
Boundary Perception

My first sibling had finally arrived and I was ... happy? I don't know exactly. I think more time passed than I initially thought because I seem to have lost a lot of my social skills. Like almost, all of them, to be exact.

Hestia was the name of my new sibling and the first of the three future sisters I will have. She was a cute one. Not in a sexual way, although I can not say anything about that, she's quite the looker.

But I mean she was cute in the way her character was. I believe her divinities of the hearth, family and home.

It made her cosy in a sense and I felt a need to love and care for her.

When I realised some form of bond existed between us that was seemingly the cause of those feelings, I IMMEDIATELY got rid of it with the use of my boundary divinity.

I mean like ... boundaries woman ... seriously. Give me some space ... was she for real?

There is no way I would ever allow someone to manipulate me through such a bond that almost 'forces' me to love and care for her. That was not for me. I wanted to be free for heaven's sake.

And my power over boundaries was the perfect way to deal with that bond.

I know, I know ... you are going to say that Hestia is such a lovely goddess and she never does anything like manipulate others through her bonds and bla bla bla.

I got news for you ... she can be the most perfect little piece of ass and I still wouldn't allow myself to have such a weakness like that bond. Do you realise the potential power she has over someone with a bond like that?

She could literally command my emotions and have me as a slave to her. That wouldn't do for me and even if she's known as the nicest of the Olympians, I won't risk it.


I have never seen a young girl cry soo much. She was crying a river ... literally. It was like a river formed on the raft that flowed into the gastric fluids.

I tried to console her that such a bond was not something I wanted because of control and yada yada ... but it didn't help in the slightest.

That girl cried and cried and cried ... for hours and then for days.

I almost killed myself. It got to the point where I was willing to allow the bond to form again, just so she would shut the f*ck up. My ears were bleeding and I was close to either killing myself or creating a sound boundary so I wouldn't hear her anymore.

I fled into meditation. I got good enough to not hear my sister crying. I felt like a prick to be honest. But I lived my own life and something like family bonds were not that important to me as a Greek god anyway. most of the time I would be in the Underworld, something that Zeus forced me into, and the other time I would travel to other worlds ...

Wait a minute ... other worlds. THAT'S IT!!! That's the best way to leave this situation. Like the man I was, running from my problems seemed like the best choice right now.

So I focused on boundaries. There was a skill that I wanted to learn anyway. The skill of 'Boundary Perception'.

Boundary Perception is an aspect of my power that should allow me to be able to see any/all boundaries, including the metaphysical boundaries and dimensional boundaries between worlds.

With sufficient experimentation, willpower, magic, or other means, I can slowly learn to bypass these boundaries in small ways, such as picking a flower in a dream and finding it in their hand upon awakening.

OR ... eventually travel to those worlds. Correct I was not just going to run away from my problems I was going to leave the entire dimension/ world and go to another.

I mean if that is not using your powers efficiently, I don't know what is.


Weeks passed until I made progress. I was not just trying to improve my usage of Boundary Perception, I was also searching for the correct world after getting proficient enough.

It took me another week to finally get to the point where I could 'see' into other worlds. Now it was only a matter of finding the right one.

Hmm ... it took me two weeks to learn such an ability like 'Boundary Perception' and get good enough with using it, so I could find different worlds ...??? What broken talent is that you might ask yourself?

I know ... but if talent could be measured, with words such as huge, small, nonexistent or immeasurable, it can also be increased by manipulating the boundaries of my talent. And that's exactly what I did.

I pushed the boundaries of my talent to new heights after experimenting with the talent of ... my sister ...

Now before you explode and call me a monster or such mean words ... I must tell you that I used this time to console her ...

Basically, I lied about what I was doing and consoled her, while practising to push the boundaries of her talents...

COME ONNN!! It's not THAT bad, right? I mean I even gave her an increase in talent for her power over family...

That's enough compensation ... right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.


Now back to where I was talking about escaping my responsibility of a big brother and just left. What did I tell her why I was leaving? Nothing. It's an important part of growing up to know what having a family member run off feels like...

Now you might call me a bad brother ... and I would disagree. It's the hard parts in life that make you appreciate the good ones even more. Believe me when I return ... she'll be soooo happy to see me ... she will be like: 'Oh Hades how happy am I to see you!!! Yippee!'


Now I concentrated on the world I wanted to travel to. I wanted to start small. Preferably a world with magic but not too strong magic as I wanted to learn. And because I am new to this whole magic business, I wished for a weak world.

There were a few that I could go to. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones ... maybe Middle-Earth? I wasn't sure though because I was not familiar with Tolkien's work.

After some consideration and thoughts, I finally settled on Harry Potter. It was a good start for me. I would be able to learn magic by attending a magic school and enjoying my time there. It was a cool change of pace for me and would help me quench my thirst for adventure and sightseeing.

I could also fight some Death Eaters or some Dark Lords. Voldemort or if I wanted also Grindelwald. I mean there were others as well and should I want I could fight both of them.

After all time ... was also defined by boundaries and with enough practice and after getting a feeling for time, I could manipulate its boundary and travel forward or back in time. And the best way to go about it would be the 'time-turners'.

I liked that idea the longer I thought about it.

Alright ... I steeled my will and started the process that would allow me to travel to the Universe/ world of Harry Potter without creating a portal or crushing space between the two points I would connect.

What I had to use now was 'Boundary Removal'. It was a risky move on my part as I risked removing the boundary between the two Universes or worlds. This would have disastrous consequences for both worlds as it would make them collide and implode.

Resulting in the death of millions and billions of people. That was not something I wanted ... no that wasn't something I wanted.


I focused and saw the exact time and place I wanted to go to. I gently manipulated the boundary of the two points and made my exact position overlap with the place I wanted to go to.

Then with enormous control and effort, I managed to 'place' myself in the new world.

With a plop, I left my current Universe and entered the world of Harry Potter.

You see what sort of story this will be.

Whenever he wishes, he just pops out of the DC universe and into another.

Cedric_7512creators' thoughts