
gun soldier in another world

A world full of magic and guns....

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gun soldier in another world

Anne is teaching John how to do magic as John can only make rifles and antibiotics and John says

John: I'm from another world

Anne:Oh you are a special one like any other

John:what do you mean

Anne:well in my guild there's one also

John:then I'm not the only one who also teleported here


John:is it a man or a woman?

Anne: I'll tell you if we have a duel

John: Alright

Anne creates an ice sword and john is trying to create a knife to have a fair fight thinking it might be possible and he created


As the fight begins Anne rushes to John as John startled just how fast Anne and Anne put her sword straight into the neck with no hesitation as john surrendered

John:I surrendered

Anne: Alright

John:Damn you really are strong as expected of a guild master,now will you tell me?

Anne:Alright I'll tell you

John:who is it?

Anne: it's a man called Carl Rex

John is surprised by what he heard as he thought that he will never meet him again,his only friend


Anne and John go to the guild headquarter as Anne called Carl

Anne:Carl come here

As Carl is coming, Carl saw john alive and well

Carl: John?! Your alive

John:yes,you also

Carl and John hug tightly because they meet again

John:how are you still alive? You got shot in the head

Carl:I know

Carl explained how he teleported as he was shot in the head out of nowhere he suddenly teleported into monster forest

Carl:you know that this world is really like the stories we heard

John:yes dragons and monsters,so what is your magic core?

Carl:well anything I can create fire, water,wind and more how about you

John:I can make rifles

Carl:really?! Then create me one


Carl:well it's been 2 years since I've touched a gun in my hand

John:2 years?! I just got teleported here weeks ago

Carl:whoa I guess I'm too early, why don't we have a talk

John: alright tell me

Carl is talking about what he does for the past 2 years and John also


As for the few days Anne and John have a duel and as expected John always lost but john improved of how to fight Anne

Anne:well you're improving a lot John

John: thanks

As John and Anne are having a duel Carl visits John and Anne

Carl:how are you guild master?

Anne:well your friend here is improving a lot

Carl:thank you for assisting him guild master

Anne: your welcome

Carl:now guild master may I have duel of john?

Anne: alright

John:try me

Carl: remember john I'm stronger than you

John: let's see if you really can Carl

Carl: Alright John

To be continued....