
Chapter 17

Lin Xin took advantage of the forbearance of these days and successfully removed the dean. She lay in the arms of the hostess and tried to play as a long-term girl. The heart is uncontrollable, she wants to get up and look for Lin Xinyu, pulling his hand and telling him that the bad guys have been punished as they should, and no one will be able to bully you in the future.

She knows that she can't do this, and she has to do a full set of play. The dean was cut off by the most important part of the man, and the follow-up had to rely on the woman holding her. She listened to the hostess singing a lullaby to her, slap her back and tell her not to be afraid. The low-pitched voice sang over and over in her ear. She felt a little tired. It was time to sleep for a while, so she didn't feel that she really fell asleep.

After the hostess saw Lin Xin sleeping, she put her on the bed and saw the two children waiting outside the door.

The hostess looked around and saw that there was no Lin Bo's figure just about to ask. Juvenile said: "Mom, the police took Li Ya, should such a person sit for a lifetime, right?"

The hostess nodded and said, "I didn't expect Li's nephew to be such a person. Hehe..." They will come to this place this time, also because of Li Ya's uncle Li Mingshun. He said that his nephew was very caring. After graduating from a prestigious university, he refused the invitation of a big company and came to the orphanage in the suburbs. Taking care of a dozen children, whoever thought of it was just a nephew of love. Taking advantage of the fact that it is located in the suburbs, the communication is not developed, the children are afraid to resist and do things that are not as good as animals.

Looking at the little girl, it is estimated that this is not a day or two. It is purely accidental to drag the sick body to the point of being small. I want to leave this as soon as possible, showing my talent. In the end, I still didn't avoid the last abuse.

Children in their early teens are tortured and do not know what it will look like when they wake up. It's a pity that I'm a talented person. When I'm in any family, she can fly into the phoenix that day.

The hostess sighed with regret and said, "Look at it."

It's not early, it's already around 4 pm, Li Ya was taken away by the police. What about the children here? And the girl had this kind of thing, and what kind of mentality to adopt her. This is really a problem. She asked her son to ask: "Do you think we still have to adopt her?"

The teenager asked strangely: "Why not?"

The hostess whispered: "I want to find a sister for you. In the future, I will marry someone who is right with our family. She, she..." To the fifteen-year-old son, she could not say anything.

The teenager has already understood her meaning. Lin Xin's life has a huge stain, especially for girls, this stain can not be erased for a lifetime. With this stain she is not worthy of being a Xiao family.

There was some blockage in his heart, and it was not because of the hypocrisy of his mother or the stain of Lin Xin. Lin Xin's confident look appeared in his mind, and he couldn't connect the girl with its bright colors to the girl who shivered in the room. They are like two people. He always feels that he has neglected something, but he does not know what he has ignored.

Maybe she really is because of too much torture.

He said to his mother, "Mom, you can not adopt her, but you can take her with you. Raising a dog also knows how to waddle. Not to mention people, it is the most cost-effective business to change your loyalty."

The son has had his opinion since he was a child. Since he said this, she has nothing to object to. Look at this dark sky, it is estimated that I can't go back tonight. There is also the matter of this orphanage, I have to consult with Lin Bo. She explained everything to her son and went to find Lin Bo.

After the mother left, the teenager turned and asked Lin Xinyu, who had been standing at the door: "How are you still here?"

Lin Xinyu asked: "How is Lin Xin?"

The teenager said: "My mom said that she is asleep, and she is expected to sleep until tomorrow morning."

Lin Xinyu said: "Then I went in and looked at her." Before he waited for what the teenager said, he hurriedly pushed open the door.

See Lin Xin lying quietly in bed, a lot of peace under my heart. Walking lightly to the bed, seeing Lin Xin's mouth rising in his sleep, seemed to have a good dream. A sour heart is actually going to drop tears. The person who thought of adopting her was behind him, and he could not let him look flat. He gave his tears back. Afraid to wake her up, holding her breath and sitting on the edge of the bed gave her a quilt. Inadvertently touching her wrist, she turned and turned, revealing the smooth skin under the quilt, and the pink hickey was exposed.

The dean told him that he would stop beating her and would give her food every day. He really believed, who knows that this is the result. There are deceptions and lies everywhere, and I am too naive. Thinking of Lin Xin's confident and fearless eyes no longer, his heart hurts like a knife. He clenched his hands into fists and held back the pain in his heart. He gasped and gasped as if all the pain had spit out with that breath.

The pain slowed down, not as painful as he imagined. He is not dead and still alive. It turns out that all the pain is nothing if you are firm enough. He pulled the quilt up, covered her shoulders, and plucked the hair on her cheek, revealing a sharp chin. Her whole face was in front of his eyes, a small face, a small mouth, a small but stiff nose, and a thin eyebrow. Clearly like a child, but always like a grown-up, holding a fist to tell you: others hit you, you go back.

If he goes back like she said, she won't lie here today. Cowardice and patience can only make people who hurt you more mad, and only step on them can put them on the soles of their feet.

Lin Xinyu gently ignored her hanging hair, so she looked at her quietly, waiting for her to wake up. He wants to be the strongest person in the world, no matter what she looks like when she wakes up, he will accompany her and protect her from the people who bully her.

When the teenager entered the door, she saw Lin Xinyu sitting on the bed with his chin waiting for Lin Xin to wake up. Gentle gentle flow out of his eyes, quiet like a painting. And he is a person who looks at painting, and everything has nothing to do with him. The feeling of being uncontrollable was born, and he was about to break the painting before he stepped forward.

Suddenly the person on the bed slowly opened his eyes and paused for three seconds to see the boy in front of him. Her eyes were bent and she showed a big smile. It was simple and harmless. It was like a small daisy on the side of the road. It was washed by rain and greeted the sun with crystal water drops.

Lin Xinyu stunned. Lin Xin, who he knew, told him coldly that I didn't like you. Either he is driving him away. I never laughed like this. It's like it's like changing someone. Lin Xinyu did not dare to have any move. He was afraid that she really changed her personally. She was afraid that she would not be Lin Xin who she knew. It's no longer that cold and telling myself to stay away from her. In fact, Lin Xin is more concerned about him than anyone else.

He shrank in his arms and shrank into a semicircle, watching like a little mouse to see if she was still her.

He has a secret who doesn't know. Lin Xin's previous life was not like this. She has changed her sex since that illness. Wu Anan, they all thought she had forgotten the previous things. Only he knew that she was no longer the one she used to be. He understands the likes and dislikes of everyone in the orphanage. The former Wu Anan did not eat green onions. And she can eat a bowl of rice with scallion.

How can a person's habit change because of amnesia?

"Are you awake?" The crisp voice of the teenager interrupted Lin Xinyu's thinking.

The smile like a glow is like an illusion. The person on the bed was afraid of watching the teenager with three points of vigilance. She slipped into the quilt and found a safe place.

The teenager was a little surprised. He squinted at the person on the bed and asked, "How did you cut off his xxx?" The tone seemed to ask you to eat today? I never felt that this would hurt her.

When the youngsters export, they understand where 'the strange' is? He didn't treat her as a child from the beginning, but someone who could talk at the same height. Lin Xin's IQ and her attitude, as well as her self-confidence, made him feel that she would not be a reluctant person. Even if she is broken by the waist, she will not be depressed. The eyes can be disguised, but how can the hickey on the body be disguised? Presumably still hurt?

But she just had a smile like a morning glow, and he wanted to know the process or want to know the thoughts in her heart before he blurted out.

The eyes of the teenager are as sharp as an eagle. Lin Xin's heart is tight, and he dares to sneak into the quilt. She is not a good actor. To do * girl eyes are godless, muttering to himself is the limit. It's okay to pretend to be stupid, let her burst into tears, and it's too late to set off firecrackers. How did she cry out?

In Lin Xinyu's eyes, Lin Xin's hiding in the quilt was greatly hurt. In his cognition, Lin Xin is fearless about everything.

He stood up suddenly and slammed into the boy with his awkward body. The teenager was unprepared, and stepped back two steps and sat down on the ground, and fell.

Lin Xinyu said angrily: "You ask her what to do? Do you want her to recall it again?"

The teenager did not feel right and did not consider Lin Xin's feelings. He understands the composition of 'sex' and understands the psychology that arises as a girl encounters such a thing. But he could not understand the pain of the skin.

What made him even more shocked was that the boy who was so weak could actually push him down!

The young man held his hands on the ground and sat on the ground and raised his chin. "Who are you? What are you doing? I will take her away from tomorrow. I want to ask what I have to say."

Lin Xinyu only thought about this real problem. He blessed Lin Xin a few hours ago and was faintly unwilling after a few hours. The change in mindset is in these few small times.

He didn't know how to refute the words of the teenager, and kept his mouth shut.

Seeing that his face is pale, the young man's mouth does not hide his joy.