
Gundam system in marvel/dc

Wingzer0 · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Chapter 2 Gundam System

POV Mike

DING Gundam System activated new user gift available.Mike was stunned then thought ( Does the system have an AI?) As if responding he heard the response [No AI available explanation of System functions now ready.] Mike thought about it and thought to the system (Please explain functions) Mike heard the notification sound again then heard in his head [Agnowleged This is the Gundam System. Functions include creating missions for you to complete. these missions will reward Mission points,MP, and other prizes. MP can be exchanged for several things in the store that has been organized into different categories based on the descriptions.

These categories are, Mobile Suits, Mobile Armors, Skills, Knowledge, Carriers, Bases, Support, and vehicles.] Kai then heard another notification [ Secret quest *Origins of a Hero started* Objectives find out about the system, figure a plan to live in this new world. Reward Morgenrote Base .] Mike was stunned "I got my first mission and it includes the base of the people who built the gundams." He said to himself excited. He then thought (System what is the new user gifts?) DING new user gift selected beginning random roll. Roll will consist of 1 vehicle 1 knowledge and 1 support.] With that the image of a slot machine appeared in Mike's head. When it stopped spinning the first time, he heard TAXI BIKE awarded. Mike was stunned Taxi bike, the motorcycle that was stored in the Gundam Exias foot and used by Setsuna F Seiei. Not much was known due to it having only been seen once in the anime. He looked forward to checking it out.

Before he could look at it he heard a second DING rewarding knowledge of Dr J.. Again he was stunned one of the 5 scientists from Gundam Wing who built and designed all of the gundams including the Wing Zero. wasn't the system being too generous? DING Haro awarded. This Mike was not that excited about, depending on which Haro it was it could be extremely useful or little more than a mascot, he will look at it later.

Now he was hungry, "That diner looks open still," He said out loud to himself. "Indeed said a voice behind him. Jumping he turned around and realized he was face to face will Phil's Coulson. "Let's go eat, breakfast is on me." he said before walking around Mike and towards the diner.