
Hades system

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Neil_Kross · Urbain
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5 Chs


girls' changing room

many girls change there clothes and wear track suit for test . Sarah change her cloth faster and wait may outside . may and sarah didn't have blood relationship but they were sister from each other.

May was slightly shorter than sarah . when may arrive sarah immediately ask a question

" may I know it's strange to say that but .... do you like james I mean did something happen between two " .

when may listen those word her face become red . Sarah was shocked and say herself this was only illusion this was not reality unfortunately for her it's not . The next word shake her .

"I and james were engaged ". may said that in low voice but it's enough to reach sarah ear .

while may was blushing hard . Sarah was shocked and feel sorry for Glenn .

Glenn like. may for a long time but never confess her . the main reason was because of status . In there group only Glenn and sarah were orphan and lith , may were have powerful background.

Lith was the second son of grey family . who have strong hold in poltics . while may was the only daughter of wattson family . well wattson family didn't belong to this country but may want to learn from different country so her family allowed her to learn from another country .

May and Glenn were the childhood friend may know Glenn because northern alliance . when may was child she was under take care of her aunt ( Glenn father wife ) . glenn father wife was may aunt so they know each other .

Sarah ask " may if Glenn propose you right now . what will you do " .

' i will reject him immediately . I know he was good guy but he was not strong and he doesn't have a good family . 'may answer her confidently .

Sarah was unhappy with answer of may and want to hit her very badly but due to thier relationship she didn't .


lith and Glenn also change thier cloth and waiting for sarah and may . lith who was standing behind Glenn ask " Glenn why don't you confess may " . Glenn listen him and reply

' I want to become strong first and I had no focus on my love life now . '

' listen to me Glenn -' lith want to say something but may and Sarah arrive and standing in front of them .

' We should go to arena no. 11 for our test ' . Sarah say all them agree and enter went to no. 11 arena lith and may were a head walking and sarah , Glenn were bit behind them .

Sarah suddenly say that " ah . guys actually I want to ask something to Glenn did you guys leave first . ' Glenn looked at her . lith want to say but interrupted by may .

'Ok you guys can talk we will waiting for you .' she say and leave the place with lith . lith didn't want to go but he was forced by may.

Both leave the place and only Glenn and sarah were remaining . Glenn and sarah look at each other.

Glenn ask sarah ' what do you want from me ' he say emotionless and had poker face .

Sarah ask ' Did something happen to you . you don't like yourself ' . in reply he say ' no ' .

Sarah look at him and place her both arm ' did something happen to aunt ' she ask to him .

Glenn nodded his head and reply' my mom was not with me anymore '.

Sarah understand what he trying to say but again ask ' did something b.between you two or you fight each other . ' Glenn say ' my mother died 8 days ago ' . Glenn say without bit of hesitant .

Sarah suddenly pull Glenn to herself and hug him and start crying and say ' I am sorry , why you didn't tell me about it earlier ' . she say in the ear of Glenn . Glenn hug her as well and say ' it's okay I don't want you to distract from your exam ' .

She was crying while hug him . 5 mins after she release him and say ' well you don't have to live alone you can come to my place .'

He shook his head and say ' I am not alone ' .

she want that Glenn live in her place . she doesn't want to Glenn live alone .

she want to say something but Glenn say first

' we should go back they are worried about us .

she agree with him and go to area no. 11


All of them were in area no. 11 . There were many people in area no. 11 .

A tall man who body was well built and he gather everyone attention . ' Attention everyone and line up ' he gather every one attention and ordered everyone .

All of them follow his comand and made 9 lines all line had 30 people .

the tall man clear his throat and say' everyone as you know that you will be here for your ranker exam . ' he pause and start walking between those 9 line . ' there will be three exam first was physically and second was magic test or your element test and third and last will be your rank test . '

he stood in the front them and said ' this will be your first phase those who pass first test

can enter in second phase or last phase this will be on your overall ability and various things . in second phase you had to enter in blue portal and clear it . '

he explain both phases . then he told everyone ready for race . 30 people will race against each other Glenn was in 3rd group . Sarah , lith 4 group and may ,james 1st group .

1 st group all participant ready and take position . the tall man standing on the side of track and there were some guard .

' start ' he began the race all participant began thier running james was the first among them .

' woah what the speed ' a boy say .

' yeah . I bet he will be the first ' . the boy friend agree with him .

At the end of first test james took first position and may took third position and second took by a random guy .

To be continue .