
Preparation for the Wave Part 2

Vincent recalled every infantry all around the Akarios Village and gathered them in a former city square. He wanted to see his standing army before reorganizing them into battalions.

Satisfied with the sight, Vincent addressed them.

"Soldiers, I have called you today as I have received a warning from the system," Vincent announced. At first, Vincent didn't feel right saying this to his troops as the system is exclusively for him. But he knew that his summoned forces have the right to know what they are preparing and fighting for, which could increase their morale

"We are potentially facing a wave of monsters," Vincent continued. "We don't have much information on when or how they will attack, but we must be prepared. This means

reorganizing our forces into battalions and ensuring that we are ready to defend every critical point on this island."

He gestured to the map displayed on a blackboard behind him. "We will have four battalions, each assigned to a strategic location: Akarios Plains, Akarios Village, Cliona Lake, and the Campsite and Strip Mine. Each battalion will consist of fifty soldiers, led by a lieutenant colonel. Our newly appointed general will oversee all battalions."

The troops murmured among themselves, and Vincent couldn't make out what they were saying. Nevertheless, he raised his hand for silence.

"There will be code names for each battalion," Vincent said. "This will ensure clear and concise communication during operations. Akarios Plains will be designated as Alpha Battalion. Akarios Village will be Bravo Battalion. Cliona Lake will be Charlie Battalion. The Campsite and Strip Mine will be Delta Battalion."

He paused, allowing the soldiers to absorb the information. "Each battalion will have a communication officer responsible for maintaining contact with the command center." Vincent then introduced the newly appointed officers. "General Harper will oversee all operations. Lieutenant Colonel Stevens will lead Alpha Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel Ramirez will lead Bravo Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel Chang will lead Charlie Battalion, and Lieutenant Colonel Murphy will lead Delta Battalion."

The newly appointed officers stepped forward, saluting Vincent and the troops. The soldiers responded with respect.

"Together, we will ensure the safety and security of Akarios Island," Vincent continued. "Now the problem is that we don't know where our enemy will come from. Is it going to be within the island? Well there are instances where we have found a portal inside the mine and a monster is coming out from it. However, we have ruled that one out as we have already destroyed it and found nothing like it on the Island. The only possible way for the enemies to come and get us is through the sea."

That is the only viable choice since all the monsters are exterminated in Akarios Island. He wondered what kind of monsters were going to attack them. Would it be like the monsters that they encountered in the Kingdom of Eldoria? A group of monsters led by a Demon King General, or is it another? Sea monsters like the Kraken? No way...they attack at sea not at land.

The closest he could imagine is the monster invading from the sea...it's going to be like the D- Day in his previous world.

"Each soldier will be given a number indicating which battalion you belong to," Vincent announced.

The Alphas moved through the ranks, handing out numbers to the soldiers. The troops stood in orderly lines, accepting their assignments with determination etched on their faces. Vincent watched as the newly appointed officers began to organize their battalions, and he appreciated their initiativeness.

"Remember," Vincent called their attention for one last time, "communication is key. Each battalion must stay in constant contact with the command center and with each other. We must be ready to support one another at a moment's notice. This is not just about defending our positions; it's about ensuring the survival of everyone on this island."

General Harper stepped forward. "Each battalion will conduct drills everyday and fortify their designated areas. So that when the wave hits, we are prepared."

"Thank you all!" Vincent concluded. "Our survival depends on our readiness, our coordination, and our unwavering determination. We will defend Akarios Island with everything we've got."

The soldiers responded with a unified salute and began to disperse to their designated areas,

Vincent approached General Harper. "I will buy the weapons our men is going to need from the system. It'll take me an hour."

"No problem, sir," General Harper replied, nodding with understanding. "I'll ensure the battalions begin their drills and fortifications immediately."

Vincent gave a firm nod and headed towards his private quarters, where he could focus on making the necessary purchases without interruption. He opened the system interface and navigated to the armory section.

He started by purchasing assault rifles, grenades, and ammunition for each soldier. Next, he moved on to heavier weaponry: machine guns, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. The system's interface displayed the costs as he made each selection.

[Gold coins remaining: 109,510]

With the basic armaments sorted, Vincent turned his attention to the heavier military hardware. For maintenance purposes, he'd stick to the single brand of Challenger Tank, M2 Bradley, and AH-1Z Viper. He bought one Challenger Tank for 25,000 gold coins, one AH-1Z Viper for 30,000 gold coins, and one M2 Bradley for 20,000 gold coins.

[Gold coins remaining: 9,510]

Vincent stepped out of his quarters and returned to the command center. General Harper and the battalion leaders were already deep in discussion, going over defensive strategies and coordinating their efforts.

"Everything is on its way," Vincent announced as he entered. "We'll have the weapons and hardware ready for distribution shortly."

What he meant by that is he is going to summon those weapons later.

"Take your time, sir," General Harper replied. "We'll ensure the battalions are ready for when the weapons arrive."

Vincent nodded and walked outside to a large open area designated for summoning. He needed to see the weapons and hardware materialize before distributing them. As he accessed the system interface, he prepared to summon the newly acquired military assets. With a deep breath, Vincent activated the summoning sequence. One by one, the items he purchased began to materialize in front of him. The assault rifles, grenades, and ammunition appeared first, followed by the machine guns, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. Finally, the heavier hardware started to materialize: two imposing Challenger Tanks, the sleek AH-1Z Viper helicopter, and the formidable M2 Bradley fighting vehicle.

The sight of the advanced weaponry and hardware filled Vincent with a sense of confidence. He knew that with these assets, his forces would be better prepared to face any threat that

came their way.

Once the summoning was complete, Vincent turned to see General Harper and the battalion leaders approaching. "Everything is here," Vincent said, gesturing to the assembled equipment. "Let's begin the distribution."