
The Prisoners

"This is Actual, I'm heading over there now," Vincent replied before stowing his radio. But before heading out, Vincent decided to explore the system shop again. He needed reliable vehicles for transport and patrol around the base.

Navigating through the system interface, he browsed the various options available. His eyes lit up when he found the Oshkosh M-ATV, a versatile and heavily armored military vehicle, perfect for the rugged terrain of Akarios Island.

[M-ATV Oshkosh: 17,000 gold coins]

Without hesitation, Vincent purchased one unit, knowing it would be a valuable addition to their operations.

[Gold coins remaining: 350,510 gold coins]

As the M-ATV Oshkosh materialized in front of him, he hopped into the driver's seat. The engine roared to life with a satisfying growl, and Vincent felt a surge of confidence as he navigated the vehicle toward the area where the prisoners were held.

The rugged terrain posed no challenge for the M-ATV. Its advanced suspension system and powerful engine allowed it to handle the uneven ground with ease.

Arriving at the makeshift holding area, Vincent parked the M-ATV and stepped out. Alpha 2 and his team stood ready, maintaining a vigilant watch over the captives. Vincent approached, greeted by a crisp salute from Alpha 2.

"Report," Vincent ordered.

"Sir, the prisoners are secure and under constant guard. We've kept them separated to avoid any potential collusion or escape attempts. We've also begun preliminary interrogations, but we've held off on any decisive actions until you arrived," Alpha 2 replied.

Vincent nodded, appreciating the diligence of his team. He walked over to the prisoners, who looked up at him. He assessed each one, noting their conditions and the varying degrees of apprehension in their eyes.

Vincent leaned forward, his expression stern as he addressed the prisoners. "Good afternoon, my name is Vincent Stryder. I'm the leader of the paramilitary group known as Shadow Paramilitary Operations. You are currently being held for interrogation. Your cooperation will determine your treatment and your future here."

The first prisoner, a middle-aged man with a defiant look in his eyes, shifted uncomfortably but said nothing. Vincent maintained his gaze, letting the silence stretch just long enough to emphasize his authority.

"I need answers, and I need them now. Who sent you here, and what were your objectives?" Vincent's voice was calm but firm, leaving no doubt that he expected a response.

The man continued to glare at Vincent, his lips pressed tightly together. Vincent sighed and motioned to Alpha 2, who stepped forward and placed a hand on the prisoner's shoulder.

"You should speak up. It will make things easier for everyone," Alpha 2 advised.

The prisoner finally broke his silence. "We are citizens from the Empire of Ishalgen located south of the continent. We are here to investigate how monsters were multiplying in an unprecedented rate in isolated islands like the Akarios Village."

"You are investigating how monsters are growing in numbers?" Vincent tilted his head to the side, quizzically. "What is your name?"

The prisoner hesitated for a moment before responding, "My name is Eamon. I am a researcher for the Empire of Ishalgen."

Vincent nodded, considering Eamon's words. "And how did you come to be on this island?"

Eamon glanced at his fellow prisoners before answering. "We came here by ship and we were ordered to gather intelligence about the monster outbreak here in the Akarios Islands. It had been two weeks. There were guards with us but they died during an encounter with the Kralls and Kobolds."

"Why would the Empire of Ishalgen be interested in an island that belongs to the Kingdom of Eldoria? Shouldn't the Eldorian authorities be handling this issue?"

Eamon sighed, looking weary. "The Kingdom of Eldoria doesn't care about this island. Akarios Island has no valuable resources, no strategic importance. To them, it's just an isolated piece of land with no significance. That's why they haven't made any efforts to address the monster outbreak here. But for us, the sudden increase in monster activity is alarming. We believe it could be the precursor to a larger problem that might affect the entire continent, including our Empire."

So, you're saying the Empire of Ishalgen is taking matters into their own hands because they see a potential threat that Eldoria is ignoring?"

"Exactly," Eamon confirmed. "We don't want to risk this spreading to our lands or other parts of the continent. That's why we're here, to find the source and stop it if we can."


"Uhm...Sir...why are you here? I haven't heard of your company and seen your weapons...."

"Truth be told, the Kingdom of Eldoria has granted us the rights to settle here. We actually have the deed given to us by the King of Eldoria, and it is signed and sealed officially," Vincent explained, maintaining his authoritative stance.

Eamon seemed to absorb this information, nodding slowly. "I see. So, your presence here is legitimate."

"That's correct, and we were cleaning this island out of monsters. We didn't expect any human encounter here as we were told that this was uninhabited."

"Clearing out the monsters? That's impossible. They'll just spawn again," Eamon retorted, his skepticism evident.

Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Spawn again? What do you mean by that?"

Eamon took a deep breath. "These monsters aren't just appearing naturally. There's something causing them to materialize in large numbers. We believe it's linked to some sort

of magic or ancient artifact created by the Demon King himself to spread his forces throughout every corner of the globe."

"So, you're saying there's a specific source behind this? Something we can potentially neutralize?"

"Exactly," Eamon confirmed. "If we can locate and deactivate or destroy the source, we might be able to stop the monster infestation once and for all. But before we destroy it, we would

like to study it."

Vincent's interest was piqued. "Study it? What do you hope to learn from it?"

Eamon looked thoughtful. "We hope to understand the mechanism behind the monster spawning. If we can decode how the artifact works, we might be able to prevent similar outbreaks in the future or use the knowledge to protect our own lands better."

Vincent considered this carefully. "I see the value in that. However, our primary objective is to ensure the safety of this island and eliminate any threats. Your research will be secondary to

that goal."

Eamon nodded. "Understood. We only ask for the chance to study it briefly before it is


Vincent turned to Alpha 2. "Keep a close watch on them and ensure they are separated. We'll need to verify their information before making any decisions."

"Yes, sir," Alpha 2 replied, saluting crisply.