
Preparations To Upgrade The Inner Sun

Draco clobbered the two unruly fellows for a bit to straighten them out and bring them back onto the path of righteousness, justice, and world peace. He then left the castle with the duo skipping along happily behind him, wondering what kind of trouble they would get the chance to cause today. 

They noticed that the marketplace seemed to be much more lively than usual today, prompting the trio to share a silent look. It seemed like the buzz the items Draco had put on sale had yet to die down, leading them to believe that either they had all sold out or there were still people out there furiously bidding for more. 

Seeing this, the three immediately knew what to do. With sly smiles, they wore disguises in a variety of forms and mingled into the crowd. Draco wore a pair of square rimmed glasses only his face visible, whereas Qiong Qi wore an open-eye mask that covered all but his eyes.