
Going Back to the Continent?

While Vincent was at the camp, conversing with Eamon, General Harper spotted him from a distance.

Clutched in his hand was a document that required Vincent's attention. He walked over

towards him, wading through the busy workers and soldiers who were still diligently working on rehabilitating the beach.

"Sir Vincent," General Harper called out as he approached, then saluted.

Vincent turned to face him, responding to his salute with his own.

"General Harper, what can I do for you?" Vincent asked.

"Sir...the request that you made," Harper said, extending his hand, holding a thick folder filled with documents. "This is the list you requested. It includes all the military equipment and fortifications we need, categorized by land, air, and artillery. I've also included the models and specifications for each item."

Vincent took the folder and began to flip through the pages, his eyes scanning the detailed lists and descriptions.

"This sure is extensive," Vincent noted. "Thank you General Harper. You may return to your duties now."

General Harper saluted and then stepped back, leaving Vincent and Eamon alone once more. Vincent placed the folder on the makeshift table inside the tent, ensuring it was securely closed before turning his attention back to Eamon.

Eamon, his curiosity piqued, glanced at the document. "What's in those documents, Sir Vincent?"

Vincent offered a small smile. "It's confidential, Eamon. Military matters that require my attention." He then redirected the conversation. "Now, about the dwarves. Can you tell me more about them in detail?"

Eamon nodded, settling into a more comfortable stance as he began to explain. "The dwarves are a fascinating race, known for their incredible craftsmanship and engineering skills. They live primarily in mountainous regions, where they mine precious metals and gems. Their forges produce some of the finest weapons and armors in the world, often imbued with aetheric properties. Dwarven blacksmiths are highly revered, and their knowledge of integrating aether into their creations is unmatched."

Vincent listened intently, nodding occasionally as Eamon continued. "Dwarves also have a unique connection to the earth, which enhances their ability to manipulate aether for their forging processes. They can create powerful artifacts and enchanted items that are highly sought after by warriors and mages alike."

Eamon paused, looking at Vincent with curiosity. "Why are you so interested in the dwarves, Sir Vincent?"

Vincent took a deep breath before answering. "Our conventional weapons, while effective against many types of monsters, are not sufficient against those with great regenerative abilities, like Telus. Even though we managed to kill the Demon King General, our weapons seem to pass through certain enemies without causing significant harm. We need something more-something that can hurt these demons in ways our current technology cannot."

Eamon nodded slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I see. You believe the dwarves' expertise in aetheric integration could enhance your weapons, making them more effective against these formidable foes."

"Exactly," Vincent confirmed. "Their ability to imbue weapons with aether could be the key to overcoming the regenerative capabilities of these demons. We need to find a way to combine our technology with their magical craftsmanship to create weapons that can truly hurt and kill these powerful entities."

Eamon looked thoughtful. "I can help you establish contact with the dwarves."

Vincent looked at Eamon. "You'd do that?"

Eamon nodded with a determined expression. "Of course, Sir Vincent. After everything you've done to protect us, it's the least I can do. But it's not going to be easy."

"What do you mean?" Vincent said, turning his eyes back to the construction ahead.

Eamon sighed. "The dwarves are a reclusive and cautious people. They don't easily trust outsiders, especially those who aren't from this world. Building a relationship with them will require patience and diplomacy."

"So how will we approach them?" Vincent inquired.

Eamon pondered for a moment, coming up with an idea. "Ahh...well you can interest them with a technology of your own. Like show them something that would spark their curiosity. What dwarves have is their pride, and if they found out that there is someone out there making technology far better than their own, it will certainly catch their attention. Especially the one that is flying."

"Oh you mean the helicopters?" Vincent said.

"You call them helicopters?"

"Yes," Vincent confirmed with a nod.

"Then that will be great. It's best that we go there as soon as possible. It's just southeast of the continent," Eamon said. "Is it okay if we can leave here in two or three days?"

"You want us to leave now?" Vincent asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Yes," Eamon replied urgently. "The longer we stay here, the greater the risk that the Empire will discover our location. If they find out we've been compromised, it could spell disaster for everyone involved. If you want to remain discreet and keep your operations hidden, it's crucial that we move quickly and avoid drawing any unnecessary attention."

Vincent nodded understandingly. He didn't want the Empire to investigate the loss of the crew they sent to Akarios Island. "Alright, we'll start preparations immediately. General Harper!" he called out again.

General Harper, who hadn't gone far, returned promptly. "Yes, sir?"

"Prepare our forces for departure. We need to leave for the southeastern part of the continent within the next forty-eight hours. Ensure that everything is packed up and ready to move discreetly," Vincent ordered.

"Understood, sir. I'll get right on it," General Harper saluted and hurried off to relay the orders.

Vincent turned back to Eamon. "Okay...since there is nothing to do on the island, we will go to the continent again. But before we go, I'm going to increase our forces and capabilities here so that when I'm gone, they can fend off any unwanted threats that may come."

Eamon nodded in agreement. "A wise decision. Strengthening your defenses here will ensure the safety of your people while we seek out the dwarves."

Vincent made his way back to the Akarios Village where the headquarters is situated and inside, the soldiers present saluted him.

He didn't mind their gesture as his mind was already focusing on one thing, and that is strengthening their base. He opened his system and navigated to the system shop.

"It's shopping time!"