
Chapter 14

Hadrian from time to time went to visit some of his friends or go to the sanctuary.So one time on his return to Camelot, he sensed very powerful magical presence.This persons magic was definitely strong as Morgana, when her magic wasn't awakened, so he had an idea who it belonged to and his hint was right.

So Hadrian followed it and saw who it belonged and like he thought it was none other than the the famous Merlin,he had  straight dark brown hair and gunmetal blue color eyes.

Merlin was fighting Arthur, Hadrian read the thoughts and soon understood the issue it seems Merlin didn't like Arthur's pompous attitude and without knowing his idenity jumped into a fight,but was defeated and thrown in prison.But it seems Gaius pulled a few strings to get him out and now

Arthur blocked Merlin and smiling asked"How's your knee walking coming along?

Merlin ignores it and tries to keeps going, but Arthur stops him and asked"Ah, don't run away."

Merlin in a disparaging tone replied"From you?I've told you, you're an arse - I just didn't know you were a Royal one.

A few guards react...Merlin snarked"What you going to do - get your dad's men to protect you?"

Arthur was smiling and replied"I could take you apart with one blow." He puckers his lips and blows ...

Merlin stares at him and now there's no going back and he spoke up"I could take you apart with less than that."

Arthur already studied Merlin stance and phsyic,so he knew the boy had no fighting experince and questioned"Are you sure?"

As he smiles and he tears off his top.Merlin's eyes widened as he saw Arthur was ripped and gulped hard ... He removes his own top, which w was it's not quite so impressive.

Arthur smiled and said"Here you go, big man." takes a pair of evil looking maces from the guards and throws one to Merlin, who fumbles it. The gathering crowd laugh, further angering Merlin.

The two lads square up for a fight.Arthur smiles, confident that he's going to give Merlin a whipping as he yelled"Come on, then."

Arthur begins expertly twirling the mace round his body at high speed.It's a frightening display and the crowd roar their approval. Finally, Arthur brings the mace to a halt and with a smile said"I warn you I've been trained to kill since birth."

Merlin sarcastically replied "Wow - and how long have you been training to be a bully?"

Arthur forced to smile at his audacity and replied"You can't address me like that."

Hadrian nodded,while he understood Arthur is annoying Merlin adressing a Prince like that could end up with his head chopped off.For unknown reasons Hadrian had image of blonde brat yelling"Off with his head."

Merlin once again in annoying tone added"Sorry - how long have you been training to be a bully, my Lord?"

Arthur reacts and suddenly arcs a high sweeping blow at Merlin,whoducks and comes up wide eyed ...

The fight gets more intense with Arthur and Merline are going at it hammer and tongs... To the crowds amusement, Merlin is clearly inept; all he can do is duck, parry and retreat along the busy street - he's clearly no fighter.

As Arthur blows rain down, Merlin suddenly crashes into a fruit stall and falls backwards, sending the produce flying ... He looks up.

Arthur appears to have him at his mercy, he raises his arm about to apply the coup de grace ... Charlemagne!

Merlin eyes flare and he looks up at an awning billowing in the wind above Arthur head.We see the structure move ...Arthur arcs a blow toward Merlin, the mace catches the awning and is ripped from his hand... Arthur reacts with surprise, reaches up into the awning to retrieve his mace... Merlin takes his chance, rolls away and gets to his feet.

Arthur quickly grabs his mace and turns to Merlin once more and was bout to unleash another deadly blow.As Arthur steps toward him, Merlin's eyes rest upon an upended wooden fruit box, his eyes blaze and the box tilts at a 45 degree angle and Arthur's foot land on the edge of the box, levering the top of the box toward his leg ... The box whacks Arthur in the shin. He lets out a painful yell ... It's Merlin's turn to smile.

Arthur responds angrily and lunges with another blow ... Merlin's eyes gleam ... A nearby rope snaps taut. Arthur trips over it and crashes to the floor, losing his mace. The crowd laughs and Merlin's grin intensifies - we are in no doubt that the rope was his work ...

Hadrian saw Gaius next to him,so he whispred to Gaius"Tell your guest to stop using magic if he wants to live.Also stop with disrespect towards royalty not all of them will are easy going a Arthur."

Gaius grimaced and glared at Merlin,Gaius knew Azria was kingdom that didn't have any issues with magic users.Also he has heard that royal family of Azria were quite friendly with many covens,So he wasn't suprised when Hadrian reconized the signs of Merlin using magic

Merlin starts using magic to gain a upper hand against Arthur and he was enjoying until he comes face to face with Gaius watching on the sidelines.

Merlin sees the angry expression on Gaius'a face and he knows he has to stop using magic. Arthur recovers, gets up and throws himself at Merlin and easily disarming him in the process... Now Merlin is defenceless, he looks at Arthur armed with his mace, then looks at GAIUS - what's he going to do now?

Arthur takes a swing, Merlin's acee is gripped with panic and lets out a yell as he is struck in the midrift.He doubles up, winded by the blow.

Arthur stands over him and said"There's something about you, Merlin - I can't quite put my finger on it."

Hadrian shook his head as he saw Arthur lift his fist and swing a punch and knocks out Merlin