
Ferm Militarization Complete

It was five o'clock in the morning, and there were no mishaps to report. The night had passed without incident, with the construction and fortification efforts in the City of Ferm progressing smoothly. The soldiers Vincent had summoned were already establishing their routines, patrolling the perimeter and manning the newly installed defenses.

Vincent stood at the edge of the command center, a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. He surveyed the city with a critical eye, noting the progress that had been made since they began. The modular barracks were fully assembled, and the soldiers had already moved in. The airfield construction was nearly complete, with the prefabricated runways and hangars taking shape under the floodlights. The fuel depots and ammunition storage facilities were securely in place, and the vehicle garages were ready to house the armored personnel carriers, tanks, and helicopters that had been acquired.

He had also added the automated turrets, a critical component of the city's layered defense strategy. These weren't just any turrets; they were the Mantis Defense Systems' MDS-42 Automated Sentry Guns.

[Mantis MDS-42 Automated Sentry Gun Specifications:

Weapon System: Dual-mounted M134 Miniguns

Ammunition: 7.62x51mm NATO rounds, 10,000 rounds per minute combined rate of fire

Targeting System: Advanced AI with multi-spectral targeting, including thermal imaging, infrared, and motion detection

Range: Effective range of 1,200 meters with a maximum range of 2,000 meters

Armor: Reinforced composite armor, capable of withstanding small arms fire and shrapnel

Power Supply: Integrated solar panels with backup battery systems, ensuring continuous operation in all conditions

Mobility: 360-degree rotation with a 90-degree elevation range, allowing for full coverage of the surrounding area

Network Integration: Fully integrated with the city's central command system, allowing for real-time monitoring and manual override if necessary

Stealth Features: Low thermal and radar signature to reduce detectability]

The MDS-42s were strategically placed around the city's perimeter, with each turret covering overlapping fields of fire, ensuring there were no blind spots. Their AI-driven targeting systems were calibrated to distinguish between friendly and hostile targets, reducing the risk of friendly fire incidents while maintaining a high level of vigilance.

"Looks like we are wrapping up here," Alpha 1, who was standing next to him, commented. He too also has a steaming cup of coffee in his hand, steam rising into the cool morning air.

Vincent nodded in agreement. "You are right Alpha 1..."

He paused, as if sensing something was wrong.

"What is it, sir?" Alpha 1 asked.

"You Alphas' I always refer to you as Alpha with your designated number, I was thinking of maybe changing that and giving you names," Vincent paused, looking out over the city as he considered his next words carefully.

Alpha 1 raised an eyebrow, slightly taken aback by Vincent's sudden change in topic. "Names, sir? What brought this on?"

Vincent turned to face Alpha 1, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You've all done incredible work, more than just following orders. You've shown initiative, leadership, and dedication. I think it's time to recognize that. Giving you names is a way to acknowledge your individuality and the unique contributions each of you brings to the team."

Alpha 1 considered this for a moment then nodded. "I appreciate that, sir. We've always just been 'Alphas' to you, but it would be an honor to have names of our own. It'll also help distinguish us when we're working closely together, especially as our operations expand." "Exactly," Vincent said, his decision firming in his mind. "It's not just about efficiency; it's about respect. You're more than just numbers to me. You've earned the right to have names that reflect your roles, your strengths."

He took another sip of his coffee, the warmth spreading through him as he looked out over the city one more time. "I'll think of something fitting. For now, let's keep this momentum going. We've built something incredible here, but we're not done yet."

Alpha 1 smiled slightly, appreciating the gesture. "Looking forward to it, sir. And you're right, we've got a lot more to do. The city's secure, but there's always room for improvement." Vincent nodded, and then his expression grew serious again. "Let's start with something interesting."

"You already have one in mind," Alpha 1 looked at him curiously.

"Yeah..." Vincent opened his system, and the familiar holographic interface appeared before him. His fingers moved swiftly over the controls as he navigated to the inventory tab. His eyes scanned the options until he found what he was looking for, the C-5 Galaxy.

The massive airlifter had been a key acquisition, and now that the airfield was nearly complete, it was time to put it to use. The C-5 Galaxy was more than just a transport aircraft; it was a lifeline that could connect Ferm to distant supply chains, deliver reinforcements, and even evacuate personnel if the situation demanded it.

"I just recently acquired the C-5 Galaxy and I'm going to summon it right now," Vincent said, his tone decisive. He tapped a few commands into the holographic interface, and within moments, a low rumble filled the air as the C-5 Galaxy materialized on the airfield with its massive size dwarfing anything near it.

Alpha 1 stared at the enormous aircraft, clearly impressed. "That's a beast, sir. This will give us a serious edge in logistics and rapid deployment."

Vincent nodded, satisfied with the sight of the fully equipped C-5 Galaxy now occupying the center of the airfield. "Exactly. With this, we can move supplies, troops, and equipment anywhere they need to be, fast. It's a game-changer for us."

"I wonder how the local populace would react if they were to see this kind of aircraft in their skies," Alpha 1 mused, a hint of amusement in his voice. "They'd be in for the shock of their lives. An aircraft of this size and capability isn't something they'd expect, especially in a place

like this."

Vincent chuckled softly, understanding the sentiment. "Yeah...I wonder how Eamon would react when he sees the plane. Now, let's report to the headquarters about our progress here."

"Yes sir!"

"Shadow Actual to Command. Militarization of Ferm is complete, I say again, the militarization of Ferm is complete," Vincent reported.

The radio crackled for a moment before a response came through. "Command to Shadow Actual, copy that. Good work."