals you've received, there will be no greater one.' However, she would have accepted Rameses, not until contemporaneously her heart turned to someone else, the strength of her emotion failed. She settled her restlessness and said, 'Soriam, I think I've found the man for me.' She walked out to the sitting room where Rameses and her parents had been humbly waiting, compensating themselves with the sweet wine. While Soriam followed behind thinking that the one was Rameses, it was so swift and clear for Haffiriala to say, 'I would require more time to think about it.' Though desperate her parents may look, they so cherish her opinion to a great limit. Rameses left the villa hopefully when her parents told him that all who came before received a straight forward answer from her.

Just as Rameses had departed, she drank a full cup of the wine, emptying it. Then she said 'I've been in this house this many years and never tasted such a sweet wine, it took until the prince's visit for it to be discovered.'

'This is indeed the best wine I have ever tasted. The dealer was referred by Soriam,' Gaias replied her.

'Wow, she has a great taste. Soriam, join us and drink of it. Thank you for making such a great selection.' Meanwhile Haffiriala had already emptied two cups. She filled up a cup for Soriam and bid her to drink. But Soriam slowly partook of it. It was her fifth cup that she realized that Soriam was yet to finish one. 'Hurry up Soriam, there's enough. This wine taste great for you to dwell on a cup.' Soriam finally emptied the cup and said, 'thank you.' Haffiriala immediately refilled the cup to the brim. 'I'm already satisfied,' Soriam said. 'Not with a single cup.' Haffiriala helped her to lift the cup till she retrieved it from her. Haffiriala continued to take more cups which made everyone curious. They have never seen her consume more than two cups. Although the red wine had a great taste, her countenance explains something much more appealing, that could trigger such urge. Her mother, Idoffia was moved to know if she was celebrating over prince Rameses. But she concealed her thought. She said, 'isn't the wine good enough to make me yearn for more?' She continued by inviting all to empty the jar. But Gaias left immediately, he bid her to enjoy herself but avoid getting drunk. Idoffia also followed her husband, while Soriam refused taking another cup, she left as well. They all left her with the remaining wine. The reason why she wanted the jar empty drove her to keep consuming more of it till she finally emptied it. She was so lucky that it was a fresh wine free of alcohol. However, she walked dizzyingly to her room and fell into deep sleep.

A tap on her skin by Soriam resuscitated her. She gradually regained vision as the mist dissipated from her eyes. She was baffled when told that it was already evening. Her dreams while asleep played out according to the multitude of her thoughts. 'I dreamt of being a queen,' she said. 'Surely, prince Rameses can't wait to make you his princess,' Soriam replied. Her words to Soriam after rising up from bed was for her to be shown the place of the wine dealer.

'Why do you want to see him?'

'The jar is already empty; I think we need to order for another wine.'

'Do not worry, by tomorrow I will go and order for it.'

'Let us go now, I want to accompany you.'

'We still have to wait till tomorrow morning.'

'We should go now, so that by tomorrow he will consider us first with the best of it.'

'Your father hasn't decided on that yet.'

'It is I who want to order it, not my father.'

'You must be craving for Morinaadri's wine.'

'Morinaandri! Is that his name?'

'Yes, that's his name. Is anything special about it?'

'A lot is; first, his wine, his name and his look. Is as if I've known him for a while.'

'Is that why you want to go see him?'

'Soriam, do not be so inquisitive, just lead me to where I can find him so I could order for his wine.' Soriam was such a humble maid, she always put Haffiriala's desire first before any other person. As such they both immediately prepared and left the villa without the parents' consent.